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Currently going through Part II, it's kind of a mixed bag, but I love it. I think its highs are better than the highs in Part 1, 4 and 5 (haven't watched 3 yet).

Where are you watching part 2 and planning to watch part 3? I can barely watch any Lupin related stuff in the internet.

He's a nice man. I've only watched Green Jacket and the Fujiko series to completion. Watched a few eps of parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 and generally liked what I saw but Jesus that's a lot of eps.

>Where are you watching part 2 and planning to watch part 3
The answer to both of those is that one Lupin collection on Piratebay which has most of the stuff.

Why isn't he popular in America? Is it the same reason Conan failed? Too goofy and outdated looking to air at night for adults but can't be aired during the day for kids?

Thanks, user.

No problem, user. I think people are still seeding the torrent. Don't delete the files from your computer, the older Lupin stuff is pretty rare nowadays.
How much Lupin material have you watched?

I'm not sure myself, I guess both adults and kids find him too goofy. I can't wrap my head around it since I love the franchise so much, it's one of my favorites for sure.

I absolutely loved his crossover movie with Detective Conan.

also the only Lupin related thing I've ever seen so far

I've watched the pilot episode, Part I and IV, the Fujiko anime, Episode 0, Mystery of Mamo, Castle of Cagliostro, Dead or Alive, Island of Assasins and I'm planning to watch Tokyo Crisis. What about you, user?

Lupin vs Kaito kid who win ?

>What about you, user
I've watched Parts I, II, IV and V, as well as the Fujiko Mine spinoff and all of the specials, movies and OVAs (I made pic related, people can use it as a guide if they mind; it's a bit outdated since I've seen "Goodbye Partner" around two weeks ago).

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My bad, I posted "II" by mistake, I'm currently watching it so I can't list it.
*Parts I, IV and V

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>I've seen "Goodbye Partner" around two weeks ago
Forgive me for asking once again, but where did you watch it? I have a pretty hard time finding older and newer Lupin stuff.

>Forgive me for asking once again, but where did you watch it?
No need to be so formal, user, I hardly managed to find it myself. I watched it online because I didn't remember to check the torrent sites, but you best download it as it's superior to waiting for a video to buffer. It's on

if his name is spelled lupin then why is it pronounced loopON?

French pronunciation, and it's more like lu-pahn.

Thanks! You're the best.

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No problem, user. Enjoy the ride.


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