Post chocolate anime characters

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Other urls found in this thread:

The only black couple in anime

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Yummy chocolate

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I love delicious brown girls.

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Not chocolate

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So if black is chocolate then white is vanilla? What's /jp/?

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Niggachu i chose uu

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Jp is caramel


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Them chocolate tits!

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Not chocolate

I prefer coffee, tea, and milk.

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you rang?

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more like kang lol

Dark chocolate.

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>no gooshgoosh.gif
neo-nu/a/ is disappoint

Disgusting thread.

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I grew to like him way more than I figured I would

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H-he's a big guy.

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I thought she was with the blonde guy

this is the worst series i never dropped.

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Why did i laugh...


Attached: [qcc] Zan Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei - 01 (BD 720p h264 AAC) [73898A37].mkv_snapshot_02.10_[2019.06.13 (1280x720, 423K)

>Green and yellow shirt
>Football socks

Is Mathieu brazilian?

For being such a dumb stereotype character, Chocolove was surprisingly great in the manga.

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Nadia gets around.

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NG Night Lamune subs where?

>no Ultranate form Aika Sumeragi

Trips confirmed, I laughed.

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Crunchyroll and licensed by Discotek although someone on /m/ ripped them yesterday for those that live outside the US. I think Canada can also watch it on CR, but I'm not 100% certain.

Man I loved MxH.

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I heard Crunchy had gotten it, I just hadn't yet seen that it had been ripped yet.
And here it is

What makes brown girls so hot?

You poor fool...

post yoruichi

I wish I understood this.

Literally obsessed. You should think more about the character that you like instead of the one you dislike. It's pathetic.

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I dunno. There's something about brown cleavage that gets me going.

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You poor, poor fool.

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Epitome of beauty,purity,loyalty and royalty x Lowest degenerates nigger scum cucking the strongest man in the village.
This is as NTR as it gets,complete opposites and when you take this to the extremes of mindbreaking and gangbang.

>best ship to ever exist

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So some background dead character is black and people use that as NTR material?

No that was Gidget

Still alive and kicking.
He cucked Nardo on his wedding day.

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Oh... okay. I guess that answers that.

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Op of here

Literally no it doesn't. That fag just has a weird fetish. Idk wtf he's going on about. Ignore him.

It's something greater than cleavage.

What do you mean?that's the whole appeal of Raikage and Hinata pairing.

Coffee is too good.

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It doesn't really make sense for Naruto though, Naruto could make his dick be 10 times bigger than the Raikage's if he wanted and just clone himself 50 times to gangbang Hinata with 50 horse cocks for weeks, the catch here is not only the size but Naruto canonically having a way bigger stamina than other ninjas without to mention Kurama, meaning that nobody but Naruto could ever please Hinata sexual needs, Raikage would not only get tired after a couple of hours of pounding but like I said above, Naruto is just way bigger.

Anime when?

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Yeah, Japan loves interracial couples. But the black girls are always paired with canonically white guys.

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Naruto's dick is canonically smaller and he isn't the type to use clones or kurama mode for fetishes as he genuinely love Hinata and wouldn'tdo anything that hurts her. That is why it's appealing,even if he is the strongest man he can't please Hinata the way she wants to because of his unmatched love.
This is a crack(but the hottest) pairing and I'm not delusional enough to argue about "how canon it is". It's just fun to break beautiful,pure and loyal woman not to mention she is a literal princess and direct descendant of god. This is the hottest ship to ever exist,how is that hard to understand?

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Goodnight, sweet prince.

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I'm still reeling from the revelation that Casca's design was largely based off of Grace Jones.

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Well OP did just say chocolate, which is a pretty broad definition.

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Space Catalonian
Tfw no black or brown gf

Considering how much else from 80s American pop culture Miura was inspired by, it's not really that surprising.
And I guess the 97 anime was closest to her intended shade. The new anime made her way too pale.

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Casca is supposed to be a swarthy little moorish Midlander mutt, wherefore ever her ancestors hailed from.

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Sauce pls?

Motherfucking Blaster Knuckle

anime never :(

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The art is amazing

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Based black Guts

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call them what they are user


Evander Holyfield?

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Thank you and hella based.

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Disgusting post

Shame she didn't have more screentime

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