What killed the hype
What killed the hype
People though it was going to be much better than it could possibly be.
probably it being absolute shit
CGI and censorship
seasonal anime
Got people hooked up with rape and then turned out to be a pseudo harem where nothing happened
Season it'll be back
Censored goblin dick. Give the people what they want.
Lack of rape
>The over the top and the unnecessary rape scenes. That was made just to be some form of ''bad advertisement''
It's gay harem shit
Come here goblins
Episode 2
they misled me into thinking that GS would plow some goblin sphincters and have their dicks do the helicopter.
Not once
what a bunch of heterosexuals
>shoestring budget
>switching order of events around
>making people think childhood friend has any kind of importance
Not enough of the cowgirl's tits
No elf nipples.
Normalfags moving on to Sheildhero to rage at because of the fake rape accusation.
Now they moved on to For My Daughter.
I wonder what will be the next controversial anime?
Misleading, people thought it was going to be a hardcore fantasy
Ends up as generic fantasy harem
This was me
This unironically.
What do you mean? It ended 7 months ago.
What the fuck did I just read?
Native isekai tropes
There was only one rape scene. Once the cross borders realized that they dropped it.
Remember when threads were full of faggots trying to compare the faggot MC to Doomguy for legitimacy?
Not enough rape.
I hope you are trying to rustle peoples jimmies with your retarded label. If that is the case good on you. If you use that phrase unironically I hope you die a slow painful death.
>Now they moved on to For My Daughter
Oh shit, really? I thought Arifureta was going to be the designated "controversial" anime this season
Go to bed Priestess.
It still sell well.
In Yea Forums, nothing to argue about because it is turning into Mondaiji-tachi.
They didnt even both naming the characters
>rustle peoples jimmies
>that phrase unironically
>What killed the hype
I don't know
i still enjoy it and purchase the light novels fren
Not enough Sword Maiden
hurr durr le epic rape anime
Episode 1 was kinda trash too but mostly because of how poorly it set up for what the rest of the series would be.
It wanted to be some edgy bullshit but then it just decides to pull a complete 180 and becomes some bullshit nakama fantasy adventure.
It's seasonal generic LN fantasy. The hype always dies once people find out it's not as good as the LN readers pretend it is.
There's nothing in Arifureta that would make them angry.
>There is rape
>There is hype
>There is no rape
>no hype
Pseudo-realistic bullshit. The main character should have died a thousand times over but his stupid "muh sword too long for cave" plot armored ass kept on living. Had they killed him off early on, it could have been saved. But no, his retard ass had to remain alive.
Hype was killed?
Guess with the season over people waited until the usual LN and manga discussions popped up. Glad the gobfags moved on. Or maybe they are still around, lurking.
Nothing, there's just not a season 2 yet. GS was one of the better series we got in a long while. It still gets daily generals on Yea Forums for the LN or whatever, but fuck reading and shit. Just give me my season 2.
>in anime
No. Go shill your MUH REALISM somewhere else Yea Forums. You got Tifa censored because of that, you basedgoys.
>What killed the hype
Fuck this tired question, Fuck you and Fuck off
why the fuck does this series have 4 spinoffs
and 1 of them doesnt even have goblin slayer in it
its like batman but you talk about louis lane for some reason
It's as shit as isekai, good riddance.
I can only talk for myself, but I diddn't want to see yet another anime where all girls lust after the MCs dick for no reason and everything follows (video)game mechanics.
I wanted to see more like the first chapters. Not the rape, but more like
>Diddn't wear a helmet? Get robusted by green scrubs.
Beastars probably
Too late, now goblin can be strong enough to subjugate a baby dragon that is feared by the elven tribe.
Next volume, they will summon an incomplete Devil King.
Steel ranked adventurer can trolls the highest level undead & monster with the 3rd highest stats in the entire Monster Manual, & an arch-demon, in a row.
Well yeah, which is why I mostly lost interest
No rape
Not that guy but what do you call an anime which has characters die because of supposedly dumb choices like that, characters getting beaned for having no helmet and all the other stuff? It’s at minimum making an attempt.
>Diddn't wear a helmet? Get robusted by green scrubs.
>implying it won’t be
>Wear a stupid helmet which blocks your vision & hearing and walk into a trap you should have seen coming?
>and 1 of them doesnt even have goblin slayer in it
Because Sword Maiden is really popular in Japan and after the volume when she had some relevance again, the author was forced to gave her an spin off.
People love rape and the rape stopped.
t. Rapist
>implying that post is incorrect
Is still one of the most popular series in the last 2 years
It wasn't good. That's it. Goblin slayer is garbage, both the manga and the anime.
Goblins started looking less and less semitic
I want to start a family with Sword Maiden
This whole concept would be better without the slaying of goblinkind. It should have been about goblins building their harem of human, elf, rhea, (etc.) honeys... conquering towns and cities and adding like, princesses, and what not to them as well! It could also dive into deep and thought provoking questions such as:
>Is rape wrong?
>Why should we... I mean THEY care?
After the shock of the opening episode/issue wore off, people realized it was badly written, incoherent garbage relying on shock and gore to cover up how badly written it is.
have you ever worn a motorcycle helmet user? just curious as to where this retardation is coming from
He basically is.
Hell, through in "DG's sister got raped to death by Satan/Demon's" and some bare bones psych trauma and it'd be a perfect match.
the only thing that got killed were the rapefags for the second time. first the manga rapefags, then the anime rapefags.
Rapefags eternally btfo!
Those retards just should have done a sword maiden hentai show. What the fuck was this shit even. Fucking goobers.
People thought it was Doom instead it turned out to be yet another generic haremshit with RPG mechanics and a slightly manlier MC than usual.
The party members. Same happened with the spinoffs, they were nice until they started to focus on the party members.
They should have made the rapes BD-exclusives.
Including an OC young SM gobbing 3-episode series.
Harem and the lack of baby goblin killing.
Result that having a protagonists obsessed with killing goblins. Not orcs and their king plotting an invasion, undeads and their vampire masters, demons and their the demon lord and the eldritch invasion of lovecraftian old gods, just a dude obsessed with killing goblins. Is not that cool.
I don't know about the others, but Priestess can carry the show by herself. I even say having just her fighting such an uphill battle makes her chea-, I mean victory more satisfying.
Yea Forums realised it's a meme-anime that was taylor-made for reddit
Animetubers jumped on it because it was one of the only watchables of the season. Mass outrage of girls being gobbed insued.
I know this is a bait thread but I don't care. We are in july now, where is the chapter?
not enough rape and qt adventurer's getting brutally murdered imo
Requesting translation
The anime full blowing the harem bait. Even thought that's not until later volumes when it is its highest. Also making it just an average anime/light novel adaption.
Because you pound it?
not enough rape scene
Did not watch the anime but isn't this just a hentai bait? No plot, no character development only goblins raping girls. I don't think such a shallow trash like this to ever get hyped
You know Yea Forums doesn't read.
How can Yea Forums watch anime with subtitles then?
And they're still trying it, despite the comparison making GS look like a complete pussy.
This is a story about a man who was abandoned by his government and is forced to take matters into his own hands. Furthermore, the private sector is equally as hopeless in helping, with the guild preferring to use goblin quests as a money source and a filter for low level adventurers than actually solving the problems. Just like in RL, nobody cares about the tragedies happening around them until it finally affects them personally. Until their villages are burnt down and their women are raped in front of them, everyone else would rather focus on other things than the looming threat in the background.
Basically it should remains as a grimdark fantasy about the ugly nature of humans but the faggot author ultimately turns it into a generic harem comedy.
Got me there.
>goblins are evil
>i kill them
you have just read goblin slayer
But the rape!
>MC gets cucked
You just have read berserk
>only goblins raping girls
Its literally just one scene
The mango starts like a discount Doomslayer, but turns into a generic story. If it wasn't for the false advertising it would be fairly enjoyable though. Yeah I know it's based on an LN, but my first contact was the mango.
became from a dark fantasy native isekai to a self-inset harem shit
show spent all its edge on the first episode for becoming generic trash with weird cgi. Priestess also didn't piss herself in fear again for like 10 episodes which is quite frankly what we really wanted to see. Overall disappointing.
I think Danke is ded.
Isn't was that good, it only got that attention for the normalfags
shut the fuck up no one cares that goblins raped you're mom you fat homo
I don't know about that but the english chapter is not available to buy in any of the usual sites.
this scene is terrible lmao
No more rape.
Nothing? Even without the best of the adaptations it was 2018 AOTY.
>use rape to bait people to read it
>then remove rape and turn into generic harem
congratulations, first you made sure to only attract people interested only in light guro fapbait and push away everyone else, then you made sure to push away those who started reading it because of light guro fapbait.
No, more rape.
Forgot its hook a few chapters in and became socially inept protag with harem antics rather than the doomguy slaughters rapegoblins that people signed up for.
Maybe Yea Forums watches dub.
That’s what it’s always been, though.
No. It’s about some very angry boi subverting established DnD expectations. And killing goblins. And opening up to friends.
But also even more important, the incredibly poor quality of the anime adaptation. CGI out the ass, poor direction, poor artwork.
they made the show look so fucking ugly. they totally ruined the aesthetic that the manga created.
Is just FOTM. Common mistake for a beginner
nothing happens.
I would rape if I could
A best.
harem shit in the manga
>GS got shitted on by adventurers who don't know about him
>keep going strong
>franchise got shitted on by everyone who didn't actually read it (proven by every BTFO argument in every thread before this)
>GS still going strong
What a beautiful poterry.
Too much Priestess
Shock value of seeing rape-goblins only goes so far.
You can't have too much Priestess.
When is Square Enix going to make a GS video game?
Hopefully never, so they won't ruin Erufu's glorious hips.
But what kind of video game suited for GS?
I'd want a Souls game when you can create your character. I would try to make Lizardbro first.
>you can create your character
I think this should be a must if they gonna make GS game.
Souls sounds good, Baldur's gate kind of game is pretty cool too.
Dragon Dogma's also sounds great.
All them potentials.
I dunno. Goblin Slayer is already pretty generic as is. A characterless mute would just be generic fantasy game #5483899 with more goblins.
Literally Shield Hero synopsis
How would they ruin her?
By turning her into a Thai ladyboy hiplet and asslet like fucking Lightning.
Ditto. Book 8 is too far away.. Maybe by then they'll stop using 'prayer character.'
It's just 2 months away.
She's literally useless
You can't say that even if you only speedwatched the anime.
>all they needed was to show more rape and they didn't
Not that guy but medieval helmets, especially GS' helmet, are far more muffling than modern motorcycle helmets. He could probably do some modifications for better hearing, like a few holes, but he doesn't so I guess he likes muffled hearing.
>proven by every BTFO argument in every thread before this
But user, the only ones BTFO are the ones defending GS, not those attacking it. It's gone desperate enough that people have boogieman rapefags, realismfags, guildfags, /tg/fags, and numerous boogiemen. No mentally sane side would do that.
>Beat one of the hardest solo adventure with a character that never intended for a solo adventure.
>Beat Manticore with the minimite build.
>GS becomes dependent on her asspull & miracle, even for daily task.
And that is only on 3rd drama cd, the only thing she is useless for is romance stuff. Which is why everyone else, including Cow Girl, act as her wingman.
bad animation
Yes, but I'm an American, two months is an eternity.. Then January for book 9..
She can literally wipe out a horde of gob with a single miracle. She's so overpowered it's kind of nuts.
Shit animation. The story was pretty solid 2bh. Even the direction was ok for most of it. The issue was that it looked so bad that I just didn't finish it.
It has no plot beyond autist killing goblins.
Nah. It had a nice plot and idea, this idea of society ignoring an elephant in the room, which was the goblin issue.
The problem was that the goblins could not be treated in "humane way" and many viewers could help notice the parallel to modern race issues. I find this connection stupid though.. they're fucking goblins, they're non human and meant to represent a problem that is so precarious to manage that it requires a hard decision to be made (i.e. extermination). That said, that parallel was the interesting and confronting part of the show and actually gave it a bit of artistic merit.
Didn't watch the anime but in the manga it wasnt a one time thing
A literal demon lord is slowly destroying the world, goblins are a non issue. The manga showed a monster in a cave more dangerous than Goblin Champions.
Literally just go to the last archived GS thread.
The one who got BTFO was proven that he didn't read all the exposition throughout LN vol.7 how things was established, what the guild have done to facilitate the newbies. All the points that /tg/ always complained about, they established it in bit by bit in every volume.
You'll know this if you actually read it.
Guess we all know who you are.
Dropped the ball on the creative ways to kill Goblins.
Elf ruined everything by bringing in pedo fags and limiting the ways GS can kill gobs to the point the party is almost always getting gobb'd because of it
needs to hurry up and get to the noble lady rape arc
Nothing . The series is slice of life plus some healing of Goblin Slayer. When he does cool stuff it's hype. If you haven't noticed last forever was him doing trivial shit and partying with his bitches, where exactly hype is supposed to enter there? In the first place hype was thereto let people buy into GS, you can argue that author dropped the ball with how he structured the story but it would be kind of strange if there were constant escalations in mere goblin slaying tale.
people realized that the only purpose of the anime was shock value and moved on to the manga and side stories, which is where the good shit is at
You mean the anime? By being shit.
There was not enough rape after the first episode to keep people angry at it, so it fizzled out back into mediocrity where it belongs.
People getting hyped over rape and murder in the first episode and then getting disappointed that they're not getting a Berserk replacement.
Seriously they could just view the massive amount of H-anime out there that deals with this.
More rape would have been great. Why didnt the author include more rape?
people thinking it would be the next berserk conviction arc when it was just stupid harem shit
the quality
Maybe give your characters actual fucking names and not generic job titles. Retarded isekai creators need to get nuked.
because then it would be named the rape avenger instead of Goblin Slayer.
Season ended user. Hype will return.
Rundown on this "controversy"?
1) It's a game
2) It's not isekai
Most reddit opinion possible, user.
It's amazing how both sides completely missed the point of the rape scene.
It wasn't about being edgy. It's to set up goblins as a real and violent threat that justifies Goblin Slayer's genocidal ways. And it intentionally fucks with your exceptions of goblins from generic Isekais as a harmless insignificant low-level mob who only serve as a stepping stone to the real threats.
no full on rape, not going to watch
user, it was supposed to be cheap erotica. Let's not prop it up as anything beyond that. There are a billion different ways to get the point across that they are violent and evil. You have to have something very specific in mind if you go with the 'Detail a beautiful girl getting FDAU'd" method.
If you got hard watching it then that's your issue, mate.
>There are a billion different ways to get the point across that they are violent and evil.
But rape is a particularly effective one. The goblins simply brutally slaughtering the party would not have been nearly as effective.
It also gives the goblins motivation to keep anyone alive, so there are people to rescue in the first place. And in the later flashbacks it serves as Goblin Slayer and Shield Maiden motivation.
They have names, Priestess about to say her name when she challenges yeti brothers into a "race" but Lizard Priest cuts her off and named her Nobody 誰でもない instead.
Thing is, Lizard Priest is a priest & can't lie, & Priestess also didn't correct him.
*Sword Maiden's
Because then GS would look like a cuck chump that can't ever prevent his harem girls from being raped.
this, the only way the entire series could redeem itself is if Priestess gets gobbed and then killed, causing GS to go off the deep end.
But incorrecked.
Berserk has been shit for 20 of its 30 years. Why would something like that need a replacement?
If only.
it got me hooked on the manga and light novels so it definetly worked imo
The people who watched it for the edge quickly left after it turned into a generic harem anime.
Berserk of Gluttony is in another thread.
>blackened womb slut
>calls herself "maiden"
It was supposed to be edgey and dark but show got too comfy
the better rape show happened
Get your isekaishit out of here. You can barely keep your manga thread alive and the anime just ended.
when are we getting more gobbo genocide
grammar is an amazing thing
When the last chapter gets translated, that should have been a week ago.
What if the series has lost so much interest in the West that Yenjew stealth-dropped it?
people were lured in by promise of
>gritty fantasy about a mentally-broken man using tactics and strategy to combat rapacious monsters in a subversion of fantasy/RPG/isekai tropes
but we got
>bland, slice-of-life harem about an asexual autist whose only remarkable power is common sense in a world where everyone is retarded
It was the second or third ,I don't remember correctly, overseas so not possible.
>The goblins simply brutally slaughtering the party would not have been nearly as effective.
I dunno, it seems to work for every other media that has threatening enemies.
>>Diddn't wear a helmet? Get robusted by green scrubs.
You are still at it? Just leave already
Based on this thread it's clear that the hype hasn't died and GS is still living rent free in most people's mind.
A legion of detractors who refuse to accept qualities in a work is a really poor means of publicity.
GS manga threads only keeps up because of the same 5 waifufags shitting the thread 24/7 not because people like it.
you think that's better?
It's kinda fucking boring. Like, he kills goblins and there's some rape.
This is an OVA level story trying to be stretched into an endless shonen show.
>129 posters
>lol same waifufagz
GS threads are ones with most IPs on Yea Forums, nice try.
Is this a manga thread you dumb nigger??
prove it
The characters all have names. He doesn't bother learning them. That was one thing it did well.
>Is this a manga thread you dumb nigger??
Hmm... here we are, talking about characters in a manga, complaining about its english release frequency, posting manga images...
Yes it is?
GS manga threads usually have between 120 and 140 ips. Now compare that with shield hero and its just finished anime that has only 75 not to mention half the posts there were made by that "shieldbro".
But it's still selling better than your favorite manga
i still don't see any proof, just you trowing random numbers for GS manga threads.
no it's not
>just you trowing random numbers for GS manga threads.
look at the bottom right of your screen, dumb shit
Seriously user? GS is way more popular in the west than in Japan.
>What killed the hype
not enough goblin killing, not enough rape,turning into romance harem shit.
>All these people complaining about harem.
I told you guys vol. 3 is shit.
But it's not selling like that
harem shit
Unironically. I read the manga for this bitch and there weren't enough chapters with her in it to keep my interest. If she were the deuteragonist I'd get right back into it.
The manga always sells well, it already knocked by Slime anyway.
the anime is trash lets be honest but for some reason the Yea Forums threads saved it for me and kept me going.
She got her own spin off novel and manga.
not a manga thread faggot
It was developed in a most cliche and boring way possible. Should've either stayed solo or developed it gradualy.
I've been reading her manga, but I wanted more of her in the main one. Spinoffs are rarely as satisfying as the main source, GS being no exception.
What's a "manga thread" then, you dumb pajeet? Describe it like you're a dictionary.
Well, she is not going to be relevant again in the main story until vol 8 and that's like more than 3 years for the manga.
ok, i'll spoonfeed you newfag.
a manga thread is when a new manga chapter is out, and some user creates a thread to post the manga pages.
you fags have 2 manga threads per month.
this is a bait thread. is 95% shitposting and 5% GSfags seething.
Did something happened to jew press? It has been a week and still no new chapter in English.
The high tier monsters will literally eat GS alive if GS go solo, the vampire in that world is stronger than a lich, which already much stronger than an Ogre. A true vampire is on another level.
Then her artist betrayed her and new one draws her with an horrible horse face.
So what's that have to do with how many posters there are in these threads? Is this a board meant exclusively for posting about new manga releases? Your incoherent rage makes no sense and you really should stop coming here, pajeet.
The LN illustrator is the better artist anyway.
What the fuck is going on in that leg...?
Rapeman already exists user.
>Diamonds are fleeting, but a good rape is forever
Complete shit adaptation
Baited us with rape, ended up being gay harem shit.
Japan loves rape so much that they got over their xenophobia and raped some chinks over half a century ago. They stopped raping so Japan naturally lost interest.
Search danbooru and see what fan artists draw. Then consider how the author isn’t providing
>hating on gay harem shit
It brought us the OTP
>tactics and strategy
>when he threw his sword not even properly in ch1
I was here when ch1 was dumped, people laughed at him for doing it.
Not that guy but reading through, the side you’re defending is honestly a desperate & hilarious mess that’s mindlessly flailing for any excuse for adventure guilds being a thing. From claiming they’re alike historic guilds, which gets lots of people replying how historic guilds are, to basically ITS FANTASY as an excuse for anything going. You guys are desperate like he said.
And his entire post was about how your side comes up with imaginary enemies when anyone complains. You didn’t refute that.
Crunchyroll made this scene terrible.
I am actually legitimately illiterate. I watch either dubs or just listen to the nips squeal at each other in gibberish. Then I come to Yea Forums and deduce the meaning of the things that happened by baiting others into giving me the rundown.
>The one who got BTFO was proven that he didn't read all the exposition throughout LN vol.7 how things was established, what the guild have done to facilitate the newbies
Not him but it didn't do shit nor make the guild any functional organization. It's one of those things you're not supposed to think of but its glaringly unrealistic that it's hard to put out of your mind. It's just like how all the "deconstructions" in GS all create more problems and more logical issues than if they played those tropes straight.
A typical fantasy harem with an incredibly dense and boring MC was misportrayed by LN readers, so Yea Forums was interested. Then the rape controversy happened and casual anime fans watched it to spite the like 5 journos and SJWs that spoke against it. Once the casuals found out they got suckered into a harem anime they probably dropped it fast or stopped talking about it out of embarrassment.
...it's over.
Can't y'alls just fap to the cute girls and leave all that thinking crap at the door?
>Your incoherent rage
you wish
>stopped talking about it
user, it's been 7 months after it ended and you are still talking about it.
Incoherent, impotent and laughable rage over cartoon girls.
Wasn't this kind of threads supposed to be made when an anime is airing?
>Best girl has barely any screen time.
I wonder why
We want rape, we want rape
Th usual case of a show doing some exploitive hooks in the first ep. then being a boring story rarely reaching the same level of quality.
It wasn't even popular here once the faux controversy died down. After 4 episodes, everyone went over to Zombieland Saga.
I wish you were right so I didn't have to deal with people like you but sadly that's not the case.
stalling in the city for 10 chapters, doing light flirting. this shit is retarded, goblinos better get back at mass raping
You cant start with Goblin rape then dial it down to harems
basicly those
Can't wait for this to get animated in 2024 so those doujins can finally get made.
Naked headpat doujins?
By 2024 we will be getting that part on the manga.
Digibro blowing it the fuck out.
Guy adopts a little girl then fucks her when she grows up
Now I see why GS is hated.
Title: Her Neighbor Is A Bother. (お隣さんは世話焼き)
>Priestess: Eeh? You forgot your textbook again? (ええっ?また教科書忘れたんですか?)
>Inspecter-sensei: For example, at 100 degrees Celsius, it’ll boil… (例えば100Cで沸騰し…)
>GobuSlay: I simply mistook it for another. (間違えただけだ)
>Textbook Title #1: Ways of Conveying Malice That Will Make Even A Goblin Notice (ゴブリンでもわかる毒気の出し方)
>Priestess: Jeez! You really are hopeless, aren’t you? (もうっしょうがない人ですねぇ)
>Priestess: I’ll let you share together with me, okay? (一緒に見せてあげますから)
>GobuSlay: I can’t really see very well. (よくみえん)
>Textbook Title #2: Science That Isn’t Needed In A Fantasy. (ファンタジーに必要のない科学)
>Priestess: Th-that’s because you’re wearing that helmet. (そっそれはカブトかぶってるから)
>Priestess: Of course you wouldn’t be able to… (よくみえるわけ…)
>Priestess: Cl-CloseCloseCloooose!! (ちっちかいちかいちかいぃっ!!)
>Priestess: What do I do? What do I do? What if he can hear me breathing through my nose? What do I do? What if my sweat smells? What do I do? I was the one that told him I would share, so I’d feel bad if I suddenly moved away from him! (どうしょうどうしょ鼻息聞こえてたらどうしょう汗がにおってたらどうしよどうしよ見せるって言った手前露骨に離れるのもどうかと思う)
>Priestess: Diethyl Ether!! (ジエチルエーテルっ!!)
>Female Student: Inspector-sensei!! It happened to Priestess-chan again!! (監察せんせえまた神官ちゃんがっ!!)
>Inspector-Sensei: Hmhm, she definitely has a low boiling point. (ふむ、確かに沸点が低いな)
Can you do this one? Is very old but it was never translated.
People thought it was gonna subvert expectations and be Berserk-tier dark while telling an actual story
Turns out it just roped you in with the rape and then turned into a slightly-edgier-than-normal harem series, though the one objective plus it has going for it, the miles-better-than-average protag, is still there, so that's nice
Title: The Soccer Team That Won Their Way To The Finals 1 (勝ち進んだサッカー組1)
>Lancer: Finally made it to the finals! (いよいよ決勝だっ!!)
>Lancer: Let’s go! (いくぜっ!!)
>Team: Yeah!! (応っ!!)
>Male Student: Aaah, I’m getting nervoooouss!! (あーキンチョーしてきたぁっ!!)
>Lancer: Oi oi, find some move motivation! (おいおい気合いれろよ!)
>Lancer: The ladies are watching!! (女子が見てるぜっ!!)
>Male Student: Jeez, don’t say something…like…that… (もー、そーいうこと言わな、い、で…)
>Elf’s Book: Bunny x Tiger (バニxタイ)
>Gobs: What’s with the sudden bloodthirst!? (なんかいきなり殺気が!?)
>Gobs: I can see their auraaas! (オーラが見えるぅ)
>Gobs: And they’re all standing like Jojo characters!? (そして立ち方がJOJOっぽい!?)
>Jojo Team: Yare yare da ze. (やれやれだぜ)
>Gobs: IT IS JOJOOOOOOOOOOOO!! (JOJOだあああああああああ!!)
Thanks. So that was Inspector, I didn't recognize her. The female student, I do know she is Apprentice Priestess though.
>almost a year after it aired
>people still complaining about muh (lack of) rape and muh harem
This board has some resilient shitposters
See that's exactly how you got BTFO. LN addressed this issue but you don't know about it and keep whining like a blind dog.
Really tell your mom to stop doing heroine the next time she's pregnant otherwise it'll ended up like a dumb retard like you.
>which gets lots of people replying how historic guilds are, to basically ITS FANTASY
False, BTFO'd stopped replying after his provlem with historical guild problem was answered in latest LN volume. Explained in fucking detail. Great way to ignored it, fatass.
>And his entire post was about how your side comes up with imaginary enemies when anyone complains. You didn’t refute that.
Now that's just fucking retarded. So if I want to make an alien story I have to make sure my alien is the same as those bolbbed eyed old hoax alien?
Are you a nigger?
Who told you the anime adapted the manga? It's the LN they're focusing on and the movie will probably adapt a volume or two.
It'll probably happen alot sooner since you're talking about two volumes getting adapted each season once a year as well.
Erufu killed it because she can.
I agree, i get really excited when i get one of the novels in the mail, and I have to try not think about how long I have to wait
I wish angry pajeet Pisstess fanboy would fuck off permanently.
Should have kept it as dark as manga and LN's
This is from yenpress page about chapter 37
>On sale date 06/25/2019
this is why CGI was a mistake, among others
Chapter soon™
Chapter is out on play store.
Blessed post
>I'm not like other girls' teehee!~
>proceeds to be basic as fuck 20 minutes later
That's Goblin Slayer. The whole promise that its a different animal that it immediately walks back on.
That's it from the sample. If by tomorrow the chapter hasn't dumped I'll buy it and dump it myself.
no rape beyond the first episode
I thought his dad was an hermit.
Year one too mentioned he was a hunter .
>Elf’s Book: Bunny x Tiger (バニxタイ)
Is that supposed to be a yaoi doujin?