If you think "Araki forgot" you're fucking stupid and impatient.
Jojolion thread
Joseph Howard
Zachary Perry
JobinChads congregate
Luis Young
He's about to blow up Ojiro's fucking head off
Christopher Richardson
I want to _______ that stand!
Nathaniel Lopez
Ojiro still doesnt change the fact how fucking boring part 8 is
Sebastian Torres
Bet you watch Meti too.
Kayden Ross
kys, i'm enjoying this part as much as part 7
Nicholas Robinson
Makorin is gonna be the final boss
Adam Morgan
Can't imagine her reaction when she finds out her boyfriend just got Risottoed
Thomas Murphy
>If you think "Araki forgot" you're fucking stupid
very much agreed and very much hoping that he pulls off this ending, cause with as many elements as we have coming together, part 8 easily has the potential to be the best part