
How do we stop Togashi from going on a long length hiatus? How do we make sure Togashi stops taking hiatus and just finish the chapters? Imagine how many arcs and chapters we could have had if Togashi never that many hiatuses. How many arcs does Togashi have left and how many more hiatus do we need to suffer?

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this one is the correct one

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Going for another 2015 this year togachi? There is 2017 still to beat though.This nigga got any column or comment in jump about new chapters coming?

Curse Togashi
Curse hiatus
Curse his back pain
Curse his cancerous shit-eating cucked fanbase

Togashi is defragging.

why not let assistants draw it?

Because of Yoshihiro’s pride, honor, perfectionism & narcissism.

Look at how many hiatuses we got instead of the chapters we could read and enjoy. Togashi truly is a insufferable lazy faggot


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Who cares.

kys lazy hack of a gook

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2018 was a pretty good year though

>remember in 2014 when people were saying the hiatus had finally ended
>that pitiful number of chapters


In any case you could just persuade the japanese fans to lobby jump to either cancel the manga or finish it with no more hiatuses. Togashi could then choose to work or lose his job.

Is this guy still married to Sailor Moon's author?

Looks like you need to run a defrag.

Nigga probably asked her to draw too, I remember people memeing that.

They even had a kid

He has an army of assistants and is even married to the mangaka of Sailor Moon but would sooner go on hiatus or draw shitty scribbles than let anybody else do the art.

The cunt must have got one hell of a contract at WSJ for them to put up with his shit and not toss him. Other mangaka have been dumped for far less.


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When grrm release the books?

Ain't this nigger rich? Why doesn't he just take some pills or get a back operation?

jesus, he really should've ended this with Gon meeting Ging

about what? his drawing is fucking horrible, he's lazy even at that

Kurapika und Leorio

what will he learn from his dad?
playing Dragon Quest or drawing manga?


>The cunt must have got one hell of a contract at WSJ
How do not know this? His contract is that he can take as many breaks as he wants.
Yu Yu Hakusho was WSJ's biggest series at the time, and when asked if he could get better pay or working conditions he ws refused. Togashi then threatened to end the series if they didn't comply, and no-one believed him because of how succesful Yu Yu Hakusho was. A couple weeks later he ended Yu Yu Hakusho in the middle of an arc. Its why the ended is total dogshit. WSJ begged him to come back, and he did on the grounds he wrote his contract. WSJ are probably regretting that decision now

>WSJ are probably regretting that decision now
They do now. They should have fired his lazy faggot ass right here and then

come on, he's a 50 years old dude suffering from back pain

quality > quantity

I wouldn't be so sure. HxH has brought in a lot of money over the years. I don't know how Togashi's salary is, but I imagine its on a per-chapter basis, so they're not likely losing a lot either by keeping him on. HxH fags don't buy WSJ unless there's a chapter as well, so that brings in more customers once a century

Makes sense.


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Imagine being an assistant for Togashi and not being able to draw like you want to.

He has sole rights to his series, if Shueisha ever decided to cancel him for some reason he'd have every other manga publisher at his door with offers in a minute's time.

This goes for literally every fucking series. Oda was an assistant of Araki. Point me to one panel of Jojo that looks like One Piece

>if Shueisha ever decided to cancel him for some reason he'd have every other manga publisher at his door with offers in a minute's time.
t. togashi

Would that even get them much if he never puts anything out?

I'm saying the assistants of Togashi don't get to draw very often because Togashi takes so many breaks. It seems like being an assistant for Togashi wouldn't be as fulfilling a thing as being for really any other mangaka that regularly release chapters.

Can anyone explain to me how he (or Miura) can get away with this? I often hear about editors being ruthless and then these two clowns do this.
How? I'm genuinely trying to understand.

Togashi has a great contract and Miura, even with his hiatus', still probably props up the name of the magazine Berserk is in.

>lose his job.
He's already rich. You would just be freeing him from this hell. And he doesnt deserve this kind of mercy

Read the thread for Togashi's case.
Not so clear on what Miura's contract is, but Berserk is too important an IP to treat lightly. Horikoshi and the like get a harder time because their series have no staying power. Its been well documented BnHA had extremely manafactured growth, and wouldn't nearly be as large as it is without WSJ marketing the fuck out of it

I understand you now. Don't know how many assistant's Togashi has but I guess it can't be very fulfilling. They probably sustain themselves just on the concept alone, instead of any actual work they're doing.

Isn't that the case for any manga with potential to become a hit? How is it any different MHA's case, I'm genuinely curious at what the evidence of that is.

BnHA rushes far too much. Horikoshi is too impatient to get to all the big shounen moments without actually building up to them. Idiots complain about it taking 100 chapters for the Straw Hat Pirates to reach the Grand Line, but its only because of those 100 chapters that we care about what happens when the adventure proper starts. The best part of BnHA was the filler BONES created for S1 at the beginning because it actually made you care about Deku

They're just shounen, buildup or not the writing of OP or Naruto is pedestrian, I've never read MHA but i know it's generic if it's being published in Jump. What i was asking is how is the success of that series supposed to be manufactured as opposed to any other big series? I know it's poorly written, it's a manga for kids like OP, Bleach or Naruto.

>buildup or not
Nothing that comes out of WSJ is going to break any new ground. Buildup is the single most important thing a shounen needs to do to stand out.
BnHA was promoted before it even became popular. Its a clustered mix of genre to appeal to as many people as possible instead of the content itself actually having that appeal. Its power system is designed to be as open-ended as possible, so anything and everything goes, and Horikoshi is free to steal the best bits of other series wholesale on the grounds his series allows it to happen. All the main cast is delibrately designed to evoke other series to bring in older fans. Everything about it is aritficial. Its the most surface-level interpretation of what the genre is without actually capturing any of the spirit that draws people in in the first palce

That's not true, look at Dragon Ball that shit is fast paced as hell.

What draws people into power fantasies like Nekketsu manga in the first place is that they eiher have shit taste or they're just kids.

What you're saying doesn't make BHA success an outlier in any way, all those things can be said about any Nekketsu. Naruto steals an awful lot from HxH and Togashi steals a lot from Jojo as well.

No person with good taste to appreciate works like Mushishi, HxH or Monster will ever be interested in stupid battle shounen like OP or MHA, i understand that, but what I'm asking is how is it's success story any different and you're telling me it's a poorly written, generic and derivative series like Naruto, Bleach and One Piece, well no shit sherlock.

All of this for nothing...

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Daily reminder a large portion of those hiatuses were dedicated to redraws

Being this delusional

Why would he need to redraw text dumps?

I wonder if there's a certain number of chapters within a certain period of time that Togashi's contract stipulates. It's not per year because there's been some years he hasn't released anything. Or maybe it is yearly but it's based on some fiscal year rather than the normal year.

to be fair there are too many characters and story lines in this arc

Then maybe it's time for Togashi to stop including many charcters and story lines...

Hirano does it too. First with Hellsing and currently with Drifters.

Oddly he tried to start a new series in 2010 which died after only one issue. How did he plan to work on two series at once when he's lucky to release one short chapter every few months?

Thank god Oda has both.

You'd be glad he did if you ever had to read chapters in their original state

I find it funny people keep asking when season two of the anime will come out when there's not even enough chapters for a second season.It's why Japan is just drip feeding 1-2 OVAs a year instead. In the unlikely chance season two is announced it's going to be a ton of anime original content.

There might be enough if a more modern 1/2 cours adaptation route was taken. Do that though, and you'd have to wait another 5 years for 12 episodes, if even that

Interest in a sequel will dry up if they wait for new manga content. And it seems no localizer is interested in subbing individual OVAs.

They could just have Hirano create some notes on where to take an original anime and just have the OVAs become Drifters Ultimate that will get subbed when it's complete years from now.

My first hiatus, but I can manage it. I have to


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I noticed the last several chapters of Drifters have been completely full of comedy. I know Hirano likes his moments, but this feels like it's the first time he's dragged the gags on for this long. Is he just setting up for a bloodbath or does it seem like he's getting tired of the plot?

I disagree with you, I think the manga has a fair bit of soul. I totally agree with you on the power system but admittedly, it's the same in one piece and a whole lot of manga

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So once a mangaka gets so famous and the magazine relies on their series they can just become as slow and take as much time off as they want?

That was only in the case of the CAarc, though. 351-360 is littered with fucked up drawings, yet only thing that was changed for the volume release was really minor shit and screen tones, really driving home little work he actually did during the year he took off.

Power systems are usually pretty shit despite being such a big part of the genre, but they at least usually have established rules and limits. Haki nonwithstanding, Akuma no Mi at least have disadvantages and are treated appropriately in the story. Zorro and Sanji are just regular humans, and Brook and Chopper don't gain any combat advantage from theirs beyond being able to exist.
Its not perfect, but is substantially more interesting to me than just having genetic super-powers. As soon as that multiple Quirk shit was puled with Deku was when it became irredeemable to me. The next quirks he gets are probably going to be more interesting than simple super strength, but its such a retarded idea I can't give it the time of day