Pick up random manga

>pick up random manga
>"wow it's really good!"
>binge read it all in one night
>last chapter cliffhanger as always
>it's an ongoing
>last updated 01/2015

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How do you not check if something is ongoing/untranslated or not before starting it?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>pick up random manga

>be retarded
>end up fucking yourself over

Do you also look for spoilers and character description before you start reading something?

Not him, but checking whether it's finished or not i completely different from checking out the content, and pretty much everywhere you might get your manga has an instantly-visible tag for complete / ongoing.

Bitch I just read the Wikipedia summary and come here to shitpost.

>check out Manga
>its ongoing but the artist is in such a shape that it might never get finished.
D.Gray Man

>pick up random manga
>check synopsis + last updated + update speed to make sure I don’t pick up a shitty untranslated manga
>go on with my day knowing I’m not a fucking retard
Feels great