Decide to watch a fwew episodes of rising of the shield hero

>decide to watch a fwew episodes of rising of the shield hero
>it's actually pretty good

Wtf Yea Forums why did you lie to me?

Attached: 220px-The_Rising_of_the_Shield_Hero_anime_cover.png (220x309, 136K)


it's gets shitty later on

It's pretty generic

It's fine, unless you are expecting Evangelion.

Naofumi: muh false rape accusation

its garbage.

>OP is a faggot
Who would have known?

The rape accusation thing is over after the first 6-7 episodes.
After that he's just seething because they treat him badly.

It may be like that but I actually found myself invested in his struggles against the world.

Do I just have shit taste?

>L'Arc, you have to give him a proper explanation or he won't understand.

We are also heroes from another another world and what we do we do to protect it.

Nice proper explanation, dipshits.

I'm considerably more forgiving of it when I remember we have dreck like Kenja no Mago sharing the same season with it.


But that was fun

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Both were pretty blatant wish-fulfillment fantasies.
Kenja played it straight. While Shield Hero went for the gratification and feeling of righteousness from being unjustly wronged. Shield Hero wins by virtue of having at least somewhat interesting character designs.

Did you expect him to stop up and give a one hour lecture in the middle of battle?

It's not just the designs, their personalities are great as well.

If you interrupt a battle to give exposition, then give exposition that actually means something. And have the characters react to it. Having another reality/world clash with yours during waves is news, is it not? Does that not hint at waves being more than just timed monster incursions? You could ask them what is going on. Find out their motives. Why they only wanted to kill Naofumi, not the other heroes. Why those guys come with the waves. With Naofumi being interested in maybe finding a way to go back one day, someone else jumping between worlds is kind of interesting, is it not? And it is not Naofumi. The queen should be just as interested in how heroes from another world trying to kill her heroes are infiltrating her world days before a wave. Sounds kind of like a security problem. But no, we interrupt a fight to the death for the tidbit, that there is at least one other world which also has heroes. And afterwards, even after the battle no one questions what the fuck happened.

Also, bonus points for the queen raising an "army" and then in the actual battle having unarmed sailors instead of soldiers to defend the ships, which leads to her daughter just being grabbed by a murlock.

Additional bonus points for the fight against the pope, where people were discussing for minutes while they charged up their jesus swiss knife with prayer power.

Silly to nitpick those things in LNs. But being a medium with bad writing does not automatically excuse that bad writing.

I feel like it's because of Filo

Literally just did the same thing OP Filo best girl


One of the sound track is amazing. Is there more like it other than the abyss one?


I also liked it

it was interesting until it became a herem.