Do you think we are getting post eoz after the moro arc? Taking into account they are touching all the buu stuff and with uub having god ki, do you think it will happen?
Dragon ball super
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enter CHADren
Seethe SHITren.
This thread has been tainted by Shitrenposting.
>DRAGONCHADS are so powerful that they make all Yea Forums seethe
>mods are so scared that they ban a whole thread and the anons there
Why. We. Can't. Stop. WINNING.
They even banned the anons for 15 minutes. Lol
Remember this shit?
Someone do this with Dragon Ball characters.
Vegeta is better than Goku and undefeated against him.
Why didn't toei use the colors they used when creating the ova of 2008 to make super? Super's colors look bland and irritating to watch honestly
I hope so, I liked GT when i was a kid but its trash now.
> kekgeta: "Vegeta is better than Goku and undefeated against him"
I'm guessing you're not american? I hated GT as soon as it aired on toonami because the music was awful nigger rap shit.
I live under a rock, have we gotten more stuff since the broly movie or the end of the multi-verse tourney?
Here in tacoland they had the original ost
In the manga there's a new arc. And a new dragon ball movie was announced too
Why is Korin black?
>manga there's a new arc
Oh, I meant the canon timeline user
Lucky. Ours was trash. I wish Faulconer didnt get fired right before GT.
Toriyama wanted him to be brown but the animators made him white instead.