Just finished this

H*ly shit, this was literally unironically actually one of the best things I've ever seen.

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I love all the 12 year olds coming here to announce this shit like No kidding, we've only been dissecting this fucking show for the last two decades, even before Yea Forums existed. And this is your contribution to the discussion? "Wow, I watched a good show. It was good."

Way to go chief.

And not to think I'm just ragging on you, this can be a teaching moment. If you want a thread to be anything other people telling you you're a twat, provide come content to distract them instead. Something like "Wow, I really enjoyed [This thing the show did, that was good], what did you think." or "Hey, I didn't know that [thing in show that's copied by other shows] got inspired by Eva"

It gives people something to latch onto and comment on other than you.

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Just watched the anime (ep1-24) and the movie( The end of Evangelion). And to be honest for half of the time I was watching it just because I wanted to be done with it, had it been longer I would have dropped it.There are a lot of problems that I have with the show. THE CHARACTERS:I understand the show is a character driven one as such this should be it's strong point but it's bad IMO.Shinji feels edgy,useless and annoying (I understand that he is a damaged person as I faced a lot of problems Shinji faced when I was his age:paternal abandonment,lack of self worth,anti social behaviour and self hatred I,.Asuka is annoying(She acts so over the top especially when you consider the fact that she is just 14).Rei feels underdeveloped even though she is the most complex character(So many themes and concepts could have been explored but they just didn't happen instead we just got more Shinji being sad).Gendo feels flat.Misato is the one character I liked but there were moments that made me dislike the way she was handeled.(The most frustrating Misato moment for me was the elevator scene where she kissed Shinji and implied that she will sleep with him,I understand that she wanted to make him go into Eva01 but it felt wrong especially when their character dynamic revolved around Misato trying to become the parental figure that neither of them had) The plot:Concepts were introduced and never developed nor explained and we were supposed to just roll with it,a story would begin half develop and end in one ep and we were supposed to care about it?(Kaworu Shinji plot is the biggest example).The show tries to act smart by introducing weird concepts and convoluted stories even though they were added just because they looked cool.The ending just being the prequel to the Mass Effect 3 ending(Basically the protagonist just saying how everything will turn out)and feeling incomplete.


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Shiji is supposed to be an wimpy faggot. And he reacts how like a wimpy faggot would actually react in that situation.

For real tho I'm rewatching now for like the 5th time and feel a whole bunch of cringe emenating from it. Don't get me wrong I'm still amazed by the animation and I enjoy the story and love the characters, but some of the dialogue and all of the fan service is so janky and cringe worthy it blows my mind. And I'm talking about the OG jap dub. Its just really dragged down by all the godawful anime tropes like high pitched screaming and allusions to characters looking at ass and tits. They don't even show the ass and tits most of the time they just show shinji looking at them, like what the fuck? Pic related is cringe but it's not as bad as the stuff earlier in the episode like "DOII Asuka you didn't tell me you was going BIKINI SHOPPING" and "durr shinji you think my tits get bigge if I heat them up??" really it makes me reel back in revulsion. Anyone else get this vibe?

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This is bait.

>"durr shinji you think my tits get bigge if I heat them up??
Shes trying to flirt with him, but she's really clumsy and bad at it. Did girls not awkwardly flirt with you in middle school?

Pen Pen takes me out of the show more than anything else.

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More like the writers are really clumsy and bad at it
Is there really any reason for pen pen to exist

>Shinji feels edgy,useless and annoying
Yes thats the point
>Asuka is annoying(She acts so over the top especially when you consider the fact that she is just 14
Yes thats the point
>Rei feels underdeveloped even though she is the most complex character
Underdeveloped yes but not the most complex
>Gendo feels flat
Somewhat one dimensional but def understandable once you know his reasoning
>I understand that she wanted to make him go into Eva01 but it felt wrong especially when their character dynamic revolved around Misato trying to become the parental figure that neither of them had
Yes, thats the point. Misato tries to be an adult but the only way she thinks things happen are because of sex, its all she sees in herself.
>The ending just being the prequel to the Mass Effect 3 ending(Basically the protagonist just saying how everything will turn out)and feeling incomplete.
well they DID run out of money

>they don't get it

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Is this from the pretty well on model (for its time) hentai?

now go to the eva mailinglist archives from the late 90s and early 00s and realize how people used to discuss this show in depth.

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I've heard people say that it's to draw attention to anime's shitty tropes, but Eva pulls shit like this every episode. The scene where he falls on rei is pretty well done, but emulating anime tropes like this to prove some kind of point isn't worth detracting from the serious and interesting parts of the show . Intentionally annoying is still annoying

Lol people forget that Asuka was the prototype for every smug tease manga like nagatoro.

Asuka alone changed the face of Anime, without her there'd be no:
Tsunderes as a standard part of every anime
Bully/Tease tsunderes
hyper-competent tomboys
twister scenes
Mother is just a larger version of the daughter

Try to name a prominent tsundere before Asuka: what's that, Akane? that's it really. Who was the tsundere of Tenchi? Oh right, there wasn't one.

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It's shit, dropped it after the first episode. Too many awful tropes

Fine fine you baited me.
Holy holy holy holy holy holy

The point of shinji falling on rei is that she's so mentally withdrawn that it doesn't get the "tropey" reaction from her, only from shinji, and it in turn informs us about her character.
Asuka is playing anime tropes straight, but the point there is that it's a facade for her designed to prevent her from being emotionally vulnerable. Again, the cliches are used to illustrate her character, and to present a contrast and way for the audience to track how her facade crumbles & she discovers she has less and less personality underneath it all, until she becomes a Rei-like doll when she goes comatose. You could take it as a critique of anime as a whole, where those cliches and tropes are used to basically paper over an absence of character depth, or where they slowly take over characters as shows go on too long and the writing gets lazier and lazier. In eva the tsundere and the kuudere are presented as contrasting forms of reaction to parental abuse, Asuka with a fragile shell of societally encouraged behaviour and Rei with withdrawing from the world.

The thing that makes it all work is that the "subversions" all happen across the course of entire character arcs, it's not just "here's the scene where the kuudere/tsundere breaks character and blushes".
Added to all this is that these are all, again, contrasts, but also with Shinji, who we see the world through. Rei's direct response to Gendo's maltreatment being closer to shinji's at the start, then as Shinji gains some confidence he starts to adopt a shell like Asuka's, which shatters when Gendo further traumatises him, making it clear that it was a shell, just a form of acting to obtain praise or parental attention rather than coming from a truly moral or personal place.
Compare shinji jerking off over Asuka now: When he tried to do the right thing he was punished, but now he does something wrong and there is no punishment. the stark immorality of the world is laid bare before him, like Asuka's titties.

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Its from one of the Sega Saturn games.

Dont expect people to do what you want

use the catalog, retards.

I wanted to be mad at you, but you're not wrong.