Does anybody else find it disturbing how casually the "good guys" in several series will erase and rewrite their own...

Does anybody else find it disturbing how casually the "good guys" in several series will erase and rewrite their own history for the sake of a political agenda and it is never portrayed as a negative thing by the narrative?

Attached: Uchiha censorship.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

Uh it's called realism

Yeah, and it's a bad thing when it's done in the real world, and people recognize it.

No, because the "good guys" do that shit all the time in real life.

>and people recognize it

They don't unless it's convenient to their own agenda.

Is that a dick holding a book?

Anybody that intentionally covers up and rewrites history is not a good guy in my book.

Then try to find a good guy in this world

read One Piece

Then you're living on the wrong side of history friendo

>open a book on Sasuke Uchiha
>it just says "he was the coolest guy"

History is written by the winners, might makes right, bla bla

>History is written by the winners
Tell that to the people who still call the American Civil War the "War of Northern Agression".

Yes, I do appreciate how One Piece values finding out the true history and rightfully shits on people who lie and try to cover it up as pathetic cowards.

But everyone believes the point of that war was ending slavery

The only people who call it that are the descendants of the butthurt losers and no one gives a shit about their whining. In fact, they are mocked for it.

Yeah I wonder why a japanese author would be okay with rewriting history and denying some nasty thing happened.
It's a complete enigma.

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Yes they should be more like the Germans.

Welcome to reality.

I dropped this shit years ago but are you telling me Naruto actually censored any information about Sasuke and the awful shit he did so people wouldn't call him out on giving him a pardon just because they are friends?

You are correct. He also covered up Itachi's crimes. No mention is made of him in the history books when discussing the near extinction of the Uchiha. Sarada is still in the dark.
Orochimaru's crimes are also covered up. The next generation just knows him as a ninja who has his own trading card.

Attached: Uchiha all died to truck-kun.png (1088x605, 1.23M)

Not if you go to the South, lots of people there to this day will insist that it was about "State's Rights" and defending the South's "way of life" from "Northern invaders".

What the fuck? Does anyone call him out on doing the kind of underhanded shit that would make Danzo proud and lying to his own people just so no one will criticize him for his failure to deliver justice to those criminals?
How is this shit okay? Whay was the author thinking?

Japanese mentality.

Obito was the coolest guy, by the way.

That's the rewritten version isn't it?

This is exactly why I made this thread. I wouldn't mind the series doing this if somebody, say Boruto, called out Naruto and the Konoha government for their rewriting of history, show the negative consequences this policy has on people not learning from the mistakes of their ancestors. But the way it's handled it's just treated as a noble thing, protecting the reputation of the Uchiha clan and whatnot.

>Japanese mentality.
What do you mean?

It feels really dumb of Naruto, who suffered the effects of living in a lie in his childhood due to Konoha hiding his parent's sacrifice and his required role as the host of the Nine Tails.

Japan is fully committed to hiding the atrocities committed by their army during the Second World War .

He is probably talking about how nips would rather sweep troublesome things under the rug and act like they never happened to save face than actually acknowledge those things, admit their wrongs and do something to fix them.

Officially sanctioned history under the Naruto regime
>Black Zetsu was a really bad creature that manipulated people into doing bad things in order to awaken his mommy
>He manipulated Madara into going bad
>He brainwashed Obito, the coolest guy, into being evil
>He brainwashed Itachi into murdering his clan, but Itachi was able to overcome the brainwashing enough to spare his brother because he loved him so much.
>Sasuke was a great guy, he left the village for a few years to train with respected Ninja scientist Orochimaru
>Sasuke killed Itachi, but managed to find out that it was all Black Zetsu's fault
>All Five Nations went to war against Black Zetsu, and his army of White Zetsus and Edo Tenseis controlled by the evil Mizuki
>Sasuke helped save the world from Black Zetsu's mother Kaguya, then he and Naruto had a fight for fun
>The Hyuga clan is the strongest in the Leaf

>Yes, I do appreciate how One Piece values finding out the true history and rightfully shits on people who lie and try to cover it up as pathetic cowards.

Eh, careful. One Piece is also a vaguely deterministic setting, so hiding some things in darkness might actually serve somewhat of a benevolent purpose if uncovering history gives you control over it.

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Nobody calls him out because he ended "the cycle of hate" if nobody knows about crimes they don't have a reason for revenge, if Sarada knew the true about Itachi she could take it against Konoha. It's the same reason why nobody knows Sumire was a terrorist, if they don't know she almost blew up the village they can't hate her.

I thought ending the cycle of hate meant teaching people to move past their desire for revenge, stop being obsessed with the past and look towards the future, not outright denying anything happen so people don't get angry over it.
How is that any different from Danzo hiding the truth about the Uchiha Clan massacre? Didn't Sasuke go bananas when he found out the village lied to everyone?

>if Sarada knew the true about Itachi she could take it against Konoha
Why the fuck would she? She's never met Itachi or anyone else that died in the Uchiha massacre. Her only connection to the clan is her deadbeat father, whose already given up on revenge.

Neji was right

It gets worse. Apparently, modern generations know absolutely nothing about the Akatsuki either, since Sarada doesn't think anything is up with Sasuke wearing Akatsuki robes in the only picture of him she had ever seen until she was 12.
What do they think actually happened in the Great Ninja War?

Symphogear also did it, to a limited extent. And yes, it does peeve me greatly. I consider nothing more good and precious than the truth.
I'm trying really hard. But my selection would be material, not for here.

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why is it always "the jap way" when one character in one anime like nuruto does one thing?

It's no wonder the country is on a fast track to self extincting itself

It always bugged me that in My Hero Academia, it's established that All-Might was complicit in covering up AFO's existence from the general public. It's a pretty unheroic thing to do.

Because it's a well-known fact that they do that shit and thus it makes sense that a japanese author would portray history being rewritten to protect the reputation of some powerful cunt's best friend.

At least in that case you can excuse it as All Might trying to punish AfO and deprive him of the attention and worship he craves via damnatio memoriae
In Naruto's case it's not about punishing Obito, Madara, the Akatsuki, Sasuke, Kabuto or Orochimaru for their crimes and making sure no one remembers them ever again, it's about protecting people Naruto likes or finds useful even if it means taking a massive dump on every single person who got their lives ruined or were killed by those autistic cunts.

Not everybody should be a moralfag user,modern Naruto is Hitler.

I'm fine with Naruto being Hitler, I just wish the story acknowledged that he is Hitler instead of acting like rewriting history for your own personal agena is a perfectly normal, acceptable and shounen hero-ish thing to do.
Fuck, I'd more than welcome Naruto not being an idealistic and completely moral leader and certain traits of his like his devotion to his friends being shown to not be such a good thing.

where can i watch the new episode

That's more like not releasing a serial killers name to prevent them getting fame/copycats.

Maybe Kawaki is a good guy.

>instead of acting like rewriting history for your own personal agena is a perfectly normal, acceptable
It is in Japan. Do you see how they act when people bring up the stuff they did in WW2? Fuck I think even the guy who writes Golden Kamui got harassed for acknowledging what the Japanese did to the Ainu. Rewritting history to make bad guys look good is what they always do.

Attack on Titan is also extremely critical of people rewriting history for their own ends. And it's made clear that both the Eldians and Marleyans are guilty of it.

of all they choose the storyline, they choose this?
this's going get shitstorm

>Insulting one of Japan's most noble and well regarded traditions
Fucking racist

so wait did salad want to learn more about why her whole family is missing or fucked up and get told she cant?

>Modern Naruto is Hitler
I'm sure Hitler dabbled in censorship, but the guy with the big redwell blue, actually pen was Stalin.

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Pretty much. The only book she read at the library didn't really explain anything about the Uchiha massacre or the history of the clan, and when she asked the librarian if there was anything specifically about her father Sasuke, she was told it was all classified.

>It's Uchiha censorship episode
I have a funny feeling you're sort of damned if you damned if you don't with them.

Fuck Sarada is an idealistic moralfag but we know the Uchiha blood's gonna kick in eventually.

>have technology electricity and computers
>still use shitty magic instead of building weapons
what a stupid fucking show this is

Konoha is a fascist state and Naruto defends its values so it makes sense in-context

Didn't they start making magic weapons in Boruto

they are fucking ninjas

so this upcoming episode will entail
>how dadruto is censoring the internet
>how sasugay is not using technology because its botnet/policed by dadruto
>how censorship is now giving more incentive to find the truth, and start more problems
see this is why i try advocating education on even shit even if theyre young and dont know how to handle it. unless its blatantly illegal to teach, they should know.
i remember when i learned about world war 2, and they just glossed over every fucking part except "heres the countries involved, and heres who won"

almost a year ago i posted the following
>went on a long journey to find self worth
>tried his best to distance everyone
>failed miserably and used his skills for the greater good instead
>to atone for his sins he didnt get a new arm and instead is going one arm everywhere
>his only arm left is his non-dominant arm no less
>still the only one on the planet that could kick dadruto's ass, even with 1 arm
>has eyehax
>while dadruto was on the moon he obliterated a meteor in a split second just because he knew what was up
>has a fucking falcon
>doesnt use technology because its botnet
>just kinda does his own thing until everyone is needed
think of it this way
>studied with orochimaru for years
>a man who knows how to remove evidence and carry what he knows with him instead
>has on numerous occasions managed to succeed in hiding evidence
>dadruto makes technology (tm)
>as the person who made literal world peace happen by some luck of odds and talk no jutsu
>everyone buying into it because its good shit
you bet your fucking ass its botnet. if anyone is acting up he'll see it. sasuke knows this and thats especially why he keeps his phone dead

Attached: Sasuke_The_Last.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

>Hirohito's uncle lead the invasion to Nanking
>Hirohito accept to collaborate with MacArthur in exchange of not touching the imperial family
>Japan becomes the last bastion of "freedom" against communism in Asia so the Americans need a strong local government
>Only Tojo and some low ranking officers are condemned.

Attached: nanking.jpg (736x449, 70K)

>shit on previous cast
>when almost zero likeable current cast
this is not going to end well

Why is she dresses like a prostitute?

shitty magic infused swords. They are advanced enough to make kinetic weapons like simple pistols.

I've always liked Danzo because he acted like a ninja is supposed to act, like a total scumbag, and was consistent with it instead of preaching peace while working for a militar complex founded and maintained by mercenaries

with any luck salad will find all the uchiha bullshit and be the next madara

Rewritting history is honorable in Asia.

I wonder if they would've executed Yamamoto if he survived the war, even though he didn't want to go to war with the US

Maybe Yamamoto would be the scapegoat instead of Tojo. The American public opinion was really butthurt for these yellow monkeys daring to bomb American ground and wanted to exterminate them like they did with the indians. It'd make more sense to give Yamamoto to the jackals, or maybe both Tojo and Yamamoto. They needed something for the press

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bullshit for the next 100 years people freaked out if a person of color drank from the same fountain. And Don't get started on the economy for said folks.

It's literally how Jap defense their war crime