Will it go down in history as the last classic anime?
Will it go down in history as the last classic anime?
I'll wait for her anime first.
Also all of the summer-themed anime films I guess.
Children of the sea was amazing.
It made a lot of money and a lot of people will remember it.
So yes, that generally makes it a classic
overrated as fuck
for sure, but it's still a fine film.
what the fuck does classic anime even mean?
>famous anime film works are known as miyazakishit and this
Embarrassing, what the fuck is wrong with you, anime.
Haven't seen it
>Children of the sea was amazing.
amazingly vapid and inconclusive.
it's unironcally isn't, it's just literally and objectively the greatest anime ever made
No, it won't.
my down syndrome little cosine can make a better story
this is the scripted NPC contrarian response. must be weird to have no free will or self awareness
That's not anime's fault. That's people with pleb taste fault.
this is Yea Forums
Seething yamadafag.
Post it
>yamadafags and shinkaifags want their films to be classics so bad
>meanwhile recent spirited away fanart by some nip got 200k likes on twitter
It's the best piece of art Japans ever produced
Yea Forums \a\ Yea Forums \a\
True it's an actual classic, but I'll give credit to the artist more than the film.
If we're being critical here, nope it's not a classic in the slightest. The movie tried to present itself as something important but in the end was a cutesy body swap with time-travel aspects tossed in for a twist. There was no cultural impact or uniqueness to it. What was the theme of this movie?
They didn't bite Yuasa's flick?
>The movie tried to present itself as something important
It did?
>muh musubi
>muh 'we live in a society' tier dichotomy of rural vs urban divide
it's all so shallow
It just finds a way
>there was no cultural impact
Imagine being this braindead.
When those things were touched upon it was only as a result of being connected to the plot and characters, though. It was only as shallow as you want it to be. Presenting itself as something important would be Oshii's characters' monologues on war and peace in Patlabor 2, or those abstract vignettes in Night on the Galactic Railroad.
That's not one piece
this, and it really shows how clueless most Yea Forumsfags are
>how clueless most Yea Forumsfags are
Zombieland you barney
Based trips of literal truth
Shark-tales is better
cute weather child
A Silent Voice is better.
This was a nice surprice and there will be more to come
Did they release an extra episode, showing what happened to them afterwards?
Story: 0/10
The movie is called Your Name, and they literally tell each other what their names are in the beginning but they keep forgetting half-way? Are they stupid or something? And seriously the time travelling made no sense because how could they have traveled around time without a time machine or a DeLorean? You can't just time travel for no reason, whoever wrote the story needs to read up more on how science works.
Visuals: 0/10
They recycle the same scenes over and over again, waking up in each other's beds and acting shocked about it. Like wow it's a bed! Never seen one before!
Purpose: 0/10
It's obvious, I don't have to explain anything.
Overall Score: 2/10
There are a lot of weak points in the story, the visuals, and the purpose of the movie but overall I still see the value in showing this movie to your 4 year old child if there's nothing else entertaining for them to watch.
Sex and babies.