I hope everyone didn't kill themselves because the Psycho no Aisatsu OVA just got subs.
Milky Holmes
Shit, I guess the Milky Suicide really did kill off all the fans.
I'm still alive.
think about all the people who died before this came out
Did the Milky suicide work? Is that why they're shitting on Feathers now?
Why is Nero such a bitch?
this ova feels like pure concentrated S1 and i love it
Milky Holmes disbanded earlier this year
I didn't see their original spin-off, were they joke characters in that too?
season 3 was them actually being "serious" detectives, but it really didn't feel like milky holmes at all
I can't believe Kokoro-chan is fucking dead!
Serves them right
I'm just glad milkies ended on a good note (movie, OVAs) instead of crashing and burning on S3/4
i've been wanting to do that to them since seeing S3
And then there is this faggot.
I'm still unsure if she is best girl or Kokoro-chan.
But then Sher was willing to stick a buttplug just because.
Have they suffered enough? Do you forgive Feathers for what they did to Milky Holmes?
Kokoro-chan makes the best smugs so she's the best.
Plus she is very cute and funny.
Feather fucking sucks.
We need more Milkies.
I forgive the feathers
must put penis in kokoro-chan
>mfw people actually watch this trash
milkies outlived you, deal with it
> we've gone full circle back to 2010
Shit, this is is really the last episode, I'm tearing up.
>just downloaded season 1 yesterday
>this happens
truly magical
id say you're in for a treat but only season 1, the movie, the s1 ovas and this ova are what i'd call peak milky holmes
s2 is much weaker
s3 doesn't exist
s4 tried to go back to what s1 did but just wasn't as good
but even so, i'd highly recommend watching milky holmes
Season 2 is pretty much season 1's good parts at full throttle, though, whereas the first season had a weak start and seemed unsure of what it wanted to do at first.
it has been a long time since i've seen it, my memory is shit sorry user
We are getting old.
It's all finally over.
Futari Wa was actually mostly serious aside from a few comic relief moments with the original milkies. Although the show wasn't really dark either, so it was all just kind of boring. Milky Holmes TD, which was by the same staff as Futari Wa, already turned them into joke characters though.
Kokoro-chan iuna!
Season 2 does hit the good humor from the start, while season 1 takes a couple of episodes to really get it, but season 2 basically completely gives up on any consistent characterization, changing the characters, or dropping their only consistent goals just for more humor.
It was fun, but overall I think season 1 kind of left a better impression at least to me.
I can't believe Arsene's true identity was never revealed.
>7 years since the milky suicide pact
glad to see some of you fucks made it
Why was the prison island episode so good?
I was so happy to have her bursting into song again this special. I don't think I've heard her doing anything outside Bushiroad shows for years.
You say that, but none of the OVAs have been as good as the first series.
what do I do now?
I was going to say how I never finished Milky Holmes TD, but it turns out I did, but I don't even remember what happened. And holy shit, was it really in 2015? I swear it wasn't that long ago.
Holy fuck, its been almost 10 years but why is Cordelia still so fucking hot?
don't you fucks dare let this thread die
fuck Im crying
> tfw this could be the last milky thread
Wake up, people!
Is it really the end?
i'm pretty sure everything has been subbed now
and they disbanded
this truly is the end user
I hope I'll see you guys to at least haunt the board for the 10th anniversary. It could be a good excuse to rewatch the series.
What is this thing? Gives me Galaxy Angel vibes.
Never forget
Its spiritual successor.
it's a show about damedame loli dykes
It pretty much is the spiritual successor of Galaxy Angel, right down to several references to it and the G4 being voiced by the Galaxy Angel crew excluding Forte and Vanilla.
Time for the ultimate Milky Suicide thern.
Huh, really?How the hell did I miss this one?Does it have games like Galaxy Angel too?
Yes! Downright to them being a serious counterpart of the show and having a male lead on them (mostly).
They will all come back to life when a new season gets announced
> new season
Time to look up torrents then
Okay...that blonde loli certainly has some lunatic as a fan.
>tfw you kill yourself because you're a good milky holmes fan but you're so damedame you end up surviving it
BTW is there really some suicide pact thing that happened
MUST put penis in KOKORO-CHAN!
>eason 2 basically completely gives up on any consistent characterization, changing the characters, or dropping their only consistent goals just for more humor.
No, it continues to develop the characters and their personalities, veering into meme territory with elly really being a slut for instance.
Is that some Die hard 3 reference
Now you realize that you've been talking to dead people in this thread all along.
but she is
I almost died but the stupid ER people brought me back
How damedame
Why is Elly such a slut?
sexually frustrated because she's surrounded by dykes yet all she wants is dick
Why is Nero such a best ?
Nero is such a bitch.
Keep the love always alive, bros!
I can't believe it's truly over.
how many ovas are there? I only watched s1-2 and the movie.
It will never be over
which ones of those are good?
movie > psycho no aisatsu > arsene > summer special > ken and janet
looks like this is the end
sayonara milkies
Was moriwacky directing this? Also have the feathers seriously been shit for 10 years, also have 10 years really passed holy HELL
Only 9.
Nice to see you again, Trash-kun.
But nero said 10
So...no english patch for Milky Holmes game 2?
>serious milkies
Amazing how dead Milky love is, that I have to watch a christmas special in the heat of summer.
It's evident that some of the fans took Milky Suicide too seriously.
Well Milky Holmes is almost 10 years old now, it's had a good run.
Can't wait for the next season
I can't believe this is the end... ;_;
What are we going to do without more Milkies in the future, Yea Forums?
Today OP delivers
Why is she blushing here?
Do the Milkies want me to start playing Vanguard?
How does her hair even work?
Since when did she have this ability?
Same company?
The Twenty nipple gag gradually evolved into something truly immaculate.
I mean, it "develops" them by doing stuff like making them drop their goal of becoming great detectives at a certain point, or making Nero in hungry for money rather than food (which did improve her character), but there's no in-story logic for any of that. Any consistent characterization is thrown aside for humor, which makes the later parts where they attempt to play some drama , even highlighting them never giving up in spite of being dumb sound really hollow.
Nero is a BEST!
>it ended like it started
>that graduation song
why is her mouth crying
At least the feathers got beaten up a number of times.
I never watched their show.
Different user. I felt similarly about the finale but I just assumed it being so obviously contradictory to the premise of S2 was supposed to be the joke. My only actual issue with S2 was how drawn out the finale felt. I think the "Lord of Lard" joke lived way past its expiration date.
Why is Elly such a slut?
Nero > All
She's a typical loli dyke. The most typical and dykey.
sherlock is so hot!!
Who is this semen demon?
I saw s1/2 and the movie, how many ovas did i not see yet
It's over and so am I
When do G4 get their own show?
RIP in rip user-chan.
naninaninaninaninaninaninani the summer special was subbed? I only see raws.
it's the one where kokoro becomes an idol
RIP Milky.
My sides were gone when I saw that the doors lead to the same room.
Oh then I have it already, thanks for the clarification.
Poor Stalker River, he's been innocent since the beginning.
*licks pupil*
somebody post a webm of Cordelia spanking Twenty
>mfw there actually are people who enjoy this trash
been there done that
>Robbie rotten.jpg
That's a fake, bro.
I love the milkys so much
why do people like the dumb milkies more than perfect girl arsene?
I can't watch this. I'll have nothing to look forward to.
Is this TOO flat though?
Why did you post about Arsene when replying to something about Henriette?
Quick run down on s1 and 2 again?
I like Feathers
what the fuck is wrong with you
I love Aimi.
fuck i almost forgot you fucks started this meme
I wish there wasn't so much inconsistency in Elly and Cordelia's busts.
Thank you Milky Holmes! You are all great detectives.