ITT: underused characters
One Punch Man
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imagine the aroma lads...
Color version
I want to see orochi as a human
is it safe to assume that human orochi is stronger than human gouketsu?
Who knows. Orochi was stated to have grown in power several times because he was similar to Garou, while Gouketsu seemingly just ate the cell and that was it.
>snakes outlining her ovaries
he was overused actually. by the brat
She's dead and deserved to die, at least the cyborg Gorilla didn't kill anyone so its okay for him to still be around.
Was he? She didn't sense a thing from him.
>at least the cyborg Gorilla didn't kill anyone
Onscreen. He was one of the HoE main fighters, he likely killed people before and fully planned to kill Genos initially.
As far as I remember she never appeared in the one manga and her only appearance was during the garou fight with her brother in murata's version. I'd like to see her interact with garou post monster form and her brother when it gets past this arc.
Maybe mingle with the other heroes and possibly exert her strength against low tier monsters
Garou's voice actor is so fucking based I wish Yea Forums allowed webms with sound just for this lad
agreed op. Evil Eye looks like some nameless horror from a lovecraft story
you can always link clips from streamable or something like that.
were the swimming lessons his awakening?
I want see to senko and mizuki in One webcomic
what's with the dumb snek motif
Hey Snek is cool
then again, that makes him mysterious
Did Puri Puri awaken monster powers similar to how Garou did?
Why did his wounds from Nyan automatically heal?
nah he just got gud from after his encounter with Deep sea king.
when will watch dog meet saitama and rover
Drew something with Tatsumaki, Saitama and King.
her asshole is just direct on the top of his head, my god
>The heat her booty radiates is felt on every inch of his bald head
finish the futa comic you faggot
Why does he wish to be Tatsumaki?
good for you.
he's actually thinking that toward Saitama's fighter who is being beaten up by his own.
Can you thicken less her eyelashes?
This guy was hilarious.
miss me with that shit
Because Tats is 2d
If there’s ever a resurrection arc will she and Awakened Cockroach hook up?
Smurf-Sama you are an inspiration to us all. Though my art is very sloppy, I will continue to work hard so that I may one day draw with such skill and ease as you.
No matter what the anons of Yea Forums think of you, I will always follow you. Forever.
thank you smurf
Haha imagine if Tats just slid down and anally vored Saitama wouldn't that be gross lol
I wouldn't mind Fubuki's individual group members getting a little more love.
So all the animefags are gone finally?
1 more episode, they'll be gone in maybe 2 weeks
This gharial monster, who should be the protagonist.
I started there too, so if you're motivated and put the time and proper methods into it, no reason that you won't improve.
Really? Where will the anime be leaving off?
Elder centipede.
Elder Centipede's death
I feel like this season was pointless if they couldn't go further.
They might get some names once we enter the esper sisters arc.
>passed around between studios that didn't want it
>landed on the lap of a bargain basement shitter studio
>trapped in production hell for years, until public interest from the original had completely faded
>shat out as a pointless one cours condensation of an exceptionally long arc that manages to go nowhere in the episodes allotted.
Sounds about right.
> pointless
And where did you want it to end so it's not "pointless" anymore?
All this trouble for one cour is just sad and wasteful.
it was a rushed as fuck mess of a production, it being one cour makes sense.
Dog suit Saitama deserves more panels
What chapter is this from? I don't remember this at all.
holy shit sauce my senpai
she has a vore fetish
>could have used this guy to ambush one of the S class melee fighters who don't know how to resist psychic attacks
>or even just ambush the surface heroes once the S class were gone
>sends him out to die for no reason instead
big brain 300 IQ plans from """gyoro gyoro"""
you could say she did it to test tatsumaki, but then she still didn't even understand tatsumaki's power later on
I want sonic to bully me with his thighs.
>draws a hot ass monster bitch only for her to die horribly
Murata did this to the lightning geisha monster lady too, she got nose vored.
Murata making this arc much longer than it originally was, seemingly with the intent of making the season effectively filler was an utterly baffling decision also.
who commissions gay nazi traps anyways
So Watchdog Man can leave Q-City but only for casual purposes?
Damn shame.
well remember when the anime was announced murata was barely finishing his elongated tournament arc
maybe one/murata originally planned the 2nd season to end with gouketsu's death?
though that wouldn't have gone well with gouketsu's off screen death.
When is he gonna come into the spotlight?
The Organization arc?
The arguable civil war arc?
God arc?
please point out where i said filler, thanks
He's unironically right though
Did they ever give any explanation for why Madhouse dropped it after the first season was such an unexpected success?
couldn't get natsume back
You mean mask mouth doggo.
This guy looked like something out of a dark fantasy setting.
Madhouse has been bankrupt for roughly a decade. It's an absolute mystery as to how they still exist. They're like a machine made of paperclips and some abstract circuitry that can somehow go into space.
Didn't drop it committee chose who got it and made the change. Also Natsume being busy at the time.
Gyro gyro overestimated stuff especially not expecting Tatsumaki to be as strong as she was. Also remember her big bad plan was to get the STRONGEST GUYS in the association to come and hopefully beat them when only the executives could give em a hard time.
>you will never become a monster and join the Monster Association
and get crushed between Mizuki's thighs?
That's not a bad way to go.
We literally saw him in A City before Boros attacked. Watchdog Man can leave Q City whenever he wants and he could fight any monster he wants, he doesn't want to.
Lets remember her fondly.
>Alligator with a battle axe
>Ogre saiyan
>Reptilian cheetah woman
>Some kind of hardgay alien elephant
Madhouse and the S1 director were honestly just too busy. Whomever holds the rights to OPM didn't want to wait a year or two for another season. Thus we ended up with the C team at JC staff b/c literally every other notable animation study was busy.
he's Blast, right?
Antispiral's getting LAID
Director's schedule was full, and Madhouse rarely does S2s anyways.
just link sound webms from /wsg/
Needs his own spin off
>i love guys who die pointlessly
t. psykos
i mean, that's not an out-of-character line for her
this meme is dumb and has been inaccurate for ages
Nope, her fights can't be interesting because it's blunt power. No room for strategy, movement, dodging.
I like Tats but she is used enough.
How many years has it been since webcomic garou demon? i feel like at least three, jesus.
And the webcomic barely progressed.
are you talking about tats here or what? evileye isn't a female
I think even if we got the so called A team of JC staff it still would have sucked somehow. I'm super confused how they operate because at times they show they want to improve the show pike they did the few shots before episode 1 air but other times they are just lazy. Do t get me started on the decision for the staff and not using Kubota.
I don't think we'll see that in the manga for another 5 years.
I really like his design and i dont know why
Reminder he but probably killed these guys balls.
God listening to the audiobooks (+ reading subs) made me forget about S2 for a while. They're so comfy.
Probably why they quit.
It's a simplification for the sake of brevity because explaining how business works to a softskulled shounenfag is like explaining algebra to a cat.
Madhouse gets a lot of money from the japanese government, which they use to bid on contracts. Often the contracts they bid on are foreign, or in some way related to government cultural projects. They have a vested interest in maintaining this model so that the japanese government continues to fund them. OPM S1 is the golden egg that it is because it was being used as the centerpiece to promote the govt funded anime streaming platform, Daisuki,net. A now defunct platform, meaning Madhouse probably wouldn't be getting a government handout for sticking with OPM beyond S1 and had no reason to stick with it.
There's audiobooks?
>he aims for the balls
What a faggot.
sonic is underused as a non-comic relief character. fuck you.
those tatsumaki's are pretty cute.
His name is Sonic, unironically. He was never not going to be comic relief.
Sonic always pissed me off because the anime always portrayed him as this important main character. This motherfucker did not need a CD and an OVA dedicated to himself.That shit could've given us an S class hero, or even better more Tatsumaki.
wait what chapter is this?
Is this woman Psycos?
>orochi similar to Garou
Fucking doubt it. Nobody can even come close to Garou's personality, hard working etiquette and his training.
fuck you
All the merchandising and positioning in season 1. Even early on in the manga. During the sea king arc he got cool moments. During the Genos fight... They set it up like he was gonna be a somewhat important side character or foil. I got so invested only to be let down and i'll always be bitter that they're only just now going into him. also, FUCK YOU
Well spelled Psykos but yes that's her.
no, she's psykos
Flashy CHAD with forbidden techniques >>> Abandonment Bang > Confident Darkshine (can still stalemate the above) >> Amai Mask > Atomic Jobber
>Orochi wants to know your location.
This is strangely comfy looking.
that's fucking disgusting
King wants to sit on Saitama's head?
agreed those thighs are freakish lumpy masses
yeah i'd be comfy too if a loli's anus was on top
of my ahead
Does the two Organization dudes ever show up again?
I mean the setting, with the two of them just playing games and Tatsumaki talking shit.
Yes, i thought op meant tatsumaki.
still agree, nice digits btw
It's fine if you read it volume by volume. The issue is that the tournament arc is essentially a set-up for the MA raid arc and as such doesn't have a conclusive point that wraps things up neatly. However, with the MA raid arc being unfinished in the manga they couldn't really do anything about it. Muratas intent wasn't to make the season filler, it was to have a nice setup for what is arguably every OPM fan's favourite story arc. I highly doubt Murata made that decision with the anime in mind.
The tournament arc is easily the low point of the series.
So far they haven't. But we do see the Organization being more active with the G units and the fact they sold new experimental suits to that rich guy. I wouldn't be too surprised if they get involved with the Neo Heroes.
The tournament arc was background stuff to the MA invasion and only came into real focus by the time the invasion met its end.
and the face, heart, stomach and etc of 4 people at the same time. better go all out
Sonic is like the 5th popular character the last time polls were done.
Homoerotic Chuuni Ninja is popular.
Can't wait to see his new dentures in the Neo Heroes!
Was there a new poll? Last i checked Sonic got first place in the 2016 poll.
i hope he shows up again soon.
i can't believe
>panic! at the hip joint
got first place
he got first place once (included in the webcomic), and third another time (the one that was included in the manga). I'm suprised he's still that high though.
ill never get over how good a choice saitama's voice actor is
That's good user
Seriously, what is with people falling in love with these generic edgy designs?
Im straight and i want to fuck Sonic. Is this normal?
Wow Fubuki is that popular?
who the fuck is that? Is the MA arc that off the rails in the manga?
So, where is Drive Knight?
the tournament arc is worthless filler and you should kill yourself for being an unabashed Murata circlejerker, tripfag nigger
"Evil Eye was a human psychic who was turned into a monster by Gyoro Gyoro as a result of Gyoro Gyoro's experiments. Gyoro Gyoro inserted the eyes of monsters who fell at the hands of heroes into his body to increase his hatred and boost his psychic power." apparently
He's G5
her and saitama were in like the 8ks and sonic was in the 6k range followed by genos who was in 5k range so yeah she is.
It's fine because 2D homo doesn't really translate well to 3D homo.
Oh yeah his teeth did get fucked form Gouketsu and Bakuzan
It's a monster called Evil eye. A psychic monster made up of other dead monsters by Psykos. Sadly he faced Tats who was better than him.
All I said was it was background stuff to the invasion arc until its end. I didn't give my opinion on it yet.
Yes it does
No, he is like G4, the one that challenged King and fought against Genos, the one that had a smaller one inside him
its perfectly normal given sonic is very cute
He's G5
>Sadly he faced Tats who was better than him.
thats a funny way of saying
>he was a worthless jobber character added to uselessly bloat an otherwise good arc
All guys who look like Sonic are just E-boys that you will never fuck.
Didn't really bloat it. He got dealt with easily and off screen at that.
anything added is bloat, OPM manga has been bloating out of control for years now
Don't see how really.
Reminder that the manga is the main canon and the webcomic will never be (badly) adapted to anime.
because you're an autistic tripnigger
>pure webcomic will never have to be raped by a shit adaptation
which is what I would say if it werent already being raped by an awful manga adaptation
>>pure webcomic will never have to be raped by a shit adaptation
hahaha i hope you're ready for webcomic suiryu nigga
>being this assblasted over the truth
if he's going to be like wbecomic McCoy he will appear for a panel as a nod and never again, fillernigger
Well fine by me if that's the case.
Don't be like that, just fucking imagine a Bones webcomic based OPM
i can't wait to see suiryu job in the neo heroes
no thanks
Literally irredeemable trash taste
>autistic tripnigger is ok with being an autistic tripnigger
you didn't have to say anything at all, of course you are
strongest hero coming through
Hate the anime cut him out.
You wish, flashfag.
i don't even like Atomic Samurai and I can say with confidence that he would turn Sweet Mask into mincemeat
I swear Murata is always horny. Like just go have sex with your wife fag.
Reminder that Ninja dou and PM are cadre level
I'm bi for a few fictional male characters like Link and Deku but for some reason Sonic doesn't do it for me.
Imagine thinking your Jobber Samurai is relevant
Everything you said is made up.
I can't wait to see flash's reaction to the leader awakening,
If he reacts scared then that ninja might be a real exciting figure.
>The Strong.jpg
>he's Blast, right?
Nah, Blast is described as old and aging in the webcomic few times. Hes at lest 40.
Watchdog is clearly a young guy.
ninja leader's hand and eyes implying he's a monster?
What exactly happened here?
Was this an attack?
Saitama basically sideway jumped passed sonic. His shockwave alone was powerful enough to hit sonic. He didn't even touch him. The anime portrayed so bad and poorly that no one could tell that happened.
he just did sidehops really fast so it made lots of afterimages
he was doing some sideways steps through sonic's shadow clones
Will Leadering Leader be a cute boy as well?
Well he'll be sonic's dad so he's probably a DILF
Very Fast Man Sidestepping At Incredible Hihg Speed
>even the sword broke
>fully body tights/spandex are like 1mm thick
>still can't see his junk outline
F to my boy sonic and his tiny feminine penis
Yeah, but he pick his fighting style just from seeming him in action.
its RIGHT there
and it's called a cutepenis
Even a millimeter is still too thick. I think he's straight up given up on clothes and just paints his body black.
>didnt make sonic a girl
depends on how horny murata is
>some friends who don't watch much anime couldn't tell Sonic was a guy until Saitama punched him in the balls
>even after hearing Sonic's voice for a few minutes
Can people really not tell? Am I just too used to anime gayboys?
That's a very femme flashy flash. Sometimes he draws sonic normal and boyish, though.
I guess so, bro.
i mean i guess his hair is long but realistically i don't see how anybody could think he's a girl up until that point. maybe in the manga, but in the anime definitely not
>sonnicu dies of lead poisoning
that's how he keeps up his poison tolerance
.t genosq
post her huge tits from anime
>the C team at JC staff
To be fair, all their teams are the c team.
Webcomic purists could only be more pretentious if they referred to the webcomic by whatever the Japanese word for webcomic is.
What's his name?
ikr i wouldn't want to see that haha that would be very gross
Why don't all non super humans just use guns to kill tiger monsters? Most of them would get btfo by automatic weapons
Are there any skeleton monsters? Vaguely recalling something, but the background dudes don't have names.
Because Japan
There was a skeleton hero.
He was a fleshling pretending.
Funny thing is that OPM's world isn't even Japan
her name was reiko plasma
New chapter when
There's a couple chapters where you can see it, along with his nipple outlines.
man murata really just does draw certain characters naked before shading
That's definitely what his naked crotch looks like now
why does sonic have no penis
Saitama destroyed it
Saitama punched it off.
Very nice.
>colouring the version with the niggerstream watermark
I honestly can't fathom being this retarded
We're approaching dangerously low levels of testosterone. His shoulders are TOO NARROW.
also i think "oya oya.." is better than "oh my..." personally
I kinda like the first drawing style for the face much better for the body the new style is better.
She might as well be the main character. I got into this for her.
you people are more retarded than someone who actually thinks tats is underused. OP is talking about fuckin evil eye, not tats. what kind of idiot would post that panel if they were talking about tats and not one where she's the main focus.
Matter of taste and character. I like sharp looking ones and it’s how I really wanted her to look like based on several reasons like personality and vibe she’s supposed to give off. I can still do moeish faces.
Well probably because Evileye was a generic one and done monster with no personality nor fightscene. That's like saying Awakened Cockroach was underuses, except he actually had a fight.
He has a really good design, that’s enough to be called underused.
im gonna take a wild, totally out there guess and say that OP is talking about how psykos sent out a seemingly pretty powerful esper to just die to tats instead of using it for literally anything else. like this guy said
he's at the very least a high demon, maybe even a low dragon
such a waste
>when Garou started ninja running
when is this going to be filtered like soi was?
could he?
whenever "cope", "yikes" and "seethe" get filtered
it cannot come soon enough
fucking normalfags
Have sex
what the
why is this image so well drawn but
terraformars was weird
Huh, Darkshine is looking a little strange here.
Because you need these things to stop a wolf level monster(lowest level monster).
user, what are you doing
Anybody got the Tats reference sheet?
This manga still exists?
Since no one bothered to answer: One Shotter
To be fair, Gyoro Gyoro didn't know Sperm was their strongest member.
Does anyone know what Black sperm is called in the viz version of the chapter?
Spermo de negro
viz is at like volume 17 or something, he hasn't been named yet
no i mean the viz weekly shonen jump chapters
that's a thing?
yea,opm has a new chapter in viz's weekly shonen jump i think about two weeks after a new chapter comes out
oh wow i had no idea, i always thought they just waited for a whole volume release for some reason
Whyis Garos eye and hair red now? One scene he was normal and the next scene hes suddenly red. is it supposed to be his blood getting all over his white hair and a bloodshot eye?
That's what they were doing before the hero association, I think? Death Gatling's combat ability is literally firing an ordinary minigun, and he's in the A class top 10.
>the guard on Atomic Samurai's sword is a swastika
Why didn't Murata keep this for his design?
yes, the anime just did an absolutely horrible job at the scene
JC Staff neglected to animate the blood when Garou ruffles his hair. Because they are lazy. Or worse, because they didn't know why his hair turned red.
Or just an old man
> why did Murata give an Atomic symbol for Atomic Samurai's shape
Aren't they way way more behind than that?
yeah, im not really sure what this guy's talking about. they're only at 97 (98 on july 10th) on their website and volume 16 is the most recently released volume. im not sure where this guy is reading it but they're definitely not at chapter 110
But the swastika is so much better
The last time I read it was around 2014 and that was the last chapter of Garou losing to Saitama.
Nah, the atomic shape is more in line with the character as well as being more original. Fucking Ichigo have it, the manga design of Atomic's sword is far more unique.
sonic's balls made a reappearance in the webcomic at least. ganbatte sonic's junk
that's his lip lines.
his what? that's clearly his nutsack
>smooth and shiny
Saitama's head gave me latex hoods fetish.
>yfw she survives and becomes a "rival" to CE like Sonic is to Saitama only with a lot more /ss/.
lol i misread that as "hip lines". sorry, go on about sonic's puffy pussy
I cannot WAIT for more Murata Psykos.
Is Golden Sperm stronger than Orochi?
Orochi is a filler jobber.
If Orochi is really dead, probably.
Murata didn't know which was stronger but did say Orochi had better techniques.
>but did say Orochi had better techniques.
Which is fairly obvious and irrelevant. Orochi is also partially a martial artist, Sperm isn't.
>Autistic Tripnigger
That... that honestly sounds like it could be a hero in OPM's Universe. 0_0
Sperm doesn't need martial arts to get past defenses. Especially for women.
Tatsumaki is made for anal.
>God Rhino comin through
What make you think that?
>OPM's world isn't even Japan
fuck off, you smoothbrain.
it's as Japan inspired as it gets. Like if the world was only Japan.
The supercontinent is Saitama prefecture of Japan but just super sized
Probably phonefag.
>but just super sized
Honestly, litterally nothing so far has shown that it's big. The only way I can have that explains how tiny their world feels is that it IS that tiny.
So what do you guys think Psykos saw in the future?
>gale and flame bully sonic pretty badly
>flash fodderizes both of them
>sonic can now somehow keep up with flashy and withstand his ultimate moves
its just not realistic.
Zenkai boost
but diarrhea
Orochi was literally a snake demon
Here map.
I know about it, and whenever they do something it feels tiny.
Reread the recent webcomic chapters, Saitama & co were in A city, the trio of 2chan monsters were in E city and Genos said "we're close to the scene". E city isn't even in direct contact with A city's territory, the distance should be huge.
>white stripes = S class
>red stipes = A class
>blue stripes = B class
>shortened blue stripes = C class
Am I getting it right?
How do I achieve this mode?
arm bands
Well remember the association did make those super highways plus another new base.
sasuga kews-sama
>best original design and only female character of the whole tournament arc
>unceremoniously pummeled off-screen
Nanashi liked this...
She was going to be Suryui's sister which is why she's designed pretty well. I wish they keep that while omitting Suryui being a drunk.
Shit in his bowels slow Sonic down
Flash didn't fodderize them. He fought them for two chapters, got hit until he bled, and then needed to use TWO special techniques to win. There's your mistake.
i really like that sonic is now solidly dragon tier after getting rekt by saitama dozens of times
That was the joke you idiot
Hmm Fubuki what's going on between your legs there?
if Overlord was any measure, I get why
i wish they'd do MA arc as a movie then continue after into season 3.
what's wrong with w*stoids?
Do you think she ever washes it ?
hes been training the entire time. Funny that he's following a closer regimen to Saitama than Genos, his disciple, ever did.
This, apparently Murata said he'd make her as erotic as he draws Fubuki
Pig God is Blast, he's hiding in plain sight, one day he's gonna vomit out all the eaten matter in ONE giant blast, loose quintyllion of kcalories and go from S-Class#10 to S-Class#0, believe it
>Pig God defeats God
The snek woman is Gyoro or Orochi?
He's right, you know.
She's gyro gyro. Gyro gyro is a meat puppet. Orochi is some random guy she found
Balls are overrated. In a couple of years everyone will be sterile because of 5G anyway.
I thought so. Gyro having a male voice in anime is what confused me.
why is this so hard to undertand?
orchi needed to be killed by saitama the strongest dude.
sperm got killed by a manchild called garou.
orochi is stronger by default
>orchi needed to be killed by saitama the strongest dude.
Where was that established?
Saitama happened to encounter and beat him, doesn't mean only Saitama could beat him.
Saitama beat plenty of monsters that others could have beaten too.
Orochi would be killed by Awakened Garou all the same, seething shitposter-kun. Orochi can’t even regenerate his useless limbs on the fly, Saitama is not required to kill this faggot at all.
When asked who is stronger between Golden Sperm and Orochi, Murata couldn’t give a clear answer. They’re both dead jobbers in the exact same tier.
They probably did it on purpose especially since they sometimes call gyro gyro he in the manga. I expected a double hit shrill voice that was like a mix of female and male voices. Instead they chose Dio.
orochi was the strongest threat so ONE made the strongest hero beat him....that all.
claiming other could beat him is called fanfiction cause it will never happen.( orochi wast even in the webcomic, yet saitama still had to deal with him)
sperm lost to a weaker being, making him the weaker threat
>Nagatoro cosplay as Tats.
>Tats bullying the fuck out of paisen.
>big titted friends as Fubuki and Psykos.
Wow, you're delusional. Orochi is a jobber who is far weaker than Awakened Garou and Boros. He's nowhere near the strongest threat. Saitama kills mediocre randoms routinely, Orochi could barely even be called a mid boss. Orochi might as well be weaker than the other jobber Sperm.
Fubuki is not for Snek, she is obviously for Saitama or possibly King.
saitama thinks she's an irrational freeloading jerk who's an acquaintance. someone so weak could never be for him
every monster or fake ones is mediocre in the eyes of saitama, but at the end of the day saitama has to deal with them(cause none of the other can).
If orochi had lost to garou or any other hero then you would have the right to call him a jobber, but he lost to saitama the strongest mofo. As opposed to sperm who got to show his super sayin strength only to lose to garou.
that what a jobber is, that what jobber do.
Fubuki is for the Fubuki group
Its all the same to Saitama unless your Boros.
Not at all. Saitama killed numerous monsters who could've been killed by other characters.
Orochi is not just a jobber, he's literal trash, a big ass target waiting to be pummellled who cannot even quickly regenerate his limbs let alone body chunks. Even Elder could do something similar. Elder could've been killed by other characters aside from Saitama too, by the way. Even Orochi's creator, Psykos, admits Garou is meant to be stronger than Orochi. Garou and Boros are the strongest threats in the series' story so far, by far.
Dead jobber Orochi might very well be weaker than dead jobber Golden Sperm. The fact that Murata can't clearly say who's stronger between these two insinuates they're in the exact same (dead ass jobber) tier.
Genos can't really train his body. All he can do is train his mind and learn new things.
why do you care so much what murata thinks?
If it not in the manga then forget about it, next you be mentioning how some hero beat monster on some artificial training ground bullshit.
not even fucking bang could beat elder and his by far one of the strongest heros...and guess who had to deal with that mess.
If the other heroes could deal with orochi, ONE would have done it...(it not like hes in the webcomic)
boros was the biggest threat(not to saitama)because he could actually blow the planet, garou a retard.
Because Murata is ONE's collab partner whose thoughts hold much more weight than whatever delusional brainfarts you produce, chimp. Murata discusses story matters and power levels with ONE.
Bang was interrupted before he could even go all out against Elder, and Elder is definitely beatable by other characters aside from Saitama, amongst which is Tatsumaki for example. Saitama killed numerous monsters who could've been killed by other characters. Orochi is bloody trash, he can't even regenerate his shitty useless limbs quickly. He's fodder for Garou and Boros.
Garou and Boros are both the strongest threats confirmed time and time again to be in the same league. Golden Sperm and Orochi are dead jobbers, the two of them in the same ballpark where Golden Sperm might as well be somewhat stronger than that other piece of fodder Orochi.
You're a retarded shitposter, made permanently butthurt by Garou. You're absolutely, miserably deranged.
Bang didn't show off his full power against Elder to keep it for Fuhrer Ugly and Gums.
>unless your Boros.
But the pic you posted shows Saitama treating Boros just like the rest of the other monsters he has defeated, he barely remembers him
murata not knowing who stronger doest matter to me, orochi had to be killed by the main character himself, not the other.
tats beating elder is just fanfiction, same with bang. at the end of the day saitama had to deal with that mess.
then lost to a weak female, no wonder he retired.
>tats beating elder is just fanfiction
Are you joking? Psykos was sure that she could beat him.
>at the end of the day saitama had to deal with that mess.
> Saitama had to deal with DSK so clearly no heroes besides him could have beaten him
yeah and she was sure she could be tats, women tend to be delusional
well yeah that how the story was told
Saitama is not into weakling
No, you deranged shitposter, Orochi didn't "have" to be killed by Saitama specifically at all. Just like DSK, Bakuzan, Gouketsu, Elder, etc. Psykos literally listed characters who can defeat Elder, one of which has already defeated it in the past. Orochi is trash who can't even instantly regenerate his shitty useless limbs. Orochi is fodder for the actual strongest characters - Garou, Boros - he's in the exact same ballpark as Golden Sperm, and Golden Sperm might as well be somewhat stronger than Orochi.
She's not weak, she just has a mental block because of her sister.
>orochi is the strongest threat
Everyone is weak to Saitama anyway.
But Fubuki has two big talents that could get even Saitama excited.
Rewatched and reread Saitama vs Boros because it felt like I needed to. God that fucking moon kick feat. I got a little moist seeing it again after so long. Just realized that Saitama killed Boros with the air pressure from his punch, not his actual fist. I wonder how hard you'd have to punch to clear the clouds on the other side of the planet seeing as how Boros used an energy beam to clear the side he was facing.
>Orochi didn't "have" to be killed by Saitama specifically at all
>Just like DSK, Bakuzan, Gouketsu
and yet that exactly what fucking happened
the last time elder lost was against a legendary figure and had to be dealt with by another legend of city z (saitama)
just like orochi
Shit taste. Fubuki is for Lily!
Psykos should know hers and Elder centipede power and she considered that Tats's raw power would allow her to beat EC and she taught she could overpower Tats.
Saitama one punched tiger level threat, was he the only one you could beat them?
Saitama could just grab Tatsumaki if he wanted to kidnap her. I mean, he kinda already did.
Hell he could grab any woman he wanted and just take them. No one can stop him. Thank god he's a hero.
I can't believe people are still blaming Murata for the tournament arc, why does this shit need to be explained every thread.
Not because "only Saitama can kill them", you absolutely deranged shitposter. DSK, Bakuzan, Gouketsu, Elder, Orochi all can be killed by other far stronger characters aside from Saitama. Elder has a whole list of characters who can kill it and Orochi can't even regenerate his shitty ass limbs quickly, he's trash. Golden Sperm even has better feats than him, he at least fought injured Tatsumaki before dying to Awakened Garou who'd take a huge casual dump on Orochi's ass all the same.
You're a shitposting brainfart personified.
Now I kinda want to see a bizzarro OPM where Staitama is a villain.
Not a very motivated villain, just an unstoppable one. Fighting heroes gives him no challenge, and he know he can pull off ANY evil plan he can come up with, so he never does. Just takes what he wants whenever he wants but not much more beyond that.
ONE stans are retarded and don't even like the webcomic. They whine even when the manga adapts the story almost 1:1, like they did for the Devil Long Hair fight.
Meanwhile direct impact Serious Punch had Elder Centipede desintegrate completely.
psyco was fubuki tier from the beginning even weaker, elder was stronger then her.
>Saitama one punched tiger level threat, was he the only one you could beat them?
yes that why he had to be the one to do it
you can list all the heroes you want, at the end of the day saitama was the one to end it.
You're a fucking retard if you seriously think Saitama killing a monster means he's the only one who is capable of killing that monster.
And you're a fucking retard for constantly spouting inane shit about "MUH REGENERATING LIMBS".
I hope you both die very soon.
>Saitama deciding the world is cruel and unfair to people after he can't get a job
>Saitama seeing Crablante and deciding that people deserve to suffer
>Saitama bitching out half way through and saving the kid from Crablante but saying he did it merely because he enjoys fighting, not heroism
>Then he steals the kids ball deflated ball and runs off
>Saitama training hard for 3 years to become a monster
>Saitama waking into his apartment which he doesn't pay rent for and has been squatting in for 3 years now
>Saitama walking down to the grocery store, filling up his basket, and walking out of the store with it
>The cashiers not making a fuss because he's been doing this for so long and no one has been able to stop him
>Little kid notices and tells his mom that the bald man is stealing again
>His mother hurriedly shushes him and tells him to try and ignore him
>Saitama still fighting monsters everyday while looking for a good fight but also nonchalantly committing crimes
>Saitama meeting Genos and Genos still trying to become his disciple as he merely sees him defeat Mosquito Girl and doesn't witness any crimes
>Genos being oblivious to Saitama's "evil"
>Saitama literally walking through C and B class heroes that try to stop him everyday
It sounds amazing.
>"master Saitama is so amazing, people must love him, they let him take things without paying for them every day, he must have saved them lots of times"
>"master Saitama is so great, he even puts heroes who misbehave in their place!"
I want to see evil Saitama meeting Fubuki and just crushing her and her group with a bored expression and tell her to fuck off without any animosity.
>I want to see evil Saitama meeting Fubuki and just crushing her and her group with a bored expression and tell her to fuck off without any animosity.
Then Fubuki realises that he is the only one who can take down her sister and decides to become a villain herself to serve him.
you guys know they make these corny Saitama Villain AUs on Tumblr all the time, just look it up.
Saitama as a villian is not scary King would easily defeat him in a fighting game
Fubuki don't want to "take down her sister". More exactly she did have that goal in highschool when she was in edgy phase but not anymore.
Saitama killed those monsters because he had to fulfil his paneltime quota, not because he's "the only one capable of killing them" in the entire series, you shitposting retard. DSK, Orochi, Elder, Bakuzan, Gouketsu, random ass monsters Saitama one-shotted all could've been killed by other characters.
Orochi's lack of even quick regen on his limbs is a relevant thing to stress and repeating facts is always a good thing when a cancerous shitposter enters a thread. Orochi is far from the strongest threat - he's plain underwhelming, straight up a whole league below the likes of Garou and Boros, and even GS had a more impressive encounter with Tats of all people before he was killed. You can kill yourself along with the retarded ass shitposter, okay.
It seemed it was mor controlled comparer to the one used on Boros since King told him to not let the body fly. I guess he opted for complete annihilation for Elder. Boros was lucky.
Would YOU stare at teen Fubuki's chest?
You don't wanna get ESPER'd, do you?
Oh god this makes me love here even more somehow.
That's nice. I don't go to Tumblr but I kinda want to see more of villain Saitama.
She goes undercover as his hench-woman even though he doesn't want her to and slowly realizes he does more good than evil just based on how many monsters he defeats just for the kicks.
King and evil Saitama could be pals and Saitama would let King "defeat" him from time to time just to avoid having other S class heroes giving him trouble and possibly destroying his house.
saitama trying to get with some ghoulish girl who tried to box cutter him in desperation when he confronted her about her issues lol. he saw through her just like he sees through everyone else.
I fucking love the idea of a box cutter being a backup to ridiculous psychic powers.
Makes perfect sense, sure.
sperm did nothing impressive in his fight with tats.
the fact they still struggle to kill her after her pathetic showing and lost against physco is embarrassing.
orochi was more of a threat.
How is murata going to handle the pantyshot when tats clearly goes commando 24/7
>after her pathetic showing
Like how she destroyed the whole town and instantly took care of Evil Water even after being weakened? or how Sweet Mask was saying Golden Sperm was too strong for them?
he'll troll us by switching her back to her ONE form and showing a pantyshot with perfectly normal panties which would never be possible to wear with her manga outfit.
Golden Sperm speedblitzed and resisted Tatsumaki, who could instakill Sperm's other fusion and keep dragons in check. Orochi didn't have a single encounter near even injured Tatsumaki's caliber before he died pathetically like a complete faggot who cannot even regenerate his useless shitty limbs.
Not involved in this but what the fuck is your obsession with regenerating limbs? Is that your fetish?
high whale tail thong. also its going to be a black void or covered by a flap screenshot this
Why didn't they just ese that monster who could take over bodies to like, poison Tatsumaki's drink?
why would they? psykos thought she could easily take tats.
she got caught by physco, ruining her career.
Orochi was to busy fighting the strongest hero, to be wasted on tats, she even had to be depowered so golden sperm could look impressive(pathetic)
Psykos wanted to prove herself as the strongest esper.
Why is everyone in this obsessed with being the strongest?
Orochi was too busy being fodderized and doing nothing, more like. Golden Sperm legit has better feats than this faggot, he had a much more impressive showing before dying and faced injured Tatsumaki, an enemy of a far higher caliber than anyone Orochi fought before running into Saitama and dying like the super underwhelming faggot he is. Golden Sperm is in the exact same fodder mid boss ballpark as Orochi and he may very well be somewhat stronger than Orochi.
but orochi kill by saitama so he stronger, gold sperm pathetic because he not fight him
orochi had the privileged of fighting the strongest hero called saitama.
sperm was fighting a injured girl and struggling.
even had to go super sayin how pathetic do you have to be to struggle against a girl?
When the author has to depower a girl to make you look good, it time to change career spermfag
Please no. He doesnt know how much i need it.
one draws rits-- i mean sonic pretty cutely nowadays
I never understood this.
Is Tastumaki so dumb that she couldn't even tell that wasn't actually Psykos at first?
Not a faggot but one of the things i enjoy about the webcomic that the manga simply doesnt have is the evolution of one’s skill. Its kinda reassuring seeing someone with shit drawing getting better slowly while making an entertaining story.
>SnK is getting a 4th season
yes saitama kill orochi so orochi stronger
>b-but DSK was killed by Saitama so he's stronger than all the other demons even though he only fought early Genos and Puri who also both threw the fight like retards
Literally Orochi shitposters in a nutshell. Just unbelievably retarded.
Orochi wasn't "priviliged" to fight Saitama. The exact opposite. He showed himself to be a completely underwhelming faggot who can't even regenerate his dead meat extra limbs. Before dying Golden Sperm had much more impressive feats unlike Orochi who never faced anyone even remotely close to injrued Tatsumaki at the time, before he died like a faggot. Golden Sperm even resisted Tats without going full power himself.
>not a faggot
but i agree thats one cool thing about webcomics as a medium. That one decides to improve at all is nice, he's always seemed to have some semblance of skill pacing and framing, though.
Reminder this destroyed 90% of A city in seconds.
had to do a double take at this spread the first time i saw it. boros' ship is FUCKHUGE
That's even worse. How powerful all the shells have to be to do that?
these panels were legitimately breathtaking
still not strong enough to serve as Tatsumaki's dildos, clearly.
this is what made boros a actually threat.
if you think fighting little girls to be impressive sure
Blast better have a fucking good excuse for not being around.
He doesn't
That will be the joke
He's busy burning down JC Staff
he's just been a normal salaryman since fighting elder 2 years ago
He has a job and family responsibilities.
Fuck off shitposting retard. That "little girl" is one of the strongest characters who'd rip Orochi's useless dead meat limbs out and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.
"Hero work? Yeah, I grew out of it."
>he killed millions...
If Blast is simply retired for example but HA is still sending him his paycheck that’d be fucking something
they don't even know how to contact him.
Hate Tatsumaki
Hate Garou
Hate Flash
Hate Mask
Hate Child Emperor
>psyco was fubuki tier from the beginning even weaker
none of you read the webcomic, she is a dragon level threat, stopped Bang in his track. Fubuki only win because of matchup and it's straight up stated that Psykos would have won in a instant otherwise
I wonder how mob would do against the monsters of OPM
The spirits themselves aren't that powerful. The espers in Mob's world are the actual threats.
ONE said that tats would be mob normally but he wasn't sure about ???, obviously just being vague like a dickhead. i'd say even kid mob is easily S Class level and ??? is probably one of the strongest people in the universe
>The spirits themselves aren't that powerful
>god dimple
Yeah and it went to shit after they went back to earth
It must be suffering to be ONE and be constantly asked question by retards about power level shit.
yeah and boros would have won if only he send saitama toward the sun.
she got baited and lost to fubuki: dragon status destroyed
well clearly he's always having fun with it, giving out vague answers as to fuel the retarded discussions even more
>dead esper
>spirit that had to use a giant energy filled broccoli created by an esper to grow powerful by taking energy from others
The monsters in OPM become powerful on their own.
The high level spirits in MS get slapped by any esper who knows what they're doing. Dimple and Mogami were special cases.
God dimple only became that strong after absorbing a shit ton of energy, he wasn't even use to being that strong. no spirit is naturally that powerful
That's the retarded way to look at it. He gives vague answers so that he's free to do whatever he likes in the future, instead of being forced into a corner when writing future events.
Saitama remembering a monster doesn't happen often.
Mizuki and child emperor would be an interesting scenario
Pig-god being blast would be the funniest reveal and very ONE like...
Reigen would win against Saitama
Saitama can't be killed by heat.
Space isn't empty, meaning you can push against something to go back to earth.
yes of course, when writing future events, about say a dead alien vs garou or a character in one of his series' universes vs a character from another one of his series' universes. how could i be so naive as to not see this.
>Saitama remembering a monster doesn't happen often.
You mean basically never. Saitama only remembers humans.
If he didn't die from getting punted at almost the speed of light, it doesn't matter how hot the sun he gets send into is, he won't die.
Yeah, retard. Boros died, but what if he wants to bring him back for anything? What if a similar opponent appears and Garou is involved in some way? Responding conclusively to such big questions would only lead to powerlevel obsessed retards (in this case, you) to whine incessantly. By giving vague answers he strikes a middle ground.
it's the exact opposite actually, if he gave a straightforward conclusive answer to these kinds of questions it would greatly lessen all the retarded powerlevel discussions. of course people would still complain but there will still be people complaining no matter what, at least it wouldn't be as ridiculous as it is now. giving vague answers doesn't help anybody, especially when it's for shit like boros vs garou. he's not bringing boros back there is absolutely no reason to, it's highly unlikely there was even any real remains left of him since he was a dried up husk after saitama's serious punch and then his ship blew up around him. and i see you totally ignored my other example, you're basically conceding at this point but i'll see what your reply to this is before deciding that for good.
>it would greatly lessen all the retarded powerlevel discussions
You are naive or dumb.
> it wouldn't be as ridiculous as it is now.
It isn't any more ridiculous than any other power level discussion. There are far more retarded discussions, like Boros' real threat level.
>he's not bringing boros back there is absolutely no reason to
That's what a shitty writer would think, but there are many ways it could be done, and being so definitive about it would just put him into a corner if he ever feels like doing it. It could even be done realistically, since Metal Knight recovered the remains of the ship, and Mecha Frieza was a thing, with Boros being a huge Frieza parody. Not saying that it's likely to happen, in case you are going to cling to this and ignore everything I said.
>unlikely there was even any real remains left of him
That's retarded, he survived that punch for a while and you think that explosion would do anything to him?
>you totally ignored my other example
It's too dumb. Why would he think seriously about the logistics of something like that?
From your replies it sounds like you can literally only think about the story in terms of fights, and if you've read Mob Psycho you'd realize that ONE barely cares about that. If you are here for powerlevels, you are in the wrong place.
>From your replies it sounds like you can literally only think about the story in terms of fights, and if you've read Mob Psycho you'd realize that ONE barely cares about that. If you are here for powerlevels, you are in the wrong place.
Well to be fair, the vast majority of OPM is action
>You are naive or dumb.
could you explain why you for some reason think a conclusive answer from the author wouldn't lessen retarded discussions? i honestly can't fathom how you think a proper answer from the author of the series wouldn't lessen the discussions, because it 100% would.
>It isn't any more ridiculous than any other power level discussion. There are far more retarded discussions, like Boros' real threat level.
it seems you only just started coming into these opm threads now or you're still stuck in the past because boros' threat level is only ever discussed by retards on leddit, the retards on here however are much more stuck up about stupid vs battles
>That's what a shitty writer would think, but there are many ways it could be done, and being so definitive about it would just put him into a corner if he ever feels like doing it. It could even be done realistically, since Metal Knight recovered the remains of the ship, and Mecha Frieza was a thing, with Boros being a huge Frieza parody.
so, what are some of the "many ways it could be done"? freeza was brought back because of a retarded asspull. after being cut in half, taking goku's kamehameha head on and then going through the explosion of a planet and apparently he was still alive and there was still enough of his body left to make mecha freeza
>That's retarded, he survived that punch for a while and you think that explosion would do anything to him?
he expended all his energy on collapsing star roaring cannon and was a dried up husk that was basically just half his torso and his head. he had no power left to regenerate and after all he went through i wouldn't be at all surprised if he died to that explosion in the state he was in.
>It's too dumb. Why would he think seriously about the logistics of something like that?
he doesn't have to think seriously, just say which one is stronger outright. it's that easy. and he doesn't have to give a dumb vague answer because there's no reason to.
OVA's worth watching?
definitely, probably not the upcoming S2 one though
You retards are overthinking. ONE didn't gave an answer because he doesn't know. He said normal Garou would lose obviously but the almost perfect monster, which is the winged form, might have some chance. But it was one shotted off panel having no feats.
>Doesn't know
ONE doesn't need to know, he just needs to decide. He has complete control over the Opm universe.
the fuck do you mean "he doesn't know"? he's not murata, he's the goddamn author. he can just decide whatever
ONE likely meant that unlike normal Tatsumaki vs GS which is a clear victory, Boros vs Garou could go either way depending on factors.
you can *interpret* it that way, but that isn't what he conclusively said. that was the whole point of the argument, that he left it vague on purpose like an idiot
>almost perfect monster, which is the winged form,
Didnt saitama say he was getting weaker at that point? Id say garous strongest form is the ones with horns coming out the back the 2nd one since its still an actual powerup from his first form.
It’s clear though. When the victor is obvious he says it like with Tats vs GS. The fact that it isn’t shows it’s the kind of fight that can go either way.
not even tats vs GS is clear because he stated she had to be in "absolute perfect condition" to beat him and even then he didn't specify if it was an easy win or a stomp. he's always vague.
Yes. Saitama said he was weaker after his big transformation than just before, when he was doing all his kung fu and trained perception observation shit that let him see 30 moves ahead.
My guess is compared to that his monster form was unfocused and flailing around. Kind of like how TTM explained why Garou was dangerous compared to a normal brute monster.
> he stated she had to be in "absolute perfect condition" to beat him
No. He just said that if she were in normal condition, she’d win. There is no other implication like "if she weren’t EXACTLY in normal condition she can’t win".
KEK is that real
Maybe it's not really important who would win those fights
ONE: If Tatsumaki was in perfect shape, then against Golden Sperm it would be victory.
T/N: It's hard to interpret the nuances from a single quote, but what ONE said was "タツマキが万全なら黄金精子に勝てる" He never specified how much difficulty she would have, but he did use the term "万全" (literally "ten thousand completeness"), a phrase that means "in perfect condition" shape, so having that emphasis would imply medium difficulty.
try again, retard
Says you, retard. ONE is referencing how Tatsumaki said to Garou "if I was in normal condition, I’d flatten you in 5 seconds". that’s it. There is no medium difficulty, she’s in good condition, she wins, that’s it. Anything else is up in hair.
okay you're just retarded then? everything you just said is absolutely absurd.
> no argument
okay then, retard.
>ONE is referencing how Tatsumaki said to Garou "if I was in normal condition, I’d flatten you in 5 seconds". that’s it.
where in the world are you getting this from? a statement can't get any more headcanon than this
He never thought about it because the fight was off panelled. He couldn't gave a proper answer because he had to consider what to do with Garou afterwards which he hadn't so he remained vague.
I'm pretty sure ONE's words count more than Saitama's.
He never thought about it because the fight was off panelled.
the hell are you talking about? the fight never happened, it's a hypothetical.