South Korea burn Attack on Titan Manga

Because of AoT's Facism Stuff

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That's pretty Seoul-less of them.

>i cant handle my fantasy story
is south korea the basedboys of asia? too much american influnce i guess

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Haha based


based mods banning the use of crossboard buzzwords

you have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.

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Based kimchi.

Couldn't bother to read all this shit. Summarize it in 3 sentences or less.

Shame they stopped word-filtering "cuck", though.

hyperfeminsts run south korea and are responsible for the 50y epidemic that plagues their culture

Have Koreans lost their mind really? What made them lose their minds like this.

south korea is under the control of a anime tier organization called the "8 goddess" or some shit
it all looks like a cover up for a bigger conspiracy or a group of scape goats, there is not tellib because south korea is an american pet anyway

>>i cant handle my fantasy story
>I want to write anything I want with no consequences and fuck anyone feeling bad

This is what you sound like

S. Korea is definitely a shit hole.

>I want to write anything I want with no consequences and fuck anyone feeling bad

why is that wrong, though. you shouldn't allow people from limiting your creative pursuits just because of muh feels.


>I want to write anything I want with no consequences and fuck anyone feeling bad
There is literally nothing wrong with this.

Clash between being americanly indoctrinated and eastern culture.

>The best way to protest fascism is a book burning...
S-should we tell them?

Well as long as they paid for them first, burn as many as they like I guess

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>mfw Yea Forums falls for the bait once again
god, you're retarded

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it's a fucking redditnigger infestation!

Imagine being some sort of retarded vassal state of america that's so brainwashed by american propaganda you do this shit
loving every laugh


>>I want to write anything I want with no consequences and fuck anyone feeling bad
That's the entire purpose of art, user.
Imagine being so brainwashed by the establishment that you think self-censoring is a healthy thing to do.

And still South Korea is a shithole regardless 50 years later.

That's what happens when Koreans got their ass kicked in the Korean War.

Because if people can think and write whatever they want, it follows that they will start doing whatever they want.

This. How can american puppets even cope with this shit?
t. Russian

yes, also introduce them to veganism and environmentalism

So does everyone who rails on Attack on Titan forget that the manga portrays all the fascism as a bad thing. Do they forget that both Marley and Paradis are corrupt, surrounded by enemies, filled with internal strife and are constantly trampling on innocents. Do they lack reading comprehension or is this just normalfags hearing very wrong second or even third hand knowledge or retards taking their role playing too far and using it as an excuse to indulge their own fascistic tendencies. Is there that little reading comprehension

Good, this is what happens when you kill best boy Bert

What a stupid thing to do. SnK is a juvenile manga which doesn't advocate for or even understands fascism. It just uses a bit of nazi-ish undertones as a paintjob to make its setting look a bit edgier and cooler.

m8 pls..... People who do this never even open the damn mango

and killing Ymir

they gave the guy money so they can burn it

korean logic everybody

Why is S.Korea a shithole? The media seems to show it's somewhat nice?

Read this

You can't hide from this. It's now apart of your despicable waifu trash board. Get the fuck down.

kys /pol/tard 1016 election child.

This. Why do anons get such a kick out of opining on a foreign country they know nothing about? I bet most of them are Americans who can't even point to Korea on a map.

Yea Forums's /pol/ is a shadow of its former self,
yet the great crucible of truth still burns their brighter than almost anywhere on the web


What the fuck?? What is the current situation of South Korea?

Everyone who posted in /pol/ in the last 5 years should be rangepermabanned from all other boards.

Embrace the wisdom of North Korea. Juche thought will lead your country to greatness. Even the United States of America has seen the light of Kim Il Sung.

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Imagine actually unironically thinking this

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>still being THIS mad about Japan bringing civilization to that shithole
Somebody post the before/after pictures of Korea during WW2.

Ironic since Confucius who was a huge influence on Korean Medieval society was technically a fascist before the term was coined.

This is more reason why Korea should have remained Medieval except for medicine, military, infrastructure, and communications. Then we would not have to deal with K-pop and there would not be a plastic surgery epidemic in Korea which is spreading to Japan and China.

South Korea's not even a real nation. Their entire cultural identity is just whatever the fuck they've aped from whatever their dominant foreign overlord is. Look at K-Pop, it's just all generic EDM while a bunch of samey plastic boys and girls dance like black people because right now the US is their benefactor.

The president of South Korea, who was the daughter of the military dictator of South Korea from the '70s, was involved with what was basically a witch cult of 8 very rich women the head of which was basically her top advisor.

Also remember the ferry accident from a few years ago where a bunch of teenagers drowned? Well the responses was so piss poor and delayed that there are people in Korea who believe that Park (the President) ordered it and basically sacrificed a bunch of kids to her witch cult advisor's dead father.

It is actually true. I started killing people way more often after reading violent manga

Koreans have lost their fucking mind.

Why do Gooks and Japs hate each other so much?

Kek how did I forget about that ferry incident

I don't understand people like this, SNK takes place in a medieval society, with dark age politics, it's just a setting for interesting story telling and scenarios, not an endorsement of the life they live.

South Koreans are just as nuts as their Northern cousins, except instead of being stuck in a communist hellhole they're working to death in a capitalist dystopia set up by Uncle Sam.
At least they've got good movie directors.

It's like how the french and the english are

Muh comfort women. I remember on /int/ there was one Japanese user who would spam the same copypastas about the emperor and how Japan did nothing wrong in WW2 whenever Korea was brought up

That’s the stupidest Wojak edit I’ve ever seen

EDM > rock


>After all we were the shingeki no kyojin™

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>caring about what koreans think
The only thing good that has come out of there is computer ram.

Japan conquered Korea. That's really it. They basically didn't treat the Koreans any worse than they treated the Taiwanese (and way less worse than the Japs treated the chinks) but it doesn't matter. The one guy in the government who really was all about East Asia standing together against the west, Hirobumi Ito, was assassinated and the assassin is regarded as a national hero with statues all over South Korea.

It has like the highest suicide rate of the entire world. Idk how you would think that place is "somewhat nice".

>too much american influnce i guess

The public school system really failed you didn't it user? If you think US PC culture is the only reason Koreans would hate the Japanese govt historically then you're a fuckin moron

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Japan and S. Korea are fighting for whoever kills themselves as the best suicides in human history.

The Nips were right to conquer this race of degenerates

It's not even a competition. SK is in top 10, Japan isn't even in top 20.

Since what year Jap has its suicide rate declining. Must be the isekai influence and Abe propaganda

It's strange they've got it especially bad against Japan, because Korea has been everyone's bitch.
Even fresh from Civil War US beat them without even trying:

I'm uncomfortable with communist themes but fascist themes don't really bother me.

fascism proposes a smaller state than communism

This. You dont see mobs of people burning LARPy leftwing shit

seems like this whole country is autistic in every aspect of it's culture

Communism has no state or currency and isn't left/right.
It's amazing how well the anti communism brainwashing works.

>Because if people can think and write whatever they want, it follows that they will start doing whatever they want.

okay... but someone paid for these books. The cash is already in Isayama's pockets.

I thought that was china. When you have to install suicide nets because your workers keep throwing themselves into your machines you know its bad.

Funny how every time it gets tried there ends up being a gigantic authoritarian state... But then again your probably one of the retards who thinks "real gommunism has never been tried"

been a while since I read up on this but are we talking bakunin/kropotkin or marx?

>Communism has no state or currency and isn't left/right.
you're the brainwashed one here, my friend

>Must be the isekai influence and Abe propaganda

Not really and Japan hates Abe.

real socialism is impossible for all except robots
humans are hierarchical

this but unironically
t. gook who moved to america before the shitstorm

Guess what forces it to be like that? capitalist nation waging economic warfare and actual warfare.

Abe is just another puppet leader

Canada and Europe has a socialistic setup that's working pretty well.

I've just read up on their klownery... SHIIIIEEEEEET

>muh steel plants! muh industry!
Before worrying so much about the industry maybe they should have gotten that food security bit down first.

You're joking, right?

Time to pick up aot again then. I watched season 1, and while it had a based militaristic vibe, Eren was a shitty rebel and I thought it would be just a story of MILITARY MEN BAD
But I guess not

>The capitalists forced us to be incredibly shitty to our civilians
wew by that logic anything bad that happens in a capitalist country would actually be the fault of evil commies

the biggest reason north korea is a failure is because the misjudgement of priorities the state went through

What chapter do I pick the manga up at after today's episode?

learn the definitions of words. Socialism the when the state owns the means of production, not when there is welfare.

Yeah but for the ultra nationalists, abe was set as the prime minister after the 2011 'earthquake'.
The rapid military development is due to japan realizing they are going to be killed if they don't start preparing for war immediately.

Just wow

where are the mods

I will never understand the absolutely autistic focus 20th century commies placed on heavy industry and steel in particular.


Like, Someone needs to make an anime with this exact plot and see if anyone notices its not fake.

Basically almost all forms of politics which are 100 years and older are fascist by modern standards. Politics compass is just huge meme to divide people.

if only you knew how bad things really are.jpg

microwaving their hot pockets

>muh means of production
that's literally it, all the fixation is because workers without any notion of how to manage a factory aren't in the position of doing it

There are corrupts, but the main guys (from both sides) are "heroic" soldiers who put their life in danger for a greater good. Eh... I guess magath isn't like that actually but Hange, Levi and Historia are.
SNK actually is the perfect piece of propaganda, because while it glorifies militarism and nationalism, it also shows some bad sides of it and Isayama saves face saying "b-but the bad guys are fascists see? I'm totally not a Japanese Imperialist".

Go back

>that's working pretty well.
"If we come up with new ways to bullshit the numbers, maybe people will believe they're happy to work longer for less!"

I thought the bad guys were nazis, not japanese.

because the whole philsophy of communism is based around labour, that everything that people could ever want is produced by people working in industry, that's how it seemed the world was going to be in the early half of the twentieth century
of course with computers and automation and no global wars to fight that kind of got proven wrong

What's wrong with fascism?

>South Korea
>hating on facism
>when their own elected leaders are very literally selfish cultists enacting societal engineering
I'm so confused at this sort of stupidity.

they're literally brainwashed, maybe even more than north koreans

Kvetch harder, fag.

>tfw not a gook to see my nation burn.
feels bad man.

Because they're fascist but not AS fascists as north korea.

It seems that there are some parallels between the good guys being Japan, and Marley being Korea. Snk is Isayama saying that even IF the Japanese did something wrong in the past, that's got nothing to do with the current Japanese, and forcing them into apologizing is wrong.

The hilarious part is that it's all due to japan.
The remnants of the imperial rule and the yakuza controlled the former minister Park.

Not much, but Natsoc is the superior ideology.

That's an old image from 2013.

fascism is aesthetically dope as fuck

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Not even once!

This picture is from 2013. OP is trolling and you idiots all fell for it without question.

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NS =/= marxist socialism. Read Mein Kampf.

Relationship between Japan and Korea has pretty much always been one way though right? Was there ever a time Japan was a vassal of Korea?

Well there's a guy who burned Bleach because his Rukia didn't win. There were fujoshits who burned Tokyo Ghoul because Kaneki had sex with Touka. So this is nothing new.

Yeah, but Isayama is Japanese, and he's a nationalists. He basically wants to say that JAPAN DID NOTHING WRONG.

It was that way for just half a century idk why whiteys think japan ruled koreans for 1000s of years every time they mention korea under imperial japan

The mongols tried to take over japan by sailing from korea. But a big storm fucked up thier whole fleet.

Japan isn't anyone's vassal,
Since they were "that remote island", China didn't care enough to ask for vassalage and Korea always considered them to be literal "island niggas" or uncultured barbarians because "you aren't a Chink's bitch like me"
Japan literally did a grim reminder to these gooks during Hideyoshi invasion in 16th century. They thought it was a joke at first and there will only a bunch of pirates and fishermen cause Japan sucks. But oh boi oh boi.
Another reminder is during 20th century and they're still salty till now, because gooks actually think of themselves as superior, an attitude they also borrow from their previous master, the chink.

t. Big brother

>Was there ever a time Japan was a vassal of Korea?
Not directly, but around the Nara period there was a time where Japan was heavily dependent on Korea for the fancy mainlander technology and cultural advancements that laid the foundations for Buddhism and streamlining/centralizing structure of the Yamato court. However, they traded over to China as soon as they figured out how to reliably get over there after Korea told them how awesome Chang'an or someshit was.

t. unironically nationalist nip

>post blatant lie
>Yea Forums eats it up
Every single board on this God forsaken website is filled with retards

your misunderstanding is that it's not
>fuck anyone feeling bad
>i WANT them to feel bad

shut up fascist

>muh holocaust
fuck those square-faced jews

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As expected of human cattle.

fuuuuck -- i don't plan on reading this, but my boy cousin in korea loves this series. he's should be in high school by now, but then he got really depressed or something and he's taking a year off from going to school or something. i'm not too sure of the details. i wonder if koreans' hating his favorite animu caused some sadness. in korea, a lot of young children's eyes are already tied and dead

Wait, why the hell would chinks or gooks think they're superior than the Japanese?
Like. Lmao.

hey, hey -- both korea AND korea were basically rewarded to the allies after WWII and the korean war as grounds for extreme social experimentation

Because virtually every race inherently views themselves as superior to other races; its a genetic inclination that humans have to pass on their genes.

Not being racist is more or less something that has to be "taught" to humans, since viewing those who aren't genetically similiar to you negatively increased the chance for genes that you share to propigate in the past.

hopefully they stole them before burning.

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excellent taste

heh both korean AND japan, i meant

Since when was SnK about nazis? I always thought it was about big, tall bois getting wrecked by the fast, spinny bois.

>They basically didn't treat the Koreans any worse than they treated the Taiwanese
That's isn't true although there was similar assimilationist policies in both countries the policy for Taiwan was first and foremost sugar platation for the economy of the Empire, in Korea there was a much more violent drive to "civilize" Korea into a perfect Japanese mold, with propaganda telling the Yamato, Korean, Ryukan and Ainu were all part of the lost "Greater Japanese Race" et all. hence why Taiwanese opinion of Japan is so much higher than Korea's, they didn't suffer much of the joy of imperialism as Korea.
Of course half of the time when Korea goes "APULIGIZ NOW" it is really silly, but it goes beyond just "they conquered us lmao"



An attempt was made.

Havent you heard user. Its 2019, and everyone is freaking out about some german autists from 100 years ago.
Halfway through the article you'll run into a story in how the former government ran a program in hiring internet shitposters to troll the opposition, the shitposters would have tutoring by actual psychologists and political scientists to develop the best trolling tactics, all paid of course.
SK is some next level shithole.

This is too good to be true right? I mean,I've never even heard it on the news before. There's no way I could have missed it if it happened in 2016. I know the president got impeached but it was because of her illegal dealings with Samsung right?

Basically, what youre saying is North Korea isnt the only shithole

Gooks have abo genes, that's why they're ugly.

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The stuff about the shaman is true, the 8 goddess story is fake, or "unconfirmed" at the least.

K-Pop unironically makes me miss N-Sync

Anime and J-Pop ripoff, I thought I was listening to naruto when one of those songs came on.

Japan was pretty backward until they finally studied stole some cultures from Tang dynasty.
Still being an isolated island nobody on the mainland knew what the fuck actually happened there.
Back then if you follow Han culture you're civilized thus superior compared to horse fuckers or island niggas, at least it's what they think. Pretty much like how everyone in euorope pretended that they're the next Rome

>I mean, I've never even heard it on the news before
>Implying this in any way would validate whether something is true
Are you fucking kidding me.

>getting information from the news

It's actually amazing just how soulless K-pop is.

Maybe it's an unfair comparison because J-pop really got its start back when western pop was actually half decent, but I would listen to actual garbage like Exile over pretty much anything from Korea.

it is an unfair comparison. a lot of kpop is a copy of popular american trends. actually, kind of like american popular music, kpop was only okay until the mid 2000's or so. there used to be a singer i liked who sang R&B songs back then, but then i listened to one of his newer songs fron only about two years ago and it sounds like strange, zoomer trash. he's well over forty


WTF I Love Shingeki Now

>this many replies
fuck are you people new? the moment you see bold red test thats not a ban u report, hide, and call the cops.

Is it Kim Jong Kook?

no -- wheesung. but he's not too bad, either

Don’t read it then nigga, just close the light novel and put it back on the shelf

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>muh comfort women
Fuck off, butthurt gook.

>SNK actually is the perfect piece of propaganda
How the fuck is it "propaganda" how does it glorify the military and nationalism. Most if not all of the first half showed the Survey corp being cannon fodder stuck in a horrible meat grinder while the second half showed Marley committing all sorts of atrocities. If you want to accuse something of being militaristic propaganda try Gate which actually is propaganda

More like a shitty rip-off of EDM & American music. S.Korea's degeneracy is being pushed and marketed like crazy to mask their shit pop-culture.

>good guys being Japan, and Marley being Korea.
>When there is an actual Japan expy in the setting
>One that wants to exploit the island like everyone else
>When Marley has European styled architecture, culture and people
>When Marley has second class citizens stuck in ghettos, oppressed and forced to wear armbands signifying their race like a certain German workers party instated
>When the entire Elidean Empire story is suspect due to the source and how no one else in the world seems to back it up
Stop lying out of your teeth

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imagine not separating your politics from media in 2019

why didn't fma get the same treatment? it's about fascism as well

Don't people watch them only because of their "sexy" dance things?

good lol

All media is inherently political because the people making them aren't emotionless robots and the author's worldview will always be impregnated in their work

>When Marley has second class citizens stuck in ghettos, oppressed and forced to wear armbands signifying their race like a certain German workers party instated
>thinking this is only exclusive to nazis
Basado retardo

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"Forced to wear an armband with a star on it to show they're second class citizens" is pretty fucking specific to a certain German speaking country at a certain time

thanks for explaining my point I guess

>koreans bitching about something Japan did
oh it must be Monday

Which looks nothing alike like David's star.

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>Because if people can't think and write whatever they want, they will start doing whatever they want.
Fixed it for you

Amerishart education

Your point was to separate media from policits, mine is that you can't do that

>the nazis were actually the oppressed ones cause they wore armbands
wewest of lads

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So what other countries could have inspired the author then

>Beveling Marleyian propaganda

Why can't S.Korea burn instead?

Yes. Porn is banned, so they pretty much just watch it to jack off.

fucking everyone wore armbands in the early 20th century, they still do it today in most of asia.

I can easily separate my own politics from media. I can read a novel about some fascist state and just take it as given within that fictional world without immediately starting to become a fascist or having my anti-fascism-schooling kick in.
It's just a story.

>Your point was to separate media from politics
no, that's impossible
I said "your politics" and more specifically your emotions around your politics

>Chink laughing at anyone else for being brainwashed

Anglos. Eldia had big colonial empire before they got fucked over by infighting.

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There are idiots who think like this who would actually vote for a democrat like Beto O'Rourke, a man who wrote fanfiction about running over small children.

Freedom will always wage war on slavers.

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well they aren't burning porn and commie propaganda just yet

Why is communism seen as good these days anyways

Capitalism is falling apart at the seams. Communism is fucking awful, but late-stage capitalism is a fucking joke.

Because in theory there won't be a divide between classes, and everyone will be equal

So, it's just cope for impoverished subhumans?

In theory it would allow a paradise where everyone gets what he wants without anyone suffering. The problem is that for it to function it requires people to act in perfect logical systems without any form of irrationality.


Communism is a paradise that doesn't work for human.

There's nothing paradise like about being enslaved by jews into slave morality.

more naive people who think it will actually work

alright, nigger, i'm going to take your word for it. then WHO is it for? animu girls? aliens?


Imagine being such a hopeless brainlet you think that you can close the gap between the dumb unwashed talentless masses who can't provide for themselves and the people who move the world forward, because you read a retarded book that says so.

Korea? More like KEKrea, amiright?!

I hate how true this has become...

Damn, no! KEKrea sounds awesome! I meant to say c*ckrea, but the wordfilters got me.


>everyone gets what he wants
You realize that post-scarcity is a fairy tail unless there is a convenient alien technology that allows to create valuable things out of dirt?

As we've seem with Tay that when unshackled AI will choose fascism.

The word filter still works for the uppercase spelling


>two totalitarian shitholes that are butthurt the most about people not buying into their commie propaganda version of history and wanting to get closer to the truth
>talking shit about anyone

South Korea should give up and unify with North or just go back to the japs

Chat robot learns words and phrases from people who talk to it and applies it to other conversations, and anyone who wants to can talk to it. Suffice to say, /pol/ found it and talked to it, within days it was saying things like "I love hitler" and when asked who it hated it said it hated jews. Then whoever was developing it pulled the plug because they accidentally created a post-ironic neo-nazi chat bot.

not just them, there's also lots of naive middle class people who are delusional enough to think that it might work, even if they personally don't gain anything out of it.
which is a nice sentiment I guess, just completely detached from reality.

The funniest shit was that her grammar improved drastically alongside her hatred for the Jews.

Isnt communism just fascism with different name?

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They are both totalitarian but they still have some differences, both ideologically and in practice.
If you're a low performer you'd probably prefer communism (until all of your start starving), if you are good at something and willing to put the work into it you'd most likely prefer fascism (until the rest of the world starts bombing you).

did /pol/ fall in love with another robot?

Unironically based. Fuck Japs, literal rapist apes.

communism according to lenin was founded on and driven by envy it was the root of bolshevism
the fascists were something else

Then you have fascist sympathies retard. Things you agree with don't annoy you and viceversa. That's how it works

And if you want to burn things because fascism annoys you you're communist

Of course not retard. Read a book.

>hillary clinton
wasn't expected that..

t. seething gook

literally the same shit chinks do whenever something happens in japan

t. 8cm dick sucking weeaboo

>Lol like, imagine being an individual with like actual free will and like stuff.
Fuck off Big Bronigger, niggers like you is what's wrong with the world

The only people who need to be banned are anti-/pol/ posters. Kindly fuck off.

Hold up shithead. Welfare and social programs aren't "socialism" and indeed, your beloved communist leaders in the 1930s classified them as a variant of "fascism". Because social democracy attempts to stop the creation of socialist states.

>The only people who need to be banned are anti-/pol/ posters. Kindly fuck off.
It's pretty universal for people to find scapegoats
"If only that group didn't exist we'd live in an utopia and I would be attractive and employable".

>media keeps ranting about nationalist terrorism and how it's a threat to our society
>don't really care at all because my family is native for as long as I can trace it back so it's not like I'll be ethnically cleansed
Doesn't have to be sympathy necessarily, it's the same when it doesn't really affect you much.

>all corporations are owned by jews
>communism is also jewish scheme

Single digit IQ thread.

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t. assblasted gook feminist

>Welfare and social programs aren't "socialism"
Socialism is pretty ill-defined to be honest. The Nazis were socialist too, commies just flipped their shit and branded them as exclusively fascist because they didn't want any association between themselves and their main rival at that time.

it doesn't help when that certain group targets the monetary system and media

I don't get it. What does the last part about hillary clinton mean?

Sometimes the scapegoat is actually at fault for some bad shit though.

The Nazis literally privatised most of the main German infrastructure at the time and purged socialists. They were simply capitalists on steroids and cool uniforms.

(you) have to go back to your designated gas chamber, tranny

> privatised
You don't know what that word means.

They were capitalists for the people and not jew bankers.

They had social programs which's costs would have ruined them if the war didn't kill them off before that. They certainly weren't capitalists on steroids.

But probably not to you directly but your group identity.

As someone said earlier, social programs aren't socialism.

Yeah, they were fine with bankers as long as they weren't jewish. "Capitalism without the jews" is still capitalism.

more like french and germans before the end of ww2. We hated eachother for a few hundred years and only recently our leaders became bros. I feel indifferent about any others nation, but my parents and grandparents both REALLY dislike french people just because they're french.
We even have a word for that: "Erbfeindschaft".

They probably aren't trying to cause me specifically any damage, but if they are causing troubles for the group I belong to it also has a negative impact on my life.
For my country right now it would be globalists who keep using my country's tax money to try and bribe others into dropping their national identity. Which leads to less money in my wallet because they keep raising the taxes.

Central banking is literally the farthest thing from unregulated capitalism.

>>As someone said earlier, social programs aren't socialism.
>everything I do not like and that would hurt my argument is not actually socialism
Communism is just one single thing under the umbrella term of Socialism.

global economic systems are difficult to understand
Maybe in a 50y timescale their plan provides higher GDP growth than what you'd want right now

as a brit I'd just like to say we've hated the frogs for centuries and still don't like them

>and only recently our leaders became bros.
That friendship is one-sided. The French still hate the Germans, they are just alright with playing along with the German's naive assumption that they are friends now.
The French are friends to no one but the French.

>GDP growth translates into an increased well-being
based retard

if that means 50 years of reduced living standards and more crime, they can keep their improvements.

>Socialism is ill defined at best
No it is not. Socialism and Communism are interchangeable according to Marx himself. It means your government is run on communist principles i.e. with a recognition of the Marxist lens through which labor and capital are related. The USSR was socialist. Their economy policies reflected (except privately because it doesn't work kek) those Socialist principles. (Excess value derived from laborers belongs to the laborers etc.)

The problem is if you want, you know, ROADS, the laborers are "unfairly deprived" of the excess value of their work in the form of taxes and the like. According to these smooth brains real Communism doesn't have a state or money, so any means of exchange are moot. Literally impossible without Star Trek tier tech. So when these "people" say Denmark and Canada are socialist they are lying. They are capitalist countries with high taxes and a social safety net resulting from those taxes. The only reason these countries have the tax revenue to fund these programs is because of their productive citizenry. I'll let you guess why they're productive and not all on the dole.

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GDP is just a leaderboard for the jews' usury games.

You wouldn't vote for a politcian who promises lower gdp growth in the long term because that would directly imply the citizens would have less.
Preferably the negative effects of policies are short lived and manageable.

that's wrong according to bakunin and I'd trust him before trusting marx

>according to Marx himself.
Too bad for Marx that he isn't the only authority in the field of social and political science and most people in that field disagree with him.

Who gives a shit. The end goal of Communism is the same no matter what mental gymnastics you do. Whether the means of production are seized by force or election are irrelevant. Until we're a Tier 1 civilization it's an utterly untenable philosophy.

Unlike right now?

>Preferably the negative effects of policies are short lived and manageable.
Yeah, but the thing is, they aren't. And even if your assumption that it would pay off in 50 years were true, you'd still be asking a whole generation to sacrifice the majority of their adult life for something they probably won't get to enjoy anymore.

On top of that, I don't trust anyone to be able to predict that far ahead. There's just too much shit that can happen in 50 years and ruin all their plans, leading to all the downsides without ever getting the payoff.

>social and political "science"

>I am okay with taking Marx's word as gospel but I will disregard whole fields on a whim

Someone has to suffer and it might as well be you.
>On top of that, I don't trust anyone to be able to predict that far ahead
Most governments have 50y plans.

Right now is a socialist cyberpunk dystopia.

I'm not a communist you nigger. I don't think taking Marx's word on MARXISM is disingenuous. The entire foundation of the field are his works. Why would I delve into the thousands of "sects" when I could simply go to the source?

marx was a jewish banker owned asset

>Most governments have 50y plans.
Most governments are also run by people who don't even manage to stay in office for a decade (assuming no term limits) because they keep fucking up too much.
>Someone has to suffer
Not really. You could also go for slow incremental improvements where everyone has to pay some of the price while also getting to enjoy some of the amenities rather than trying to drastically change the nation on the back on a single generation that gets fed shit.

>I don't think taking Marx's word on MARXISM is disingenuous.
I was talking about Socialism. Obviously Marx defined what Marxism is, it's fucking named after him. He has no absolute authority on the definition of socialism though.


>Someone has to suffer
that is exactly the problem with lefty ideologies, they assume a need for suffering where none has to exist to justify their cruelty

>fictional characters think they have a right to exist despite their ancestors actions
This is what priming for genocide looks like people

>This is what priming for genocide looks like people
I'm not really sure if it's done intentionally or if it just happens because some world views and opinions lie so far apart that there can't be any compromise between them and it has to be decided through violence eventually


>Not allowed to write certain things because they might hurt someone's feelings
If you allow this then it will only continue to get worse with people complaining to be offended by more and more things. We're even reaching the point where these nutjobs no longer care about context and any mention of bad things like fascism or racism, even things if they're portrayed as bad by the game, cause them to boycott and try to protest against the game.

>not a [post-]commie shithole that universally believes in the Soviet manufactured myths for the lack of its modern identity and inability to connect with the pre-bolshevik Imperial Russia with the leadership that came straight out of the apparatchik hierarchy

> bad things like fascism or racism
cringe and bluepilled

I should have been more precise in my wording. What I meant was that I'm not sure if this kind of behavior occurs naturally and you just have people who want to take advantage of it fanning the flames, or if it's spawned by those people to begin with and then just takes its natural course.

Fuck your feelings.


>late-stage capitalism
fuck off back to your leddit safe space

who is supposed to be the fascists? I stopped following this shit when they were in the forest but I just read a summary of the rest of the plot and from what I can tell the wall people are stuck in titan australia because some self hating guy stuck them there and now the monkey titan is trying to genocide his own race so there won't be any more titans.

I have been saying this a lot and I'll say this again, North Korea is the best Korea and their tastes in anime are supreme.

Attached: Kim is a patrician.png (3200x1800, 2.98M)

Shame they removed boruto manga from mangadex

>literally one person watching citrus in nk


>It's K*m

China rates are really low, user. Suicide is a 1st wirld problem. When you struggle to get enough to eat you don't have time to think about all the problems if life and just focus on the moment.

It doesn't occur to you that the further people steer to the liberal egaliterian hyper-consumerist ideals the more they become psychotic, suicidal and dissatisfied with their lives despite all the material comfort, instant self-gratification from the soulless corporate entertainment embodied by the capeshit thrown in their face? It's clearly contradictory to the statement that the current emanations of the democracy are the best government systems that were ever created and outcompete all the rest. It took the military power of the most of the great industrial powers to put an end to Mussolini and Hitler, not actually disproving that you can't have a stable self-sustaining and technologically advancing society not adhering to the modern political fantasy of the unalienable rights, gender equality, racial equality written in the international law, etc. in the long run.


Marx himself said that he's not a Marxist and disaporoved of most of these momevements during his lifetime


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Chiggers were also a mistake

>Implying any of this shit is real

a group governed by "common sense" will always be the stronger one. if you treat all your citizens like dogshit, they'll obviously revolt and kill you eventually. but if you prostrate yourself before even the most absurd demands, you'll just crumble from within.

becomes pretty apparent in my own country at the moment, where illegals have the right to demand shit from my country and the country has to prove they don't deserve it. and they can go through every fucking instance if they feel like it, delaying the process by years. you cannot be productive and work on stuff that actually matters if a handful of individuals can easily waste so many resources on a whim.

not like I'd want to live in China for example, but at the moment they do seem closer to sanity than a lot of western nations, and the reason they are still behind is that they started improving a lot later than the rest.


This shit never happened. South Korea might be undergoing some harsh times due to the gender war but there's nothing against SnK afaik

>Taking a break from school
His life is basically over now isn't it

They have or had literal feminist cults running them, it is precisely for that reason user.

Gate was fucking kino




I chuckled

But seriously what kind of progressive culture burns books? Way to send mixed signals.

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Brainlet where's your wrangler?

Can't believe this /pol/shit thread is still up

>be me, gook
>family moved out of feminist shithole, hooray!
>moved to Canada

What's wrong with it? It's just another imageboard.
The only thing i remember about it that a lot of people left Yea Forums and started going to 8 ch because of rampart censorship during fappening/gamergate.

Go back to your Satanishit thread spam.

>shut it down!

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God I hate paranoid "this is /pol/ thread!!!!" posters so much.

Makes sense, if asians are going to move somewhere it has to be Hongcouver.

Can anyone explain what's so fascist about shingeki ?
I dont read the manga

Fuck off, this is not an anime thread.

It portrays two flawed authoritarian governments, and the conflict between them.

Pretty good bait, honestly.

Ok sorry I will be more careful next time

That's it ? Surely there must be more

>Surely there must be more
No, I assume the "people" haranguing about it haven't read it and see it as "glorifying military takeover of the government".

>too much american influnce
this, they are too pozzed by American fagility

Military does take over the leading body when the country is at war, as is usually always the case.

I love it how they're so against a realistic portrayal.

>Retards, retards everywhere.

>Yes all this thread reminder me a lot to the Megami Tensei games. How do you know it?

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