what was so bad about this?
What was so bad about this?
A trigger style show lacking any of the self awareness or humor that made trigger shows fun, and instead took itself totally seriously while winging a lot of the writing [by admission of the creators], especially during the second half. It had some real highs here and there but those were lightning-in-a-bottle.
There's a lot of arguments as to WHY it is like this, is it triggers fault, is it A-1 picture's fault, was it specific employees/creators faults, etc etc, but thats something we'll never have a solid answer for, just speculation.
it had a weakish beginning, a strong middle, and a really stupid ending.
If you fuck up in the ending its hard to people to like it as a whole
the plot and direction did a 180 like 13 episodes in
Took the best character and gave him to worst girl and totally removed all of his character after it, litterally, Mitsuru's character fucking EVAPORATED halfway through this series and even got a haircut to look more like a basic faggot. No development, no smooth transition, just suddenly became characteristically neutered.
It started okay, then had a really strong middle (episode 13 was pure Kino), and then it progressively got worse in the second cour before it went full retard. The serious tones fit when silly moments were just sprinkled in here and there but just felt like a mockery when it went full retard at the end.
It was a prime example of forced hype. Now it is a prime example of a forcedly remembered time flop.
Everything after episode 13
This. Funny how Yea Forums criticized DarliFra for taking itself seriously, yet they call any Trigger show that has humor as "reddit".
the romance was the worst part hiro and 02 over shadowed the better characters and story
when will Yea Forums realize that trigger is shit and Little Witch Academia was the only good thing they made.
Maybe the original OVA but the second one and SPECIALLY the series were just as terrible as the other trigger shows
>when will Yea Forums realize that trigger is shit and Space Patrol Luluco was the only good thing they made
they fucked over everyone literally
I really liked it. The only thing I didn't like was the ending. The mech having 02's face was pretty cheesy and the bittersweet ending was very cliched.
The ending.
Trigger got kicked off the project after the first half.
Cringe writing, natalist propaganda, ntr subplot.
>natalist propaganda
go back to r/anime
Darling in the Franxx had really awesome moments and episodes, it looked as if it was going somewhere. What the fuck was that episode where Zorome visited the human plantation? Or Misturu-Kokoro arc?
But then they dropped the ball really hard.
But breeding and cuckqueaning are both based.
>The mech having 02's face was pretty cheesy
yeah I thought that too, but i never liked the way the mechs looked to begin with
complete braindead ending.
only actually good episodes were 5 and 14, and the followup next episode climax scenes to both of those episodes were fucking retarded.
It became too popular for it’s own good