Bakarina Thread

What happened to Bakarina's anime? will it kick start the glorious age of otome isekai?

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Average girl from the warcrime author wants you to hold her beer.

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Do not use normalfag memes, it's bad form

Nah, it's safe enough due to being third person. Normalfags would always, without exception, try to force the actual phrase in.

Kick it into its grave.

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Better here than the shite threads.

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Story is shallow but MC is pretty endearing. If she was male, she would be Kodaka level of bad, but since she's female, its actually pretty nice for how dense she is.

One of the benefits of a female MC is that the harem can have both girls and boys

Her density is sorta justified because she treats the world she lives in as a game and thinks everyone still loves the MC.

>but since she's female
calm down, incel.

no normalfag words here


Don't let the thread die

Let template threads die.

It's better than the alternative and you know it.

The only three that I want adapted are this one, duke’s daughter, and the color commentary one, we could throw the one full of yanderes in for good fun too. After that, any more would bloat the genre even more than it already is.

It's a sub genre at best user, it would take a while to bloat.

God it better end with Academy arc
God I wish FUNA would disappear from the face of Earth.

>Try to write isekai
>End up not touching it in 2 weeks.

>2 weeks
Get a load of this fag. How about never again?

>What happened to Bakarina's anime?
I think that Bakarina and are one of those retarded cases when they announce it right after the production started and you need to wait a year or two after that.

>will it kick start the glorious age of otome isekai?
I sure hope so. I've only read the manga so far but it seems quite fun.

>spoilered isekai
Kill yourself memer

Which otome isekai features bear children as the main cast?

A fuckload of them they all grow up tho.
There's that one otome isekai with male MC that tries to avoid Eliza villainess destruction flags but causes her to fall for him. Forgot the name.

Do they? Most I see tend to be MCs that are too mature to be considered a bear child. Bakarina and Yurushia are like half bear children but they aren't actual naughty brats by any measure. I want to see smol bullying or bear children adventures.

It might just be TAS giving me a good impression though, something very charming about having the adults on one hand going through hell and high water dropping like flies and then bear children on the side with silly antics in parallel only to end up with the latter saving the former inadvertently.

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Bakarina > Duke's daughter

>gets none of her original guys
>fails to get her MC prince
>doesn't even know about 1st prince when he's with her every day
>rival actually a retarded lowborn thot
>still gets BTFO by her
>literally has her family and orphan slaves carry her
>always focusing on her jew gold
>always abusing her duke status, low paid peasants, and orphan slaves without actually doing shit herself to make money
>builds greedy corporation spreading obesity, diabetes, and early death
>GOT BTFO in her condemnation event

>gets all the flag for the prince
>gets ALL the otome guys
>already on the secret route getting that secret character
>rival is actually a sweet girl-next-door who bakes, works hard, has snowflake light magic, and charismatic as fuck.
>never relies on her family or slave orphans to achieve her goals
>always focuses on being a good person and making nakamas
>always working on her garden like a true proletariat, crafts her own bad ass snakes, and works on her magic and swordsmanship
>builds fucking sex harem of nobles all willing to fuck and accept her as harem MC
>Got her rival to speak on her behalf in her condemnation event

Almost time for a new Scarlet chapter friends

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>MFW only gender-bender otome isekai is gookshit with normalfag ultrachad MC
Why did no one write genderbent mushoku?

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Read worth the candle

There's the slime rancher one where the dude doesn't grow up
>using le
begone foul redditfag

it's getting an anime?

It got announced last year in October, but so far nothing

>will it kick start the glorious age of otome isekai
Did this not already happen 20 years ago before the current RPG-ish isekai boom?