Reminder that these manga will never get a proper ending suffer in eternal darkness lol

Reminder that these manga will never get a proper ending suffer in eternal darkness lol.

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Who will die first, Togashi or Miura? What if they died on the same day?

The absolute state of hiatusfags

Too much time has passed for whatever ending they put out to be any good. Both series will die peacefully in their sleep.

I hope Schierke will be shown on the final panel

>you can't say lol on 4chin
legitimate cringe

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So when the fuck are we going to see Guts and Casca again
It's cool that Griffith was confirmed to be the moonlight boy but damn, hurry up Miura.

Add Vagabond to that list. Series I like always end up going in hiatus. But maybe there's a connection with long breaks = better manga

vagabond is never getting any new chapters its not a hiatus

I don't give a shit about Berserk, it's always been edgy trash for supreme gentlemen. However, HxH is something that deserves a good conclusion.



Why don't you like Berserk? There are some excessively edgy moments and the story is a bit aimless post conviction but as a whole its a great manga.

Ok technically its a hiatus but cmon do you really see Inoue starting it up again.

I used to be a huge fan of Berserk when I was a teenager, I even started to learn moon because of it. I obssesively re-read the manga every six months to get my fix, I contributed to the wikia, but at some point I started liking it less and less with each re-read, as the faults became more notorious to me. The final straw came around 2016 when it became popular overnight for some reason, despite the movies being shit, and every little turd from here to Fb started hailing it as a masterpiece precisely because of the things that made it a flawed work (like the edgyness), along with the "le griffith did nothing wrong xdddd" memes.

I can't believe I used to enjoy it so much, I literally cringe at the praise it recieves now. I wouldn't say I hate it, because it has its high points and the art can be a real sight to behold when Miura actually tries, but I really wouldn't care if it never got a conclussion (that will be, no matter what, underwheling, as you'd need like 7 years at a normal pace to properly develop and give closure to all the seeds that were shat out trough the literal decade they've been on the boat and island) and I'm annoyed by how many better seinen and even shonen manga are sidelined by most people who focus on Berserk as an example of a "mature" manga.

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What manga are "sidelined"?

Not him, but Dorohedoro comes to mind as something that deserves to be better known than Berserk, even if it's often even edgier.

Its getting an anime soon so you will have all the normalfag attention you crave for whatever reason.

I see it recommended all the time too, especially on here.

Shit man what manga would you recommend that are better than it. It's been my favorite for years.

The anime will probably be dogshit.

>implying I still care about these 2 mediocre works after all these years.
It's not like I've about 100 manga completed to praise these anymore.

Wow much respect, based af

I just wanna see more of the Dark Continent, man :(

Try being a Getter fan

HxH doesn't need a conclusion, it's barely a coherent story to begin with.

What is Togashi's excuse? "Depression" and "back pain" are not real diseases.

I'm surprised Shueisha/Jump allows him to keep his job

Allegedly he got a special snowflake contract because of YYH, which sold a huge amount per volume-

The Chimera Ants arch is a good "ending". Berserk doesn't even have that.

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A man of culture

>you can't say lol on 4chin
Legitimate newfag

kill yourself summerfag

*Laughs in Getter robo arc*

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This. I dropped both of them because of that.

Only sad because of HxH.
Berserk was shit since Conviction arc


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>i liked it while it was obscure
>now that it's popular i hate it
Pathetic. I read it a billion times, made my peace with it most likely never being finished, and moved on to other things while still cherishing it. Imagine seething so much that le normies xd like it that you're gonna try to convince yourself and others that Berserk isn't an absolute masterpiece.

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