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The town where only I was cucked

There wasn't even any implied romance between them.

Biggest kek in anime history.

>B-but pizza girl
Utter shit compared so Sayo, she was literal consolation prize tier

>I saved her
>She belongs to me

literally what would happen if he didn't end up in a coma

She should have been patient

He didn't even get cucked. This meme is retarded

>Wait over decade for a middle school friend/ possible a crush
Kek, grow up

If you don't believe that you are literally a cuckold

Yes, that is exactly how it works.

>middle school friend
Her husband was literally that and DIDN'T EVEN INTERACT WITH HER

Why else would you help a femoid

That is correct

That's not how life works you sad fucks

There is a difference. They built a connection together while the MC was in a coma.

Yes it is you cuck
The feminism cancer has rotted your brain

Stop pretending you would actually wait that long for someone who's in acoma. You'd give up before a year went by

So if a dude saved your life, would you offer him your ass?

Why are people so mad at this scene? I don't get it, is it because you self inserted onto the MC or what?

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Yeah, it's literally just fags who self inserted into the main character

because both mc and viewers got NTR'd

Post the hair color comparison pic

Stop pretending men and women are the same
Women are supposed to be faithful, they're worthless without it

Imagine somebody who wouldn't save somebody else's live unless they will be rewarded with sex for it.
Also imagine that these people feel they are being unfairly ostracized by women.

I'm glad this shitty ass anime will only ever be remembered for cuck memes

we got paragon of justice here. Would you sacrifice yourself for some rando stranger for no reason?

Not mad but disappointed. They were so fucking cute together.

feminist poison
men aren't the same as women

He had no interest in her romantically. Kayo had no obligation to wait for Satoru.

Because people were expecting some cute lovey dovey romantic ending but instead they got slapped by a realistic outcome

>fictional characters
>had no obligation

Why did this have to go the real life logic route? WHY?

because it was a little abused child that you have the chance to save?

ok so, why aren't you all doctors and policemen? since by that logic you'd have your pick of the litter and don't have to keep raging about it on egyptian tube sliding forums

>i-it's different if it's me!
fucking wew

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>He had no interest in her romantically

Wasn't it only in the anime that he had no romantic interest for her?

>ends up with younger more ripe pizza time girl

How is this not best ending?

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I actually really loved the scene. He succeeded in saving the girl and giving her a happy life.

He got proof right then and there that he had done the right thing.

>anons expect a 9 year old girl marry to every person ever nice to them
polygamy is degenerate behavior

look i understand that logic doesn't apply, but she could have at least went "you saved my life" and have it end hinting they were going to be a thing

i mean i wouldn't be if there wasn't romantic implications between them as kids
they could easily have made it platonic and nobody would give a shit

It's 2019 and this still isn't NTR

>idiots still baiting over this when mc was just glad she was alive
Didin't she disappear halfway anyway

It totally is though.

Maybe it's NTR if you're a white knight that believes in fairy tale endings or gibberish like "it's meant to be".

Pizza girl is the best girl for him anyway

100% of the story focused on the development of Shotaru or whatwashisname and Kayo's characters, while a whopping 0% focused on pizza girl's.

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holy shit waifufags absolutely seething

He did during the time the other guy was in a coma