Why does everyone love asuka

she is mentally broken

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Everyone is broken in EVA.

Everyone on 4channel is broken.

Not everyone does. I personally think she is insufferable.

why are humans in general so broken

Waifu and husbandu aren't real.

She was mentally broken like most of the Eva cast, but she kept trying until she just couldn't try anymore - all on her own with nobody truly helping her. I found it admirable.

She deserved hugs from everyone.

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separation from goodness

Because life's a bitch that makes people turn into little bitches

But all I see is nice people in my life? your point?
Are you ok? haha retard

haha kill yourself

>t. religious nutjob
have fun chasing conspiracies

for the same reason why yanderes are loved

And I hope you have fun burning in hell you fucking jew

not even jewish, ghosts chaser

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Well you sure do sound like one.

ok retard?

Mentally broken is just how I like them. Girls with mommy issues are more crazy than girls with daddy issues

>Everyone is broken in EVA.

yeah yeah i get that, doesn't change the fact that i wanna throw her down a flight of stairs every-time she opens her mouth

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Jew man.

They reflect to her.

Is evangelion satanic?

She wouldn't accept a hug, that was the problem.


I relate to mentally broken people

Glasses dude and long haired dude are pretty okay. Fuyutsuki too. Maybe Maya on top of that.

Because we want to protect her and make her feel better.

Maya is gay though.

>Fuyutsuki too
>Falls in love with a girl 30 eyars younger.
>She marries I guy he dislikes
>She is absorbed into eva
>Helps the guy clone the woman
>Eternally cucked and helping the man and the woman reunite while knowing he will never be with her again
Not sure about that. He may not act fucked up but he is.

>mentally broken
You answered your own question, user.

Wrong. Lilith isn't Satan. There isn't even a concept of the devil in Eva.

separating too much from nature is a bitch

No she was just a narcissistic bitch that wanted all people around her to throw bone to reassure her shitty self-worth. Misato is the only one that actually tries in the show.