What are some easy ways to recognize good anime?
What are some easy ways to recognize good anime?
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Yea Forums doesn't talk about it
Unironically this.
You can't.
This year alone the two best anime of the season are an isekai and an anime that is a decent Infinite stratos clone.
Last year the best anime of the year was about a girl who was tired of having relationships for sex and falls in love with an underaged kid who was declared missing.
Is that the trans flag?
Is this loss?
This thread fucking sucks.
Was Ao an isekai or an IS clone?
Ao was good, I laughed every episode. I think Kenja no Mago beat it simply because the villain was really good.
I made a typo on my post but I should have said best anime of the year.
The IS clone was Girly Air Force. Good girls, good character interactions.
I think you are going about it wrong.
Its way easier to recognize a bad anime.
You can just make out bad cinematography, lazy cgi and so on. A good show is just that, good.
You don't want to gouge your brain out when watching it
you enjoy it unironically
No penises == probably pretty good.
It's not an adaptation
+100 points: Main character has pink hair.
I liked it.
Whatever you don't like
Enjoying watching it.
If the studio or director is a name you recognize.
I don't get it. What is this?
Female to male ratio,I think
If it has good production values, if the animation is consistent, if it looks impressive. Also generally speaking it should be expressive and detailed.
First post best post. This board has been extremely cancerous in recent years but it's getting slightly better.
Actually great taste.
i dropped Happy Sugar Life before 3rd episode
your taste sure is something else
Nah it's actually a great thread and you should kill yourself.
>dogshit cgi backgrounds that clash with their characters because they're too lazy to paint
>QUALITY fucking everywhere
>autistic head tilts
>abuse of panning shots and close ups to avoid actually animating
>sub par production values
I fucking hope you're being ironic.
An adaptation. So basically NOT an original. If something's greenlit for an adaptation that means it's proven it's worth in another medium already. It's more likely to be good in the first place and also has an opportunity to further improve upon it's source.
Fuck no. Originals are cancer. Just look at shit like trainwreck in the franxx. If the manga had come out first, maybe they'd've rethought that god awful ending.
If you're enjoying it.
Stuff that has real hard work and passion put into it like Flip Flappers. Too many anime these days are cheap, full of corner cutting cgshit & don't take the viewer seriously.
So pretty much every anime is good?
I like it
See. Some things aren't bad abut this medium after all.
Watch more anime
I've seen over a 1000, newfag kun. You've got no argument. Starting off with a source can give you a chance to better realise your ideas.
Lurk moar.
You watch more anime. Classroom of the Elite is a great example. The visuals and the MC are much better than in the manga. The anime nailed his expression and demeanour as being cold, calculating and seemingly emotionless. The manga fails in this regard as his character is just as forthcoming as the others.
He's right. What matters is the content, not the format in which something was originally contained. Adaptations have a great opportunity for analysis and thus further improvement, this cannot be denied. You can see what the source might not have done so well and work to make it better next time. It's makes more logical sense to get your ideas down on paper and think them through, instead of rushing. Hell, i even wish most anime adaptations themselves got reboots to make them even better, let alone stuff with no source. Too many don't live up to enough of their potential.
If it has gorgeous 2D mechanics. Sadly most anime nowadays will do anything remotely difficult in 3dcg.
You need to watch at least 5000 anime before you can post here.
Professionalism & meticulous attention to detail. Stuff like this shows that they care about the consumer and is also what separates a good anime from a truly great one.
Kenja no Mago is actually really underrated. Isekai is looking like the new pleb filter.
it's a short
By not being retarded and just enjoying stuff you like.
Why though? Don't get me wrong, a lot of great anime recently have been shorts like "Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!?" but wouldn't it be better with the longer run-time assuming they could keep up quality?
quality over quantity
Must say i agree.
Good anime should have that wow factor.
what movie is this from?
Flashback episode was the best, i was surprised.
By looking to see if it has good production values. Is it detailed? Does it have lots of shading? Is the art-style executed consistently? Is there plenty of animation? Are they actually making the effort to hand draw stuff instead of just being lazy and using cgi? Are they actually animating instead of implying actions off screen? etc..
Redline is a good benchmark for quality.