ITT Shit shows people pretend to like to fit in

ITT Shit shows people pretend to like to fit in

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What's with all the Code Geass thread lately?

Sequel but my OP is honest


>ITT: underaged who weren't here for the fresh CG memes

>What are opinions and tastes, the thread
Unless you can give some reasons as to why it's shit, not being hostile here, genuinely curious

>One Piece

Hunter x Hunter
One Piece
Dragonball Z (after Frieza Saga)

Pretty sure it's more "hip" to hate CG here.





Nah. That would be FLCL.

Oh my god, this. It's ugly lolsorandumb shit. Fuck FLCL and fuck FLCLtards.

OP is an asshurt faglord who saw the other CG thread but was afraid of butting in because he knows he will get his asshole destroyed.

I bet your brain is even tinier than your micro-benis

Attached: Haruko_questioning.png (625x666, 1.6M)

Based sperg.

Code geass is a so bad it's good show. The writing is terrible and childish. The characters are a damn mess. Almost everything in it is reused ideas from older shows. So critically, it's real bad. But it's over the top theatrical nature, fanservice, gayness and insanity, is what makes it watchable. Had they played it straight, it would just be garbage, but since they went all out with it, it becomes an amusing garbage fire.

What do you have to hate in Code Geass?

Yeah, right. "Pretend". Right.

Troll all you want, but a lot of people like Code Geass.

But terrible, childish and messy writing is present in all those shows too. Acting like Code Geass is worse is foolish. Are you going to call them bad I don't see you doing so, that's a double standard. If you really want to think critically, then the theatrical nature is a virtue too, because the show sets itself up like that on purpose.