Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure; Diamond is Unbreakable - 22 - Yoshikage Kira Just Wants to Live Quiet (1920x1080, 265K)

>adult swim
Go away

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Friendly reminder the "main plot" only happened because /ourguy/ couldn't tell the difference between his sandwich bag and sandwich bag that was 10 feet away from him. everything could've been avoided if fatty wasn't such an idiot.

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lmao fatass BTFO

Or it could have been avoided if Kira wasn't a single digit IQ dumbass who has picnics with body parts

>Deadly Queen
>Emperor Crimson
>Pale Snake
>Full Moon
>Maiden Heaven
>Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price
>Frighting Monsters

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maybe you

>adult swim

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You forgot my boy Flaccid Pancake

I was so happy when he died

Me too pal, me too.
No but honestly one of the most unbearable characters in media, his appearance and personality are repulsive.

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I agree but his stand is amazing though

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>Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price
This is retarded because they can just say “D4C”

They do that too. In the game it says that nobody knows what D4C stands for. They might say the full name in the anime once or twice and use D4C the other times. Just like they'll probably just call Foo Fighters FF all the time, and they do that most of the time in the manga anyway.

Bad Company is better though

I swear to god they can so easily avoid a copyright dispute if they change C-Moon to Sea Moon.

>Zipper Man

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Bad Company had a cooler name, but Harvest was a way better stand. It was really useful for non-combat stuff and downright OP for combat.

>Terra Ventus

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Only thing Harvest had was a possibly better range (though we don't know for sure due to the nature of the fights) and the ability to inject things. Bad Company had more range in combat and firepower

>having a picnic with your girlfriend is low iq

Bad Company could have been used to non-combat stuff too.

No, Bad Company is shit compared to Harvest. The swarm that makes up Harvest has hundreds of little bugs, so not only does the user take almost no damage if some of them are destroyed, but they'll overwhelm anyone easily. They can also fly and move relatively quickly and are very strong for their size. Fighting it is like trying to beat a swarm of bees by punching them except each of the bees could easily kill you if it gets close enough. They don't need firepower when each of them is strong enough to rip out an artery or punch out your eyes and there's hundreds of the little fuckers coming at you at the same time. They can also dismantle things to get to you. And their range is huge. The user could be attacking you from across town and there's nothing you could do about it. The only reason Shigechi lost is because he held back (and also he's an idiot and Josuke tricked him). Notice how easily he was beating both Josuke and Okuyasu together and how quickly he was able to grab one of Kira's arteries. If he had intended to kill, he'd definitely have won.

You're shit compared to BC

Attached: Keicho_plans_to_awaken_Koichis_Stand.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)


Don't get me wrong, Keicho did great with what he had. But Bad Company isn't a powerful stand. Keicho was just really good at using it to its full potential. He was well aware of Bad Company's strengths and weaknesses and tried to lure his opponents into places where he'd have the advantage. But even that wasn't enough to beat Josuke. Harvest is so powerful that even a retard could be a threat with it.