Chapter translations are out.
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
sumi da
Whorizo a shit
This beautiful creature. Why couldn't you be in a different manga
Is there a worse hell than being stuck in a manga like this?
Sumi was really damn cute this chapter. It's unfortunate that Chizuru is such a clear winner to this harem debacle, Ruka and Sumi really only exist to be hurt.
>Eh, nandatte?
No, no, no, no
Fuck this trope
Fuck this fucking trope
Sumi deserve better than this
>Chizuru is such a clear winner
They are not dating or something. He is a loyal client that will help her to become an actress. And as a good actress she is prepared to give special services to old fat director.
>do i really not have to pay?
brainwashed much?
He just has really low self-esteem.
Is she stupid?
Just autistic
Mami chapter when?
Fucking finally.
What is taking Shit Yau so long lately?
>that bottom right panel
>And as a good actress she is prepared to give special services to old fat director.
t. seething Rukadditor
If that were the case Chizuru would have gotten that role 40-50 chapters ago.
im don'e with this manga
Shut the fuck up already.
See you next week.
How to get AIDS.
>They are not dating or something
The entire manga is about the evolution of their relationship. Ruka and Sumi exist only to move the plot along.
No, she is stupid.
predictably disappointing
Cute little bloodsucker.
This is so bizarre, disregarding if it's OK to do something like that, would any of the other girls do something like this for him?
> "What's the difference between me and a mosquito?"
> "A mosquito stops sucking when you hit it on the head."
>purifies all lewdness
Yes, Sumi is a cute cinnamon roll, but even this cannot overwrite how strangely lewd this can be.
The other girls don't have extreme levels of social anxiety and retardation, so probably not
She does it because she doesn't know how to react normally, probably copying what her dog does
The threads are deserted because this manga is a pain to read, the pace is slow and the content feels repetitively dramatic. Despite a large cast of "bro" characters it never seems like there's just a chapter where they hang out together without one of the girls suddenly being around to cause trouble.
Another chapter in this arc. This is super cute and all, but we all know it will end with
>I love Chorizo
So this feels like unnecessary cruelty.
To be fair Chorizo paid for this date with the money she got for selling the ring.
>probably copying what her dog does
It could be this, would be even more sad.
Another useless chapter
How many filler bullshit do we have to go through just to have something happening, it's already almost at 100 chapters
Ruka is the only good thing about this shitty manga
Wow, I see he's cosplaying the harem master Raku
>it's already almost at 100 chapters
That can me exactly it. Next arc's climax being chapter 100.
I don't remember who this girl is
Look at her, how many friends do you think she has besides Chorizo and Kazuya?
Maybe her dog.
Chorizo is her senpai, whom she looks up to, but would a friend make her go on a date with someone like Kazuya?
Kazuya is her customer
Exactly. She probably gets a call from her mom at least once a week to make sure she isn't dead, and otherwise when not failing at her job she's just in her apartment with her dog.
The problem isn't that "nothing" is happening, but that the same scenarios seem to get replayed over and over with a certain variation
It goes in circles from the very beginning, because the moment someone breaks the cycle and make some progress the manga ends. There seems to not be any stakes in this beyond what is keeping the cycle running.
Ruka is the worst thing about it.
This is 2lewd4me.
Bottom right , so meta
It's Shit Yau being Shit Yau again.