If you think about it, did she really do anything wrong?

If you think about it, did she really do anything wrong?

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It was Kinzo who did nothing wrong though

But he went all Juju's dad on Beatrice the 2nd.


She indirectly killed everyone and directly killed "Battler". Battler is the one who did nothing wrong.


What do Beato's feet smell like?

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Are you telling me Battler is gay?

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What does her dick taste like?

A straight man wouldn't wear a suit like that

she did literally nothing

no bully user, mutilation is a serious thing

But it's pretty normal these days

Explain to a guy who only dabbled in the anime and fan materials, is there an actual romantic ending in the game for Battler and Beatrice like we have been teased?

They get married and Battler becomes the Territory Lord and Endless Sorceror

kind of.

Everything is just a dream though

Magic is real tho


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Erika best girl

>raping your own daughter
>nothing wrong
>killing everyone, including his allies to keep the gold to himself
absolute scum

>raping your own daughter
Actually it was never implied she didn't enjoy it. There's nothing more cucked than not-fucking your daughteru.

If she enjoy the dick. she won't try to escape.

in the metaverse beatrice is woman

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except the actual killer is kyrie


They commit a lovers' suicide because Beatrice is actually a man without a penis. The entire meta world thing is Battler writing fanfics to cope after he survives and becomes an amnesiac cripple.

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yasu dick was mutilated tho

Were Krauss and Natsuhi the only good parents?

They're the only ones whose kids are not little dipshits or are completely irredemable people themselves

Krauss made his siblings into terrible people.

Natsuhi was the one who ruined Yasu's genitals.

everyone had good and bad sides. that's the whole point of ep 1-6 and 8

Young Krauss was a cunt, adult Krauss was an okay guy, which is better than 90% of the cast, especially this cunt Eva

I think we can all agree Rudolph and Kyrie were terrible people. Easily the worst of the family members.

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Explain Battler, their offspring then.

Kyrie is an autist, Rudolf is a cool guy outside of the stupid TP7 fanfic

>Anime S2 never ever
I think I'm the only one who enjoyed the anime version...

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It did have some pretty hilarious parts in hindsight.

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Natsuhi locked Jessica in a closet when she misbehaved, and Jessica was the lucky one!

I don't believe this for a moment, but why are trannies such a hot topic these days....

>I don't believe this for a moment

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Also if you concoct a plan to have someone die and it succeeds it's first degree murder.

>she did literally nothing
Implying that handing out guns alongside on a silver platter alongside a 1 billion yen credit card and several tons worth of gold bars to a bunch of greedy adults who are in a dire financial situation each on an isolated island in the middle of a storm is "nothing".

>inb4 "b-but 'she' didn't press the trigger!!"

>inb4 "if you write yourself as a murderer in written fiction, or kill people in video games, then you are an actual murderer!"

>playing videogames is the same as loading guns, a giant ass bomb, and making material preparations to brutally murder 17 people in real life including children and teenagers


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>Implying anyone wearing a military uniform and anyone with training with a gun or carrying a gun is equal to an actual murderer
>Implying thought crimes are a thing

Beatrice=Shannon=Kanon=the incest child of Kinzo and his own daughter

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That's obviously not comparable to just video games, but at the same time there is still a clear difference between preparing murder weapons and actually using them.

Is it possible to be arrested for that? Depends of the country obviously.

>kid makes preparations to shoot up his school
>brings guns with him
>he doesn't use his guns but he gives them to another deranged kid who hates his school
>other kid kills everyone
>"first kid did nothing wrong!"


post more bedo.

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But muh moon tourism tho

Fuck Ryukishi for making such a hot character and ruining it

Never found Beato hot.

I don't remember ever saying "she did nothing wrong". I just said that she isn't a murderer. Accomplice perhaps, illegal contraband possession perhaps, depending on the country. But not a murderer.

Not first degree maybe but still responsible of the deaths.

Acquire taste


Yeah, but it's very confusing. Just think about how none of the other guys lied. It doesn't help that there are multiple versions of each character not always clearly differentiated.
There's EP1 Battler who seems to be the same one of the meta world, and that one, while not exactly being the original Battler (who didn't died and just became amnesiac, maybe), seems to exist in a meta world that is implied to be an actual magic realm (or an illusion, or both). At the same time there's Piece Battler from Beato's Game who doesn't seem to be the same Piece Battler from EP5-6. Piece Battler from EP1-2 is also an invention extracted of the fanfics of IRL Beatrice (who seems to have died and maybe ascended to the magic realm that's the meta world (or the purgatory at times), and there she seems to be an actual woman and not a tranny anymore, that's if we can say they're both the same person of course). On the other hand, at least EP3-6 were written by amnesiac IRL (or not) Battler, but also by Meta Beatrice, Lambda and Meta Battler. Then there are the Golden Land characters (from Heaven? are they real in their magic realm? are they mere pieces? are they the same ones who died during Rokkenjima Prime or are they an illusion?). And in the meta world itself Beato dies and then revives, and the revived one might or not be the same one of before, if either of them was real at all.
But anyway, IRL (if we assume there is a real world in Umineko, and even if it's "real" it might have more or less priority than the magical realm depending on what you believe) Beato and Battler kiss and then one dies (maybe) and the other one becomes amnesiac and writes stuff (or not).
On the other hand, Meta Battler and Meta Beatrice (the revived one, and only if we accept they exist and aren't characters from some kind of fanfiction) marry.

What I don't understand is why the fuck Beatrice put Battler through all that bullshit.
>Makes him live though several episodes of him and his family dying in inhumane ways
Fucking why?

Dating your siblings kids is pretty wrong.

It‘s all written by Battler o punish himself

> Beatrice is actually a man without a penis.
Wait, how cannon is this? Is this just one of several possible interpretations?
How guilty do I have to feel for fapping to Beato doujins?

Not much, since it's just all pretend anyway, and he looked like a woman, was called a woman, and the magic version of her might exist and literally be a woman.
"Draw a girl and call it a boy" is a meme for a reason. Fiction is arbitrary like that. Same with thousand-year eternal lolis, who basically more than can give consent by that point but would fuck up the laws, since the real world mostly doesn't work that way.
You can just believe in magic, and then all your sins will be no more.

But cousins can marry in Japan

>how canon is this?

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I enjoyed it with damedame suns. Too bad he died.

But can an uncle marry his nephew?

There are 20 year old women who look like 12 in the real world though.

Hahaha I wonder where you can find them at that way we can avoid them haha

Sure if their uncle is also their cousin.

>tfw marrying your cousin in America will get you lynched

What about Bern and Lambda?

I prefer Rika, she's much cuter and funnier

Say it in red bitch. I dare you.

Magic is real. Wh-why can't I say it in red? It worked just a moment ago.


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Why does Battler cry with his hand in his pocket?

So, Kanon showed his "dick" to Jessica.


Gotta save some kind of class, at least.

Trying to be too good for her own good is bad enough.

no, she didn't even really exist

What is the source of Batora's incompetence?

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Should I finally finish Umineko? Started reading but got bored, especially since I've been spoilered to hell and back.

>he doesn't know

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What did Shaftmean by this?

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Did they do anything wrong?

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