Watch part 5

>watch part 5
>its actually about a bunch of self righteous assholes chasing down a mentally ill man so they can beat him up to death
Not to mention than Giorno and pals cause more collateral damage than any other JoJo until now

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Well, no one said that they're heroes. Also, that mentally ill man does deserve a beating.

>Giorno and pals cause more collateral damage than any other JoJo until now
It's gang warfare user there are no heroes. everyone is technically a criminal and it's kill or be killed.

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>read Part 6
>it's about a bunch of lesbians trying to beat up a religious black guy
Truly Araki is the soothsayer we deserve.

While they aren't heroes its obvious that they are still portrayed as heroic since Bruno's and Giorno's motivation is to overthrow the boss because he was selling drugs to kids, and the other members of the gang became gangsters due to bad circumstances

The plot of part 5 is so weak.
>We need to stop the boss!
Why? Because he's the head of an organisation that kills people and indirectly worsens the lives of thousands via petty crime?
>No, we'll keep on doing that stuff, but muh drugs is too far!
So you're going to run a mafia gang, and not sell drugs? Have fun getting outcompeted within a generation by all the mafia gangs that are selling drugs.
There's no real reason to want Bruno's Gang to succeed, and it's difficult to believe any of them actually have so much conviction that they're doing the right thing.
I mean sure, Diavolo is probably shittier than Giorno as mob bosses go, but I can hardly get enthusiastic about supporting a guy whose defining characteristic is that he wants to be heavily involved in organised crime.

That doesn't mean that they're portrayed as heroes. At best they're anti-heroes. They're still criminals and even if Giorno's reason for wanting to take over the criminal organization is to make it fabulous, it's still a criminal organization. This isn't like "I don't want anyone to die" Josuke or literal boy-scout Johnathan. The first thing we se Giorno do is steal from a tourist.

and use his stand to kill someone

>Have fun getting outcompeted within a generation by all the mafia gangs that are selling drugs.
>implying they'll have any living competition

They sell drugs to kids. Even within mafia rings this is unacceptable, you stupid fuck.
This has been the plot of more mafia based movies than you know.
Shut the fuck up retard.

Araki seems to think they are heroes

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They could instead go into a much more profitable crime, like creating counterfeit parmigiano reggiano cheese. Now nobody gets hurt.

Except the legitimate parmigiano reggiano cheese makers

It's called natural selection dipshit

Does everyone forget Giorno's original selfish goal is to just be a GangStar? He just wants to be the head of the organization himself, and is an opportunist

what's the difference between a regular gangster and a GangStar anyway?

Doppio is just a couple of bad choices away from becoming someone else's twink

I'm sure there's plenty of activities that an organized crime mob can do that would make everyone happy, like gun trafficking, human trafficking, child pornography, racketeering, etc. Getting rid of the drugs will solve everything. Everyone loves gangsters so long as they don't sell drugs to kids.

The gang is filled with members with pretty much super powers, and can grant stands if they wish. That's your protection from irrelevance and another source of income right here, not even mentioning avenues of profitable businesses can be powered with stands

Basically he wants to be a gangster who's also a superstar/cult of personality. Think if a big personality like Michael Jackson was also the head of an organized crime ring.

So Al Capone?

Don't care, they're all fucking criminals. Mussolini did the right thing with regards to the Mafia. Actually, he didn't go far enough.
I've watched a handful of Mafia films on account of my Uncle loving them and trying to get me into them, the only one I found vaguely tolerable was Scarface, by which I mean 5/10 tolerable. The Godfather, Goodfellas, Legend etc. all just films that try to make you sympathise with terrible people that make a living off the suffering of others and then have the balls to complain when life bites back.
Gangsters are fucking scum and people only tolerate them in fiction because it's "cool".

Yeah, pretty much. Even if Giorno's goal is selfish he still believes in honor among thieves. Diavolo doesn't care as long as muh identity remains secret. People are trying to act like the main cast are terrible people, but they're still not worse than the guy who wants to kill his own daughter because he has autism.

stfu faggot

How can someone with no personality have a cult of personality?

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Idk ask Araki. Or ask anyone who thought Neo from the Matrix was cool lmao

by being good looking i guess

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>implying you can't make a cult of personality out of saying my name is user and I have a dream

Dreams aren't always realistic.

Giorno basically wants to use the mob's power and influence to help others, like that wounded gangster helped him.

well, they think they are heroes and they are indeed fighting a mafia villain that is aiming to become the next dio, they are the only oposing force to the devil, dunno just because they arent the good guys doesnt mean they dosnt have morals

>a mafia villain that is aiming to become the next dio,

>a bunch of self righteous assholes chasing down a mentally ill man so they can beat him up to death
So it's a repeat of part 4? Kira has to be the unluckiest "villain" on the face of the earth.

It depends what worldview you come from and how we evaluate morals. Obviously despite being criminals we see Giorno and his gang don't have any real negative traits. Only brainlets can't understand the time honored trope of an honorable thug.

Kira is literally a serial killer what do you mean "villain"

>criminal gang that murders, steals, cheats, coerces, bribes, and is generally a pus-filled cyst on society
>but at least they don't sell drugs lmao
How am I meant to root for these characters when they all either have goals I find utterly reprehensible, or no goals at all?

cuz they only do it to other bad people or in the case of tourists giorno is just being a good capitalist. if he wasnt there to rip off tourists someone else would be doing it so why shouldnt he benefit off of it as well?

He's a victim of circumstance. He ultimately wanted what any normal person dreams of, but also had compulsions that required him to kill to achieve it. Also a fucking ghost and a fat bastard sandwich thief conspired to ruin him.

how many times does Mista get shot with his own gun?

So? Would that stand up in court? Jeffrey Dahmer was a victim of circumstance and mental health with compulsions he couldn't control but everyone knows he's a sick freak who rightfully went to jail.

If you count the times bullets ricochet and hit him, all of the times.

Insanity plea is a thing, also Kira didn't go to jail.

Couldn't you say any serial killer is a victim of circumstance

>why shouldn't he benefit off of it as well?
Because that is theft? There's no excuse for crime. If you know others are ripping off tourists via coercion and other crimes, and your first thought is that you need to get in on it, you are criminal scum.
It is impossible for a gang to operate without harming innocent people, by their very nature. They exist to profit off of crime, which comes at the expense of the general public. That's what organised crime is.

You a fucking faggot who completely and purposely missed my point. Yes, insanity plea is a thing but isn't always applicable that 100% get's you out of trouble. I'm saying society has determined mentally ill or not people who murder victims with no fighting chance maliciously are bad people. You can try and play mental gymnastics or argue all you want but he is the villain.

If you want to go into extremes then technically everything is a product of causality. My point is that Kira is a villain that has no malice toward other human beings. If for instance someone showed up with a method to make him not feel compelled to kill women any longer, he would be overjoyed as the need to murder is an obstacle rather than an objective. His entire premise as a character is that he is literally just a high-functioning everyman that is compelled to murder to be happy, for something completely out of his control. If Araki gave him some open self-loathing to get the point across more bluntly then he'd go from a sympathetic villain to an outright tragic one.

>society has determined
Interesting, so not only is the US court system all of "society", but the US court system also determines what is correct. In spite of your defiant speech you sure are an obedient person.

My point by the way is you're just making an appeal to authority argument, not contradicting my point that Kira's actions are the product of his condition rather than his character. There's no such thing as "they are too destructive to be insane", there's only "they are too destructive for society to bother trying to reform them".

>or in the case of tourists giorno is just being a good capitalist. if he wasnt there to rip off tourists someone else would be doing it so why shouldnt he benefit off of it as well?
Can this not be said of those who sell drugs to children as well?

>no malice towards other human beings

Yeah, no, and Kira isn't sympathetic because he actively enjoys hurting people

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I do think Kira enjoys killing people and wouldn't change his behavior if given the absolute choice. Killer queen is a good example of this as his own manifestation of his soul is a stand that allows him not only to get with murder but to do it far easier. Kira's been killing since he was 17 and I feel like his goal to live a quiet life developed because he would kill people not in spite of it.

he did nothing wrong though. He just wanted to live a quiet life.

That's like saying that you're a genius because you want to say insightful things even though you're actually saying some pretty retarded bullshit right now. You just can't help it.


You're supposed to shut up you nitpicking faggot.

Spoken like a true VAfag.

and it's one of the reason it's the best part

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Am I missing something or is Part 5 incredibly over hyped for what it is? 80% of it just felt like the first half of Stardust Crusaders but with more interesting fights. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed the fights very much but I barely had any reason to care about the main cast. Now it's finally picked up with Diavolo but it's just about over. I'm interested in hearing from someone with a different perspective.

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I'm not sure. Part 5 and Giorno in particular used to be heavily criticized, but suddenly a lot of people (or maybe a few very vocal ones?) started hyping it up a few years ago. I think people just started having nostalgia for it recently.

Too much emphasis on just stand fight after stand fights makes it questionable. It doesnt feel like a mafia story, it doesnt use the themes it has well if at all.

>It doesnt feel like a mafia story
This is one of my biggest gripes as well.

That's someone that has been actively manhunting him. If someone started targeting you on a personal level I can already tell you're the type that would hate them back. As I said Kira is an everyman, that doesn't mean he's a saint either. Despite that, even after a gruesome fight and severely injured he tries not to make a scene in front of people bystanders. He's very different from a narcissist like Dio who doesn't even perceive anyone else as people.

>Killer queen is a good example of this as his own manifestation of his soul is a stand that allows him not only to get with murder but to do it far easier.
Killer queen is not a stand that enhances killing for his enjoyment. Killer Queen is a stand that makes murders quick and erases evidence (and by extension the possibility of them impeding on his normal life). In other words Killer Queen is a form of self-medication that minimizes the significance the need/killings have on his life as much as possible. It doesn't erase the key problem, which is that people are being murdered, but for Kira's purposes it has the primary function of living as though he's not a murderer at all.

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survivor us coolest stan, fite me

He even calls his stand's true power "the ability to erase something, and all evidence of it". "Something" being the murder, Killer Queen is literally Kira's desire to erase the fact he's a serial killer from his life.

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well no the reason he got the stand in the first place was because his father pierced him with the stand arrow, and since stand arrows usually make the character manifest a stand that solves what they have the greatest desire for. Kira didn't want to remove all evidence that he was a serial killer, he wanted to prevent ever getting caught, as having a normal life mattered more to him than some moral standard

>Kira didn't want to remove all evidence that he was a serial killer
>manifest a stand that solves what they have the greatest desire for
>gets a stand that removes all evidence of his serial killings as its true, primary function
>Kira's most repeated line is "I just want a peaceful life."
But no, Kira doesn't actually want a peaceful life he's just a serial killer that wants to kill people. I swear english readers turn off their brains when it comes to villains. This isn't a disney movie.

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>and since stand arrows usually make the character manifest a stand that solves what they have the greatest desire for
That's bullshit.

It's weird that the son of Dio would be a criminal, huh?

Look if that retard would stop answering ice cream cones and frogs we wouldnt have to kill him but noooo he just has to pick up a cigarette and answer it.

can we all just agree that these guys were the greatest comedic duo in anime history?

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This whole argument is retarded. He wasn't trying to remove the fact that he was a serial killer. He was trying to get away with it. There's a big difference there. He's not a sympathetic victim of circumstance. He's a serial killer and the fact that he goes to such lengths to hide it means that he's well aware of what he's doing, which means that an insanity plea wouldn't even fly. Stop patting yourself in the back so much. I know that in your head you think that you're blowing everyone's minds with unique points of view that no one had ever considered, but what's actually happening is that you're not making any sense. By your logic no one is a villain because you could always argue that it's because of a condition.

dude, you relly don´t get Goodfather, is not about mafia simpaty, is a movie about politics and power, and the toll to your oul to be a powerhouse

Its not like Bruno and co are supposed to be heroes. You might argue that Bruno has "good" motives in not wanting to sell drugs to children, but at the end of the day even if he makes for a more "benevolent" leader than the current boss he would still be at the head of a criminal organization full of overpowered thugs. Even if you don't get drugs you probably still get random people getting caught in the crossfire and gangsters abusing their power.
For me part 5 just feels like assholes going around beating up even bigger assholes while civilians get fucked in the middle.

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>they can beat him up to death
>to death
>he doesn’t know

I think you mean trio, user.

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kys moralfag its a fucking comic

why are you here if not for autistically nitpicking comics

>The protagonists of Golden Wind aren’t meant to be seen as heroes
Are these people reading the same comic?

Ah yes, I forgot the part where Kira could just stop getting murderous compulsions. He should have just stopped being severely OCD as well. Just like walk it off bro. Haha.
>the fact that he goes to such lengths to hide it means that he's well aware of what he's doing
Yeah no fucking shit he's aware of what he's doing, doesn't change the fact that it's an ingrained pathological necessity for his happiness.

>I know that in your head you think that you're blowing everyone's minds with unique points of view that no one had ever considered
>taking the main character's repeatedly stated motivation as their motivation is mind blowing or unique
It's time for you to face the fact that what I'm saying isn't remotely strange, you specifically just missed the point of the character. For fuck's sake the first thing the protagonists do after beating him the first time is raid his home, look at pictures of him as a kid, and get in a fight with the fucking ghost of his father who watches over and guards him. Kira's obsession with not making a scene and not standing out is the embodiment of japanese conformist culture that any fucking japanese person from middle school onward will relate to. He is blatantly written to be sympathetic, you just didn't get it.

>By your logic no one is a villain because you could always argue that it's because of a condition.
We already went over this, causality makes everything have a prior cause. That's besides the point, Kira was not a malicious, misanthropic, narcissistic, or sadistic person. He was willful and adaptive, two normally positive traits that combine very badly with a psychological compulsion to kill people.

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So was the big twist that Gappy is using The Spin in his stand bubbles?

>every story should be about heroes battling evil to save the world.
If you actually watched part 4 you wouldn't be too surprised to find out that part 5 wouldn't be like the first few parts.

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Part 4 is still about a bunch of guys selflessly trying to stop a serial killer, which is still heroic in nature unlike wanting to become a mafia boss

But battling evil and saving the world is exactly what Part 5 is about.

Overall pt4 was the most light hearted least traveled jojo ive seen/read thus far. [Spoiler] Unless im a retard and missed something in pt6 or pt9 since I haddent gotten to them yet. [/Spoiler]

He could just not kill people.

No, seriously, this is retarded. You can go ahead and post the entire manga page by page if you think it somehow proves your point, but it does. First of all, yes he's malicious. Second, we don't actually know that he couldn't control the urge to kill if he tried. He just never did until he was forced to go into hiding. And even if he couldn't, that doesn't excuse him and make him a victim. Third, he was definitely malicious. People who aren't malicious don't sit there scheming about how random women should die because their personalities suck but they have beautiful hands and then go and kill them and keep a hand as a souvenir. That's definitely maliciousness. Finally, you don't need to have any of those traits to be a villain. A villain is someone who pursues their own goals at the expense of innocents, which is exactly what Kira does. The fact that his goal is to have a simple life and not to be the king of the world makes no difference. He's still selfishly hurting others for his own benefit.

>Anti Drug group does far more damage to the country than the drug dealers ever could.

Seems like a pretty accurate story.

Pt.4 is basically SoL meets murder mystery, hence the element of tracking down a villain on the run. With the weird quirk where the murderer is a charismatic shounen villain instead of some ugly guy with 20 seconds of screentime that nobody is supposed to care about.

>Le dragon's dream's is bad meme xD
Literally end yourself

what happens if you try to have sex with a stand?

Diavolo did nothing wrong

tomb of the boom sucked

i am 15 episodes into part 3 and i feel so let down. jonathan's straightforward story got me into the world quickly, and joseph made me love him from the moment he pulled out the tommy gun. I don't fucking care about jotaro or polnareff or that nigger that died or god help me even old joseph. they ruined him fuck this show

>favorite part 6 Stand
My fucking nigga, that fight was fantastic.

Lucy kills Diego after winning the race
Johnny walks again
Gyro dies

i don't even care because i have dropped this dumb series. and when i try to watch it again in a year i won't remember those names

>he doesnt like polnareff
Shit taste.

Sandman is actually soundman
Hot pants is a nurse
Avdul dies 3 times

Also the entirety of Vento Aureo is about one week.

reddit taste

Read the manga faggot

Iggy the dog dies
Avdol isnt dead but he dies again
Jotaro can stop time like dio
Joseoh doesnt die

That is a really stresfull week.


Kakyoin dies*
My bad .

I wonder if Giorno crashed the gang. That would be funny as fuck.

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I looked up the wiki pages of some of these characters to make me remember them and hopefully discourage myself from trying to come back to this shitshow. oh my god the character designs get so stupid. and i'm glad kakyoin died he's such a useless retard like everyone else in part 3.

Fucking great.

>giorno we lost almost 50% of our money
I want to see giorno depressed for once.

I don't get why people like Doppio so much, is it just fujos?

Pucci wins and reset the universe
Jotaro dies in part 6
Jolyne dies
FF is a plankton
Annasui is shit
Weather report is the villain Pucci brother and best boy.

He wouldn't be depressed. He would just stand there gazing at the sunrise with a warm smile in his face like the autist he is while his underlings tried to explain to him that the gang is going under because using the mob's power and influence to help people is kind of at odds with the methods that the mob uses to acquire said power and influence.

It's just retards parroting what they saw in some idiot's youtube video. The whole theory was completely btfo but they insist on it for whatever reason. Pure unadulterated headcanon.

>Weather report
>best boy

>We're up to part 5 anime now, with that ending soon
>Jjba is popular af now, as well
>Still a scarce amount of female fan art
Will Stone Ocean fix this?

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Fucking giorno, why he is so perfect?

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Why would anyone waste time drawing fan art of female Jojo characters when there are entire genres of anime dedicated to much more attractive female characters?


Damn, nice drawing.

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You could say the same thing about any media with attractive females in them.

I'm sure we'll get some fanart simply because it's Jojo and not necessarily because the female characters are anyone's waifu. Although I'm sure we'll also get some fanart from people who will be excited at how the show is more progressive with a female main character, so also expect a lot of drawings of fat, brownwashed Jolyne with ugly features, a perfect 90° chest, and a more modest outfit.

Dunno how canon purple haze feedback is but on it is said that passione is way stronger under Gio than it was under Diavolo.

>Dunno how canon purple haze feedback is
not canon

I know there will be SOME fanart but people need to stop expecting that any Jojo girl is going to be able to compete with the flavor of the month waifus in terms of lewd fanart.

I could believe that Giorno's idea of having a charismatic leader rather than a paranoid weirdo leader that no one could ever meet in person must have helped a bit, but I still call bullshit on the gang becoming stronger after getting rid of their main source of income.

Post smug KC

> Chasing down a mentally ill man so they can beat him up to death

That man has personally and by proxy killed probably hundreds of people at least and runs a mafia that is destroying italys youth.

Also good luck trying to get him to submit to the police or a mental hospital peacefully.

> Their main source of income

I don't think that kids buying drugs would be the main source of a gangs income.

Even some modern gangs today try to limit their involvement in drugs to some extent because it brings too much police/government attention.

Didn't they want to get rid of the drugs in general? Cause the drug dealing was definitely the main source of income of that gang. Remember that was the reason why the assassins were trying to betray the boss.

You realize your government is just another mafia as well right?

No, Giorno explicitly states when he's talking with Bruno that adults have the right to get into drugs and fuck up their lives all they like.

I presume he's against it being given to kids because they aren't really mentally mature enough to be responsible for all the hardships drugs bring. Or he just thinks its wrong, who knows, I think he mentions he didn't want them being sold to women either.

Why do ppl hate part 6 as much as I've heard? It was pretty damn great imo. I have only read through it once though, so I could've missed something.

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Why didn't they just ask the drug dealers to stop selling to children? What does the boss have to do with any of it?

Main problem people seem to have is that it meanders around a bit too much at the start/the main characters spend too much time separated from each other/many of the stand battles are boring/convoluted, and that the ending was confusing.

Don't really agree with all that, but its usually what comes up in part wars.

They get their orders from the boss, he tells them to sell drugs to kids and they do, why would they listen to some random newbie capo who tells them to stop?


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>They get their orders from the boss,
>he tells them to sell drugs to kids and they do
I don't think that happens. When Bruno recieved emails from the boss, it was treated as a really big deal because he was a capo with a special mission. It would be stupid if Diavolo took the time to email the hundreds of thugs in Passione just to tell them to sell drugs to children, which doesn't even benefit him in any way.

>nazi-loli poster
>not knowing what they're talking about


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uh oh

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He doesn't have to email every single one of them dingus, there's a chain of command even in the mafia, I assume he sends his orders through Doppio to a higher up like Pericolo, who then sends those orders to the other capos, who then instruct their teams on what to do.

>nazi loli

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God I hope they don't go with that, normal yellow GER looks fine, this looks like vomit.

And you think those orders include "sell drugs to kids"?

Jotaro you fucking retard.

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God I am still mad at this, Killer queen is stated to suck at fighting and even though Echoes got powered up and all AND GETTING FUCKING SUPER SPEED, killer queen is still faster.

Im actually fine with GER being the main and secondary colors of giornos suit but inverted.

Organised crime gangs aren't really the types to leave details out, probably something like 'sell drugs to everyone you can'

As it is, Diavolo knows whats going on in his own gang, if he found it morally reprehensible or unnecessary he would have stopped it, but he didn't. A newbie Capo like Bruno yelling about drugs being bad wouldn't have any authority whatsoever, especially considering he wasn't even part of the drug team branch.

I dont think the problem of killer queen is he cant fight, kira yoshikage is the one who cant.

Diavolo didn't know/didn't care about Polpo's secret stash of however many millions he had. He doesn't seem like the kind of person to care about that level of micromanagement, unless it involves covering up his identity.

Makes sense, but being faster than Koichi still makes me mad, I am fine with him losing due to being cornered with teo standa and bigger stand power but at least dont make him fast enough to deflect all attacks, like have Kira struggle against echoes speed and then have koichi lose due to sheer hear attack.

Yeah, i agree on that, missed oppotunities.

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>I barely had any reason to care about the main cast.
>Now it's finally picked up with Diavolo but it's just about over
t. speedwatcher

What does that even mean?

"express a complaint or grumble about something, especially something trivial."

Imagine having to explain that to someone.

I don't know but I'm willing to find out.

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No one wants to see the villain win you retard.

I mean he didn't achieve his goal and was erased from time, I wouldn't really call that winning.

Just because the protags didn't 'win' doesn't mean he did either.

Pucci literally created the SBR universe

>no matter how much I enjoy the series there will always be a filler part
>mfw I'll have to wait 1-2 years for it to get good again

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I wanted Kira to win.

gotta be a little more subtle than that user.

what if hayato retained bites the dust after kira's defeat but it had the restriction of only going off when kira's identity was revealed removed so that hayato was free to go back in time whenever he wanted to and he used his newfound powers to keep rewinding time while /ss/ing his mother shinobu to find her favorite sex positions and eventually discovering that she loves to be fucked in the most rough ways possible so he rewinds one final time and performs only the roughest dirtiest sexual acts on her in order to make her cum extremely hard

i dont have the recent one

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>eating a dead banana
>giving a dead flower to a girl

they are pieces of living things, which means he should have known how to make body parts sooner

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> A single banana or flower are not living

Yes they are? they have living cells in them? Just because they're in the process of dying doesn't mean they're dead yet.

I mean wasn't the implication that he just never really thought of doing that until babyface happened?

Was Araki going through a scat phase in SDC?

I wouldn't say he ever left that phase. Jojo is filled with toilet humor

He just genuinely thinks scat humour is funny.

>people unironically think Kira did nothing wrong
>muh insanity
If some one does many evil things are they just no longer evil and just insane? He could have just ignored those impulsives and gotten help but nope. Or we still joking around no one actually believes this right?

Checked and can I get a template?

what? the man sells drugs to children and wants to murder his innocent daughter. they are more than justified in putting him down?
you want to talk collateral damage? how about killing off half of rome with flesh eating bacteria just to get at your gangster rivals?



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>how about killing off half of rome with flesh eating bacteria just to get at your gangster rivals?
That would be the collateral damage he's talking about since that fight only happened because Bruno's team rebelled.

There's a line you'd cross regardless if it got to the point where you, as an insane murderer, deserve to be put down like a dog that has extreme behavioural issues since there's no way you'll be able to live in society peacefully without hurting people.

As it is, both Kira and Diavolo were lucid enough to know what they were doing was 'wrong' they just didn't care because they only did what they wanted to + could get away with it. Doppio is the only one who at points looks like he's not in control of his own mental faculties or that he's at least heavily influenced by Diavolo's personality, but even then, he's actively shown contempt for human life on his own too, so he's probably beyond saving as much as Diavolo.

Plus when it comes to stand users what the hell are you going to do, big villains can't generally be kept in standard prisons, and even the SWF couldn't really be counted on to keep them under locks for the rest of their lives, so killing them really is the only practical option.

Valentine technically won. Corpse being in America and all that. His ratings also was insanely high at 91%.

Am re reading it and am in savage gardens right know. Only the first part of Manhattan was kinda meh but when it was all a dream and everything after was pretty cool. I remeber thinking it dropped around half way but we will see.

t. speedreader

If you want to pull receipts it only really happened because Diavolo was running such an evil gang that it MADE Bruno/Giorno rebel.

Fact is Diavolo gave the direct order for Cioccolatta to attack.

>If you want to pull receipts it only really happened because Diavolo was running such an evil gang that it MADE Bruno/Giorno rebel.
No, they could have just not rebelled. The gang wasn't so evil that they had no choice.

>>No, we'll keep on doing that stuff, but muh drugs is too far!
There are no assassins left and the drugs are what worsen the lives of thousands.
>have fun getting outcompeted within a generation
Are the other gangs going to get stands too?

Stop selling drugs to kids doesn't mean stop selling them to adults.
Also gambling brings more money.

>if you negate the entire premise of the show then things wouldn't happen
yeah no shit

I mean Polnareff states that crime in Italy was skyrocketing, as well as the fact that drug related deaths had gone up 'by 20 times' more than average, even if we don't know what that average was. I'd say that's a logical enough reason that people would start to rebel against him.

Diavolo could have just quit the gang, it would have been easier to conceal his identity that way and he'd have enough money to live off of for the rest of his life easily.

They WERE the crime that was skyrocketing. If they had a problem with crime then they wouldn't be in a gang.

> They WERE the crime that was skyrocketing
Who? Polnareff says it started happening in 1986, which is well before the main team got involved.


That doesn't really mean much in regards to people rebelling, like I said, with how shitty things were getting in italy it makes sense that even those in the gang itself could see that shit had gone too far/they were crossing a line, especially when it came to taking advantage of kids? Obviously not everyone in the gang thinks that way, but when you're in an organisation that basically spans over an entire country, you're bound to get those that have different values surfacing up, especially in this version of italy that still presents the 'honorable' ganster stereotype as something that can exist in the modern day.

Your inability to understand how people can have shades of morality in-between absolutes is slightly concerning. Not everyone can be Jesus-kun the perfect protag with flawless utilitarian ideals. People can draw personal lines in regards to what they consider good and evil, and this includes people that would be considered "villains" by the common opinion.

>People can draw personal lines in regards to what they consider good and evil,
And the person you're replying to has made it pretty clear where he draws the line. Aren't you the one unable to understand?

Then quit?

>Previously believed Giorno took over the Italian mob to bring peace to Italy
>Nope just drug trade for some odd reason
I don’t think this shitty part could get any worse.

He doesn't have murderous compulsions he's a psycho that decided to kill and dismember women to satisfy his fetish

That won't help unfuck the country now will it?

Only sure fix is kicking out the guy in charge and installing someone at least slightly less evil who would at least bring things down to a normal level, not 'skyrocketing crime and 20 times the normal average of children dying from drug deaths'.

>That won't help unfuck the country now will it?
Better than continuing to commit crimes

>Read Part 7
>its about a cripple and a refugee trying to beat up the President of the United States because of Jesus Christ
Araki's just blatantly stealing from the bible at this stage.

Araki had fuck everything up because Kira would’ve obviously lost right there. Josuke said that during their fight Kira was weak as fuck from his comfy lifestyle but this somehow only applies to the final fight.

Biggest reason why DiU sucks hard.

Since we don't see him in part 6 to stop MiH, I guess he got killed in his sleep by someone with greater ambitions.

Now that would be good writing.

Goodfellas doesn't make you sympathize with them, you're just a speedwatcher

Why did Doppio start to bleed in Buccellatis body? Did they forgot about the empty shell/already dead thing or am i missing something?

>15 year old kid joins the mafia
>becomes godfather in a week
Is this some kind of kids movie?

There is still blood inside Bruno, is not being pumped but is still there so he bleed from being shot.

VA has the worst main plot of any JoJo part but at the same time the main villain would be Kira-tier if he just got expanded on more and Bruno is the second best MC in the series.

It'd unironically be better if it cut Giorno and just gave his screentime to Fugo/Trish plus building up Bruno's friendships.

bruno's body still has blood. not a lot, and he's quickly running out, but there's still blood in there.


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I don't get the hype about Bruno

It's true for Requiem stands. SCR and GER solve very specific problems for their users.

Normal stands are just whatever but can reflect the user's personality sometimes.

Buccellati was keeping his blood in through sheer will power.

>It's true for Requiem stands. SCR and GER solve very specific problems for their users.

>every single user ITT missing the point of Giorno

he doesn't care about drugs. he doesn't care trish. he doesn't care about the children of italy.

he's DIO'S SON. he wants power and control. this whole he has been manipulating Bruno. he correctly inferred that Bruno doesn't like drugs, and thus used that against him to gain his trust.

Giorno is a master manipulator and uses his charisma to rise to the top. it was never about saving people, or doing good things, it was just about being in control (of a crime organization, no less.)

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Imagine being so horny that you will fuck a corpse filled with plankton.

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You know, as a long time Giorno hater I have to admit I would like it if this were true

except araki has said that giorno is supposed to be dio but with a good heart instead of an evil one.

He's a nice guy with a great design, cool fights, and feels actually charismatic when standing up against his opponents. On top of that there's a coherent reason his crew is so loyal to him and his unbreakable resolve to do what he has to to win drives a lot of the main plot.

He's not some masterpiece of character writing but he's a solidly executed protagonist in a part where the actual protag ceases to be a character for the majority of the second act, has little to do with the cast or story, and only sort of comes back to be relevant in the final two arcs. It accentuates Bruno's strengths when he's put next to trash like Giorno.

this is the explanation i like the most

Thank you

you ever notice how giornofags don't seem to be actually able to defend or praise his canon characterisation and always resort to headcanons when trying to explain why they like him?

I've genuinely never seen anyone able to praise him from after Bruno becomes a Capo. It's always just "n-no but you see if you asssume he was actually thinking X, Y, and Z during events Q or W then he's interesting during the rest of the part!!" style shit.

>implying you wouldn't

Nothing really indicates any of this headcanon in the show itself.
Him having a good heart, however, is fact because after all he DID have the intention of stopping the drug trafficking when he became boss.
Which means less power and control for him, but is good for the people.
Plus, if he simply wanted power and control, he could have gone after some other, more easily toppled, mafia. He didn't have to go after the one that is full of stand users led by an anonymous boss with an overpowered stand.

>Not to mention than Giorno and pals cause more collateral damage than any other JoJo until now
No the other people do. Also Part 6 cause so much collateral after fucking up everything resets.

Just got fully caught up with part 8 today, I feel like the excessive quotation marks on everything has gotten way worse than part 7, and I barely even remember it being a thing in part 6. What gives?

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True, it does literally create the SBRverse after all

Heh. I wonder who will take this bait.

Nip version doesn't have as many, I think it's a stylistic thing for the translator where he conveys the emphasis put on those words in nip with them.

why DID araki totally fuck up giorno after the first few battles?

when giorno let bruno live, and gave his speech about rising to the top of passione to end drugs, i thought he was going to be by far the best jojo.

then he fucking murders polpo with a hidden gun the moment he joins the gang. then drinks the piss. then in order to gain abbachios trust he lets himself be 'killed' by soft machine.

these were amazing moments, but then after them giorno basically takes a backseat to the rest of the gang and doesn't fuck all the rest of the story.

Polnareff even says that SCR is acting according to his desire to protect the arrow. Unless you think Araki is using Polnareff to bullshit the readers.

Yeah, it was acting according to his desire. That doesn't mean SCR's ability was based on his desire.

>Unless you think Araki is using Polnareff to bullshit the readers.
He did. Pol was the worst thing about 5.

Well each member had to have a solo fight because otherwise what would be the point of them being around?
Otherwise it would be like the first part of SDC where it's just Jotaro ORAORAORAing a new bad guy every week.
Plus, even when Giorno isn't actively fighting, he's still making observations and coming up with strategies that usually lead to them defeating the enemy. Not to mention him keeping everyone alive with Gold Experience as they are torn apart, impaled, riddled with bullet holes, etc.

My best guess is Araki wanted to flesh out the rest of the crew so he decided to dedicate most arcs to them for a good while and then just fucked up at trying to keep Giorno in focus too.

He has stuff after that like dropping the body heat trivia during Grateful Dead, curing the virus from Purple Haze, fighting Machine Rapist, and assissting vs Ghiaccio but always feels like a secondary character in them since he gets so little character building or focus on his relationships. Ghiaccio is the only one where he actually develops his bond with another member of the crew but it feels out of left field because the praise Mista drops on him is baseless given how little involvement they've had with eachother before that - and that's the best he gets for the entire second act and most of the third.

It takes until Green Day for him to really take lead again and once more it's just with Mista. When Giorno gets upset about Narancia pr Abbacio dying it hardly matters since they're practically strangers to eachother. Throw in the fact the battle against the Boss is really Bruno's own one ultimately and how he's the real leader of the team and closest one to Trish and Giorno is barely relevant to the plot too.

More than any other part, VA did a horrible job developing the protagonist or letting them actually be the lead. I don't think he intended for it to feel that way but he badly messed up balancing the screentime/character focus and did so with a subdued and sort of stoic character like Giorno too which just made it worse.

Fuuuuuuuuuugoooooooo didn't even get a solo fight. That nigga was useless.

this is the other thing that's kinda annoying, how giorno seems to be always be able to instantly figure out the enemies secret every time

>guys he's making us older based on our body temperatures. i realized this within moments of the attack even though i'm supposed to be old and senile now.

>everyone stop moving, i've figured out that diavolo is hiding within one of our bodies because mista's gun broke

DC must've been having a lot of fun with him, I mean look at these angry faces

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I love how KC is basically the villain of part 5. In all the other parts, the stand is just an extension of the villain. But KC is the fuckin bad guy. Diavolo doesn't even matter. Especially with all the soul switching crap. It was such a good idea from DP to have Diavolo talk through the stand rather than have it just stand there scowling.

>>everyone stop moving, i've figured out that diavolo is hiding within one of our bodies because mista's gun broke
that wasn't that hard. The gang nearly got the arrow and Diavolo was nowhere, letting them get the arrow? That was too suspicious

89 years old?

Kira's sadism rivals Dio's. He's even got "dog torture" checked off.

It's very Part 3-esque

Why did the boss start a drug trade anyway? Wouldn't that just create more opportunities for his identity to get discovered?

More money = more power
And it's not like it has anything to do with his identity, his subordinates are the ones doing all the trading

He was a freak of nature anyway, and I don't say that because of his split personality shit. I say it because it took like 18 months before he was born.

And I still don't understand why finding out his identity was so important, hell I don't even think Giorno understands what it means to be a crime boss.

>Even within mafia rings this is unacceptable
I'm pretty sure that the Camorra gang did some shit that's way worse then selling drugs to kids.

>I say it because it took like 18 months before he was born
He wanted to make sure he was ready for the world

He went from nothing to full grown baby overnight

One theory I like is to do with Diavolo being the literal devil in some respects, possessing a young church boy at birth and "convincing the world he didn't exist" - so by associating the main antagonist with KC rather than Doppio's fucked up body you get a better sense of the "evil spirit" thing going on.

That's when he was ready

I wish Araki wrote side stories for part 5 like the Rohan stuff. I don't want it to end desu.

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Been a while since the first episode so I don't remember but is it ever mentioned that Giorno is technically Jonathan's son?

No, but the fact that he has the birthmark implies it considering the only reason Dio has it is because he has Jonathan’s body. Just never explicitly stated.

The entire point of the gang warfare and “Gangstar” culture to begin with is that the politicians and government of Italy is already corrupt, the gangs already rule the country

Giorno taking over just means that hes now essentially the president of Italy. As well as being the most powerful man in Italy with GER and loved by his gang.

>the politicians and government of Italy is already corrupt
By the gangs

More of the gang at Olive Garden like the beginning and Sleeping Slaves would be fun. Or Doppio breaking his Bossu out of the death loop and staying as ghosts together.

Someone counted for anime, he fired 152 bullets overall, 29 hit him (21 of those were in the White Album fight, that kinda messed up this stat)

If government officials bend over to bribes from gangs then they themselves were corrupt.

People are just shit. Thats the long and short of it. But some people like Giorno and Bruno have peoples better interests at heart rather than craving personal power and wealth

I guess another way you can look at it is, if a government is allowing drugs being sold to kids, bribery, all sorts of underhanded shit, but they’re in power, they’re just a gang by a different name.

Purple Haze Feedback and Golden Heart, Golden Ring exist, even if its not specifically by Araki he did the art and gave it his approval

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I like to think Doppio met with Trish’s mum in Heaven


>fanfic trash

Doppio was a good boy, just lonely and stupid. Another one of Diavolos victims
He deserves a good ending

I feel bad for animeonlies. The SDC manga is super comfy, but the anime is such a boring slog to get through.

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No, he was just as bad as Diavolo if not worse

Araki's main villains don't get good endings or go to heaven
>inb4 b-but doppio isn't a main villain
Araki considers him one, deal

Why do people think Stands have to have some kind of rule rhyme or reason to them?? They’re literally mutations from alien germs from a meteorite.

Ok sure you can probably bullshit super science explain why some stand powers reflect personalities and desires as the germs using the hosts brain to create solutions to survival problems to help them propagate their own survival, but nature (especially whacko alien nature) is never perfect

What did Doppio even do thats so bad??He seems like a meat puppet that Diavolo uses to hide in for 90% of his screen time and doesnt even remember the bad shit Diavolo does or tells him to do

>They’re literally mutations from alien germs from a meteorite.

t. fujo

Doppiofags disgust me.

He's a gangster

>Diavolo being the literal devil
I learn something new this day

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>scarface a 5/10
>Goodfellas makes you sympathize with mafiosi

The whole point is that either you snitch or get killed by some antisocial guido because of a petty insult.

Diavolo is the one who holds him back

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Fuck I am going to miss so much our weekly dose of King Crimson.


Its a meme but that doesnt mean its not true.
First time reading part 6 I had never heard anything about it and I had to skim read that fight due to sheer fucking boredom

even that big pimple on his forehead is happy

>wu tomoki
what the fuck is araki's problem
why are there so many weird fetishes in part 8


Diavolo is just straight up italian for devil too user

Its the first jojo set in the modern day
JoJo was already weird as shit in the past, now it has to out-weird the modern real life weirdness

Doppio a best.
I want protag Doppio.

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why do you think reddit is one person?

>first jojo set in the modern day.
Doesnt that apply to stardust crusaders at the time.

Why didn't the gang just write the boss a police formal letter asking him to end the drug trade and carefully explaining how it causes a negative impact on society and is ultimately an economic drain that prevents them from capitalizing on other areas they could more successfully exploit?

Because they are retards

*polite formal letter

fucking moralfag

where would they mail it to?

Polpo's prison

I'm sure they could pass it up the chain of command somehow.

Not an argument.
Well geez, if the movies aren't about mafia sympathy, it sure was a waste of screentime to devote so many scenes to try and make gangsters look like relatable, human figures.
Yeah, and nobody pretends the government are good guys.
I'm not asking for Jesus, I'm asking for protagonists that aren't directly enforcing organised crime as their life's fucking ambition.
Again, what's the point of all the humanisation and attempts to explain the protagonist's slide into criminal life if not to inspire sympathy?
That's a terrible basis for a story, but getting back on topic, it has nothing to do with Part 5 which just completely glorifies Giorno's gangster ideal even though it's objectively shitty.

>muh mental illness
The dude runs the fucking mafia. If they were just trying to beat up some random tard it'd be a different story, you don't leave a fucking tard in charge of a crime organization.


Why is everyone equating giornos goal to him just wanting to get into the drug trade.
Maybe im just shoving my own headcannons into the story but im pretty sure giorno wanted to improve the quality of life for all of italy and decided to tackle what he percived to be the biggest problem, making a better future for those around him much like the gang member he saved did for him.

How do I get a Hol Horse tulpa?

*Rid of

>first JoJo set in the modern day
Stardust Crusaders was modern when it was written. Diamond is Unbreakable, Golden Wind and Stone Ocean we’re all set in the future when they were written.

He literally never says he's gonna do that though. And he isn't an especially moral person himself so you can't assume he will.

>Again, what's the point of all the humanisation and attempts to explain the protagonist's slide into criminal life if not to inspire sympathy?
To write a compelling story that people are willing to read or watch from start to finish, ie to make money from your works. Not everyone wants to write stories where the bad guys are puppy-kicking grandma slaying monsters.


holy shit

Giorno thought that the mob was the only viable way to make things better for anyone since the mob was the only thing that made his life better. The fact that he was rewarded for saving a man's life also made him have a rosy view of the mob, thinking it was possible to do good as a mobster without it being built on someone's death or miserable exploitation. Giorno thus has a (largely mistaken) idealized notion of the mob vs. the hideous, corrupt reality that Diavolo represents.

>much like the gang member he saved did for him.
All he did was use his influence to give Giorno special treatment, that guy didn't actually do anything for society

You’re right user, but the average Yea Forums poster is a fucking mouth breathing retard, underage or both. Keep that in mind when reading opinions here, 9/10 times they don’t actually understand what they’re talking about enough to have an informed opinion but they’ll fucking share it anyway.

Case in point

>"Know your place, Bucciarati. I'm not going to brother the boss with trivial bullshit like drugs being sold to kids. You're a trusted member of the organization but you're still an underling."
Polpo takes a sip of wine
>"Besides, the kids would still get drugs anyway. If we don't sell them drugs, then the people we sell the drugs to will in turn sell them to kids. Besides, it's not like actively seek out children to sell drugs to. They come to us, we're neutral and don't care who gets the drugs as long as we get the money. Do you expect every single drug dealer we have to start carding their customers? Will customers all need to show their ID's now to prove they're of-age? And isn't it hypocritical, Bucciarati, that you don't want kids doing drugs but are perfectly fine with an adult doing it and destroying their lives? Are you perfectly content with an 18 year old being addicted to drugs, but a 17 year old being addicted is over the line?"
Polpo finishes his wine
>"Besides, I doubt the Boss even knows who we sell drugs to. Hell, I didn't even know until you told me. There's a separate branch that deals drugs. All they do is go out onto the street and find buyers. As long as they come back with money, we don't care. Are you going to start keeping tabs on the hundreds of drug dealers in Italy? I don't like drugs either, Bucciarati, but maybe you should take your complaints to the drug capo and quit wasting my time. I'm sure he'll be delighted to hear a fellow gang member preach to him about how unethical it is to sell drugs to children. Nevermind the murders, extortion, assassinations, blackmailing, and gambling that is also ruining lives. No, go ahead and tell him morally superior you are for frowning upon him selling drugs to a thirteen year old. Get out of here, Bucciarati. You're a member of a criminal organization, now act like it."

This would have been a better ending than what we got

I still think the anti-drugs motivation was ok but boy this was based I have to admit.

That's why it's important to stress the economic advantages to ending the drug trade. Obviously the idea will never sell on pure sympathy alone, duh. Make a good enough sales pitch and Polpo might at least see enough value in it to consider passing it up the chain.

And if like you suggest the boss himself is unaware of the trade, then you could ask for special permission to eliminate the dealers in the name of weeding out weaker members of the gang.

>economic advantages
Like what?

Getting someone addicted to drugs is basically like owning them. They'll spend every penny they have for more drugs. The younger you get them addicted, the longer they will be a 'customer'

You are correct in that he absolutley thought that the only way he could have made any change was with the mob and you are right that at one point he had rose tinted glasses thanks to the member that showed him kindness, but it should be mentioned that giorno is fully aware in how corrupt the mafia is by the time part 5 starts seeing as he joined strictly so he could take over and fix it from the inside.
I would have more to say but im losing my train of thought.

t. retard
every dealer is a subordinate and it takes just a glance to tell a boy from a man
every dealer who doesnt obey gets murked

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why did diavolo drop his sailor dream for muhfia?

How long do you think the 7 page punch will last?

When he got King Crimson he realised he could aim a lot higher in life since killing him was nigh impossible.

It already happened, that was against Cioccolata. Diavolo just got a two page spread iirc.

You just make the user pregnant with a self reliant stand that gestates and pops out in a few weeks.

that wouldve only been a cover, like the passione mafiosi working as clerks during the day

He already gave up on the sailing thing before he got king crimson

King Crimson's faces and especially Epitaph's have always been a treat

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Oh crap, I must have skipped ahead and not not-...

Based on Naranacia's dialogue here it sounds like selling drugs to kids is an individual choice and not an order from higher up

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Please just fucking kill yourself

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not the same user, but here it is

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He only wanted to be a sailor after meating Donatella, so maybe she wanted him to fuck her on a boat

She was a tourist on vacation so maybe he wanted to be a sailor to visit her.

Mordern day as in, the 2010s. Not set when it was written
As in we are living in especially strange times compared to previous decades

JoJolion is set in 2011 and started in 2011. Stone Ocean is also set in 2011 but started in 2003. I don’t get the distinction you’re trying to point out with JoJolion, JoJo has been set in the 2010s before and it’s also been in a contemporary and futuristic (for their respective times) settings before.

>dicking around rohan kishibe on tv tropes
> No Export for You: Invoked. His comics have Taiwanese and French translations, but no English. According to Rohan, the American industry has no taste and won't publish him.


Part 1: takes place over the 1880s, written in 1987
Part 2: takes place in 1937, written from 1987-1989
Part 3: takes place in 1987, written from 1989-1992
Part 4: takes place in 1999, written from 1992-1996
Part 5: takes place in 2001, written from 1996-1999
Part 6: takes place in 2011-2012, written from 2000-2003
Part 7: takes place in 1890, written from 2004-2011
Part 8: takes place in 2011, written from 2011-????

cant believe jojolion will exceed the 100 chapters pretty huge hyped about it desu

Given how long SBR’s final arc took to publish (chapter 60, originally called ‘To the Grounds of the Final Battle in the magazine release to the final chapter was 3 whole years) and how much more stuff is going on in JoJolion than SBR, I’d say there’s a good chance it’ll break 150 as well. It’s 100% going to be the longest Part at any rate.

and it's a good thing people complain about part 5 and 6's rushed ending and yet they're constantly bitching about part 8 being ''slow''

6’s ending still worked for me since all the information you needed to understand it completely was right there, just delivered incredibly quickly in the last three chapters. But yeah, idiots will be idiots. People said the exact same thing about SBR back in the day, but the moment it was finished they started calling it the greatest work of fiction ever produced. They’ll be the exact same with JoJolion, they just lack patience and reading comprehension.


I don’t know what in particular you’re yikesing about user be clear and decisive. I don’t like things that are vague.

It's unironically the worst fight in jojo and maybe even the only fight that is truly bad with next to no good qualities. There's a reason people hate it and it's not a meme

Then why does Araki portray them as perfect human beings

"What you need is my Stand "The World".

What you can find beyond the powers of my Stand is where you need to go in order to find Heaven. What you need is a trustworthy friend. He must be someone capable of controlling his own desires. He must be someone who is not interested in political power, fame, wealth, or sexual desire, and who chooses the will of God before the law of humans.

Will I, DIO, be able to meet someone like this one day?

What I also need is the lives of more than 36 humans who have sinned, because those who have sinned harbor a strong power within.

There are 14 phrases that one must keep in mind:

Spiral staircase (らせん階段 Rasen Kaidan)
Rhinoceros beetleW (カブト虫 Kabutomushi)
Desolation RowW (廃墟の街 Haikyo no machi)
Fig tart (イチジクのタルト Ichijiku no taruto)
Rhinoceros beetle (カブト虫 Kabutomushi)
Via dolorosa (ドロローサへの道 Dororōsa e no michi)
Rhinoceros beetle (カブト虫 Kabutomushi)
Singularity point (特異点 Tokuiten)
Giotto (ジョット Jotto)
Angel (天使エンジェル Enjeru)
Hydrangea (紫陽花 Ajisai)
Rhinoceros beetle (カブト虫 Kabutomushi)
Singularity point (特異点 Tokuiten)
Secret emperor (秘密の皇帝 Himitsu no Kōtei)
I'll engrave these words onto my Stand so I won't forget them. What is most necessary is "courage"; I must have the courage to destroy my Stand momentarily. As it disintegrates, my Stand will absorb the souls of the 36 sinners and will give birth to something utterly new.

Whatever is born will "awaken". It will show interest in the 14 words that my trusted friend will utter... My friend will trust me and I will become his "friend".

Lastly, I need an appropriate location. North latitude, 28 degrees, 24 minutes, West longitude 80 degrees, 36 minutes...

Go there and wait for the New Moon...

That's when Heaven will come."

This is how heaven works. Is there any meaning to this or is it just Araki making shit up?

the rhinoceros beetles are Morioh, Nero Nero island, England and the requiem arrow

I think it’s random esoteric shit Dio dreamt up during his hundred years of solitude at the bottom of the ocean which he then researched in his readings to make a reality. Just some black magic shit, as there’s different kinds of supernatural phenomena in the series. The actual phrases are most likely completely meaningless phrases he chose purely because no one would ever possibly have any reason to say those exact words in that exact order unless they knew to say them ahead of time, to prevent someone other than his ‘friend’ obtaining the power of heaven by accident.

How do SOtists defend this garbage?

> Why does Araki portray them as perfect human beings

I mean, he really doesn't, he just portrays them as sympathetic people, even though they ARE mostly fuckups.

But still,
> Abbacchio is a bitchy asshole who lost faith in the police system and got his partner killed
> Narancia has a hair trigger temper and acts like a stupid violent kid 90% of the time
> Fugo is a psychopath
> Mista is another idiot like Narancia who canonically mugged people he didn't like for spending money and is generally always a 'shoot first ask questions later' kind of person

Bruno and Giorno are the only 'good boys' but even then, they have no real issue with using violence to get what they want, and aside from the whole 'selling drugs to women and kids' thing that they want to get rid of, they are still absolutely fine with breaking the law doing gang shit.

It gets just as much explanation as the different manifestations of Jesus and the wacky shit his corpse pulls in SBR or the weird alien soul invasion from Golden Wind, so it’s not exactly stand out in that capacity.

Bro, they're gangsters, what'd you expect?


They conveniently put it under the rug while screaming MUH JOLYNE IS AWESOME LESBIAN.

Diavolo's VA is so fucking good. Him and Bruno sound absolutely perfect and his hybrid voice is like warm honey.

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Bruno ascends to heaven carried by angels

That's just jojo deaths, Iggy got to go to heaven too despite being an asshole for 99% of his life just because he saved Polnareffs ass at the last minute.

Being an asshole doesnt mean you’re a bad person

Not an SBRfag but what's wrong with Jesus? He had supernatural powers and so did his corpses. Literally the same as stand arrows in that regard. The only stupid thing about it is that it only exists in one universe since that's not how alternate dimensions work. And the new human thing in VA was weird as fuck, but explained pretty well. It's switching out humans and animals with beings from another dimension

All dogs go to heaven

Just saying, it doesn't seem to take much to get you into heaven in Jojo, as long as you aren't ouright evil and killing innocents left and right.

>He's crazy, so that makes all the crimes he oversees as the mafia boss and those he commits himself perfectly okay!

>read part 1
>it's actually about brothers fighting against each other with the power of the sun ans vampirism
Araku trully has no more creative backbon in him

>Didn't watch the anime


>Watch Part 4
>It's a bunch of self-righteous assholes harassing a department store worker who just wants to live a quiet life

With Jesus it’s mostly just unexplained abilities that never show up again and exist purely for plot convenience, like the eyes having a guardian Stand protecting them which no other parts do, or the whole Goddess thing with Lucy at the end. It’s all weird esoteric stuff that Valentine knew with zero explanation or set up that functions to give him a power up. It’s not necessarily bad, I like both, but it’s exactly the same thing as the heaven plan in Stone Ocean only the corpse has a loose basis in real world mythology.

Yeah you're imoral

God you are such a pussy. I dont say this often but seriously have sex

BASICALLY if you have a good soul. Examples of assholes with good souls:

>Every jojo protagonist and gang

DEEPAATO. Its in Japan remember

>every jojo protagonist
Who is jonathan?

Sounds like a pretty smooth criminal.

Kira wanted a quiet life on top of being able to freely commit murders. He didn't deserve the quiet life.

>Valentine knew with zero explanation or set up that functions to give him a power up
Well he got the heart by accident. And he had a map. He could reasonably assume that if he got all the parts he could gain great power. The only thing that bugs me is when he used the eyes to project a hologram and also talk to Lucy? Do I remember that right?
>With Jesus it’s mostly just unexplained abilities that never show up again and exist purely for plot convenience
I mean yeah. But that makes it inconsistent, not seemingly random and cryptic like Heaven

Nah, see, he's mentally ill, so that makes the whole "murdering women to satisfy his hand fetish" thing okay.

That's the point, dude. Of course you can make it seem like the protagonists are a bunch of assholes targeting a mentally ill dude for no reason if you strip out every ounce of context.

Why didn't Kira just schedule dates with women and ask for hand jobs?

>Kept his mother under a concrete floor with her mouth sewn shut
>Murdered his adoptive father
>Runs a massive criminal organization that basically controls all of Italy
>Knowingly employs sadists, psychopaths, and murderers
>Wanted to murder his 15 year old daughter simply because she was a connection to his past
But, yeah, Diavolo did nothing wrong and Bucciarati's team are evil for wanting to stop him.

Because he doesn't like women, he just wants to strangle the life out of them and take their hand.

Because he has a compulsive urge to kill people and he isn't interested in any parts of the women beyond their hands.

>That's the point
>literally the opposite of a point

They literally shoe diferent groups and each function you retard they are responsible for extortions i think

>Make a point of leaving out that Kira kills people just like OP leaves out that Diavolo also has no problem with cold blooded murder in order to make it seem like the respective protagonists are just assholes looking to beat up a mentally ill person for no good reason
>People somehow don't see the parallel

>four beetles
I bet their names are John, Ringo, Paul and George.

>Kira is a villain that has no malice toward other human beings.
Yeah, no, Kira knows what he does is wrong and enjoys it. He wouldn't want to be cured, he'd want to continue murdering in secrecy.

>My point is that Kira is a villain that has no malice toward other human beings
Why are Kirafags so retarded? What is it about Kira that attracts these kinds of people?

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He gets to wake up at 9:00 AM!? What was his original job?

only hopeless f/a/ggots prefer the new verse

Uh, she was rude to Kira and made fun of his nail clipper. She totally deserved it, especially the part where he clipped her boyfriend's ears to hers and then vaporized her.

No malice intended, of course.

>o civilians aren't just wandering around the back of a shoestore on a lesser traveled road WOW SHIT PART 0/10
part7 fag found. cry more that 7 is same face syndrome bullshit.

There's nothing about part 7 in that post


whats wrong with you

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Except Cioccolata states that B.I.G attacked the gang 3 days before he does.

Is that the hour long special?

Do we have any idea if that's just gonna be Rolling Stone or what?

Dio was the protagonist of part 1

This will undoubtedly come back up.

Can someone post that page from Ozone Baby?

What happened to the Joestar bloodline? It literally gets worse every generation.
>Jonathan is a perfect gentleman
>Joseph is a grifter asshole
>Jotaro is a delinquent
>Josuke is delinquent bastard
>Giorno is a gangbanger
>Jolyne is a convicted felon

Based, same with Part 4. Araki's artstyle for it is really cute too.

He was in Disneyland you dumb speedreader.

>green experience

I'm sure FF took the body because the woman was dead so...

>With Jesus it’s mostly just unexplained abilities that never show up again and exist purely for plot convenience
So just like the Bible then

Race mixing is the reason.

same reason why every generation of people irl is worse and worse

Johnathan isn't a saint, he feeds grapes to dogs and tortures frogs for fun.

Jonathan sucked up all the purity in the bloodline.

Doppio IS Diavolo, just stupider and younger.


>most likely SBRetard
>we found magic string that heals all your injuries
>all the corpse part bullshit
>D4C literally changes its powers halfway through its reveal arc
>alternate world Diego has the world instead of scary monsters because reasons
>the "corpse is jesus but we wont SAY its jesus because reasons
>same face syndrome
>steven steel married to a literal teenager is somehow not creepy
SBRetards defend this garbage?

You mean Diavolo is Doppio but smarter and older

Jolyne is on about the same level as Jotaro and Josuke is probably the closest to Jonathan. Joseph is a scum in-universe and so is Giorno to some extent

I was thinking of how the anime clearly portrays young Diavolo as akin to Doppio.

I love that shit though

to be fair jolyne was framed for some of it and had a shitty lawyer

>Not everyone wants to write stories where the bad guys are puppy-kicking grandma slaying monsters.
Ironically this was Jojo during parts 1-3

Fuck those cunts m8.

How does it feel being a massive faggot?

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They're his "Golden Boys". Hence the name Golden Wind.

I was still wavering on whether you were baiting or just autistic until this post, but now you've confirmed it

Remember that
>Joseph fought against a god and sent him into space.
>Jotaro and Joseph ended the job Jonathan started by also saving the world from the incarnation of evil.
>Josuke and Jotaro saved some women from an invencible serial killer
>Giorno sent to a death loop one of the most powerful stand user and "saved" Italia from the mafia.
>Jolyne and Jotaro died trying to stop the most powerful stand, letting Emporio to finish the black priest so he can't do whatever the fuck he wanted to do.

Please don't lewd the wife of Mista.

Remember that the author is from a country that has such a stigma against drugs that your career can be ruined from some light cannabis use

what do you think trish's pussy smells like

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>not becoming wife of literally the most powerful man in Italy, and probably the world

Exactly, that's Mista.

Giorno is only for Mista

Animeonlies are getting this totally wrong. Diavolo's mom wasn't pregnant for 18 months, she was in an all female prison with no male guards for 18 months, and then she suddenly became pregnant.

>Jolyne is a convicted felon
Uh, you do know that she was wrongfully convicted to lure in Jotaro so Pucci could steal his memory disc, right?

Then she murdered a man in cold blood right after anyway.

You have it mixed up. Diavolo's mom was pregnant for two years in the manga and became suddenly pregnant after two years in the anime.

>alternate world Diego has the world instead of scary monsters because reasons
Diego only had Scary Monsters because of Dr. Ferdinand. Sandman and Soundman having two different abilities also goes to show that an alternate universe counterpart isn't necessarily going to have the same stand as the "prime" universe version.

Someone explain to me how Diavolo killed Narancia when he can’t interact with anything in the erased time because I wanna fucking KNOW

If KC cant interact with anything then he can only use it for positioning and fuckig with opponents reactions. Essentially always being in the right spot at the right time
Yet somehow he manages to just YEET Narancia into the air into the air bars without anyone noticing??

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Araki does not follow his own rules

How does D4C powers change mid way? Or are you talking about love train?
>we wont say its Jesus even though it is
If this bothers you you legit have autism
>lucy and Mr.steel marriage is creepy
Did speed read or something bud? Also its such a blatant allegory for Mary and Joseph you can not be this dumb.
>Same face syndrome
>every example that is used is that ONE (1) volume cover
>every chapter does not have same face problems
Bait or contrarian speed reader won't get any more (you)s from me

Where does it say or is it shown that KC cant interact with Erased time? He is able to move and interact whatever is erased. Its not that hard or am I over simplifying it?

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>twist Narancia's neck from behind
>impale him just in case

curry sweat. she's a spicy girl.

To be fair Jojolion Kira has the same stand but he uses it for medical purposes.

>Sandman and Soundman having two different abilities also goes to show that an alternate universe counterpart isn't necessarily going to have the same stand as the "prime" universe version.

Please don't adopt fanfic as canon.

that's fucking stupid, if the "base" universe is the central universe then it only makes fucking sense diego should have scary monsters across them all to be fucking consistent, D4C still is valentines stand, even though they don't know it in other universes its still HIS stand the world isn't diegos stand. fuck you and fuck your part 7 felation stupid same face syndrome faggot.

>”Actions during skipped time are meaningless, only results remain!”
>If he could interact with things during skipped time then why doesnt he just go around donutting people like Dio could, making it a strictly better version of Za Warudo
Honestly the more I try to make sense of KC the less sense it makes

This makes sense because it would be quiet to an extent

user you don't liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~ke the "fact" that 'everyone' talks like 「this」?

Nice get but, when we first see sandman, he is useing sand and not sound and his sister snd tribe call him sandman. Soundman comes and says no my tribe calls me soundman. And how hr is introduced adds more credibility. Its not the worst fancannon.

>when does D4C change powers
the beginning of the reveal arc it does one thing where it brings separate universes together the whole "who shot johnny joestar" bullshit and suddenly now it travels between and to different universes instead of bringing them together
>if it bothers you
its more of a personal gripe, ill grant you that one
>muh allegory
yea you can say literally anything is a fucking allegory you stupid faggot, doesn't make it good or not creepy.
>contrarian speed reader
reading every part 5 times over is speed reading I guess.

lets also not forget araki wrote himself into a corner almost as hard as he did in part 5 so he had to make tusk act 4 stupid in order to give johnny a shot at beating D4C and The World
also diego has the world in one universe and scary monsters in the base because people can have different stands across universes appearantly even though valentine keeps D4C
youre right he gives them D4C its still valentine keeping D4C.
>every example is that one example
no that's the most obvious, the style got so homogenized on my first read if it wasn't for their stupid outfits I would have confused them super hard with each other

those are some big YIKES from me bud, heres (you)r only one stupid part 7 faggot.

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But Holy Corpse didn't exist which if how Diego got Scary Monsters. Also "central universe" only means that it has corpse in it, nothing more

>reading every part 5 times over is speed reading I guess
> diego has the world in one universe and scary monsters in the base because people can have different stands across universes appearantly even though valentine keeps D4C
and you somehow missed in your five read through that scary monster was Ferdinand's stand?

Yea, when he was alive.

>It's been over a decade
>Still don't know what happened in Philedelphia
So who shot Johnny?

Diego got scary monsters from Ferdinan, Steel was not sexually interessted in lucy, d4cs power didnt change he could always bring people from other universes which is what he did in d4c.

>tfw no Diavolo to keep in your basement and rehabilitate

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KC doesn't make sense altogether because it works differently at times.

Fucking everybody

>>its actually about a bunch of self righteous assholes chasing down a mentally ill man so they can beat him up to death
Well, that dude is also a serial killer.
>Not to mention than Giorno and pals cause more collateral damage than any other JoJo until now
They're all fucking mafia members. One of them is related to fucking Dio. This makes all of them horrendous people when you step back from their individual facets of heroism.

Bruno is arguably the only one of the heroes who is a good guy, and he has absolutely no qualms about revenge killings on behalf of the mafia group (i.e. checking up on Gio when Leaky-Eyed Luca ended up dead).

I miss naraciafag bros. Hope he's doing well

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Rape isn't rehabilitation user

>Demonstrates some kind of sand related ability when introduced
>Suddenly has sound powers when he shows up later unter Valentine's employ and calls himself Soundman now
>Valentine is definitely willing to bring in help from alternate worlds.

It amazing the length people go to to shitpost on Part 7. It has some stinkers of course but D4C is not one of them.
>shitting on Tusk 4 as an asspull
>when its legit not only not an asspull but the least asspull win
OH MY SAME STAND and OH MY ARROW are far worse but even then aeast for the former it was still a fun fight. Same with OH MY RED STONE.

Its not creepy because he never touched her and did it to protect her. Did you speed read through that as well?
>Wojack image

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He only had SM because of Dr. Ferdinand, though, he wasn't born with it.

This shit is basically a Zombies easter egg. I fucking love it.

He's a mob boss not serial killer.


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>relatable, human figures
You're the one who lacks humanity if you can't see the fact that being a bad person makes them no longer human. Calling someone "scum" as if that means they can't be relatable is just ignorant. Someone can be a terrible, evil person and still have relatable aspects about them.

From what I understand, the minor villains are awful while the big bad Pucci is amazing. It's definitely the weakest part overall and I'm saying this as someone who loves part 6.
Anasui should have stayed a girl

Thanks doc

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Blame Araki's editors for that

I know how king crimson works but
How the fuck does baby face works?

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That was a cool panel and I cant wait for it to get animated
Would Araki really have ended the non basturd line of Joestars with a lesbain though?

Can't stop me

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>Mista's eyes are always a simple black void
>on rewatch realize that after the body swap Trish!Mista now has Diavolo's weird triangle eye gleam
This is why you're the master DP

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Yo Yo Ma being bad is the meme. Dragon's Dream is actually bad.

That's how Mista's eyes are. He has pacman eyes when he's determined or shocked.

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I mean in the games Pink Giorno had white Gold Experience and we didn't get white Gold Experience in the anime so I think we'll be fine.

schizophrenia sure is wild

>Spice Girl with small boobs

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>didn't watch the anime
unironically based
major cringe

>into the world quickly
what world? Jojo is based in real life Earth you massive retarded faggot
kill yourself

better yet, how does dragon stream works?

>manga only

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>Collect a DNA sample of target
>Locate an adequate female body
>"impregnate" female using DNA sample
>Homunculus/stand hybrid is formed presumably having different abilities every time
>The homuculus isn't bound to the user like a normal stand so it has basically infinite range and doesn't hurt the user, making it ideal for discreet assassinations.
>Because the homunculus doesn't really have a user, Melone must give it in-depth instructions or else risk it fucking up.
Kind of complicated but pretty easy to understand. Underrated stand imo.

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>It was such a good idea from DP to have Diavolo talk through the stand
You know he does that in the manga right.

The devil thing is metaphorical. He's not literally satan or a demon, but he is a dark alternate personality of the (relatively) sweet and innocent Doppio. In a sense he is "possessing" him.

>le jolyene and annasui were going to be butch prison lesbians but araki's bigot editors stopped him
When will this meme end?

What I want to know is what happened to all the previous homunculi Melone made. They must have pretty short lifespans.

Yeah if anything Araki would have played for fem Anansui to be a jealous rival in love. Look at the lyrics of the Jolyne song.

never, like all the other shitty memes retards made up in 2007

>that face
Jesus christ, how horrifying

Nah, it feels like female annasui would have been a love interest for Weather, especially since they first appeared right next to eachother.

When the "Araki had to write Fugo out of the plot because Purple Haze was too strong!" meme dies.

>Nah, it feels like female annasui would have been a love interest for Weathe

No that's what I'm saying. Jolyne might have
also loved him too, or Anasui would have feared she would take him away from her.

Baby Face is a computer/laptop, thus has no real combat ability
Its power is to create sub-stands
It does this by collecting details on a woman victim using pseudoscience shit like horoscopes and kama sutra.
Once it has a full database entry, it basically rapes the woman victim and causes her body to spawn a sub-stand.
This substand is automatic and long range and can be be educated by baby face’s user.

Realistically the substand changes depending on the host that babyface rapes

The one we see in the show seemed to have the power to change objects into cubes and rearrange genetic makeup

Everything but the face is great, I think you're trying to copy the anime style too much but it's not working. Her eyes are way too large and her head in general is too small. Try to practice facial proportions a bit first.

Now the real question is, how long does Babyface rape the woman for and does Melone feel it? I feel like it would cause he's a big fucking pervert, wouldn't be surprised if he's on a sex offenders list.

When the "Araki had planned for Josuke to save himself but he forgot" meme dies.

I love how different KC looks then in the manga yet how much more expressive he is as a trade-off.

why are they black

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>more expressive
He just looks goofy as shit in the anime, its awful

Because whitewashing is bad but blackwashing is good

He probably absorbs them back into the computer or kills them or maybe they self destruct once they've completed their mission. Idk it doesn't really matter.

>He just looks goofy as shit in the anime, its awesome

Minor villains in 6 are mostly eh. Better than in 3 honestly.
Both parts have memorable minor villains, like Rikiel, Donatello, D'Arby or Vanilla Ice but the mayority are pretty forgetabble
Pucci is indeed amazing and part 6 also makes up by having him in person fighting from extremely early. Out of all the villains in the series he is fought the most times, and he isnt overbearing like Diavolo with KC, Whitensnake is strong, but its powers are mainly utility and even Jolyne alone completely overwhelms him on close combat. The fact that he gets his shit kicked in often and he has to work HARD to make stuff work makes you root for him.
Also hes a meme fountain like no other.

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I wonder what Araki would say if you showed this to him. He sounded pretty embarrassed in that one interview where the guy was going on and on how he's happy Pucci and Dio were gay.

The beggining is really strong with Pucci making his own in the fuckign second fight of the whole thing.
It meanders at the mid point, especially since Emporio and Hermes dont show up there, and they are they best.

Valentine wanted to use the corpses power on the whose USA.
The corpse needed an owner. It didnt work locked in the vault. He failed completely

actually ftfy, and reminder that DavPro is a shit tier studio doing a shit tier job and no amount of turd choking can change that fact

These are just from like 2 episodes, weve gotten even more wack crimson in the current fight with Requiem

This one is the worst, honestly.

I think
>The World was meant to have the abilities of ALL stands!
is worse than that

Fuck, I'm going to miss King Crimson's goofy-ass expressions when Part 5 is over

no, its
>Doppio is the original personality!

What's even worse is
>Requiem grants whatever desire you have in that moment!

>Was described as "sweet, but kind of dimwitted" growing up
>Doppio isn't the original personality

The point is that there is no "original" they're both original

Well, I guess I won't be going anywhere into the industry like I planned anytime soon. Thanks for the feedback, though. I'll stop posting.

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But that actually holds up under scrutiny, though.

"I need to keep the arrow away from Diavolo!"
>Chariot Requiem is entirely focused on keeping the arrow the fuck away from everybody
"I need a way to defeat Diavolo's OP stand ability!"
>Gold Experience Requiem is a hard counter to King Crimson's ability

That would have been pretty cool, araki could have made the analogy that Diavolo is literally a type of devil possessing Doppio

Shame he forgot

I honestly wont mind the hiatuses like what we got in JJL if he gets to re-read old stuff in order to remember older plans and make a better story

No, please keep posting!

The anime sort of made it so they are both original with the newborn eye color change.
In the manga it was always more mysterious

They may have both existed from the start, but Doppio was the dominant personality at first

Could have been similar to the spirit from an other dimension possessing everybody because of SCR

No, under scrutiny it falls apart when Polnareff gained the same stand years apart under different situations
Stop with this headcanon you picked up from youtuber retards

He didnt forget, Diavolos backstory is introduced towards the very end of the manga. Araki deliverately made it wack as hell. Diavolo and Doppio are just some mystery thing going on, its meant to not make a lot of sence, the idea is for it to be very ambigous

Another personality was implied to have developed later from childhood troubles.

Chariot Requiem first activation lasted for like 10 seconds before Polpol took it away from it. We dont know if people would have swapped when they woke up or if something else would happen.
Chariot is still the ultimate defender of the arrow, and Gold Experience is the ultimate fighting machine
