Jojo Vento Aureo

How would you fix it if you had to rewrite it?
I would:
>make the story take place over one or two years instead of one week
>have more character development with Giorno and the rest of the gang
>make Giorno older (seriously a fucking 15 year old taking over the mafia)
>expand on the vampires and supernatural (such as Polpo due to his shape shifting abilties and other things)
>make Fugo come back to fight the gang, get BTFO, beg for forgiveness, and then have him partake in another fight
>have polnareff contact the gang earlier and die instead of becoming a turtle
>I don't even know how but fix the fucking final fight
And most importantly
>have giorno have a personality instead of being an all knowing smartass who everyone loves

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Other urls found in this thread:

Instead of it being part 3 but in france actually have it be like a mafia type story

I would do nothing because it's perfect the way it is.

>who everyone loves

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Make Narancia jealous after he sees Giorno healing Mista and then have him spend the rest of the part giving Mista sexual favors to try and win him over.

More character development for Giorno
Bigger roles for Fugo and Trish
Longer epilogue showing Giorno as boss, what Fugo and Trish are up to, perhaps Narancia and the others getting proper funerals


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More fights with Passione members coming after the group after they betrayed Diavolo. Passione needs to fleshed out more.

He ends up accepting Giorno by the time he dies. He leaves a clue that could only Gold Experience is capable of fixing.

>I counted the drops of blood to counter King Crimson's timeskip!
Have these fuckers never heard of a wristwatch?

It's probably easier to stop a wristwatch than it is bleeding, which is why blood is a more effective method. All the shit they get into can easily ruin a watch

Bossu actually dies to Risotto, but Narancia still kills him. The gang finds two bodies but doesn't know who Doppio is. They spend the rest of their days running of fear of something that's not there, as a parallel to the boss's own paranoia.

>yeah hey diavolo can we stop our fight for a minute i need to go down the street and buy a watch real quick
>we'll fight over the stand arrow in a minute i just need to go get a watch

Polnareff knew about Diavolo's power for 10 years.

Diavolo broke Mista's gun. What makes you think he won't break a wristwatch?

More character interacrions and a full episode where they are just eating and talking.

Instead of this gay shit the final fight is against King Crimson Requiem who has the power to erase the past. Also commit to Fugo being a villain and have the pre final fight be against Purple Haze.

What makes you think he won't lick their wound?

Just read part 6 twice and skip part 5.

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sounds actually interesting, but would be too anti-climatic for a shonen

This, the most interesting part for me was thinking giorno and bruno would ascend the ranks

okay but the rest of the gang didn't have watches. on top of that, watches can break and be broken. or can run out of battery. it's an extra object you need to have on you at all times.

polnareff needed a method to detect timeskips that didn't involve external objects. he needed a way to detect them using only his body. a way to detect them so that even if he were totally naked, or badly damaged, he could still detect them.

he also needed a method he could teach others to use in a moments notice.

Were the Stands in Part 6 the most overpowered compared to other parts?

He can't lick people during skipped time.

Imma be honest id change the entire Requiem Chariot ending. I completely forgot how they beat that shit. How in the fuck does it even make sense? How would anyone else attack the "light" behind their heads? How the fuck do you even come to the conclusion there is a light because the shadow is the opposite of you? Its completely idiotic and a shame since the counter could've been much more interesting.

It's pretty minor and nit picky but have the characters occasionally wear different clothes instead of the same shit everyday.

No, I'd even say they're the most underpowered yet. You got string, shittier duplication, plankton pistol, phasing punches and ghost piano. About the same goes for most of the foes. The only OP stands there would be White Snake (1-hit incapacitate if he throws CDs, large range), Weather Report, and of course, Made in Heaven.

That's why he's my favorite character in part 5, he';s not a bootlicker like everyone else.

I like this idea.

Diver Down is pretty cool.

How about Limp Bizkit, Green Green Grass of Home and Jumping Jack Flash?
The were really powerful IIRC

Dio's invisible zombie didnt come up again. That was a shame.

I think Diver Down is pretty good. He can literally just stick his arm into your chest, flip your heart upside down, and then you die.

To be honest, I'm fine with Giorno feeling like a side character.

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Is Joylene the eternal proof that Jotaro is, in fact, a cuck?

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Couldn't stands do that already in part 3?

If they do an OVA of Purple Haze feedback, that'd tick that box.

You have to remember Araki was experimenting with the whole stand idea back then. It's like the stand shrinking that was never brought up ever again.

Do you think we'll get a purple haze feedback after the anime or not? David pros has more than enough budget due to how successful part 5 has been.

There's about a zero chance of DP adapting fanfiction about a side character.

Any motherfucker that claims he’s to hard to understand and calls araki a hack is an idiot with no reading comprehension
King crimson and epitaph are not very hard to understand. Especially with the anime
Epitaph shows king crimson 10-12 secs of the fated future. And king crimson by activating skipped time he is allowed to only move and position himself during stopped time as seen by how he didn’t attack polnareff or Bruno till after the Skip ended
>but wut about narancia and trish hand and mista gun
It’s simple
Basically epitaph shows king crimson that In the next 10 secs. He’s going to yeet the fuck out of narancia. And that’s a fated event that favors him and that he is going to do regardless.
So what does he do? He skips to the end of the action, where narancia ends up at the gates, and nobody remembers stopped time
He didn’t interfere with fate
He let it play out and skipped to the result
Or when he cut Trish hand.
He saw himself entering the elevator and cutting Trish’s hand successfully through epitaph.
And then he skipped to the end of the action
>wut about risotto bullets
Well even from risottos suprise gamble epitaph warned him of the incoming bullets. That would turn him and rissotto into swish cheese. He skipped the part of time where the bullets flew into him, and through him, and as a result he didn’t get hurt
Cause in this world only the results matter.

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People can be too dumb for jojo

There are many ways of doing it, but I think the
>Doppio split personality
>Diavolo wants to kill his daughter, Trish
>Fugo will betray the group
subplots could have been rolled up into one or two, possibly eliminating a character or two, or rather saving them for something else in the story.

For example, imagine if the gang had to deliver Doppio to the "boss" safely, but the location he was getting them to bring him to was where Polnareff was protecting Trish, who he had discovered and spirited away before the story began.

How? If anything he's the Tyrone that fucks a girl and then leaves.

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That's not how it works. If it did work like that, Araki would've shown it from Diavolo's point of view. He had a million opportunities to. In fact, there are two things that point to your explanation NOT being the case:

1.) If it worked the way you say it does, then Diavolo wouldn't ever need to make himself known to his enemies. He could get close to them, prepared to rush in and fight, look at Epitaph, and if it showed a favorable outcome, King Crimson himself away. When Buccellati was rescued by the gang and Diavolo said they were out of his range, well, according to you that's complete nonsense: he could've ran straight at them, and once he was within 10 seconds of them, used King Crimson and ran away. Or does he need to see it with Epitaph first? How bizarre. Is it not FATED to happen, regardless if he looks? Okay, so say he looks, it only takes a second. Then, after time skipped, one of them would be dead and he'd be long gone. In fact, he could run straight past them, and then "nothing" would punch a hole in them. This never happens. Not once. We never see something happen without a cause, we simply don't see causes when they happen off-panel, leading you to believe that they must somehow not happen at all. That's wrong. Neat idea, but not King Crimson.

2.) When Diavolo sees Giorno in Epitaph getting BTFO'd, King Crimson goes in to attack. I have to ask you, user, WHY IS HE DOING THAT? IS HE A FOOL? DOES HE NOT KNOW HOW KING CRIMSON WORKS? Just like you said, he doesn't need to do that! He can run away, man, IT'S FATE. Right?

Oh, man. How unfortunate for Diavolo. If only he had you around, he might've gotten that arrow after all.

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Yoshinigga Kira

More like he's the cuck that raises the daughter Tyrone gets to fuck

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HANDS OFF my friend chicken

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I want to see how they went about getting giorno a leadership position and how they went convincing the underlings to follow him.
Its not really a problem as much as it is somthing i want to see.
Also polnareff calling jotaro scene.

He doesn't raise her though, he's gone almost her whole childhood. If she's fucking Tyrone then it's probably because she has daddy issues and is subconsciously looking for someone like her father who doesn't care and just leaves.

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Remember early on when Giorno was supposed to rise through the ranks from the inside in order to get closer to the boss but instead the whole series is just gang infighting.

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I forgot to say post diavolo death.

The real question though is should DP fuck part 6 for now and go into part 7 for extra epic points

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I love Part 5 and I've been defending most of it even back when muricans who had nothing but the shitty translations to base their hatred of it around couldn't stop making every thread about how much they hated Vento Aureo.

But I don't think it ever dawned on much how indifferent I am to the finale as a whole until I watched today's episode.
I don't hate GER (I don't love it either but it makes sense), I don't hate Rolling Stones (it's necessary for Mista's character arc and provides a more unique closure to the part), and I don't even hate everything else.

But man, between them arriving at the Colosseum, Polnareff vs Diavolo, Chariot Requiem awakening, everybody getting soul swapped, Narancia dying, Diavolo hiding in one of them, the chase for the Arrow, Chariot Requiem getting new powers by the second, and then those bullshit mutations? Let alone what's gonna come next?
This shit's been dragging for too long and I feel like Araki should have just picked one or two things and stuck with it. I would have liked each of those elements individually but all stacked together they just get frustrating.

In particular I really wish "Diavolo is hiding in one of us and if we slip up he's gonna fucking murder us" should have played a bigger part given how little presence Diavolo has otherwise, and how his motivations turn out to be "get the Arrow and make the world grovel at my feet".

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No, I wan to see made in heaven animated.

A good translation can really help a series.

Part 6 will probably be a better anime than Part 7

Part 6 will be more solid overall. I expect Part 7 to only be good at the start and the beginning. Budget will probably be trained.

>He leaves a clue that could only Gold Experience is capable of fixing.
People always say this but really they could have just as easily found it if they walked a few feet over to the left and saw the imprint.

Cutest Jojo next to Josuke

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Good taste.
Thier interactions in EOH was the cutest.

>raising his daughter
You missed somthing.

The more I get into the "it just works" disscussions i leave more confused then i had been when i first came in.
Maybe its cause anons needlessly complicate it by adding wording that doesnt make any sense.

>Longer epilogue showing Giorno as boss, what Fugo and Trish are up to
That exists
It's Purple Haze Feedback

I meant a canon epilogue

Im torn on PHF on one hand the fights were good, the new characters were good, and the new stands were cool as fuck.
But on the other hand almost every established character got absolutely fucked over, the writer even managed to fuck up giorno somehow, bruno and narancia got it the worst.
Also since the animes reason for fugo blowing up on a teacher rape instead of his grandmas death we probably wont get it.

How the hell do you fuck up Giorno? He's barely even a character.

What if there was a stand called the King of Pain?
Tell me this wouldn't be a good ED

It would be a sopranos style family/maffia drama. Giorno is a father and has trouble at home. Then he goes to the local shop and hangs out with Bruno and the gang, doing regular maffia shit like protection racketing, blackmail, robbing trucks, sniffing out the rats and sitdowns with rival gangs. But no drugs.

Here is the girl he ends up with for reference.
Some people think he might have ended up with Jolyne somehow though, which is retarded.

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Turn him entirely into DIO jr complete with sulking in the dark.

So he's either evil like dio or another Jotaro? How is that any better? We get a Jotaro figure in part 6 who isn't Jotaro though.

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>How is that any better?
It's not?

oh they said fuck up not fix my bad it's late

I would make Giorno a lot more DIO-ish than he is right now. Cruel, opportunistic and scheming by nature. But, the Joestar part in him keeps him in check and so his more virtuous side and evil side are constantly at odds with each other. Also, Giorno should be a semi vampire. He would be a lot weaker during daytime, while at night he is stronger and capable of using relatively nerfed vampiric powers (limited mind control, healing blood and regeneration). So basically, he is your avarage DIO, who can lie, cheat and steal with no problem, but the joestar part of him helps him keep a cool head and show some of the Joestar virtues when need be.

Sorry its more like giornos a scheming asshole in PHF whos apperently really intimidating to his underling. Mista seemed like kind of an ass but its been a while since ive read.

How about:

>What if Giorno was in Stone Ocean?

That tease always bothered me.

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Giorno should have shown up, defeated one of DIO's sons and walked off, before anyone saw him.

But he might be in Florida around that time.
The manga even teases it.
At least Versace looked like he could actually be his brother though.

restore the Fugo betrayal, and nothing else because Im not an utter faggot who needs Jojo parts tailored to my autism

>Im not an utter faggot who needs Jojo parts tailored to my autism
Except for the Fugo betrayal apparently

Who's stand is that he's conversing with?

this fixation on what was clearly an after-thought needs to die

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It was really more of a break off for lack of a better word.
Its not like fugo actively did anything to impede on the gangs betrayal of the boss unless golden heart golden ring is canon.

What if the OVA is Golden Heart?

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That's something that was planned and dropped by Araki mid-part and he admitted to it
unlike faggots like OP (maybe you too, fag) who want to write fanfiction

What if Giorno was convinced to assist Pucci somehow?

He means Fugo was supposed to betray them

Read Araki's part 5 afterword

Why did Araki make Giorno the worst JoJo?

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Its fun to dream user.
I wouldnt go as far as to call it a plot hole maybe a dropped consept at most.
Using jotaro for the 3rd time when we could also bring in other jojos was alittle wasted especially with family ties being an important thing in part 6.

That would be Josuke, phoneposter, and its because Araki was a total faggot and was writing what he wishes his best friend was like so Josuke's personality was all over the place since it was IRL fanfiction of Araki's life

Looking back at the user i see that you are correct, sorry i didnt read it correctly.

Josuke's cool too. I really don't understand you haters. What's so great about Jolyne? She's just a rebellious 90s womyn stereotype and the story doesnt even take place in the 90s.

right ok
>Using jotaro for the 3rd time when we could also bring in other jojos was alittle wasted especially with family ties being an important thing in part 6.
Giorno's entire character is about him forging his own path separate from either of his bloodlines while still making use of the gift of his heritage, he isn't dragged into part 6 like his brothers because he isn't a hopeless faggot fluttering around on the whims of fate like them

Wait how is Anasui a Jotaro figure?

Josuke is a faggot and Jolyne is a far more entertaining and well written protagonist
>She's just a rebellious 90s womyn stereotype and the story doesnt even take place in the 90s.
It was written 00-03 though, also

He's just being too retarded for part 6, Weather Report is the Jotaro figure

Cause he stopped having much of a personality outside of his goals for that fight. All quirks and intresting characteristics go out the window shortly after joining the gang.

The way he acts when he's not trying to fuck Jolyne. Despite his attire, he exudes strength and has a stoic attitude about everything that isn't her.

Wait, doesn't that mean Pucci actually did literally create the SBR universe? Holy shit.

Weather Report is out of commission for most of the story and when he does get his memory back he becomes a generic bad guy up until he meets his brother and has that final battle with him.
He's not the Jotaro, Annasui is.

No, you see the universe pucci creates at the end of SO. It's the same as the old universe except everyone has different names and presumably has no stand ability.
SBR is something else entirely.

Yeah no

user don't reply to obvious bait

>character is meant to play on Jolyne's daddy issues by behaving like a stoic autistic who barely speaks
>l0L AnUn DaS BaiT!1
based retard

What does WR do that's Jotaro-like?
He drowns a doctor just for asking him to give up a seat.


Jotaro is in Part 6 retards

>weather report is out of commission for most of the story
I feel like alot of part 6s main characters got like 2 fights tops.
Im sure theirs more but it feels like thet were never all together at any point in time and some would fuck off somewhere else for volumes at a time.

based autist

>jotaro-like figure who isn't jotaro
1 because he gets taken out of commission early on and stays that way until the very end
2 learn to read

There's a clear difference between pre-memory return Weather Report and murderous asshole
>need to kill my brother right now
Weather Report
meanwhile Anasui is NOTHING like Jotaro ever

Honesty, I would have used Trish more in the story. She get her character development for her one fight and then is sidelined for the rest of the story. Spice Girl's ability could have done a lot of interesting things.

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This is also his own physical strength, not his stand.

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>s-see! he beats up ugly monsters!

How is this not Jotaro's spirit in a different body?

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you keep posting these pages of Anasui being Anasui during Yoyoma like Im suddenly gonna be like
when it isnt

I dont care what you're gonna do, because that's what he's similar to whether you like it or not, and it makes sense when you think of women ending up with men who remind them of their dads in some way. That's a thing. I believe that's how Annasui was written.

>because that's what he's similar to whether you like it or not
nah, keep reading into things that aren't there, autistic faggot

Whatever dude

I accept your concession

kys normalfag

you're forgetting the autistic argument that goes in front of that

Giorno is not a Jojo.
Noone says GioGio

Your alittle late to bait.

>everything I dont like to read is bait!
based ESL

Why does it look like Annasui is carrying the whole cast?

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because he does

Fuck I got destroyed
Alright tough guy what do you propose king crimson to be?

Giorno? You have a pretty funny way of spelling Josuke.

You're just hating on his hair.

>have giorno have a personality
He is a self-made guy, he is good with his friends and ruthless with his enemies (you know... like a real person!), he is both a trustworthy wingman and a born leader, he becomes anxious when things go wrong and he starts screaming like a madman when he can't find a solution.
>What's wrong with this personality?

Spice Girl could have easily been a main Jojo stand, it's not broken but it's quite versatile. Also, yeah, Trish's one chapter of development feels like it's wasted, so close to the ending.

>What's wrong with this personality?
no quirky memes or jokes to make retard-user laugh and giggle like Joseph or Josuke

I would make it so that Doppio was the original personality and Giorno uses his damage reflection to defeat Baby Face.

I dont understand why everything has to be funny now or it's crap. This is clown world though.

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Koichi looks so hot in this pic damn

Giorno has an intresting personality but as soon as the plot kicks off he has to lose it in order to stay mature.

Its almost like he's new to the gang and behaving like a teenager would around people he's trying to gain the respect and trust of

I'd make this canon

>he has to be a shit character because of the story!
Then the story is bad

Hol Horse & Boingo Vs. Diavolo
>minutes of predictions vs only ten seconds
>much better range (Emperor' B Vs. King Crimson's E)
>the charming, confident hol horse
>the introverted loser diavolo AND doppio
it should be obvious

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Sounds like you're coping poorly desu

>minutes of predictions vs only ten seconds
Thoth is at the whims of fate while King Crimson effectively controls it
I'm not watching the youtube video because Im not a raging faggot, but this is stupid

i was writing the post then saw the video so quoted it then saw it sucked so bad timing on my part
Hol Horse thinks of himself as a number 2, and Diavolo thinks of Doppio as a number 1 meaning he thinks he's a number 2 therefore they're a perfectly reasonable and not stupid match stop making fun of me

Is the third OST out yet

I need Risotto's theme

not yet, august 14th
i want risotto's theme too the licks are great

gappy is the worst jojo

This. I'm glad Yasuho is the best brojo so it gets counterbalanced.

How does hol horse have such a punchable face.

cuz his moma was a hoe and she fucked a horse

I could see that being canon.

Pent up tsuns don't count.

I would add more scenes where Trish has her feet and ass crack exposed

is there one for Narancia?

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Is Jolyne going to be voiced by Sawashiro?

who's going to voice Jesus Christ?

Most likely not.

Char I hope.

>Giorno robs both Jolyne and Josuke
>they’re both broke hobos

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Didn't Part 5 sell less than the ones before? It did 5k, it's not a bad number but it's a drop from DiU 9k.

Sale drops happen with 99% of sequels, dummy.

Post more king crimson

I would fix it by making diavolo rape mista in Trish's body

Fujos btfo

But Spice Girl is needed to create the cast. Abbachio just isn't so petty that he won't use Giorno's skills in dire situations

How dio come up with heaven plan?


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Araki shit writing


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It'd still be shit fanfic, there's a reason Jorge isn't animated.

Mista is a good example of how Giorno should've been; jokes around but when the situation calls for it he can be serious. Giorno's personality in the beginning of part 5 was perfect, with how he stole and told Bruno if he found someone's money on the floor he'd take it. It should've been like that for the rest of the story. And Giorno figures out things so quickly it feels forced and unnatural. He pretty much figured out Grateful Dead and Green Day without a second thought.
I don't think Giorno ever smiles in part 5 other than at the very beginning of the story.

Being underwater for a hundred years in a pitch black coffin with your rotting best friend's corpse does that to you.

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Central conflict/motivation not being muh drugs and make it more about sabotaging the mafia organization rather than just placing the mc into new boss position. Perhaps a shift due to some actual character development.
Spread out the cast abit so they're not 6-7 people together at once 100% of the time so you have to keep making retarded excuses why most of them are useless during a battle scenario.
On top of that make them actually fucking communicate and coordinate as a team when they are together instead of being bumbling morons.
Focus the setting more around Naples and have the characters act more like locals and not some stick-up-arse wooden japs whose only alternate personality to stoic is being a screeching buffoon.
Change the Boss and his power entirely and make Trish actually instrumental in defeating/uncovering him or whatever.
Make more characters involved in the actual story rather than all baddies showing up and dying like in a shooting gallery, capos should be more relevant too.
Keep beginning Giorno's personality intact and him being Dio's son more relevant than just a fanservice reference.
No healing bs for GE, rein in that stand and make more creative use of his small animal/plant transformation, especially in co-op.
etc etc.


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We need more animal stand users that get into fights.

We never got to see giorno walk straight up a wall like dio against C-moon

>he';s not a bootlicker like everyone else
The only one that you could argue treats Giorno better than the rest is Bruno. Even then it's mostly because they have a mutual understanding of one another. The rest is just internal dialogues basically saying "wow this newbie is actually kinda putting in some work"

>those shoes
I know those shoes.
What's Annasui doing in boss Giorno's office?

Reminder that the only character that managed to get a human-like reaction out of Giorno was Koichi. Don't mess with that fucker's luggage.

does anyone have the image of the Jojo barbecue but everyone is charcoal fucking black

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Spice Girl should have been named Soft & Wet

What would KCR's ability be?

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One of first thingS you learn about Giorno is that he can shove his ear inside the hole. When you introduce character like that, you better make him do more zanny shit.

Tfw this is never used as a counter to some sound-based enemy stand. One job Araki.

Same as GER

Why do people still not understand the difference between going inside of an object and rearranging it?

the actual answer is that kc is inconsistent as fuck no matter how you cut it, roll with it or don't (much like the series as a whole)

King Crimson is already bullshit enough, it doesn't need a power-up

He deletes anything he wants from the past, which will affect and change the future.

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I'd remove the whole mutating ability at the end by Chariot Requiem. Swapping souls? Ok sure, it's all sudden but it's fine, but that resident evil mutation came ouf of literally nowhere.

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>he is good with his friends
He has no friends.
>he becomes anxious when things go wrong
Slight anxiety is the most emotion that he ever shows.
>he starts screaming like a madman when he can't find a solution.
No he doesn’t. Whenever things don’t go his way, he stays calm and immediately comes up with a new plan.

>Slight anxiety is the most emotion that he ever shows.
Ignore how he cried after Narancia's death an episode ago I guess

So a character needs to die in order for him to exhibit something resembling human emotion?

>He has no friends.
so you should be able to empathize

Despite the tears, he’s still just slightly anxious. The tears didn’t even leave his eyes in the manga.

Like that is ever brought up as relevant. He says he likes being alone then proceeds to join a group of 5 and has no problem with it.

Ignore him screeching and rolling on the ground after taking the snake vaccine I guess
Or how he went fucking ballistic on Cioccolata because he hated his guts
Or how he did the same to Polpo
Or how he yelled at the truck driver to start driving
Or how he was stunned in disbelief after Abba's death
Or how he started screaming and running to Bruno after Bruno got donuted
Or how he was a smooth criminal at the beginning
Or how he drunk the piss
Or how he's generally gentle towards his crew
Or how he got happy when Abba came on the boat
Or even the pic related with this cheeky ass grin
I know you like le quirky Joseph and his ebin memorable trolls, but you shouldn't make arguments while having holes in the brain. Keep your retardation to a minimum, alright?

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In what fucking world is _getting shot_ not a 'result'

King Crimson follows coherent and easily understandable rules at any given time, but trying to mash up all the different rulesets into one framework is just as absurd as trying to figure out why people stop using a given application of their powers. Araki cannot maintain a consistent stand ruleset

>He says he likes being alone then proceeds to join a group of 5 and has no problem with it.
well he has life goals to fulfill that require it, unlike you
when are Giorno haters going to admit that his success while being a total autistic like them makes them horribly angry?

Giorno fans (left) explaining to Josephfags (right) why Giorno is a good character for the billionth time

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I like this one

The only statement you made that was correct is that he got sort of mad at a truck driver.
>Ignore him screeching and rolling on the ground after taking the snake vaccine I guess
In the manga he makes a few pain noises before going back to being completely stoic.
>Or how he went fucking ballistic on Cioccolata because he hated his guts
Wow! He punched the bad man a lot!
>Or how he did the same to Polpo
Wow! He shot the bad man!
>Or how he was stunned in disbelief after Abba's death
Again, slight concern.
>Or how he started screaming and running to Bruno after Bruno got donuted
Does looking slightly concerned count as screaming to you?
>Or how he was a smooth criminal at the beginning
This sentence has no meaning.
>Or how he drunk the piss
Wow! He stoically brute forced his way through a potentially embarrassing situation, causing everyone to love him more!
>Or how he's generally gentle towards his crew
He barely communicates with them at all.
>Or how he got happy when Abba came on the boat
Wow! He was slightly happy when someone did what he wanted!
>Or even the pic related with this cheeky ass grin
How is that a cheeky grin?
>I know you like le quirky Joseph and his ebin memorable trolls,

Swap left and right and you got it.

you can feel the seethe

You can't fix the best Jojo part in anime. Now you should make one about Part 6, that part is a disgrace.

just delete Fugo.

Writing an in depth response is seething?

I like giorno but this is cringe

>shows emotions
Based retard

>King Crimson is inconsistent
>Giorno never shows emotions

can't wait for these shit memes to die

I would not waste fugo's character by having him fuck off right after his first fight that he was barely even participating in. Seriously Araki fucked up with him so bad and im so sad about it because I really liked his swings between being super intelligent and incredibly savage and the whole concept of his stand

Strawmanning doesn’t make you right.

>Or how he was a smooth criminal at the beginning
See the point is, he actually exhibited a specific personality and range in the beginning and he then becomes a completely different character as it goes on, and it's not due to ''character development'', he's just a totally different person. And all for the worse.
Rest of the shit you mention is mostly just the most basic reacting, that's not a personality. Also no, raising your upper lip abit is not a ''cheeky ass grin''.

>generic passive aggressive greentext tantrum
>in depth response

Its not a strawman if its true

I only used greentext for direct quotes..
But it isn’t true that I called Giorno completely emotionless.

One Piece confirmed better than Jojo.

>In the manga he makes a few pain noises before going back to being completely stoic.
That's an emotion
>Wow! He punched the bad man a lot!
Yes. Hatred and anger are emotions
>Again, slight concern.
I guess sweating and shaking counts as slight concern now
>Does looking slightly concerned count as screaming to you?
Literal delusion
>This sentence has no meaning.
He was a charismatic robber at the beginning. That's what I meant
>Wow! He stoically brute forced his way through a potentially embarrassing situation, causing everyone to love him more!
How he played off of it later is what I meant and you know it
>He barely communicates with them at all.
With some of them maybe but even if that was the case it's irrelevant to the argument. He's still gentle towards them
>Wow! He was slightly happy when someone did what he wanted!
That's an emotion
>How is that a cheeky grin?
Looks like one to me

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Why do people draw shit like this?

You're dismissing legitimate points with passive-aggressive nitpicking, thats why it isnt a strawman to represent you in such a way

because Araki draws shit like that

The whole argument is whether Giorno exhibits emotions other than slight concern, not if Giorno is a great character or whatever

>he's stoic so he has no personality

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I’m explaining why those examples aren’t good examples of emotion and character.
>That's an emotion
Pain isn’t an emotion, and he barely reacts to it before becoming stoic again.
>Yes. Hatred and anger are emotions
Beating up evil people is something that just about every shonen hero does.
>I guess sweating and shaking counts as slight concern now
It certainly isn’t major concern.
>Literal delusion
Not an argument.
>He was a charismatic robber at the beginning. That's what I meant
I wouldn’t call him charismatic at any point in the story, even though that’s supposed to be his main character trait.
>How he played off of it later is what I meant and you know it
He acts stoic and makes everyone love him.
>With some of them maybe but even if that was the case it's irrelevant to the argument. He's still gentle towards them
Do you mean giving empty compliments when they do what he wants? Nice “gentle interactions” you have there.
>That's an emotion
Again, I never claimed that he has zero emotion.
>Looks like one to me
Because you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.

You're projecting again.
Gays get the gas.

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That is clearly obvious hyperbolizing on their part to prove a general point. Nobody thinks he's a literal complete robot, but he is extremely passive, especially in contrast to how he was established in the beginning.


>Pain isn’t an emotion, and he barely reacts to it before becoming stoic again.
Suffering is an emotion. Also it showcases a bit of his character. Someone like Jotaro probably wouldn't even react
>Beating up evil people is something that just about every shonen hero does.
You can call it generic but it's still showing emotion
>It certainly isn’t major concern.
What are you basing this statement on? Looked like a major one to me
>Not an argument.
I mean you just degraded the whole thing to fit your narrative. How do I respond to that? Read/watch it again I guess?
>I wouldn’t call him charismatic at any point in the story, even though that’s supposed to be his main character trait.
Personal opinion
>He acts stoic and makes everyone love him.
Forgot about the cheeky line he threw right after?
>Do you mean giving empty compliments when they do what he wants? Nice “gentle interactions” you have there.
When he was healing Mista after White Album he was gentle towards him. Same thing when he "buried" Narancia
>Again, I never claimed that he has zero emotion.
You claimed that he only shows slight anxiety
>Because you’re scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Not really. Just a cool moment I remembered fondly. Guess I can see how it's not a grin tho

Go back.

That doesn't mean anything though. There were times when he let giorno handle things in bad situations yet still didn't trust him before or afterwards. Take Man in the Mirror for example.

>Suffering is an emotion.
>You can call it generic but it's still showing emotion
He fights evil, how emotional.
>What are you basing this statement on?
How he just shakes a bit and says “wow, this is sad” instead of actually acting sad.
>I mean you just degraded the whole thing to fit your narrative. How do I respond to that? Read/watch it again I guess?
I did as I was writing that.
>Personal opinion
Much of this is.
>Forgot about the cheeky line he threw right after?
It was barely cheekier than the rest of his bland dialogue.
>Forgot about the cheeky line he threw right after?
Is not deliberately causing someone pain notably gentle to you?
>Same thing when he "buried" Narancia
I guess that counts.
>You claimed that he only shows slight anxiety
Which is true for most of the time.

but many characters have the strenght to outright take the heart out of their enemies

Someone once said that King Crimson sees time as someone like us might see the text on a book.

But it's more accurate to say that King Crimson sees time as a reel of video. Comparing his ability to fast forwarding is simple, but only really accurate to the moments where Diavolo is skipping straight to the end of his ten second window.

For moments like where he should be getting shot, but is not getting shot, it's more akin to editing.

>He fights evil, how emotional.
Well yeah. He displayed anger and disgust there. Those are emotions
>How he just shakes a bit and says “wow, this is sad” instead of actually acting sad.
How often do you do that with being mildly anxious? Do you really expect him to cry his eyes out when a guy who he knew a couple of days and treated him as a dick dies?
>Much of this is.
To some extent I guess.But it's mostly about observations which are fairly objective
>It was barely cheekier than the rest of his bland dialogue.
That's an opinion. Guess I should've said "snide" or "cynical" instead
>Is not deliberately causing someone pain notably gentle to you?
This scene is what I had in mind
>Which is true for most of the time.
This statement covers every jojo, doesn't it?

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I'll never understand what makes people say such a lame thing as "x is worst JoJo."

They are all much better than the average manga protagonist, even at their worst. Can't you elevate your favorite without putting another one down?

> He has no friends.
Giorno absolutely grew to care about the gang and vice versa by the end.

Little more angst on Giorno’s part about how his simple assassination plan has gotten a lot of people and even some of the friends he didn’t expect to make killed

Fugo, Giorno, and Trish each get an extra fight

Jolyne is in the drawing dumbass.

They're not really fans. These are the same people making thread after thread of nitpicky bullshit. It's about forming a false consensus and wearing fans down so they wont even want to talk about jojo here anymore. The only shows that don't receive this or similar treatment are the moeshit shows, what does that tell you?

Still gay, fag.
Another dude is there, it's fucking gay.
Stop trying to bend standards to suit your spiritual judaism.

>giorno stealing a bunch of characters money
>joseph not even noticing hes getting scammed because hes just that rich
Pretty funny

Yea Forums is biased towards moe?

So being a fan means you just blindly accept any crap the author throws out ? On the contrary, it's very clear when people complain because they give a shit instead of baseless trolling.

>it's very clear when people complain because they give a shit
Those weren't the people being talked about though.

King Crimson and how it works will probably never stop being a meme because of how absurd his power is even though it's not as hard to understand as everyone makes out.

But Giorno and his personality not being there is something I hope stops too. Giorno is a pleasant character.

What's the most abstract stand power? Has to be California Kingbed, right?




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Narancia is for Trish (or Fugo)

>>have polnareff contact the gang earlier and die instead of becoming a turtle
Why do people hate Polnareff becoming a turtle so much?

For that matter, why do people hate Araki for turning Joseph into an old man? What were you expecting?

Where is this from ?

Golden heart golden ring.
She and giorno dont end up together fyi.

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Because it's retarded and turtles don't even have a fucking voice box to talk except for making hissing noises.

How many upvotes did you get on Reddit ?

I would've liked it more if polnareff got into diavolo's body, but living inside mr president is fine

>haha u da joos

I think that King Crimson wouldn't be able to change what Thoth predicts.

Funny way to spell Giorno

This sounds like the best idea and probably what Araki initially planned to do. Hinted when Koichi asking whether he is an ally or not. There was a bit of mystery going on but then he instantly changed it with the whole I have a dream bit. Otherwise I think it's pretty solid with the exception of some obnoxious stand fights but every JoJo has a few of those.

More like
>Giorno swaps with Diavolo
>Kills Diavolo in his own body, destroys it beyond repair
>Rules Passione inside Diavolo's body, thus posing as a 40 year old man ensuring nobody questions the fact that a 15 year old kid is the boss

Makes more sense than Klingon promotion ending we got

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The whole point of that "mystery" was Giorno being more Joestar than Brando.

I agree, part 6 is the worst part.

Giorno only shows up at the very end of PHF, he walks into a restraunt he told Fugo to wait at after the mission was over, and Fugo knows he's there because his woulds from the fight start healing

Prove it wrong.

GER will be green in the anime.

Attached: Green_GER.jpg (1200x800, 178K)

Holy shit, Giorno fucking sucks

thanks doc

Green fugo was already bad enough

good meme

But that's old merch aint it

Giorno is a fairly charismatic guy who knows how to win over people and make them feel appreciated, like when he was the only one to not chew off Narancia for revealing their position to Formaggio, or when he prioritized rescuing Fugo. In that regard he's like a gentler Dio.

We know he's charismatic because Araki told us

So same as Dio?

Dio is charismatic because Araki told us, when in reality he's so damn evil that there's no good reason for him having such a devout following. Giorno is charismatic because he understands other people's emotions and is willing to put himself on the line for them. You don't have to be a chatterbox or a politician to be charismatic.

Saving Fugo and not yelling at Narancia isn't him being charismatic. He can read people yes but that doesn't mean anything when he never actually does it during the part and only as a child.

Dio is charismatic because he's a vampire

Dio is charismatic as people literally see him as god.

joestar mansion

>Giorno is charismatic because he understands other people's emotions and is willing to put himself on the line for them
Or so Araki says.

Jotaro and Polnareff show up to fight Diavolo.