
It's been 2 years since the manga ended. What did we think of it?

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We loved it. Arba best girl.

It was good for less than 200 chapters then it went to shit

>Five doujins with a Morgiana footjob but the best one is untranslated
I don't have a punchline.

author take "sinbad dindu nuffin"pill too much

It was strong overall, but it devolved into big slightly incomprehensible battles towards the very end. I read the last 50 or so chapters all in one go not all that long ago and it just didn't feel as good as what came before.


I love Morgiana


truly clown town up in here

morg has a cute butt!

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the ending could have been better, but it was not as egregious as many shonen and overall it was definitively a great series, Alibaba was pretty based, the girls were cute, Hakuryuu had the best arcs

Hakuryuu was a cool edge character, until he went one-winged angel mode.

Why does nobody care about Orient?

Butchering sinbad to be some edgyfag was the cause of the whole last arc being shit


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>Kou Empire arc wasn't good

Solomon should've married her

I wish there were more soft seinens that had a fantasy setting with magic.

Aladdin pushing Jadar into space was peak magi. Wish the author didn't pussy out and kept him dead

You keep saying this, what are you talking about?

The fans and the magazine stab The Author in the back (I will never forgive that)

I’ve tried watching the anime but I could never get through it

>soft seinen
kill yourself

I stopped reading when Alibaba went on his economic quest to save not-China. Convince me to pick it up again.

You get to see Arba and Alladin debating passionately against Alibaba and Ugo while Sinbad is staying in the background wondering what the fuck is going on

Its a masterpiece.

It was good but fell towards the end. Sinbad was better. I'm enjoying Orient now but it hasn't hit the level of either one yet.

Anyone know Japanese? Looking for text translations of the latest Orient chapters


Read 1-2 chapters seems like a rehash of aladdin/sinbad and the character designs as well. Might read it when I finally forgot those stuff later.

Nobody translates it, and you can't learn Japanese.

should've posted it then. how am i supposed to beleive you with no evidence?

The last arc was a mess, it felt like reading a Jojo stand battle, except it was 200 chapters long and I couldn't keep track of everyone's stand powers. Not that it mattered anyways, since every character got gold experience requiemed at least twice, and Made in Heaven resetted the world's timeline every time someone sneezed in the room.
The only regret I have is I wish JudalxHakuryuu were canon. Seriously fuck AlibabaxMorgiana, who gives a fuck. Nice wedding dress though.
Arba best girl, Kouhen best boy.
Also the best arc of the series for me is the slave arc in the Adventures of Sinbad. Pic related. Main series arcs don't even compete.

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Years later it still pisses me off how illiterate tumblr is.

Also no, mommy arc was pretty good, but nowhere near magician vs goi arc.

>Years later it still pisses me off how illiterate tumblr is.
What? Not sure what you're talking about. Are you pissed because I said Judal instead of Judar?


It had a neat concept up until it through it out the window for a bunch of fighting that made no sense.

It was street level for the longest time and the transition to kingdom-tier fighting and intrigue was badly handled, I completely lost interest the moment mind control magic was waved around as an excuse for some really dumb shit happening

Since I didn't stick around for the end, did they ever come to terms with the fact that apparently the universe hated the very idea of free will because of some shit some dude did before the universe even existed

Why'd he have to make Sinbad so fucking sexy


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I still love my wife Kougyoku. Manga was okay, I guess.

Already two years ? Jesus Christ.

In any case, it was an amazing ride and one of the best shounen in recent memory Quite can't find another one that reached its peaks. I just wish we had more translations for Orient.

Enjoyed it for the most part, but that ending was so rushed that it wasn't even funny.

Don't you go putting that whore on the same level as Morgiana.

She just tried to put way too much "big concepts" in and overplayed her hand.

For expample:

> the occult
> Magic Lore
> Big Bang
> God hierachy
> parallel universes
> Reincarnation

It´s a shame she should´ve just finished MAGI and started a soft Seinen manga where she can dive as deep as she wants in all that stuff.

>Btw her male designs are goat

The concept of "wasted potential" raised to a new summit.
It feel like the author gave easily in to some geo-political sperg without trying to take some distance, sending the pacing all over the place..

I like SpaceBros more than Edgebros. Also Fish>Monkey

How the married life, Alibaba?

>onesan incest
>mom incest
>hard nipples when she fights

She has literally everything. Morgiana is boring.

Peak kino moment was Hakuryuu asking Aladdin to fuck off and stop telling him how to live. And the best is that it works and Aladdin starts reconsidering the stuff he preaches to baddies.

It was great apart from the flashback arc that sucked a lot a the mystery out of the world and the ending that was utter shit.

I read through it during the arc with the evil jew and fell off. did the final volume come out in america yet? I'll read through it all once that happens.

>Sinbad not being the real bad guy
>Morg/Alibaba timeskip training led to nothing
>Never got to see Kouen go all out

It could have been great, but Sinbad ruined it. Mangaka had no idea what to do with him, he was to sketchy and overbearing to be a good guy, and to popular with fujo to be bad guy or written off.

>Aladin wants to pork kougyoku
weird surprise

>The only regret I have is I wish JudalxHakuryuu were canon.
Still salty about this.

Amazing series, got rushed a bit towards the end because of the dumb decisions by the people in charge of the magazine, but still good. Seems the end was too high concept for the shonen crowd here.

Overall, it was one of the few series I looked forward to weekly. Had pretty cool designs, fun big battles, and I appreciated that it tried asking some big questions (parallel universes, god hierarchy, etc) even if it didn’t pull them off. The climax of the Magnostadt arc was GOAT. The end arc was a little flat, but the ending was suitable and satisfying.

Peak of the series was hakkryuu bs gyokuen and the kou civil war

>2 years

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Yuasa's Ping Pong is 5 years old now, too.