Just watched episode 1 and what an utter garbage
>Quality, including the OP (thanks LIDENFILMS)
>15 minute episode divided into 4 mini episodes, meaning there is literally zero plot
>all 4 short episodes have the same gag and ending
>only redeeming thing is mah panties and big boobs
Haven’t been this disappointed in a short anime in a long time
Tejina Senpai
Other urls found in this thread:
>big boobs
Already a winner, right there.
>mah panties and big boobs
thats the only reason anyone is going to be watching anyways
>meaning there is literally zero plot
They made an anime without a plot? Is that legal?
The torch has been passed, or something.
Show of the season so far.
This really needs to be a spinoff. These two dorks would be amazing together.
I think you might be a literal homosexual or something.
It was fun. I really don't know what you were expecting. My only complaint is more aimed at the industry in general, 12 minute shows are fucking cancer and it looks like they're increasing even more because companies can't even afford to put out 1 cour 24 minute shows anymore. It works fine for stuff like this, which is practically a 4-koma source with a bit of breathing room.
Incidentally, raw is how I want to do it with Senpai.
Just what the doctor said.
I mean
Isn't it a gag manga
They are already together. In a doujin.
But episode 1 comes out tomorrow.
Don't know what you were expecting, it's a low low budget anime that serves to drum up more awareness of a just alright manga.
When is assistant fucking her RAW and impregnating her?
that's it, I'm watching it RAW, fuck subs, fuck Yea Forums and fuck japan
>blowjob lips
>warm fingers
>them fucking tits
My cock is more than ready.
ok who is best girl saya
The best part is that siscon tits dont lose to Tejina in size. Its like having two Hotaru tier bodies
>two hotarus and one saya
wtf this is unfair
>best girl
Why were you expecting a plot you fucking idiot? It is clearly an ecchi gag manga. Not only that, it is a short too, which are often plotless comedies or ecchi.
where do the studios get the money to pump out so much anime every season, which only 10% turn out to be at least memorable for the next two weeks after airing. how are they all not going bankrupt
I'm going to watch it anyway.
Science is best girl in this series though and she happens to have a flat chest and glasses unfortunately.