Attached: D-QkDVaXYAIcAjW.jpg (504x676, 25K)

Other urls found in this thread: 2019-07-01&geo=US&q=Nazism,trap hentai

Are you telling us to search for more trap hentai to offset the difference between the two graphs?
What kind of casual searches for "trap hentai" on google though?

Also, I don't think this thread belongs on Yea Forums.

I think the idea is that the two graphs match, so in other words all Nazi's love trap hentai and vice-versa

Because nazis are people who regularly look up the term "nazism" to remind themselves of their own identities?

correlation does not mean causation

Racism/off topic

Rising degeneracy brings an opposite but equal reaction. What a shock /s

Attached: 902187C8-F04E-4AA4-9382-9AC7AB23244A.jpg (899x900, 166K)

I thought it was common knowledge that political hardliners are often also sexual deviants
>Rightie anti-gay politicians getting caught in bathrooms with teenage boys
>SJWs getting caught with 3DCP
>Literally every Abrahamic religion can't keep their hands off the kids

I don't believe in coincidences.

>Literally every Abrahamic religion can't keep their hands off the kids
at least the muslims arent gay

Officially, that is.

Is Muslim culture men who are unable to grow a beard are basically considered woman and are fucked anally by all the real men every night for the rest of their pathetic lives

Nazis don't look up Nazism stupid. Its tranny leftists looking up Nazis so they can seethe while they dilate. 2019-07-01&geo=US&q=Nazism,trap hentai

Attached: What did he mean by this.jpg (1190x634, 92K)

The lowest point for Nazism is the highest point for trap hentai.

So Nazis were actually traps this whole time. How could I have been so naive?

>what is Bacha bazi
Google it

the fact that it was a coincidence can also have an objective causation.
Not being open to it just being a coincidence is as retarded.
Maybe behind both of these there is a common reason

Nazis like chicks with dicks LMAOROFL
Did you know Hitler liked to have his neice shit on his chest while he masturbated? Truefax

Based trapreich

Thats not a trap you stupid underage