>clink clink
>clink clink
Uh oh
Other urls found in this thread:
Rin is a meat toilet
Sounds like a blockage in the old Tohsaka Toilet again
rip in peace Toilet-chan
>anal slut
No wonder she's best girl
She's best girl because of her scat potential. She's a rare case of a popular waifu being associated with alternative fetishes and that's why she's perfect.
I want to stick my toilet meat inside her meat toilet
>implying tohsaka even uses the toilet
She's also bisexual.
She IS the toilet
Toilets don't have sexualities though
ITT: Scenes that pander to you
Rinfags commission the weirdest shit
uh oh indeed
Does every bit of Rin anal memes come from the Rider scene in HF? I haven't read anything beyond the original VN but it seems absurd that a dream sequence would be stretched this far.
Disgusting heroine whore.
pretty much
but she also shits herself in F/HA which only added to it. It's become more well known since more people have read F/HA over the last couple of years.
What makes a clink sound in the toilet?
Iʻd be her toilet desu. Her fudge would be a 5 star meal
imagine the creaminess
a metaly poo
Is the HA scene the diaper one posted above, or is it different?
The diaper one is fanfic made by a Rinfag with a dusoer fetish. The one where she shits herself happens in the store room
This the scene in question ?
Biwhores are fucking disgusting.
Where does it imply that she shits herself? From what I saw, it just says she took a dump. Still hot though
There's that "muddy water" line, but that honestly might just be what she tracked in after getting sprayed with water. I feel like there would be more of a reaction to it otherwise
she took a dump, had an enema via the bidet but then let all the shitty water out in the storage room. Normal people don't do that.
The storage room is just a shack in the yard iirc. I don't see how that could be directly flowing from a bathroom. It's probably just actual mud she tracked in
no it's from her butt. She's holding it in until she gets into the shack, then she lets loose after Shirou explains the bidet to her.
Why didn't she just poop it out when she used the toilet?
So it’s just shit water from the bidet, or is she leaking diarrhea?
Rincontinence was also inspired by this scene:
What would be the chance of Touko being my wife?
This is the most powerful "Ohoho" in all of anime
because she doesn't have a lot of common sense
Imagine the smell...
I detect a hint of onion
Do you think Rin takes thick big shits, or smaller runnier shits?
Ohohohohohoh, depends on what either hole got stuffed with!
retard, never it is implied she shat herself she just let the water out to the bidet like normal people do
you are an actual idiot who cannot read
I'd be so mad at Rin if I were Saber for shitting in her favorite cup
nice damage control, scatfag
Scat, feet, weight-gain, yurifaggotry, watersports, why is Rin such a big magnet for disgusting fetishes?
best girl
This guy gets it Seriously Rin is the only anime girl to cater to all my less-than-average fetishes and this is why I love her.
I would eat All of Rins shit
but the main question is, would she eat yours?
I hope so
she best be hungry
I hope it's eggy and sweet at the same time
It seems like a good majority of the people in this thread are open about scat fetishes
Feel like I missed a good post, damn
Nothing important, just bitching about other posters.
>tfw rin shitposters actually are trying to have her all for themselves
I'm not sure what you're implying
Was worried in case I missed out on some quality Rin-scatposting
You just listed all the reasons why she is prefect, user
Rin is insufferable; as are her degenerate fans.
They're fooling anons like this guy into hating Rin so they can be the only ones who have her
It's a simple chess game
I don't think it's as complex as that though. A good number of Rinfags on Yea Forums just have unusual fetishes. There's nothing wrong with that really
What the fuck are any of you actually talking about. Have you never heard of an analogy? She's not literally shitting herself, it's an exaggerated metaphor used to describe Rin's fervor towards Shirou in the moment. Did you also think Rin was literally whipping the clouds into a storm overhead before she arrived?
>i-it's not literally scat, Rin is just being compared to shit!
You're not exactly making things any better, you know.
You are dumb.
She used the toilet which has an automated butt cleaning process, but had never encountered it before. Those things literally shoot water up your butt hole. In her shock, she rushed out of the bathroom before letting the water release back out from her butt and into the toilet. She's trying to hold it in when talking to Shirou, an extra sprite was even made specifically for this scene. After having the bidet explained to her, she forgets about the need to hold it in and let's loose. Considering she'd just been to the toilet to poop, her butt would have been dirty. Hence the "Brown water" that comes flowing towards Shirou.
So yes, poopy water comes out of her butt and onto the floor.
Can't believe I've actually had to explain this to you morons.
As expected of Rin.
Holy fuck how does Saber keep getting away with all this cute fan art?
Can someone tell me why they keep saying Saber is one of the strongest classes? In Zero along F/SN Archer and Berserker on average is much much better.
>Archer and Berserker on average is much much better.
Is that why they keep losing? lol
She loses one v. one battles all the time. Her master or person aiding her in a fight is always having to carry her.
Magic resistance
It's one of those things that just get ignored by later installments. Everyone said that Caster class was weak but Solomon solo'd the HGW in one day.
>Is that why they keep losing? lol
She can thank both of her Emiya Masters for that.
fuck the f/go timeline nigger
Excuse me, this is the designated Rin thread. Please take your King posting elsewhere
A stream of muddy water is just that, muddy water. And coupled with the storm metaphor from when Rin shows up, it's describing Rin's intensity. Anything else is reading into it.
But sure, *I'm* the one who's wrong here.
I can't believe I have to explain how a bidet actually works to you morons.
A bidet cleans the surface, it doesn't fire water straight up your asshole, you'd need to be fucking puckering your starfish if you wanted water to get in there. And guess what? Afterwards her asshole would've been clean.
So here's what happened for you retards who don't understand.
>Rin used the toilet
>at some point, she pressed the button to activate the bidet
>Water was shot onto her ass and vag
>Rin screams
>A few moments later, she goes to Shirou to interrogate him
>All the while holding her slightly wet, but *CLEAN* ass
At no point is her ass mentioned to be dirty, all you retards have to go off is the "stream of muddy water" line, which is an analogy. Or what? Do I need to remind you of the many other weird analogies/metaphors this series' writing uses, while not being literal.
Also, if Rin had literally tread shitty water or whatever to the storehouse, wouldn't Shirou have a *little* more of a reaction, and likely cleaned it up? Yet, there's nothing. Just a gag about Rin tricking Saber into using the bidet.
Gotta say I'm disappointed. For the proof you folks tout about saying "she totally shit herself, within canon guys!" I expected much more.
Rin Tohsaka is clearly straight. The reason some people say she's bisexual is mainly because of the H-scene in the fate route. But it's clear that it doesn't make Rin bisexual:
First of all, the author Nasu didn't write that scene. As noted in the complete materials, Nasu didn't actually write the script for the fate sex scene.
1.Why didn't Rin tell Shirou about mana transfer earlier? There's absolutely no valid reason. Transferring mana would save Saber's life (and before the whole scene Rin had told Shirou Saber would most likely disappear due to lack of mana and gave him no answer when he asked if she could be saved), so it would be logical to inform him of such possibility as early as possible.
However, if mana transfer involved sex, she had a very good reason not to tell him about it. She had feelings for Shirou, so she definitely didn't want him to have sex with Saber, unless it was absolutely unavoidable, causing either Rin or Shirou to die.
2. The whole scene seems like pointless fanservice. The fact they went for the H to give mana to saber instead of making Rin the master of Saber and let her get lots of mana still baffles me after all these years.
3. It is a life-or-death scene in which Rin is forced to have sex with saber and enjoys it. The question would be, does it make her bisexual? When 2 girls in an eroge touch each other and enjoy it then they’re bi? I don’t think so. I strongly believe the result would have been the same with every single heroine in the game. It’s an eroge and I’ve read a few VNs where 2 straight girls enjoy sex together. I’ve also watched even more hentai (not that different from eroge) in which straight girls (usually sisters) that love the same dude end up having sex together and enjoy it very much. In my opinion, it was mainly fanservice for an eroge game, not to mention the newer versions of Realta Nua completely remove that scene, making it non-existent.
So basically, It's not a threesome if she's there touching saber with a bored expression. This is an eroge, there is no fucking way a girl can touch another and don't make it seem it's glorious, what kind of an H-scene would it be otherwise?
Also, Sakura got a similar treatment in Heaven's Feel while watching Rin get raped (she got turned on by her own sister and maybe it was fanservice for the H-scene. There's no need to assume Sakura's bi, it could just be Nasu's way of making H-scenes (all 3 heroines had a sexual experience between themselves after all).
4. Shirou was there in the whole scene (she even kisses him for absolutely no reason before starting "preparing" saber). Rin knows Shirou's watching and she watches them have sex afterwards. Her arousal is entirely due to Shirou.
If we move onto Heaven's Feel Rin thinks something very interesting after returning to the Emiya House (after spending 1 year in London): I've been going out with boys but whenever I am with them I can't concentrate cause that fool's face appears in my mind. Am I in love with him?
In this route Rin and Shirou didn't have any romance moments, yet she thinks about Shirou, not Saber, Rider or anyone else. (not to mention she says she's been going out with boys, not girls).
So that is why Rin is straight, despite all the yurifaggots claiming otherwise.
>"muddy water" in a scene about the toilet, where Rin has an all-new sprite where she clutches her ass
>t-t-total coincidence!
>in a scene about the toilet, where Rin has an all-new sprite where she clutches her ass
I'd be clutching my ass too if water had shot onto it (and my vag)
>S-s-she totally shit herself, guys!
>rinhaters on full force denying her bisexuality and scat fetishes
Of course they couldn't state it outright in a mainstream eroge. The implications are still obvious, hence all the scat doujins.
She's purely heterosexual. Only assmad yurifaggots think otherwise.
Her lewdness is a great nightmare
What implications? It's just a gag about a bidet's water function.
Holy shit, fucking based.
Bidets don't have a "muddy water" function, user.
Rin Tohsaka is a bisexual icon.
She fingerfucks Saber in Day 11 and says "Ah... hm... I'm surprised... I didn't think I swung this way." To be fair, this line was removed in Realta Nua.
Later, there's this...
>The falling moonlight and the beautiful face…
>Even though I'm going to be killed in an instant, I adore her again.
And finally Sunny Day.
>Saber is mine, and you're mine too, so don't argue back to me!
And she has the hots for Rider.
>Interesting... Then, what part of Rider did you see first?
>Oh, I just wanted to know if we looked at the same thing, honest ~
>She was beautiful before, but it stands out much more in her normal clothes.
>To be blunt, she's really gorgeous.
>When a woman calls another woman gorgeous, you know it's true.
>I've seen many beautiful women over there, but I haven't seen anyone as beautiful as Rider.
As we can see, she's super bi.
Yeah. For shit.
Nope. For intensity. Rin's shouting at Shirou and there is no escape for him. Much like in a storm, when one is caught in a stream of muddy water, there also isn't an escape.
Hey! Bisexuality isn't degenerate.
The "muddy" part is really specific, especially in the context of that scene.
I will fully admit the choice of wording and metaphor is poor in this situation, but it's retarded to instantly think "Oh she shit herself!" when there are other interpretations that make far more sense.
Ya'll just really want to believe she shit herself.
It's a poor choice of wording, certainly, but muddy water like one would experience during a hurricane, or a typhoon, or a flood isn't an improper metaphor. Unfortunate, (or fortunate for some) yes, but not improper for what's being gotten across.
Besides, the joke was just a toilet and the embarrassment it caused Rin. It never specifies whether she was pissing, or shitting in the first place.
Lies and delusions.
Everything I said it's on the VN and pretty much all of them are still canon. Rin Tohsaka is bisexual as fuck which makes her even hotter.
Reminder that outside of the bidet scene, Rin also has a potty emergency in the Kaleido Ruby scene.
Claiming that because being indecisive is 'hot', that makes Rin bi is false equivalency.
I'm just showing proof that Rin is into girls. Her bisexuality being a plus is just my opinion.
>being bisexual = being indecisive
Based retard.
Is Sakura really worth it?
Wow you Rinhaters are really desperate
I suppose Shirou being worried about the mess she could have made in the bathroom was a coincidence too, huh?
You're talking about a bong specific bidet my dude.
In Japan they have functions that are literally powerful enough to shoot the water directly into your asshole. It's for hygiene purposes and normally less messy than disposable enemas.
Wait a minute
Please find me an example of this elusive metaphor
Fucking Japanese toilets, startled me the first time too
Choose wormslut or fecal fountain.
Rinbros are fighting against the entire world.
>user deletes their own posts just to make this.
This is not the first time it happened to me, jannies are legitimately fucking around when they feel like it.
Yeah sure thing buddy.
Either your entire IP got removed because you broke the rule somewhere else, or you deleted these posts yourself. No one is falling for this crap.
It can't be the former, since I could reply to myself on the same image, meaning I am not banned and I have no idea how to prove the latter.
Are you the one who did it?
The former is easy enough to do on a mobile phone.
Did I do what?
Delete the posts.
How can I delete someone else's posts?
Nevermind, if you don't want to believe me you don't have to. It's just puzzling that a staff member would do such a thing, unless he actively participates in Fate shitposting threads.
No one else's posts have been deleted though in the entire thread.
Your story would be believable if you weren't the only one this was happening to. I know you held off a while before making your collage to make it look more genuine, but still fell flat. Try better next time.
It was 2 AM ITT and I went to sleep before I woke up to more deleted posts. I've already said that you don't have to believe me, since there is no way to prove it. I am just throwing it out there that there's a janny who deleted my posts for absolutely no legitimate reason.
Fucking retards I swear.
What happens to be the problem, officer?
What are you even trying to say you absolute imbecile.
Looks like someone woke up on the spicy side of the bed today
for what it's worth, i believe you user
the current jannies are absolute fucking nuggers
niggers even
Why are Rinfags the worst fans of this franchise?
Fucking invalid retards.
>Rinfags ate my dog
>a liar and a phone poster at the same time
user... are you baiting at this point?
Hard times ahead for Paco
What exactly am I meant to be baiting?
Also not directly replying to a post when it's the last one in the thread doesn't have the same effect you were trying to achieve.
Your dog was a Rinfag the whole time
ok janny
>Rinhaters are justifying eating dogs by labelling them as "Rinfags"
This is disgusting.
Because their waifu will never be as cute and perfect as our king. They have to settle for an ape of a woman with a permanently bad smell.
This is the most confusing post in the whole thread
Once again proving that brainlets can't appreciate Tohsaka Rin.
I love her so much bros, what did we do to deserve such a perfect girl?
Sorry but I'm really not into beastiality or scat
Plainness lets your mind fill in the rest, meaning that Saber is supposed to appeal to a broad audience.
Just because Saber doesn't share your weird fetishes does not mean that she's plain.
Strange, considering it's everyone BUT Rinbros talking about these fetishes.
kill yourself i will never forgive you underage frogposting niggers for enabling bootlicking
Have you even read the thread?
Just because not all Rinshits are into the same thing doesn't mean that none are.
Saber is a blessing and one of the only reasons I keep going on in life.
Booty lickers?
end your life you fucking locust in a few years when Yea Forums is a clone of reddit i want you to know your part of what caused it
That's pretty insulting to the ones who actually have those kinds of fetishes. You do know where you are, right?
Falseflagging is a dick move, user.
No, it's insulting that you think anyone who doesn't have the same interests as you is a falseflagger.
We have for that, remember? And most people shitting on Rin do it for the fetishes falseflaggers bring up.
/d/ is for pictures and explicit stories. People with similar interests are still allowed to discuss their interests on Yea Forums if it involves their favorite anime character. Especially when they're discussing actual events that happen. I'm not sure what you're finding so hard to understand here
Ignore him, he shouldn't even be here in the first place.
Who ate your eggs today?
Why yes, I find people besmirching a girl's reputation by pretending to like disgusting fetishes disgusting. I don't see what you're finding so hard to understand here.
>pretending to like disgusting fetishas
This is your problem. You're the one who finds it disgusting. Just because it's disgusting to you does not mean it's disgusting to everyone else. Hell there are even people who get off on Sakuras vagoo being full of worms. Sure people meme the shit out of it, but it also appeals to certain fetishes.
Stop being so closed minded and let the people enjoy their scat.
Isn't the appeal of scat the very fact that it's disgusting and coming out of a pure girl? Also, I have never seen any explicit images about Tohsaka, which further confirms how forced this "fetish" is.
no one i'm just an autist who can't help but yell into the void as everything gets fucked to death
>Isn't the appeal of scat the very fact that it's disgusting and coming out of a pure girl?
Yes but the fetish as a whole isn't considered disgusting to the ones that are into it.
>never seen any explicit images about Tohsaka
You mustn't have looked very far then
I get your point, user. You can delete that image.
My all time favorite stinky lesbian survived the night.
Rin is straight.
Until she has a face full of vag
Sakura is for Shirou
Illya is for headpats
Saber is for my heart
Lluvia is for bromance with some sex
Rin is for rich old men and the toilet
Most based post in the whole thread
About as straight as my penis
What would sex with Luvia be like?
So much Rin hate makes me sad desu. She's definitely my favorite girl, but I have a hard on for tsundere.
I feel like every other day I see these threads, I honestly think there's a group of people trying to push an agenda against her here.
Honestly who takes doujins seriously? And the 'scat' scene was a joke that lasted 3 seconds.
Rant over but I love her.
Dear God, WHAT is THAT putrid SMELL?!?
See, why post or save something like this?
It's cute and canon.
See, I don't feel you're being sincere. There's plenty of nice, cute moments you can post but you're fixating on out of context stuff to fuel your fetish.
It's just a single retard with too much free time and autism who has being going at it for two months now. If you look at the pictures he uses you'll find out that it always the same set with the same comments where he replies to himself.
>There's plenty of nice, cute moments you can post
Such as this, you mean?
That's a pretty good question. I'd say that she'd really try to seem pretty unphased and experienced, but I'd wager that she'd be really big into foreplay, so I'd probably recommend with light/soft touches while undressing her. It'll likely make her feel a little embarassed, but that's fine as long as you focus on being gentle and the important body parts like nipples, stomach and lips. You should kiss her at least a couple of times during the time and caress her drills at least as much as you kiss. Once she's undressed and her nipples are erect you can proceed to move on to her intimite parts. To make sure she's ready you better stimulate her clitoris and labia with either hands or tongue. Don't force it too hard either, you're just trying to get her into the mood, think of it more like edging. Once you feel like she's close to ready you should ask her to return the favour with her mouth. While she might seem reluctant you just need to look in her eyes firmly to give her the confidence to go for it. You shouldn't really push it too hard, it's just a part of foreplay at this point. Now where you're both ready you should likely go for a possition to make Luvia feel the most comfortable. I'd say doggy style sound pretty good. Ask her to possition herself properly and once finished start inserting your ponos into her vagoo. Innitially she should be holding the sounds in, but soon enough she should be releasing subdued "Oh, oh" whimpers. Once the whimpers start to get loud you should change your possition to something like missionary to look deep into eachother's eyes during the act and to lock your hands together. This is the point where you should go until you finish. Once 7 years worth of magical energy makes its appropriate noise you should tenderly kiss Luvia on her lips.
I don't hate Rin, the scat and stink is why I love her. Sorry if that's not your thing but it is for a lot of us.
I'm still waiting for some hot Rin x Luvia doujins to be made
Rincontinence has been around for quite some time now, you know. Plenty of people are participating in the meme.
Does Rin poop gems now?
As if she wasn't perfect enough already.
That's what I kind of figured. The disturbing aspect is that he's trying to push the 'view' that all Rinfags are scat fetishists in a weird attempt to discredit her. As if literally anyone would take it seriously.
Of course user, never mind the time someone showed the archives with the same pictures having the same filenames with the same comments posted dozens of times in the span of a few days.
>plenty of us are
This is exactly what I mean. No one could actually take this seriously, it's just a sad false flag.
That was the toilet meme, not Rincontinence.
That only accounts for that one image.
Look at the IP count even in just this one thread.
You guys need to be more open minded regarding other people fetishes. Fetish shaming isn't very nice you know.
That phoneposter filename is doing more than enough to discredit her fans.
>No one could actually take this seriously
Oh fuck off you close-minded idiot.
Thr only sad thing in here is you.
Switching positions as she's about to climax sounds like the complete opposite of what you should do though
It was for three distinct images, including this one.
Inb4 when people don't realize Rin panders to toilet fetishes and can't get over that fact, so they bitch at said fetishist and think it's just a meme.
I r o n y
This. I don't know why Rinhaters are so obsessed with trying to rewrite her canon personality.
No one said all Rinfags are scat fetishists, but some of us are and I don't understand why you are going on about it so much like it's a bad thing. It's like how some Sakurafags genuinely have a slut fetish or bug/ovi fetish.
We're not the majority that's for sure, but we do exist.
100% this.
Just because the rest of you don't like it, that doesn't mean we don't see it as wholesome.
Whats with the two tone hair on archer
People totally wrote these stories as a falseflag. Right.
>Why do people not tolerate our fetish where a character is shitting in our faces!
The same reason noone wants to see countless amounts of soft-guro Rin for a dismemberment gag, puking Rin for a nausea joke or a Rin infected with several different kinds of intestinal worms.
Take your absolutely disgusting fetish and fuck off to Yea Forums.
A joke of a westerner not understanding Japanese toilets has nothing to do with whatever you are trying to associate it with.
Who and what are falseflaggers? Why is every fate thread full of them?
Except Rin isn't a Westerner.
She's just not good with technology.
Guess I know my waifu better than you after all. And no, you are the one who should leave. You insufferable cunt.
Why do you get triggered about people talking about the canon source material?
>Except Rin isn't a Westerner.
Brainlet, I never said she was. She has only ever known western toilets. She literally lives in a western household.
>A joke of a westerner not understanding Japanese toilets
I mean, you literally did.
Rinhaters are autistic and can't handle seeing people talking about the VN. Notice how they rage whenever people post anything directly from the source material.
You can change "westerner" with Rin and the context of the sentence would not change. I never explicitly mentioned I meant Rin by that.
If you didn't mean Rin then what the fuck is the relevancy in your post in the first place?
Rin is "like" a westerner because she doesn't have knowledge of typical, Japanese bidets. Therfore she is a westerner.
Sorry about your autism, user.
It's just a few butthurt Rinfags who can't appreciate that some of us are into different fetishes. Apparently we are falseflagging because they can't fathom the idea of people liking something they consider disgusting to be legit. I'd have expected this sort of judgement on generic Fate fandom sites, but not here of all places.
Just out of curiosity, could you post your Rin fetish folder? Just a screenshot of small thumbnails inside a folder will be enough.
don't know why you suddenly care, but here is a small sample.
Not posting bigger for obvious reasons, will delete soon too.
Based and scatpilled
my nigga
Did Rin drop her gems in the toilet?
Is that why she's poor now?
I feel like this would make for a good doujin.
Toiletfags are delusional, but Rinfags even more so if they come to a toilet thread to complain about fetishes.
based and brownpilled
I love you, my dude.
That was brutal. I'd watch a spinoof just about this two sluts.
I just want them to finally have good doujins where they fuck
>peeing in the middle of a change
Wow. She really is an absolute Rinfant.
She's at least semi-continent half of the time.
That doesn't last very long though.
I wish someone would write up a fanfic series to go with these gifs
Luvia approved.
The image that inspired the third one.
>Oooo…. Ooooh, here it comes! Hahaha, look everyone! I’m shitting in my diapers like a fucking baby! Everyone point and laugh at stupid baby Rin while she makes a biiig poopy in her diaper! Hahaha… Aaah… OOOOH Yeah~! Stupid little poopy baby! I-I’m just a stupid p-POOPY BABY GIRL! AAAHAAAA~!
what the fuck did i just read?
Is real the hate against bisexuals here or just a meme?
You guys are mentally ill. fuck off
Wait, did the stories inspire the gifs or did the gifs inspire the stories?
I think Tohsaka Rin's Dirty Secret came first, then and , which inspired the other two stories. Most of the other images appeared a bit later than that. has been around since at least 2014, though.
Why am I suddenly turned on after reading these?
>t. rin
You are one of us.
Welcome to the team, friend.
And also gems since she dropped them all in the toilet after her magical analplay went wrong.
She's straight.
They can't accept that UBW is the worst route
Holy shit.
I miss the fish
Tohsaka Rin reeks of semen.
God I played this game so much. Sometimes I skipped classes to keep playing this because I finished everything else in F/HA. It was way harder than it needed to be because I didn't know about the Phantasms.
What were they thinking when they made this BGM?
I would eat Rin's mess desu
All rinfags should be like you user.
Sauce pls
Don't have it.
based meido.
Fuck you man, Rincontinence posters are some of the most based posters in the entire of Yea Forums
Post doujinshi. I'll start with a classic.
I can't find best doujin up there.