Huzzah, my ankle is dying.
164: I just used a little too much strength [力む can also mean "boast" so an alternate is "I boasted a little too much]
[side] Forward, forward
Huzzah, my ankle is dying.
164: I just used a little too much strength [力む can also mean "boast" so an alternate is "I boasted a little too much]
[side] Forward, forward
[side] Meanwhile, Tanjirou is...?!
Hmmm, it smells burnt.
Lemme sleep a little more
But it's still kinda burnt...
"What happened!?"
"The blade chipped?"
"The blood's not stopping even when I clotted it, so I'm burning the wounds"
Thanks for The TL
"The blood on your upper left arm's stopped coming out"
"But if it's still bleeding, then I'll burn it. So take it off and come over here"
"Is there something wrong with your bones?"
"Uhhh, uhhh... yes!!"
"It's just bruises"
"Don't let your guard down and prepare for an enemy attacl"
"I think you know this, but this fight is only the beginning"
"The final goal is Muzan"
"But next, we may have to end up fighting Upper Moons One and Two"
"I will brace myself!"
"Three people!!"
"Have destroyed Upper Moon Two!!"
"Are Inosuke and Kanao okay?"
Wow... wow!! This is amazing
We're all racking up wins here.
We're getting closer to Muzan!!
"I found her Iguro-san! Here!"
"Upper Moon"
"Upper Moon Four...!! The one Tokitou and the others beat"
"So he already replaced them"
"Shinobu-chan's younger than me and she risked her life to win"
Have to do my best too!!
E... embarrassing!! So embarrassing!!
I panicked and got a bit too arrogant just now. What am I even doing!!
Okay, changing title then.
>164: I got a bit too arrogant
"You don't know what your opponent can do. So just watch closely, think hard, and calm down"
Rambo style
"Waaghh! I'm gonna get crushed!!"
"So you can make the building move like your body. I see now"
"That kinda took me by surprise. But I'm okay. Heheh."
[heart beating]
"Prepare yourself!!"
"I will not fall for the same trick again!!"
"Reeeeeeee" [I'm sorry, you can use "Kiiii" like a monkey if you want, which is literal]
Thanks user
The eye hahaha
Breath of the Snake, Second Form
Small Poison Fang [Well technically it's "Poison fang from small head" but that sounds wordy and lame. Any changes are welcome]
I really like Snakes sword and style of fighting
"Her blood demon techniques aren't powerful enough to kill people"
"But they're undoubtedly the most annoying and bothersome!!"
"This is gonna be one extremely irritating battle"
"Aaaghhhh!! I fell so low!!"
I suggest that the name of a small and poisonous snake can be used on the tech name.
"Kibutsuji Muzan is close. Don't ease up!"
I presume it references the fact that small snakes are venomous and big snakes generally aren't.
So what about little snake's poison fang?
Blessing this thread
"Don't mind me. Please, just keep moving"
Viz translated it as "Venom Fangs of the Narrow Head" which also sounds wordy and lame. Your translation is better
"You're here... demon hunter..."
"Hm...? You're..."
"Quite a... familiar... presence..."
"Upper Moon"
[side] The strongest demon finally appears!!
Tokitou vs UM 1... RIP Tokitou.
I thought Snek was somehow closer to Mitsuri, but he calls her by her last name.
he (she?) is a beta orbiter
anime only, does zenitsu ever become cool? I heard he was popular in jp but i hope it snot because he's wimpy.
Snek is going to be revealed to be a dyke.
Color chap when? This'll be the first time we see Snake's colors right?
Thanks for the TL user.
What a fight is coming with these two.
>Your translation is better
be careful! viz shill from another thread might attack you.
You fucking /u/fags, I have enough with fujos and now with u niggers, pls don't.
He will have another solo fight in the anime soon.
Definitely not what I was expecting
The fact Kaironji still acted like she was looking for a suitor in her arc should have clued you in before, so far Obanai's interest on Kaironji seems one-sided, unless later Gotouge reveal Kaironji liked Obanai anyway and was just waiting for the right time.
>You fucking /u/fags, I have enough with fujos and now with u niggers, pls don't.
I'm neither, I just think it's a plausible theory given what we know about snake
>short and physically weak
>has tiny ass hands
>covers face
>hasn't stuck his wiener in Mitsuri
I'd unironically love to see him blush. Maybe soon.
Thank you for the TL.
He is popular in Japan.
If you're expecting for Zenitsu to stop screaming, well that's not going to happen . For me Zenitsu showed his worth by defending Nezuko's cage. The words he used. And for fighting skills he shines on the train arc. (Which will come in season 2 of anime).
So be patient , there are more annoying characters around in the anime world
Obanai might not even like her romantically. Maybe he just sees her as a close friend.
All female hunters wears female uniforms, there's no special treatment here for snowflakes wanting to hide their gender.
>You fucking /u/fags, I have enough with fujos and now with u niggers, pls don't.
It's less with being a /u/fag and it's more how I rationalize their relationship. Mitsuri clearly wants a strong husband, Snek is obviously into her so why hasn't anything happened between them? Because Snek is a dyke and Mitsuri doesn't roll that way. She wants to get dicked and Snek can't provide her children.
>Artist only remembers Mitsuri's highlights.
>Forgets everybody elses
I think both sound good, but I'll leave the final choice to TS user.
The only dyke on KnY was that girl who carried Tanjirou to the hidden smith village.
Obanai is just a manlet with a ugly snek tongue.
Why’d you reply to your own shitty edit
That's normal in nihongo land
Zenitsu is popular in Japan because he is an underdog that is actually allowed to do something cool once in a while, that resonates with who attaches to these types of characters in fiction; his loud mouth and overreacting don't change, that's a type of humor japanese are more inclined to like.
>Obanai is just a manlet with a UGLY snek tongue.
I beg to differ
So let's hear you:
Tokitou lives or dies?
-- I have my thumb down
That's what he means, calling someone by their last indicates that person isn't close enough to be on first name basis, so if Obanai doesn't call her Mitsuri then they aren't much close.
He lives, but loses body parts. At least a foot.
I wish they wouldn't kill her
He dies, his arc was given and he developed as well, Tokito's only worth now is to hype Kokushibou up.
another reason would be he is too shy to do that. You know common trope in shojo manga (if obanai is a boy I mean).
Seeing a kid losing his body parts is brutal.
Mitsuri doesn't call him Obanai either, it goes both ways, and she has shown everything but shyness.
>The only dyke on KnY was that girl who carried Tanjirou to the hidden smith village.
Literally what
Even if you're close you are still expected to use last names. That doesn't always happen in manga though because it's fictional. They are friends but they are still colleagues so they still use formalities.
And I've heard of even married couples still using the -san honorific.
This one, in the next page she says she wants a girlfriend and she blushes to Mitsuri.
>in the next page she says she wants a girlfriend and she blushes to Mitsuri
I have no memory of that. Can you post it?
I don't think that was actually her saying that. She was there in the beginning of the journey, right? The stick figure is right next to the village so it can't be her.
I saw that as her blushing out of embarrassment, because Love was taking a lot of time when she needed to be leaving. It's awkward to keep standing there.
Judging by the last episode ufotable are definitely Zenitsufags, I was sure we’re gonna get Train arc this season because episode 12 had adapted 3 manga chapters but them comes episode 13 barely adapting 2 manga chapters and ahuge Zenitsu wanking.
He had his ultimate badass moment chapter in the recent releases and I dont think anything is gonna top that
His eventual marriage to Nezuko will be his biggest moment in the manga.
He still has to be officially nominated as the Thunder Pillar.
If she still lives by then
Saving Nezuko is basically the main point of this whole series, despite all the tragedies and character deaths along the way I doubt Gotouge would make a bittersweet ending where Nezuko has to die or sacrifice herself for the greater good.
Dubs and he lives.
Well, he is going to die
Colors? Will someone dump them?
Tell me about this uniform user
You didn't pay attention to Kanao? Also some background female fodder rookies, they all use skirts.
the fucking crows, god damn it
What a surprisingly silly chapter this is
Name use isn't something you should think over TOO hard. There are many subtleties to it that you only understand after taking in a LOT of Japanese culture and media.
For the record, just using a last name is pretty normal even for a lover.
Nakime is cute.
Why no one is talking about shirtless Tomioka, its the first time we see him like that
It says right there that each figure is a different person. In other words is not the last person who's saying they want a girlfriend. It's also probably not the one who's blushing here
I must've not been paying attention. How DID her eye get messed up?
Cute and canon
Shinobu didn't tho
Not in a million years user.
There's an omake about female uniforms, one guy wanted to the girls to wear the same uniform as Mitsuri
The purple for Obanai is seriously throwing me off. I thought for sure his sword and clothing would be green
Queen harlot made look that way.
Because he looks like a buff gremlin in that panel
Biwa girl doesnt really change expression but you can somewhat tell he got way closer than Kanroji. She is fucked unless she can send them to where Kokushibou is.
She went rebel, there's an omake chapter where she refused the Pillar uniform it was given to her, the tailor tried to make all Pillar females dress like Mitsuri, Obanai wasn't part of the uniform dispute, naturally he is a dude.
>Rocks entire deal is about how he doesnt trust kids
>A kid is in danger and is up to him to save him or to deal with Muzan
Goodbye Rock.
This kid is fucked
And done.
Her eyes are kind of like Obanai's now.
Come to think of it, Kokushibou has direct connection to Nakime? Was she told to send Tokitou to him?
Oh no doubt. It doesn't help her case that she's fighting a dude who's sword style is all about bending and getting into the most narrow of spots. Obanai is going to get through to her once he figures out her power
Aight anons who is more powerful, Shiboushibou or Kokukoku?
>tfw too smart to have sex
>not eyeless koku
Shiboushibou has his eyes on his forehead, he is clearly more enlightened.
Obanai sure is hot, but too bad he's a fucking manlet. Even Shinobu is taller than him.
cute girl
He better get unmasked in this fight
>So take it off and come over here
Ugly, gay, and pedophile
Height doesn't matter if he can still overpower you.
Everybody else's highlights are more so just a style thing. Even if the anime took to actually using Tokitou's.
Mitsuri's hair is actually brought up in-story as the one the reasons why she was seen as a freak woman, as far everyone else goes their hair color highlights could just be an stylistic choice.
Speedreader. Two chapters ago she used the 10th form of her breath which puts a lot of pressure on the eyes and can possibly cause permanent blindness. Last chapter it was established that she can barely see out of her right eye now.
This is a really bad matchup for Nakime, since she's fighting one enemy with mid range attacks and high speed, and another who specializes in slipping through defenses
>upper rank 1
This really hurt my eyes
Any questions?
oops, forgot to keep posting. not yet i guess
bubble sfx in 1st and 5th panels
this series need more dialogue
screeching in the last panel
Animeonly here. How much has the anime adapted? It seems like it's taking it's sweet ass times which is nice. Plan on reading the manga once the anime is done
26.5 chapters
>How much has the anime adapted
3 first volumes, out of 18 volumes so far.
this fight is already better than the asspull douma fight
>It seems like it's taking it's sweet ass times which is nice.
For early episodes, yes, but for the pacing in episode 13 is too slow. They should adapted 2 chapters last week and 2 chapters this week so the pacing doesn't feel too slow.
fuck off
dunno if this name sounds weird, lemme know if you got something cooler
Maybe it's just my autism but I think a singular Fang would work better than Fangs. At least when said out loud.
He's right though.
pan 1 bub 1: Hmmm, it smells like something’s burning.
pan 1 bub 3: But it still smells like
pan 1 bub 1: I put some pressure on your upper left arm.
pan 1 bub 2: But if it’s still bleeding, I’ll burn it. Take off your clothes and come over here.
You'd have to be reading at the speed of light to not know this basic info from fucking 2 chapters ago
pan 1 bub 2: So he already replaced the guy.
pan 2 bub 1: Shinobu-chan risked her life for victory, and she’s younger than me.
pan 1 sfx: Pop
pan 5 sfx: [landing sfx]
like this?
pan 1 bub 1: We don’t know what our opponent can do. So just watch closely, think hard, and calm down.
pan 5 sfx: gyaaaah
Fang is better I think
Yeah this is fine
Zeni killed an upper moon by himself
because he was more retarded than him
Poor Snek
bullying snek is fun
Last one
pan 2 bub 1: Hm...? You...
pan 2 bub 3. Seem quite... familiar...
Spot the homosexual.
All three in that picture and you as well for posting it
I am indeed homosexual for this handsome man.
>Still haven't watched the episode because PA subs never got done
I miss Douma already.
I don't, fuck him.
He was a very charismatic villain, no need to be a moralfag.
New VA, new OP, full ED when?
Me too
My love pillar requires more pics of the Love Pillar pls
PA user was disappointed that he can't see Inosuke's face yet, so he lost all motivations.
colors probably tomorrow
late to the thread, but thanks to you and TL user for all your work
Appreciate your hard work
Anyone know what this is from? Or what event it was available on.
i love this series but it's hilariously good at wasting potential
Shit, I thought I said something about it the previous week, but not only did I forget to do that, I also forgot to check in for the live thread.
Sorry, family obligations made it impossible for me to work on the subs at the time. I'm downloading the episode right now, and will try to hurry.
Do you think ufo will adapt train arc or not? I mean with this pacing I don't think we will reach train arc but there's an idiot who keeps telling me that spider arc will end in 4 episodes max.
No need to rush. You did tell us that the sub would be late this week. I was just joking about the motivation part.
Thanks user
>they had Tanjirou get knocked over from a book to the forehead
no he didn't speedreader
Technically he did but we all know that Kaigaku is a substitute UM and no one takes him seriously (except Zenitsufags).
Anyone who knows japanese, during Zenitsu's talk of hearing people talk while he sleeps, the anime translated it as "it creeps everyone out", is that correct or is it another mistake?
What is that for a sword? It looks based as hell. Fucking love UM 1s design.
BTW, this is 100% the last arc of the series. 100%.
>[Pig Assault] Kimetsu no Yaiba - 13.ass
Don't know how many mistakes I made this time, since there was a fair bit of added scenes, and I avoided over-correcting too many things.
Also deleted the initial upload because of a line I left unedited, sorry about that.
Thank you. Now I can finally watch Zenitsu being beaten to a bloody pulp.
It was a free gift if you went to go see the movie iirc
Let's say that the end of the Demon Train is chapter 67. Not even all of chapter 67, just the first half where shota-Muzan is berating Akaza. That means we'd have 41 chapters to deal with in 13 episodes. We'd need every single episode from this point forward to adapt at least 3 chapters, plus a minimum of 2 episodes adapting 4 chapters.
I'm not really seeing it.
>Wow... wow!! This is amazing
>We're all racking up wins here.
>We're getting closer to Muzan!!
Something terrible MUST happen after such words, right?
what a fucking monster
Who is Tokito again?
Beta snake can't even call the harlot by her name
Tokito Muichiro, weed pillar.
Shota pillar.
who can stop this madboar?
UM0 when
Please no um0.
There's still the UM5 replacement.
>ywn have Tomioka tell you to take off your clothes and come over here
Why even live
Please no, no.
tfw no pillar gf
I think it more as love having a crush for everyone but not realizing snek has a crush for her too.
Thank you
Defeated but lives. Rock has the biggest death flag.
Post more before he fucking dies
anyone having that Kimetsu eyes/pupils compilation? I lost it some times ago...
bless you user
bless you too
>this is your most popular ship.
I'm a fujo and even I don't understand the logic behind it.
>smug troll vs bulliable boy
>age gap
>height difference
It hits several major fujo fetishes.
I guess that makes sense. Personally, I can't behind a ship that's purely for fetish reasons.
/u/fags are truly beyond delusional
Thoughts on this?
Why is the quality so bad
RIP in pieces
UM5 can only be hunting Nezuko outside the fortress.
>said the womanlets
Are you ready for Breath...of the...Moon?
It fits since um5 might be uzuis brother
This is perfect, they need to have lots of genetically superior babies to help the demon hunters
Why the hunters don't have Love Pillar popping out kids 24/7 is beyond me
That sword is creepy as fuck, and I love it.
I’m betting that UM4 is helping him track Nezuko with her bug eyes, that’s why she not giving her full attention to fight Love and Snek.
nice hilts
>Love's sword hilt has hearts on it
Why didn't I notice this before?
I like how feminine love is despite being a juggernaut of a woman
Any important info in those two pages?
just Spider arc and 2nd cour officially beginning next episode
I hope there’s a new OP and it lives up to if not exceeds the current one
databook soon
how soon
>Smug Kamado siblings
oh lord
Not hard to do. Just need a less generic sequence and song.
I mean I agree, that’s exactly what I hope. I’m hoping the song is less upbeat and generic and instead more ominous with a more unique song structure and vocals. I just hope it’s somehow not worse than the one we have already which tends to happen a lot
Shit got real really fast
>Why the hunters don't have Love Pillar popping out piglets 24/7 is beyond me
What the fuck? Is this real? Why did they include a fucking meme in the release?
Think it refers to the general identification of a venomous snake with triangular "contracted, pointed" head as opposed to non-venomous with "rounded" head.
Sorry if this is kind of late but I think using "bite" instead of "head" will be nice because you can tell head is narrow just from the shape.
Like "Narrow Bite of Envenomed Fangs"
It was a meme done by our very own TS user.
Yes, why? It's not funny, it's fucking retarded. What's next, jokes in TL notes?
It releases in Japan July 4th with Volume 16. I got my copy on Amazon already pre ordered and I'll be scanning it (someone else will have to translate though)
Get your very own PIG ASSAULT shirt to wear when beating the crap out of pussies and oni alike.
I'm excited for the Spider Arc to be animated. It's at this point when the series really picked up and took off
How can anyone enjoy the Akaza fight? His fight with Tanjirou was hyped up/anticipated for almost 100 chapters and when the fight actually happened it only lasted for about 10 chapters with 2 or 3 of those 10 chapters being fucking flashbacks
That'll be $50 plus shipping
That's way too direct. I'd rather like something subtle. Like the symbol that's engraved in Tanjiro's blade. Or Giyuu's haori design as a shirt.
Who gives a fuck, it was hype, it fleshed out Akaza's character and made him based as fuck and we already knew his abilities. Sometimes less is more.
>it only lasted for about 10 chapters
>2 1/2 months
Yeah no it went on long enough.
>Oyakata-sama and Amane-san are on the cover only
>the tow elder daughter died for nothing
Databook when?
when you've been hyped up for that long and your fight lasts half the time of fucking Daki's there's something wrong
>Dakis fight was a 5v2
>Akaza was 2v1
>waaah why was it shorter
July 4th in Japan
First off, it's Gyutaro's fight. And Gyutaro was a fucking monster. Also, as pointed out, there were a lot more participants.
Second, Akaza already had a fight which established his abilities. There was no need to set anything up, they just needed to slug it out.
Third, Akaza is a very straightforward fighter. Just pure skill. It makes him an incredibly difficult matchup for the Pillars, since the only gimmick he relies on (his compass needle) hard counters pretty much anyone. So that fight really shouldn't have lasted long to begin with. Since he was constantly in their face and attacking. Did you want 20 chapters of DB-esque slugfests that go nowhere? Because there is no way Tanjiro and Giyu could survive trading with Akaza for that long, and the fight would be repetitive.
Fuck off, that joke was made before it got translated by Korean bro.
>Did you want 20 chapters of DB-esque slugfests that go nowhere?