ITT: life lessons you got from anime or manga
ITT: life lessons you got from anime or manga
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But female soldiers spark something nice inside of me.
Eva unironically gives good insight into the mindset of being alone and stuck in yourself
How a man changed a captain to become a housewife
>Even in my animaes I can't escape.
>Alcohol is humanity's friend
>Let's survive so we can enjoy good tea!
Only someone who has never had a sibling can say this.
Based F/a/ngo
someone post the kaiji tonegawa speches
Man,Kaiji gets suprisingly emotional sometimes.Pic related hit me pretty hard.That,and the human death race.
>people with an oedipus complex never had a mother
Based Abe fighting against antinatalist and childfree degeneracy.
Jesus fuck man, we're barely 50 posts in. It's way to soon for your retarded ass to post a double.
Yellow fever fags will never understand this.
I have some doubt about this. Perhaps if the brother is a Chad, otherwise it's incorrect.
Lots of wisdom ITT. What will I do after I finish my shit?
>has shelves full of merchandise
I love how hypocritical his spiel was. Gotta rewatch this soon.
At least they're self aware
how can one man have so many functional life lessons
Because he's the best.
Really useful
But then what do I do when I browse Yea Forums?
Shit changed my life forever
I feel i learned something after reading it
Welcome to the NHK was pretty good at giving you lessons
I remember this show
It really does.
This joke video from the thread couple of days ago actually motivated me to get my shit straight.
>from the thread couple of days ago
More like five years ago.
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
Some of them do.
Apples and oranges.
i can't believe nobody has posted "that" yet.
is this a commment on takashi murakami?
as you wish
how much truth do you think is behind that?
dio is such a great villian.
Mostly true. If a man doesn't groom himself properly than he isn't worth your time.
It's very true. Most people who are fat are lazy, self-centered.
In the end, we are all just fried soba.
you CAN DEFEAT the cock!
Daigo was right.
I hate normalfaggots.
Is the manga worth reading? What's the name of it?
Definitely true for basic shit like showering or dressing appropriately for the situation, but beyond that it kind of breaks down. Someone who dresses normally should not be assumed to be a worse person than someone who dresses expensively.
Very true. People who would rather blame societal norms on their failures rather than themselves are insufferable.
I hope you are joking.
>This joke video from the thread couple of days ago
Every Gintama episode title card.
Hesitation is defeat.
user, I...
it's from an NTR doujinshi
>couple of days ago
It's entirely true.
Bad qualities on the inside show on the outside.
That's why girls wear makeup.
If you're cute, everything will be forgiven.
At least that's the message I got from Nichijou after Doctor abused the robutt so much.
what were they thinking?
This show made no goddamn sense
It's true though.
Mostly true, but if you base your entire self-worth on the validation of others you're just as much pathetic, though
about right
Yeah but it didn't make sense WHY she was bringing that up right before lesbian raping someone. Whatever her weird fucking metaphor was just didn't work
>nyaaaa why are you raping me?!?
>Allow me to explain... did you know that on the bottoms of aluminum soda cans there a faint number stamped by convex dome punching machines? It lets the factory see what line a can came from if they have quality control issues
as someone who have an older slut sister, it made me hate not only her but women in general.
its the other way around. all women should be soilders and giving birth should be part of the military service.
Based and sekiropilled
This. I hate my sister.
around elves watch yourselves
Wrong, you're just a normalfag that can't separate fiction from reality
That watching what you think is are countless innocuous ecchi harem series WILL turn you into a lolicon GUARANTEED
Dungeon Meshi has taught me two things.
-Cooking good food can be both fun and nutritious.
-I want to lick the brown elf's ears.
>said by a woman
Checks out every time.
This is terrible advice from a terrible person.
It's really funny to believe that this image has been posted all over the place and people don't realize the source.
It's why I don't believe in using reaction images from shows I haven't watched; you never know the context. That, and I don't want to be a secondary.
This reads like it was written by an imam.
usually he humiliates them into sudoku so it's the same thing as killing them with extra casualties really
>get born with an ugly face, physical deformities, etc.
>”just assume they’re self-centered or shitty people lol”
You would think incels such as yourselves would see the irony here.
your parents have already made one mistake, do you really want your children to live with the same deformities?
>makes a man reform
>kills everyone around him but doesn't kill the man himself
The Enigmatic Gale is a dick.
the moral of the story is that chaotic neutral can be much worse than chaotic evil
holy shit he is not wrong
I'm not even the user you replied to, but what kind of cognitive impairment do you need to have to infer that from his post? I hope you'll follow your own adivice
What sort of life did that artist live to understand humanity so well?
I know this feeling. They only do if you think they do, people can sense and subconsciously loathe self consciousness.
This is the most non-sequitir tryhard shit I’ve seen in a while. Maybe take a break from the internet bud.
>no girls on the internet
Now there are girls on the internet and they know how to take money from beta orbiters.
but zeke is right
>gets triggered by the concept of someone thinking poorly of someone else because of their deformities
>n-not projecting or anything though
Fatties are just as rotten on the inside as they are on the outside.
You'll break the sound barrier the next time you read this fast.
Comes from an NTR doujin so very little
Used goods can also be best girl.
If I found bullying impaired people over the internet to be triggering I woundn't be doing it to a schizo retard like you would I? I don't think you know what projecting means btw
I'm not even the same user but having you seethe this much makes this otherwise shit thread worth it
Man I really needa read this but I'm too damn lazy to figure out how to play Mahjong
>not realizing the soul is eternal and your ancestry is part of you both in the past, present, and future
Kys seething degenerate
found the mutt with nothing to boast about in themselves
best lesson of them all
>you're just seething lol
Hey, I'm at least trying, user
Gurren Lagann. So much so that I chopped and reworked several quotes into the conclusion of my entry essay for graduate school.
Did you get a good grade?
No, the school rejected me, but I kept moving forward and applied for another school which I was accepted into.
>leftiest btfoing themselves every time they post this out of context
True. Siblings usually hate each other.
As a liberal, this is my biggest problem with the left. So many people acting like they can make a difference with shitty fucking jokes. There's plenty of shit wrong with Trump without attacking his fake tan.
Enigmatic Gale is basically Hillary Clinton
It's actually good advice, if you only kill someone you might make him a martyr and his legacy will live on.
But if you ridicule and discredit him like Duck did you can not only make them kill themselves but also destroy their legacy.
I'm surprised nobody posted the "I hate nice girls" one yet
this is common?
I thought it was weird
I never liked cute stuff as a teen or before that only after my 20s did I start to enjoy it
Duck doesn't care about that though, he just wants to shit on them.
I actually peeked at my older and younger sister when i hit puberty
Based Daigo, someone put a maga hat on him.
>people saying dio's motives in Stone Ocean came out of nowhere when these pages exists
pucci just wanted everyone to get the ultimate peace of mind. that is heaven
Is there a dictator with a fanatical following within their own country? Is it a widespread following and not just concentrated in one area? Well, then you've got to destroy the idea of them (people's perception) more than you've got to actually destroy them (kill them). If you can depose them and turn a light onto what they've done first, then it is harder for them to be misunderstood as a martyr when you kill them.
If you just kill them, you end up with their followers and their families taking over and expanding. Not saying that it should never be done, but there IS wisdom in he says.
If you smash his head, his ideas and spirit live on in his followers. If you smash his ideas and expose his true nature, he only has this life to live as none will follow in the footsteps of a dead fool.
this isn't what Duck cares about and doesn't apply in any situation you could apply it in
Yeah, maybe if your sister was a slut.
>Gets rejected by school following the way of the driller
>True to way of the driller he doesn't give a fuck and keeps drilling until he makes his hole
>doesn't apply in any situation you could apply it in
ok, retard.
Yes. This is about life advice. No one in this thread could apply that advice to anything where there wouldn't be a more effective method.
Cool. On my way to rape his sister and cuck his white ass into oblivion.
>the name for Oedipus complex comes from a story about a guy who wasn't raised by his mother
Written by a Japanese woman so you know it's true
>ancestry doesn't matter, meritocracy is everything
The average /pol/poster won't disagree with this in the first place.
This. Aristocracy used to mean noblesse oblige
Its on the level of "you only hate niggers because they are black".
I love Black Twitter.
As a Trump supporter I laugh at you guys for doing that sort of stupid shit.
Trump invites it though, and honestly the left found some of their own non-issues to waste time on. the Russia investigation being a key distraction from actual issues. Completely self inflicted too.
Anyway enjoy Trump 2020. Maybe after his second win your party will get their head out of their asses.
>your party
There's no our party, Democrats are just the less bad party
If I were a homosexual I'd be gay for Akagi
>As a Trump supporter
Good goy, remember that politics is football and keep being a loyal cuckslave to Israel.
Well KEK, user can you source this?
i want trumpito to blow on my ear ever so gently with his emphysema breath
Don't have a sibling but i can tell how brothers and sisters can be annoying from my cousins. Very rarely i wish to have siblings.
Kumo no You ni Kaze no You ni
It's amazing how cross cultural (and basically correct) this stereotype is
This is a Japanese thing. Guess they never met Jews or Italians.
> the point with a girl.
I know that already but I've became too detached and cynical to improve myself. It's selfish but I don't want to try and help it because I'm a coward.
Someone who reflects on their actions to better their future actions are redeemable.
Daily reminder the largest exhibit of manga outside of Japan was held in London and it was really popular. Was either this year or middle of last year... I forget.
Looks are subjective so it's just a useless roastie opinion.
Who broke his heart
Believe in the you that believes in you
>Dog is based
pretty good lesson
Monogatari series
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei
I should have learned how to notice my descent into psychosis thanks to higurashi.
but I didn't and ended up killing someone very important to me and now have to live with the remorse of it all.
Yea Forums has changed
It could actually exaggerate the problem though. See nazies for example. Now they just don't believe anything the media says because to them it's all slanderous lies.
One of the moments that made me realize how kino Part 5 and JoJo as a whole is.
No he doesn't understand.
Less worse party my ass.
Oh God. I remember using "anime gives us important life lessons to learn" in a job interview once. Literally after the interview I had self-awareness kick in and I cringed so hard I just bailed out of there.
>So many people acting like they can make a difference with shitty fucking jokes. There's plenty of shit wrong with Trump without attacking his fake tan.
it's called levity.
People joke about his tan BECAUSE there's plenty of other shit wrong that's serious. Policies aren't joke worthy because it's serious actual business.
Some genuinely do though. You still shouldn’t have done that bro.
You say that but shitlibs want war with Iran. Anti-intervention is basically a conservative position now.
I don't understand.
you don't have to be special
you don't need to be famous or rich
it is perfectly fine to be a normal average joe so long as you enjoy just being alive
i think, that's how i interpreted that
>opposed to free speech
>opposed to due process rights
>want to seize trillions of dollars from taxpayers and give it to universities no strings attached, because government-backed unlimited student loans were so effective at keeping education costs in check
>want full government takeover of the healthcare system with no coherent plan for how to pay for it and overwhelming evidence that the US government isn't competent enough to manage anything more complex than a hula hoop contest.
>opposed to citizenship requirements for taxpayer-funded education and healthcare
>opposed to borders and border enforcement, since obviously we can afford to provide education and healthcare for the entire third world
>want to seize money from whites and give it to blacks just for being black
Look, I'm no fan of republicans, but if you still think the democrats are the least worst party in 2019 you need to start paying attention.
This is a lie and it the fact that you think people here will believe just shows that you don't actually interact with conservatives in real life
>just be you
That's what I thought as well.
>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...
>opposed to free speech
Stopped reading right here when you are implying that republicans aren't literally trying to censor twitter and facebook right now because they are getting banned on them.
Your most anti-war candidate is attacked for wanting troops out of foreign wars. I hate people like Bill Kristol, John Bolton, and other neocons who advocate for war, but unlike you people I don’t change my stances or views when it makes me look unpopular.
>as a liberal
>can't have a conversation without bringing up trump
You don't say.
>republicans aren't literally trying to censor twitter and facebook right now
>People being discriminated against don’t like being discriminated.
Wow how horrible. Also, the legislation only complies the companies to treat Republicans and Conservatives normally like every other user, so you’re full of shit.
Holy shit fucking this
>republicans are censoring social media because they're being censored on social media
Your mental gymnastics never cease to amaze me.
You're a snake. Look at what Vox did to Crowder and then tell me that conservatives are doing the same thing.
Why does this NPC comment have so many replies?
rezero and snafu taught me i can have both
That isnt even true in his own universe. There is an entire race of amazon women soldiers