You have 1 minute to name an anime that aired on [as] better than pic related.
Protip, you literally can’t.
You have 1 minute to name an anime that aired on [as] better than pic related.
Protip, you literally can’t.
>an anime that aired on [as]
Literally who cares?
Cowboy Bebop.
There was a fuckload of those, so probably a lot of people newfriend.
The Big O
Lupin part 2 is better than Watanabe’s entire filmography
Nah, they're right.
Even Dandy was better. Sam Cham was fun, but still the weakest of Watanabe's [as]-aired fare.
Posting Space Dandy is cheating.
Thats the best anime ever made.
only if you are dumb
I loved Champloo but wish there were more reccurring characters besides the 3 of them
I would if I had any idea what that was
> liking shitty anime
that was easy
brainletwank and waifu bait
That was easy.
That Baseball episode was completely out of left field
Its not like the show was meant to be anything except pre 20th century japan roadtrip sol.
Last few episodes were a pretty good conclusion overall.
it was kino
Is this an unironic post? I can't tell
What is "as"?
I don’t know what an [as] is, but Akatsuki no Yona is better
Jesus christ the little brother symptom is so rampant with this fanbase
Xavier Renegade Angel
nigga its adult swim u brainlet
zoomers are real and its sad
I struggled with SC's ending for a while. No one got what they wanted and I felt disappointed.
Space Dandy. Avg'd a million viewers per episode.
Go look at yourself in the mirror right now and apologize to yourself for being a fat lying cunt. You know what the fuck OP is talking about.
this thread really belongs on
>Yu yu Hakasho
>Outlaw Star
>Cowboy Bebop
>Fullmetal Alchemist
>Wolf’s Rain
>That Mecha show where the main boy had a cat girl personal trainer
> Bleach
Pretty much all of them desu
>pretending to like samcham if you haven't read shusaku endo's silence
There was that inspector dude who showed up for gag episodes.
It really was off the beaten basepath.
>That Mecha show where the main boy had a cat girl personal trainer
Which one was that?