South Korea ban Attack on Titan... Because of AoT's Facism Stuff
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Hmm ok
aren't they the ones who are fascists for censoring something that's not even fascism
Well they should, killing Bert was a grave mistake
No one cares, no one is surprised.
yeah, because banning games totally worked, so it'll work with manga too
The west needs to folloe suit, we can't allow this antisemitic garbage to take root.
>Anime depicts fascism as bad.
>Ban it for depicting fascim.
This world can't burn soon enough.
That's not what fascism means redditor.
>Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism[1][2] characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy
>authoritarian ultranationalism
>dictatorial power
>strong regimentation of society and of the economy
Does anyone have this not in gook or a blogpost? I suspect OP is just being a faggot.
South Korea gets butt hurt and bans something from Japan, news at 11.
That article is literally just some ad for the film beign broadcast there. OP is bullshitting all of you.
>South Korea is WORST Korea
More news at 11
>right wing
honk honk XD
why did you post a picture of bones
as expected from the land of the megalians
there is literaly nothing wrong with facism
by that definition, any form of government is fascist
You have a problem bud?
How so? Do you believe deny a scale of authoritarianism, nationalism, dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimental of society against which countries can be compared? Surely you wouldn't be as retarded as to believe all sovereignty is ultranationalism, that there is weaker nationalism than others, or something similar, right?
Is this the same country that banned porn but allows girls to dress like whores and shake the ass on men faces on public?
Low IQ here. What about AoT is fascist? At least it doesn't seem to be promoting it. Aren't the Eldians fighting against the fascist Marleyans?
South Korea also bans porn so they're out of their minds.
This is not anime or manga.
If I got it right the Eldians used to be the nazis and the show justify the actions of the Eldians, if you don't portrait nazis as absolute evil you are wrong. I got it wrong?
That's retarded because a big theme of the show is sins of the father. We don't know which version of history is real in AoT and they never say what the Eldians did was right only that it's fucked up that the the generation that lived on shouldn't be punished for something they didn't do. I'm not saying you're wrong by the way. Just that if that's their justification they're fucking idiots.
>right wing
What chapter do I pick the manga up at after today's episode?
Volume 22
Did they ban Snowpiercer for being a post apocalyptic fascist society too?
Shit Snowpiercer even goes so far to explicitly talk up the utility of fascism in survival situations with limited resources. It's only kills the mean bad fascists at the end because survival in a limited environment is no longer necessary.
>OP's article is just an advertisement for SnT
>nobody even questions OP's claim and just leaps into shitting on Korea
You guys are retarded.
Same thought. I'm with Japan when it comes to anime and video games, but when you make light of the persecution of 6 million Jewish men, women and child during WW2, I think we're gonna have to scrutinize the freedom which Japan takes when it comes to historical depictions.
If only they'd ban all shounen
It is quite literally related to anime. Fuck off to your shitty off-topic 3DPD chink thread.
Taiwan, Indonesia, Malasyia, China and South Korea has banned much more than games and porn. You are actually forced to let the cashier scan your ID when you use cash to purchase something and you have to send your ID and government documents to their ISP if you want Internet in their shitholes. These are only few examples.
They're not banning it because of Japan.
They're banning it because South Korea has been ruled by extreme feminists and leftists.
They're not banning it at all. You're a fucking retard.
worst korea continuing to show why they're the worst
google translate is free
explain further
Attack on titan is shit and who cares what Korea does lol.
>Ban OP.... because he's a faggot
Stop believing everything OP says without checking. The article is a promotion, just as other anons have pointed it out.
Disinformation threads should be deleted on the spot. Disinformation is literally the single worst thing on the internet.
Go impale yourself on a rusty bar, OP.
worst korea is the most globalhomo asian country though
Korea will murder your country
South Korea is long fucked, never forget the Eight Goddess Cult and that they're still alive and well infesting the highest echelons of South Korean elite. Never allow anyone to forget them when SKorea is mentioned.
Now watch them bootleg it with a half-assed version of their own.
Facts literally do not matter because this might as well be true so suck a dick.
Then we'd be left with highscholer/ isekai trash
this is an extremely jewish take
Korea is disgusting country dripping AIDS into whole world.
Lel. Despite what the kpop appears to be, South Korea is one of the most Fascist and crony capitalist country in the world. The entire economy and politics is run by Chaebols. The country is in a perpetual state of war and is rabidly nationalist. Imagine the worst characteristics of China and Japan rolled into one.
>I reject your reality and substitute it with my own
lol he is as powerful as isekai cheat MC.
Is that you, Kim? Would never think that the nork supreme leader browses Yea Forums.
None of those are exclusive to the right
Why are /pol/ and /int/ kids the dumbest fucks around?
so america (when dealing with outside world)
Because those containment boards were particularly made for the lower end of the site visitors.
The only thing you gooks will murder is a bunch of dogs for dinner.
Fascism is neither right wing nor radical.
bideo games
Fascism is third position. It's neither right nor left.
How DARE they make light of (((the chosens))) plight?
We must SHUT IT DOWN right now!
>Believing fascist propaganda
>right-wing, party of small government
>free market & free speech
>left-wing, party of big government
>regulations & political correctness
gas lighting, so brave.
>believing pozzed up jewish amerishart """historians"""
First murricans invented the horseshoe theory because being the intermediate stage between fascism and communism bothered them. Now this. I call such behavior "moral deception".
What a glorious bait OP.
The articles is just an Ad for SnK in Korean.
Guys are you retarded or what ? Can't you google translate?
>copies the leftist/SJW/communist definition of fascism
>calls other people redditors
I'm korean and it first time I hear anyone about it.
But I would not be surprised if our retarded government will pull out something like this.
can't you even read your own country's article?
>Logic: 0/100
You are so damn retarded.
Everyone loves forgetting Nazi Germany actually was left wing
>Depicting fascism as bad
Marley are literally the good guys
>american thinking either of their parties are actually left-wing
That seems pretty fascist.
And isn't this the country that was being run by a literal feminist cult back in 2016?
I didn't even know anime was a thing in Korea. Don't they hate Japan with a passion? I only know about it thanks to /int/ so it might be wrong.
>leftoid thinking the old left actually exists today.
>I've never met a socialist therefore they don't exists
Please stick to you fucking chinese cartoons for toddlers and never talk about politics again, if I hear another time 'murritards saying that fascism is "left wing" I might have a stroke.
you will have a very fucking hard time meeting a socialist in the west who focuses on economic issues over social issues in 2019
Because both attract 14 year olds that can't have fun on the internet and have to inject their headcanon into everything. "If it's real on the internet then it also is in real life".
This is what happens when you're not protectionist and keep what you have together. The state of Yea Forums can mostly be attributed to the fact that a large percentage of the userbase simply ignored the bullshit coming in.
>None given
based worst korea
>right wing
where did you get this definition? wikipedia?
Dumbass gooks are dumb, more news at 11.
Economic issues are a social issue.
troll post, delete it mods
Economically, not morally.
Almost every government in this world is ultraglobalist.
>implying there is anything wrong with banning shonenshit trash
even though you're being obtuse, you're right, since nearly every social position the left takes ends up helping either the state or corporations to make money (usually at the expense of the working class)
Thats fascist
South Korea is also a shithole that banned por
It's actually soft seinen, user, just like HxH.
the porn that SK makes now to get around the ban is really strange, it's filmed like a mix between a TV show and a voyeur recording
When the fuck did this definition change?
I remembered fascism or fascist simply defined as "Suppression of dissent."
>Nazi Germany
>left wing
>Movie > Fantasy Animation against the Giant of the Cannibals
>Article posted 2019.05.04 13:17:00
>[Attack on Titan: Crimson Arrows] is broadcast on the movie channel Super Action from 17:00 to 19:30 on Saturday, 4th May.
>Starring Araki Tetsuro, released on January 28, 2015, Yuji Kaji (voice of Ellen Yeser), Yui Ishikawa (voice of Mikasa Ackerman), Inoue Marina (voice of Armin Alertto), Hiroshi Kamiya The Giant of the Progress: The Arrow of the Red Lion is a fantasy animated film with an audience rating of 8.56, a netizen rating of 7.28, and a cumulative audience of 24,454.
>Let's go inside the anime "Giant of the Progress: Arrow of the Red Dragon" introduced by Naver movies.
>"Go ahead! Humanity's counterattack is now! "
>The world of humanity is on the brink of destruction as giants appear indiscreetly eating. Humans live in it, building a huge wall of 50 meters away from them. I do not like the reality of living like a bird trapped in a cage. I do not like the reality of my family and the 'Mikasa Ackerman' who protected me from my childhood. It does not break the stubbornness to get out of it.
>At this time, the gigantic peace of the gigantic giants and armor giants appears, and it breaks down with the broken wall. As the giants break through the first wall, Mon Maria, the helpless situation filled with screams and death follows, and Ellen Yegger, who sees her mother cruelly eaten before her eyes, vows revenge on them.
>Eventually, the second wall, 'Ellen Yegger' and 'Mikasa', who flee into Wall Roger, support the training, and repeat the hard training and develop the power to avenge the giant. And five years later, on the very same day that they graduated from the training camp and were born as a soldier, the gigantic giant who destroyed the Moon Mary again appeared before Ellen.
>"Where do the giants come from? The real war is starting now! "
>ellen yegger
>Wall Roger
>Moon Mary
Google translate is a treat.
Isn't the whole point that Marley and the other governments are evil, what the fuck? That's like banning Wolfenstein because there's Nazis in it.
You're an absolute retard.
I sent this link through google translate and it just talks about the series as a whole and what it's about. nothing about banning or something
>Giant of the Cannibals
>Fascism: Political ideology and mass movement that dominated many parts of central, southern, and eastern Europe between 1919 and 1945 and that also had adherents in western Europe, the United States, South Africa, Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East.
>Although fascist parties and movements differed significantly from one another, they had many characteristics in common, including extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create a Volksgemeinschaft (German: “people’s community”), in which individual interests would be subordinated to the good of the nation.
At least don´t copypaste Wikipedia
Hence why this thread should be deleted. It's blatant trolling.
>Taiwan, Indonesia, Malasyia, China and South Korea has banned much more than games and porn. You are actually forced to let the cashier scan your ID when you use cash to purchase something and you have to send your ID and government documents to their ISP if you want Internet in their shitholes. These are only few examples.
What kind of distopia is that?
they should ban kpop for promoting degeneracy next
Don't you mean 8 million, nazi-kun?
dont you mean 60 billion
>Its another case of an american thinking the french revolutionaries are right wing and the monarchy being left wing
If you change right-ing for social democrats thats basically every government on earth.
So just die already, scum.
>bring politics to Yea Forums
Kill yourself.
Are you dumb? Left wing is literally the scum sitting on the left during the french revolution. Conservatives sat on the right side of the assembly.
Yes I know..
However if you go by the definition guy im quoting gives it would be reversed. Im pointing out the absurdity of his beliefs.
Why is this troll thread still here?