cute wasps doing cute things
Himenospia chapter 19
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Still not sure how I feel about burn-scar Alice.
Does this manga have pantyshots?
does this count?
O boi so someone on Yea Forums is still reading it.
Only one more chapter left in this volume though and the next isn't out till autumn, so guess interest will be below zero by then however. Shou ga nai I guess.
eh I like reading Himenoland while waiting for Killing Bites and vice-versa
Well if you are looking for raws, I might have found a solution.
I'm enjoying it and eagerly awaiting the next chapter.
Imagine fucking Himeno and have her moan in pleasure while her workers watch in horror as you defile their queen.
Wonder if they'll be putting up vol 5 chapters before vol 5 is actually published though.
this manga just went full arachnid
end of chapter
i wonder if she just pulled the bear out with her twat stinger
>that art style
>that paneling
>insect theme
Hold the fucking phone is this by the author of Arachnid/Killing Bites? If so is it going to eventually tie into Arachnid universe? Because the madman mentioned not so long ago that he wanted to continue the story
Also apparently Jackals was a prequel
The timeline order is Choubu no Shinobi, Jackals, Caterpillar, Arachnid and then there will be a sequel later this year. Killing Bites and Himenospia are separated from that.
>Choubu no Shinobi
I didn't even know this existed
And there's a sequel later this year? Damn
I hope Alice beat the shit out of Himeno
>when your crush looks at someone else
Yup, it's a rapeman translation
I'm glad american queen isn't another mid-boss there just to job to Himeno and die.
The question is when Himeno will dominate her in bed.
That could make the american queen another cockroach. That would be hot.
Based japs dropping truth bombs.
Everyone knows women peak at 16.
Himeno is bottom lesbian
Cute! Serena is super cute! Enough to make me feel guilty about writing that humorous short where she stinger rapes Himeno in front of the whole school.
Everyone dies except for the main character(s)
Everyone kills each other except for the main character(s)
Everyone survives except for a couple of dumbasses
Everyone gets raped except for the main characters
I wonder what's next. It's funny because you'd think the survival rate in bug battles would be higher in Chouou due to them using feudal weapons whereas people use guns and high tech stuff in Arachnid/Caterpillar
This is my a rational level. What about normal wasps?
>Himeno will be revealed to unconsciously produce a scent that attracts other queens to her, giving her a harem of queens
So this is some fetish insect themed lesbian fighting type story...with disgusting insect super that girl producing a barbed tail from her pussy....and also with gore and people dying...what the hell Japan
>Mizu: why is the chest so loose?
>Himeno: why is the chest so tight and skirt so loose?
You mean, High-five Japan!
>harem of queens
Otome game of queens ,himeno is bottom
A power bottom
Remember, it's totally not brainwashing guys
At this point it's just hot.
It is, I just love himeno's self-deluding
I'll never forgive this manga for not giving us more shots like that page in chapter 1
He's a faggot but atleast he's a useful faggot
It's just so cringy and tryhard