What's the worst anime you have seen? Pic related.
What's the worst anime you have seen? Pic related
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Youre favourite anime.
This user's favorite anime.
myself;yourself by doga kobo
Mahouka. I can easily imagine why a subhuman might enjoy it though.
Kannazuki no miko
>t. moeshitter
FLCL Alternative
Not Progressive, that was just generic and unremarkable at worst
Youre favorite anime!
Youre all favorite anime.
I wanted to kill myself every time I had to endure that OP music, to the point I can't remember it because my brain deleted that memory to protect me
Kare kano, blue sonnet, 801 tts airbats, area 88
Really? not shit like
Abunai sisters?
Skelter heaven?
Mars of destruction?
The Mayuri thing?
An anime with an actual semi coherent plot and production values is the worst thing you've seen?
Why do you dislike pie?
You don't remember the worst because no one watched it because it was shit.
Actual fucking trash.
This. At least Hametsu no Mars is funny
Elfen Lied. Just seemed edgy and plot went all over the place.
Good OP though.
That I actually finished? That's a really good question. I've probably repressed it.
At the moment I'd have to say Elfen Lied.
A lot of people on these choose ones they dont like rather than actually being bad. Except this guy
How many levels of retarded are you?
Arcana Famiglia
"Dear prince, I hope this finds you well"
By far the worst anime of all time
I usually drop a show if I'm not interested in it. This is the only anime I can think of that I tried to force myself to finish and just physically couldn't.
(You)r favorite anime.
I read the manga after watching the anime.The story is still garbage but at least it's sorta interesting.
Can we somehow filter this shitty (youg farm threads
Of those I've still bothered finishing its that one, yeah. Kept being told this was really good and it was just really weird and crappy. Don't even remember much beyond the umbrella scene. Granted this was still during my
>"Woah Death Note blew my mind, where do I get more of this?"
This. It was such clusterfuck of ideas. It had gays, yuri, rats, giant cats, immortal people, espers and shit. But despite all that it managed to be extremely boring show with Mary Sue as the main heroine.
>female character gets abducted from our world
>gets brutally raped multiple times by multiple men
>gets pregnant by rape
>gets guilt tripped into keeping the baby by the protag.
>Is given an opportunity to go home and get an abortion.
>Chooses to stay behind in a dying hell-world to raise her rapists baby with her rapists leader who assisted her rapists in the rape.
You posted one of them.
My other pick is Gangsta.
dumbest show in the world
im favo(u)rite anime
Unironically it would probably be Neon Genesis Evangelion.
>t. sub 90 IQ
Probably Gabdrop.
I don't take a lot of risks and was forced into that one.
You have serious brain damage.
Shut up, incel
Last 2 episodes are actually really good and everything is explained. Where did you drop it?
it wasn't the worst
so are your tastes
Mayoiga was actually good. So bad that it’s good
CCA didn't worth the effort of forcing myself to watch this.
This. Aesthetics were shit and the characters were 1 dimensional.
Bad bait. This show was excellent.
this was such a trainwreck
OMG this. It's lolsorandumb shit full of cringe and forced animation.
The irresponsible captain talyor,
It was trying to be funny or cute but, it was just plain retarded, everything about that was retarded.
Final Fantasy Unlimited
I bought the damn box set without seeing an episode. 50 bucks down the drain. The dark ages before me getting the internet.
Still fun to watch. Especially the Trump bit at the end.
>full of "cringe"
what does that even mean
>hey guys look I don't like popular thing
>buzzword buzzword full of buzzword
What a retard
i will never understand what people like about it back in the day
same as OP
>forced animation
It was simply too bland for me.
>hey user, what is your favorite anime?
>mine is SAO
best high school battle harem of all time
thanks for reminding me of it, gonna start rewatching it tonight
Chaos;Head or Secret Princess Himegoto
>mine is SAO
No contest
i stopped watching anime for a long time after watching this piece of crap
Can't decide between Rokka no Yuusha, SAO or Evangelion. I dropped them, picked them up again and then dropped them again until I finally found some strength to finish all 3. Holy shit it was horrible.
Another was bad but at least it was funny.
I really liked this show for the first 6 episodes, sort of had a silent hill vibe to it where everything just felt off. I was certain that Mei was probably a ghost or in some way paranormal. And it was pretty cute watching the creepy romance sort of build, espesically that dancing scene. But after the beach episode it just became some scooby doo mystery with a boring ending.
so did i user
Probably some generic seasonal anime nobody remembers.
I remember watching it because it was listed under "horror". How?
Boring as all hell.
all of them
fuck anime
based user
Glasslip, Green Green, Mars of Destruction all come to mind as fucking shit.
The twincest subplot saved it.
this fucking garbage
i don't get how anyone other than a complete incel loser can stand it
Magical girls Naria