Is the girl in red gay or something?

Is the girl in red gay or something?

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She is gay for my benis

Toesucker is a lot of things, but gay she is not.

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She's Sabersexual

How often can you faggots talk about the same inane shit? At least post the less awful Fateshit.

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>man x woman
The absolute state of Yea Forums.

She's not gay, she just enjoys having sex with other girls from time to time. She'll take the dick too though.

Yub TypeMoon love LGBT Community

Attached: Saber Rin 33233333.jpg (1280x764, 244K)

What is /u/'s obsession with girls with black hair?
>even Kaguya to an extent

Because of the girl on the right.

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Toilets are neither gay nor straight, but someone needs to save my poor wife from underneath it.

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Most characters in anime have black hair, so most people in either straight, /u/ or /y/ ships will inevitably have black hair.

Jappos mostly have black hair desu


>3 Toilet-chan threads up at the same time
Its my lucky day

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No, she's a cartoon.

Nips mostly color their hair but still are lesbians. Japan has an increasingly and thriving lesbian community.

I'm referring to girls, not male characters. Which isn't that common for the former.

No, you're a thriving lesbian community

even she didn't know she swang that way

Yurishitters out.

No, were both thriving lesbian community.

>Kidney-senpai, I know we're both girls, but would you please go out with me?!
>Of course, Gall Bladder-chan. Honestly, ever since you started here, I've loved you!



Rin is not a toilet.