What am i in for?

What am i in for?

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Arguably the best girl of all time

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best anime

i'm on episode 13 and it's pretty average so far

It's pretty fucking good, idk what you're on about.

A consistently decent shounen story with no filler. A few pseudo intelectual concepts and some edgy themes. All in all it's alright, not to long either so that's a plus.

A very good show with a very rushed and poorly-handed first 15 episodes, since your'e supposed to already know that part of the story from the 2003 anime.


Read/watch based Mob psycho

That’s Mob psycho.

>no filler

1st episode is fucking filler, plus recap/filler, also cut shit from the manga and added more FILLER!

>comparing a little bit of filler from a good show with a literal slice of life
It’s good, I liked it
Some of the Alchemical Theories isn’t even far from the actual studies scholars used back then

Huh, never read the manga so I wouldn't know I guess. I couldn't really pick out anything that felt like filler. Makes sense tho, a lot of it felt boring.

SOL is not filler. Mob psycho Tells more of a story in 25 episodes than FMA:B can in 26

read the manga. A thematically strong shounen.

one of the best shounen action adventure series

>read the Mob psycho manga. A thematically a stronger shounen than FMA:B.

??? Arc > Ed punching father

Equivalent exchange. Did I compare Mob ANYWHERE in my post?

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>Mob psycho Tells more of a story in 25 episodes than FMA:B can in 26
LOL no

Mob is good but its not even close to having good world building or great storytelling

Dimple is a better god than father.

???> the truth

a piece of shit unless you read the manga

Overrated anime. Both animes are lacking something. Breotherhood was extremely rushed and didn't really have great direction. Just average. The manga is still the best way to experience the story.

Politics, Not-nazis, and Not-magic