How did this one-episode character become so popular?

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Never underestimate the power of fujos.


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Because he is the one good character in that awful cast.

Only character that liked Shinji.
Soothing voice.

About the gayness, people don't pay attention when he says "he couldn't give Shinji that sort of love" (because he's not human).

never watched Evangelion, but i thought he was a relevant supporting character given the sheer number of art featuring him and the protag


He only appears during one episode, right before the end.

Imagine ACTUALLY thinking this

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He's a character written with subtly and grace (no reference intended). He clearly has a great effect on both the MC and the story and it leaves the watcher thinking about him because he's so mysterious - he has little introduction or explanation as to who he is. It's part of his character, that he's alien and inscrutable, to counterpoint how all those close to Shinji have left him. Despite his short screen time manages to be one of the most impactful.

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Wrong. There's also Pen Pen.

Do fujos even like Kaworu? I thought they were all too busy self inserting as Asuka and dating Shinji

Nigga you wat


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Ode to Joy
Also the only being showing affection to Shinji in a way he understands

>self inserting as Asuka and dating Shinji
what the fuck?

>drawing gore
A bit redundant when Anno has such a hard on for decapitating him

I'm just gathering this from the enormous amount of fanfiction about Asuka and Shinji.

Litterally who?

There's 10x that amount of Kaworu x Shinji on the ao3 and the sites with more female writers

He very memorable.

You don't know what fujo means. Don't use words if you don't know what they mean. I got second hand embarrassment from reading your post.

He made all the chicks watching Eva drench their panties and all the boys question their sexuality

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You stupid fucks. I meant that the fujos who inhabit fanfiction and write gay shit non stop are for some reason writing mostly AsukaxShinji stuff.

They aren't, you dumbfuck.

Here's the fanfics sorted by reviews, retard. On the first page alone the top two fics are AsukaxShinji, and 6 out of the 9 fics that are about shipping are AsukaxShinji.

>fujos who inhabit fanfiction and write gay shit
>write gay shit
>gay shit
>writing mostly AsukaxShinji
Are you quite literally retarded, user? Also
>reviews=/= popularity look at ao3 for hits and favs, you absolute brainlet.

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I mean they usually write gay shit but now they aren't, retard

>implying any significant amount of people are retarded enough to use that shitty UI

And it seems none of these people wrote Kaworu/Shinji fanfics. You don't know what a fujo is, stop embarrassing yourself.

why does everyone obsess over this one still this and shinji choking asuka on the beach is the most used pictures of Eva.

I liked him because he was really nice

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Lmao, he was literally another monster of the week

Your mom was just another pussy of my week and yet here you are.

>monster of the week
I guess he did destroy everyone else's chance of winning the Shinjibowl

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Representing pure and unconditional love towards Shinji gives you tons of points when literally everyone else is a selfish cunt and/or dead.

>talking about fanfics
>implying ao3 is irrelevant

Fujos love choking

Karl is so perfect. manga-Shinji didn't deserve him.

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Even if you only pretend to be retarded that still counts.

Karl was pretty butchered in the manga. His character and motivations were completely changed, and he becomes somewhat daft about people.

I know. That's exactly why I said I love Karl, he's a better character than TV or Rebuilds Kaworu in my opinion.

Disgusting. Us fujos self insert as shinji and date kaworu.

>cat snapping boy who doesn't know what's going on and begs Shinji to kill him to prove he doesn't hate him or something

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t. didn't even read the mango just skimmed through b/w pictures.

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Everyone wishes that somebody would love them unconditionally like Kaworu did with Shinji.

The entire episode just really stands out from the rest of the series it has a different vibe that somehow makes the events seem disconnected and surreal somehow
It's really a masterfully done episode

Is... Is that from the manga?

But of course! God.. I love Karl so much!

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Its strange because it features someone being nice to Shinji for once. And it's the only time Shinji actually gives exposition on how he feel

He is the only likeable character in that god awful cast. Well, there is Kaji too. Plus, I love the archetype, I wish I had a bf like him.

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Kaworu may have been the final angel, but he was the only one that truly gave Shinji what he wanted. And that was for someone to say that he liked (or loved) him. Really, who has actually said that they loved him besides Kaworu? Also fujos won't shut the fuck up about him.

You love Karl because he became really weird?

>Self insert as Shinji? No thanks. I self inserti as SEELE and raise a cute shota Kaworu on the moon

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I don't think you understand the fujo mindset

>manga Kaworu
I hope you dont keep any cats bub

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It’s the same as a waifufag’s mindset

Nowadays people are ruining the meaning of love. Yes, straights, homos and in between, only see love from the self, hence it only means and holds value in that sense: sexual gratification or the ego gratification through the social value of getting laid. That’s love and anything else, for people in these days. So if Kaworu says to Shinji he loved him, it is only of value if it means Shinji is desired, as society needs it. Who cares about the love that would be the seed of self-esteem or caring for who you are? Love is about holes and sticks and getting orgasms, no matter if you are homo or straight or fluid. That’s why this triggers many people. They can understand love beyond sexual needs, and if Kaworu’s love isn’t sexual, then is not worthy of their grace.

Why is everything on A03 gay or lesbian?

Because yaoi and yuri is based and hetfaggot stories are boring and often come with abhorrant fetishes.

Because in a series full of despair and hatred of oneself and others he was the only ray of hope and love.

Just like how male weebs hate the male characters and ship femalexfemale or femalexGOBLIN/MINOTAUR/UGLY GUY (Or she's an eternal pure virgin who has never even touched a guy), female weebs DESPISE female characters, especially the pretty ones, so they ship the male characters with other male characters.

In Evangelion's case its:

I will not let this blessed and pure post go unnoticed. It's really sad that's how a lot of people see things today; keep spreading the truth, user.

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Wrong. I ship male x male because boys are cute and two boys are even cuter together. and maybe cause rei is the only cute girl

He's a "pure" character in a setting where all of the main cast is fucked in the head (except Kaji).
Sure there's the fujo appeal but he's also a good character. I wish someone would love me as unconditionally and wholly as Kaworu loves Shinji.

So you're saying people don't like Kaworu because he doesn't want to bang Shinji?

I mean, he died in one episode, but while he was alive he was pretty great

What the hell, no.

Fujoshi don't hate females, there is often a token cute girl or two in even the most blatant fujoshi anime.
Then you have the non-fujoshi female fans, who love their self inserts. This is why female self inserts (and other female characters in otome, see Amnesia) are designed to be fun to draw and as memorable as possible.

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Like, imagine doing drawing this image but with male self inserts.

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So either blank slate self insert mc's or all boys?

Well, to be fair, GendoxShini sounds kind of hot in that incest + raped-by-old-men way. I don't think I've ever seen it though.

Because he have great relationship with Shinji.

How could anyone hate this ship? D'awww.

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I'm new here, what fujo means?

Someone post the gif

God I wish that were me

I don’t think you know what a fujo means.
The term fujo comes from the fact that fujoshi think they are too dirty for the boys, so they ship them together.



>literally the only character in the entire series to treat Shinji with respect and care
>only character to unconditionally love him
>but people refuse to ship him with Shinji purely because he has a dick
This is how you know shippers are shallow and don't actually care about chemistry.

To be fair, there are also people ship him with Shinji because he has a dick


first thing I gifted my (fujo) ex was a Kaworu figure because she was absolutely obsessed with him

fujos don't do much girl bashing for their ships now, they usually just try to pair the girl up with either the nearest character who kinda liked her or another girl so they'll be squared away from the main ship

What's the best version of them?

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Aside from his relationship with Shinji, Kaworu also has mysterious side to him. He knew how to get into Seele/NERV, get selected as a pilot and he knew which one of the kids to target. It makes the angels a lot more threatening than they already are to begin with. Couple that with his constant facial expression of smiling acceptance.

He didn't know how to get into SEELE, they found him and then sent him to NERV.

fake news

Yeah right, sorry. It's been a while.

In these past years, it has occurred to me that witnessing Kaworu, as beautiful as he may be, feels wrong and unsettling.

It may be because he only appeared for one episode, but unlike other characters whose nature is supernatural , Kaworu puts me at unease when he’s on screen. As if that is not how it should be, as if I’m not suppose to see what I’m seeing.

I believe his face is beautiful, he is a very pretty guy, who makes me question my sexual orientation. His eyes are that of a beautiful girl, and so is the structure of his face. Capturing his beauty on paper doesn’t come easy, I bet.

His hair are also very comforting, almost reaching neck level, it appear soft, like that of a pretty young lady.

It all seems wonderful, as long as its hidden away by his human form, which appears as if it’s purposely there to seal away that beautiful, mysterious gaze of his.

I still recall of a scene where Kaworu peeked over his shoulder, ever so slightly, to look at Shinji. I couldn’t help but freeze myself for a second, and stare at his face, focused on gazing at the boy that sat beside him. That very face, felt as if it was a blessing, which no mere human like myself was allowed to experience.

In recent days, there’s a lot of Kaworu, which creates a disturbing sensation which goes down my spine every time I see a screencap of him. Is this right? Should I look away? Should I keep watching as if nothing was happening?

How could I possibly pretend that his face didn’t give me a feeling of discomfort. That was simply not possible. thread after thread, he is there, as precious and graceful as ever, perhaps even more than usual.

To think that we will never see that face again, makes me feel even more upset. If mere minutes of screentime have this overwhelming effect on me, what of a full-fledged netflix hype train? How could anyone, anyone at all, withstand such a thing?

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Is this a pasta?

Admit it Yea Forums, you went a little gay when you watched this scene

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I love him

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He cute

Why on earth kaworu wasn't made it with the form of a girl?

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If someone as good looking as him told me that they loved me and acted that nice around me, I'd cling to them like saran wrap and I'd never let them go.

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you are thinking of yumes

Rebuilds is a generic fujobait with the worst hairstyle
Karl was just weird
Because only men can experience true love

stupidly carefully planned character to appeal to the fujo and shoujo demographic. Anno was so proud of hiring a "homoeroticism master" and he wanted to make sure no one could ever hate this character, but instantly love him
No wonder he did all of this considering he's based on Ikuni

He's in the movie too.

wait who is karl

He hates pussy

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I love Karl because he's his own character unlike an all loving "Jesus" figure specifically made for Shinji TV-Kaworu is. Karl is a flawed person and I love him for that. Also Karl had to deal with god awful manga-Shinji while Kaworu had the normal Shinji that's got a hard on the first time they met.

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Karl did nothing wrong!

Karl of course! But TV-Shinji.

>I like Karl because he acts like a flawed human and not like an angel which he's supposed to be
Kaworu being perfect and gary stu-y is what an angel is supposed to be like.

TV Kaworu is best woru.

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TV-Kaworu is a boring allegory. A perfect "waifu" figure like Rem, Saber and all the other impeccable boring ass non-characters. Karl is best!

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Rem and co. are non-characters because they play on the fantasies of incel waifufags and revolve around the MC's dick

Kaworu's perfection adds to his character as the first and last angel, the epitome of the idealized man: Adam. He also has his own motives outside of Shinji, betraying him and his trust to showcase the tragic element of their relationship as a human and angel who cannot coexist.

Karl just acts like an autistic human, nothing about him resembles an angel. And his 'feelings' for Shinji are straight up taken from Rei, so there's no significance to their relationship like in the anime.

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it is now

Everybody is secretly gay for own first father Adam.

>unconditional love is good, unconditional love plus sex is bad
>idealized man is good, idealized woman is wish fulfillment
>this character participated in the plot for one episode in a coherent fashion, therefore they are at a different tier of writing
I'm sensing some bias here. Kaworu is so popular specifically because he's a wish fulfillment character. He's an unconditionally-loving anime character in a series full of awful people so the anime-watching demographic latches onto him like an oasis in a desert. His implementation is interesting but there's nothing uniquely noteworthy about him specifically (which is also why his impact on anime character design isn't nearly as big as Asuka, Rei, or Shinji).

And no, the fact that his character makes sense in context does not change anything. Many wish fulfillment characters are implemented in thematically coherent and self-aware fashion, but they are still wish fulfillment characters nonetheless. That doesn't mean they're bad, but it does mean they've been done plenty of times.

The real question is how Asuka is the favorite girl of so many after being a bitch in every episode she’s in

Yeah I agree mostly on Kaworu, but you say as if that's a good thing. He's exactly that a symbol of a perfect all loving being, him affection for Shinji is unexplainable and he's just a cause to make Shinji love himself again. He's written in the story for Shinji and it is obvious just like all the other waifubait characters in other shows. I can't consider him his own thing and can't imagine him functioning in any other setting except the exact same as the one in the TV.

Karl acts like an autistic human because he tries to understand humans and tries to act like one (and fails sure but that's the charm). He's not perfect he's a flawed character that happen to interact with Shinji and develop in one way or another. He's not a symbol and not a cause but a character you can like or hate regardless of the rest of the cast.
>And his 'feelings' for Shinji are straight up taken from Rei

What did Kaworu like about Shinji?

Because he was fragile and worthy of kindness

Wish-fufillment characters like the waifus are written around the MC's dick 'just because', any reasons for liking the MC are usually shallow ones like 'he was nice to me that one time' and they're written very one-note with no flaws.

Compare that to Kaworu who shows love to Shinji simply because he thinks he's deserving of it. Kaworu is written as perfect because the 1st Angel, Adam himself, should be written as perfect.
Compare those waifus to Kaworu, who is actually revealed to be Shinji's enemy and breaks his heart by betraying him and forcing him to kill him. Kaworu's love for Shinji isn't an aspect that his character revolves around like wish-fufillment waifus, but it's something that causes him to change his original motive of destroying humans into letting himself be killed instead.

Because it is a good thing in the context of writing a character that's the 1st angel - it wouldn't make sense if he was written as anything other than perfect.

Having the 1st angel try to act like the humans is retarded and that's why I think Sadamoto really dropped the ball when writing Kaworu as Karl.
He literally says in the chapter he kisses Shinji in that the first child's feelings flowed into him during their battle.

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>It wouldn't make sense if he was written as anything other than perfect.
Yeah? So... that's exactly my point
>I can't consider him his own thing and can't imagine him functioning in any other setting except the exact same as the one in the TV.
He's not a standalone character but a plot tool and symbol written around and for Shinji for again plot purposes. That what makes TV-Kaworu bland and a non-character.
>He literally says in the chapter he kisses Shinji
He thought that's the case, it's not proven that it is really just that. He was interested and curious about Shinji from their first meeting. Their relationship is meaningful and leaves an impact on both, unlike TV-Kaworu that just did his thing. Again I like Karl as his own thing and not as an addition/gay ship to Shinji unlike again you with TV-Kaworu that simply can't function in any other circumstances.

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Lmao, funny how you post a Anime Kaworu image despite apparently hating the guy.
Karlfags, will they ever learn.

>he's not a standalone character
Him having scenes with Rei and SEELE disprove your point. His whole objective in trying to return to his body as Adam is completely independent from Shinji. By meeting Shinji he gives up on this objective, which is not the same in having his entire personality revolve around him.
>TV-Kaworu bland and a non-character
If he was so bland he wouldn't have become as popular as he did in the first place, calling him a non-character makes no sense either since he has a background, an objective, a plight, and then a conclusion to his character all in that one episode.
>He thought that's the case, it's not proven that it is really just that.
Where is that proven? He gets those feelings from Rei in the first place, so that already takes away from his character and your assumption that his relationship with Shinji is meaningful.
>and leaves an impact on both
Except it doesn't. Shinji cares more when fucking Toji dies than Karl. Karl never shows up again in instrumentality or is talked about when he dies. For Anime Shinji he's literally depressed for half a movie, only smiling again when he sees Rei turn into Kaworu.
>Again I like Karl as his own thing
Then you're lying to yourself, because there's fundamentally more to TVworu than Karl.

Husbandofags shouldnt fight...

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Where did I say that I hate TV-K? I don't have anything against him. I don't care about him at all.
>not the same in having his entire personality revolve around him.
He's written for plot purposes and to make Shinji love himself as I said before, having a well made "story" and "motivation" that's told to us but doesn't really affect the story doesn't change anything.
>If he was so bland he wouldn't have become as popular as he did
Said every waifufag ever
>Where is that proven?
Yeah so where? It's just his assumption not a fact.
>Except it doesn't. Shinji cares more when fucking Toji dies than Karl. Karl never shows up again in instrumentality or is talked about when he dies....
Shinji this, Shinji that.. So you really do like TV-K only through his relationship with Shinji, I know that already.
>Then you're lying to yourself, because there's fundamentally more to TVworu than Karl.
In a sense how he's a perfect impeccable husbando? Yeah I guess so..

>I don't have anything against him. I don't care about him at all.
That's fine. Unfortunately I can't say the same for Karl. He's so radically different from Kaworu and worse in every way he just comes off as an insult. I have no idea what Sadamoto was thinking when writing him like that.

>doesn't really affect the story doesn't change anything.
Bruh, what? So you're saying any character depth that doesn't change the story is pointless?
Fleshing out characters like Misato, Asuka, Fuyutsuki, and Ritsuko didn't directly change the story but they infinitely made it better.
Furthermore arguing that Kaworu was written to introduce love to Shinji isn't a bad thing, if anything it just shows how significant his character is to Shinji and therefore the story.
Karl doesn't have that kind of impact.
Giving the motivation and extra development to Kaworu gives him more depth as complexity:
Him comparing humanity's strong desire to live to his own lack and wishing for death, him coming to appreciate music, a creation from his sworn enemies, him seeing beauty and worth in humanity for their fragility compared to his own immortal indestructible self, etc.
Karl doesn't get any of this shit. All his problems are just very human-like - they're not unique and they don't resemble anything an angel/non-human would go through.
>through his relationship with Shinji
I was telling you why Karl's relationship with him had no impact compared to Kaworu's relationship with him.
>a perfect impeccable husbando
Perfect only in the sense that an angel should be.
He still betrays Shinji, forces him to kill him, and is completely naive to Shinji's feelings towards him and the importance of his own life.
What the hell does Karl have besides thinking about Rei's feelings for 10 chapters like a retard?

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>Wish-fufillment characters like the waifus are written around the MC's dick 'just because'
Hello unsubstatiated generalization. Not every anime is To Love Ru.
>Compare that to Kaworu who shows love to Shinji simply because he thinks he's deserving of it
Welcome to the NHK deconstructed that very trope with its main heroine, then Oregairu did it again with its protagonist's nice girl complex, due to how prevalent it is. Main love interest being the one person that showed love/compassion to the unloved protagonist is standard moe. You think that the medium which revolves around constructing the most indulgent forms of escapism possible hasn't turned over idealized perfection and unconditional love every which way imaginable? How much anime have you even watched?

Hell, what you're describing is basically the reverse of the very trope you're complaining about. Kaworu's just that guy who was nice to Shinji for one episode. One episode being an important point here, because it's way fucking easier to write a one-episode character competently than it is to write a long-running character. If any of those "waifus" had two (2) good episodes in their entire existence then they're already twice the character that Kaworu is.

Then maybe read the conversation before you randomly jump in, we were specifically talking about Anime like To Love Ru.
I dropped NHK a few episodes in because it was so generic and I tend to stray away from garbage like Oregairu.
The thing is all the characters you mention are human. They love the MC because he's the MC (viewer) and the show ultimately revolves around him (viewer). They're wish-fufillment because they're catering to the viewer, not the MC's character. It's escapism in the most blatant sense.

This trope is subverted when it's not some random anime girl or boy showing it to the MC, but the final boss - the big bad of all the monstrous angels we've seen up to this point taking the form of a human boy. Shinji is loved and deserving of love because he's human. He's fragile and weak, but despite this still wants to connect with others.
It's the love a mother shows to her son or the love a God shows to his creation. It's a love almost anyone, even the incel otaku who watch anime experience to some extent. And it's Shinji finally receiving that love that he should have received from his parents when he was younger, but didn't due to the harsh reality of the Anime. That's not the same as the wish-fufillment of anime girls drooling over the bland MC's cock.

Sasuga Sadamoto san!

>5 minutes later

>Cute boy begs boyfriend to choke him

I agree with this guy. Kaworu totally changes in the manga.

>Gary stu
But he's the opposite of Gary stu. You're supposed to self insert as Shinji