Your obscure wife, from your obscure anime will never get fanart let alone doujins. Comiket is coming up soon, time for despair.
Rule 34 is a fucking lie
Just edit that leprosy to nipples
Good thing I'm a purityfag.
Only 5% of all doujinshi ever get scanned.
Only 5% of all scanned doujinshi ever get translated.
You only have yourself to blame for not tirelessly stalking all the thousands of Japanese fan circles and taking it raw like the bitch you are.
I'd say it's somewhat worse when your waifu (and the rest of the crew) get a spinoff erotic-leaning VN that you'll never read because
>no translation
>no fan translation
>moonrunes are hard
Those rules are over 15 years old. The internet is different now.
these are your own damn fault
at least your wife and by extension her anime are popular enough to get art in the first place, you not being able to understand it is a different dilemma than not being able to bring it into existence.
if it dont exist, make some then.
Her death was satisfying
In what way?
Happened way to fast and not as graphic as her brothers.