No Gun's Life

You ARE going to watch the best current sci-fi manga adaptation, right ? You're not some fags who don't like hard-boiled MC ?

Attached: no-guns-life-anime-visual-1.jpg (884x1200, 155K)

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i am planning to watch it

What was this about? Why is it good?

wait, there's going to be an anime? good stuff. when is it? man I hope the cgi is half decent at least
God, I hope they won't shit the bed!

for me, I was reading this manga on after keyman manga hype I was having, and felt it was similar in a way but more science than magic occult and the setting feels like noir detective

Warainaku gang rise up

I read this like ages ago, then scans stopped, I assumed it was axed. Apparently not

you know he/she already has another manga call zingnize

Where the FUCK are the new chapters

From what I've seen it looks like they will be using CG for the background and objects, which hopefully doesn't look TOO bad but since it's the same staff as Overlord III I can't bet on much

Of course.

Series takes place in the aftermath of the biggest war ever that resulted in militarized cyborgs. Its a distopian society ruled by a corporate monopoly where a sizable portion of society are cyborgs. MC is former combat model cyborg from the war with a gun for a head working as a bodyguard/detective. Gets involved in a conspiracy involving the monopoly.

I don't see a problem with cgi background, the only bad I heard about overlord besides the usual cutting content was the big sheep monsters

Anachronistic Deus Ex but with a PI that's augmented himself into a bipedal self-propelled artillery vehicle mixed in a conspiracy about a device that remotely controls any and all augmented.

Really fucking good atmosphere, action and main character.
Scanlation has been dormant for quite a while, to put it mildly.

I'm still unsure of how I feel about these backgrounds, you be the judge of it

Attached: D9lSdbhVAAAf2ym.jpg (900x1200, 293K)

Thank you

Tetsuro a cute

No problem buddy

Attached: 1553439313630.gif (500x485, 1.6M)

I guess the name gunhead is too obvious and taken

It has a skullgun.

No Guns Life sounds better in very a specific, typical engrish sort of way. Especially when the MC has a fucking snub-nose revolver naval gun for a head.

is it getting an adaptation soon?