Can you're waifu beat Madara?

Can you're waifu beat Madara?

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As a fellow narutard, I'm telling you to fuck off

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as a fellow narutard , great post

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Can Madara beat Madara?


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But Madara is my waifu

Which Madara we talking here?

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Maybe, certainly not in direct combat but with enough scheming she could manage something

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Beat him off probably

Is your waifu strong enough that he would allow this? Weakness disgusts him.

He's gay so no

He's not specifically gay, see . It's just the only person strong enough to fuck him is a man.

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I'd say yes in terms of raw strength, but I can't say with 100% certainty considering all the bullshit madara can pull.

They'd probably just end up fucking.

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Unless my waifu pulls the blammer before he can activate Susano'o or anything like that, then no.

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Rikudo Madara is my husbando so I wonder if he could beat his regular self. Probably yes

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Sure. She is a trany witch

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Yes, she will confuse him to death with retarded theological references and psuedo philosophical plot

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Depends, Naruto world would be a no go, but in her own she can't easily die and visitors to it can, fairly easily


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Stop samefagging your shit thread, Narutard

Uh-oh. Look what I found and saved to my very own hard drive

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I guess your waifu can't beat Madara?

The chakra the sage of six paths dispersed was meant to be a linking power.

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God I wish that was me on top

Hashi knew exactly what kind of sway he held over him.

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Why is he like this?

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I find the grafted face extremely irksome. Fucking Kabuto.

Anyone's waifu Kaguya? She can canonically beat him and beat him off at the same time

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They could share the moon. (Which is lovely tonight)

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She needed zetsu's help for the former, I hope she doesn't for the latter.

Indeed. New moon tomorrow. Very beautiful. It bothers me I have to be at work instead of just staring at the sky. Also Infinite tsukuyomi is basically instrumentality is it not?

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Both of them penetrate him at the same time!

Does zetsu coach her on how to fuck the way he does on how to fight?

She's also like a million times faster than him and is basically indestructible unless you wipe her out dowm to the last molecule, and he hasn't show any dedense againt transmutation like hers. She would certainly fuck him up no diff.


I think she knows how to fuck, considering she has children. But Zetsu can guide her how to make it extremely painful and humiliating for Madara (he likes it that way, even if he doesn't know it yet)

Very disturbing. Does zetsu call her "mother" during this?

>Kishimoto couldn't think of a non-retarded way to beat Double Rinnegan Rikudou Sennin Madara with the Hashirama DNA, Juubi chakra and the Mugen Tsukiyomi active (on top of his godlike taijutsu, high intellect and other skills).
>Asspulls traitor Zetsu and Kaguya. That way the heroes won't have to fight Double Rinnegan Rikudou Sennin Madara with the Hashirama DNA, Juubi chakra and the Mugen Tsukiyomi active (on top of his godlike taijutsu, high intellect and other skills).
>It still come off as retarded.
Even he knew that he went too far with him.


Yes. And Madara is forced to do so as well

He was too perfect. I miss him so much.

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Nah, IT was much less cruel, as everyone just went to sleep.

The instrumentality project killed almost everyone.
I could be wrong, though, since i just started eva and i only know about insturmentality because of other fans.

>being this new

Damn Kaguya is a freak. She seemed so pure before eating that fruit.

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Whoops, don't want to spoil it for you then. It's been a while since I watched eva. But I have Asuka and Rei figures on my shelf. I need to dust them. And buy Madara to keep them company.

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She can't get enough of human(oid) men now

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Is Madara enough for her then?


He is perfect. Kind of looks like her son too. She likes that

She had two sons though. She will need Madara and at least one limbo clone.

Yeah and she misses them so she just took Madara. One is enough so he can get all the attention. But yes, she also rapes all of his limbo clones once the real one passes out from exhaustion. She is absolutely crazy.

Madara's birthday is on December 24th. He is literally Jesus.

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Source please?

Selfcest is good. Madara x Sage Madara is the only gay thing I could ship. Is it gay? Or just masturbation?
I wanted to help you and reverse search it, but all I get is fanfics from wattpad. Disgusting.

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The girl who wrote the fic commissioned the pics.

Interesting, didn't think of that.

Maybe in a ping pong match

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Thanks. I think the artist is K1deki, but they seem to have deleted their NSFW blog

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He gets curpstomped no matter which version of him.

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I think so too. I look a lot at Madara fanart a lot so I recognize the style. It probably got deleted with the tumblr porn purge. Shame really.

He wants the wood.

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Nice moon you got there

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Top tier tastes.

Yeah but she's Yea Forums

Good to see I'm not the last Kumabro alive after the axe.

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And he got it.

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Hashirama can't pick up the hints, he is too pure.

Poor Madara, that must have been very frustrating.

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But my waifu is Obito

>IT was much less cruel
Honestly its debatable. IT was slowly degenerating humanity into white zetsu slaves, which Kaguya would then use as meat shields when her clan inevitably invaded earth. Instrumentality was forcing everyone's souls to merge together into one being, but the souls themselves seemed to retain a semblance of free will (Asuka and Rei telling Shinji to fuck off in his mind, Shinji ultimately deciding to break free (though he was the only person with the means to escape))

I'm not a shipper, but Hashirama and Madara's relationship is cute. I'd watch a comedy-romance series about them: Poor young Madara confused about his sexuality trying to make a move on his best friend, while he only cares about planting trees and is clueless about Madara's true feelings. Later when Hashirama gets married to Mito, Madara is extremely jealous and tries to get Hashirama's attention in any way he can. Madara eventually finds the right girl and calms down, gets married and all is happy and well for him. He goes out to drink with Hashirama and they plant a tree together.

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Early db goku would wipe the floor with anything from Naruto

Which is retarded because kaguya is way more powerful than madara

Uh, sauce?

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I love Madara!

>All the old fanart in this thread
I feel old for recognizing most of it.
It's been five years, where have they gone?

He is perfection. Peak male performance. I'd trust him with my moon.

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Naruto is dying. There's barely any new fanart made. Boruto failed. I hope this Infinite Tsukuyomi ends soon.



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Does Infinite Tsukuyomi work on planes?

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Madara will do his best. Is it a sentient plane? Or does she have a pilot?

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Pilot and an AI.

That is cool. She can go to the moon with us!

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nfsfy . tumblr . com/

yw anons. very nsfw btw

O-oh my. I like it, but feel like like looking at porn of my son. Rikudo Madara is pure!

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according to some sites, saber's excalibur beam should ne enough to deal with him, but from my perspective that's bullshit, she can't (as if the dude stood still to tank that shit)

He's a slut

Absolutely not. He is a good, pure being. He would only do such things for the sole purpose of procreation.

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Based and bearpilled


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One of them sure can.

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The madarafag has to be one of the worst posters on Yea Forums

Well, someone's gotta be.

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Amaterasu, the suck matter into another dimension no jutsu, etc.

The madarafag has to be one of the best posters on Yea Forums

She has a chance.

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Of course she could, because she's Erza!

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I love Madara!

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Me too, but sometimes I feel like I can't post any of the other characters I like. Madara dominates the conversation the way he dominated the allied forces.

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The better question is can Altair beat him without getting off the comfy couch?

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He owns my heart and my mind so I cannot post, let alone think about anyone else than him, but you can and should do so! I won't interfere.

Umineko no naku koro ni. It's from a manga adaptation of VN, the scene is quite short and you will not find porn in the novel/manga.

Can't. Madara does so much for the shitty world, I have to respect that.
I want to discuss the merits and faults of the village system with him.

Get META'D faggot

>not betting it all on your waifu
Win or lose she'll always be my waifu.

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You're waifu a shit. A SHIT

>Naruto is dying. There's barely any new fanart made.
I wish I could draw.

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I almost feel bad for him

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In raw strength, probably. But she'd lose in a fight.

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