Predictions for the next chapter?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Zeke shouts.
Falco transforms.
Zeke is captured.
Eren retreats.
Falco eats Zeke.
I'm hoping we see what happened to manlet and Hanji
What was his plan again?
Rumbling the world with no survivors!
If someone's dying in chapter 121 then we're probably going to move away from the fight since the obvious thing that's going to happen next is Zeke' Scream.
Maybe it'll be a flashback, Manlet and Hanji's POV, Kiyomi, or Historia.
Protect his wife and child at all costs
but you already did that
How long until their emotional reunion?
what is the nigger doing?
don't have (vaginal) sex if you're (((ELDIAN)))
Yeah but hasn't.
Stop deluding yourself Eren, you'll never meet again
When will his tatakae lust satisfy?
did you rike it?
Two more volumes.
Eren betrays Zeke
Zeke screams
Falco eats Reiner as a result
Some Mikasa Historia drama I guess(?)
Manlet survives
Back off Abe, Jiiku is pure
How long has it been since the pregnancy reveal?
A year next chapter
A week from the one year anniversary.
what about anal and oral sex between two eldian men?
How does /snk/ do it? Even with all the shippers, schizos, falseflaggers and speedreaders, it still manages to to maintain a level of Kino far above the other threads.
because we kick out and bully hxh niggers to avoid shitting our thread
Time sure flies.
i can't read any of this you fucking retard
These are unironically some of the worst threads on Yea Forums
>Eren and Zeke get real close
>JMAC shenanigans
>Cut away to LH
>Magath does some cool military shit
>Zeke screams
>Everyone freaks the fuck out
>"Eren and Zeke touching next chapter for sure!"
Most of the people in that image aren't even here anymore.
Mikasa will DESTROY Eren's anus.
Splendid, brother.
So...why the long face baby?
>Colt kills Falco
>Colt kills Eren
>Colt kills all the Eldians
>Colt has super fight with a roided Mikasa
>Colt ends up as the victor
>Colt bashes gablinas head in for causing the death of brother
I hope Eren reveals his betrayal by showing Zeke his kid, rather than just telling him. I want to see the realization on Zeke's face as he puts 2+2 together and realizes that Eren procreated
>A year next chapter
Maybe Isayama will finally show what's going on in her head
I don't get what your joke is.
if dubs, Isayama and /snk/ will apologize for all the bullying
Magath is going to kill Floch next chapter and Zeke is going to scream.
But there still sometime before the kid is born
J-Mac is the name of a male pornstar
Reiner bully is the best humor there is
If dubs, Reiner will die next chapter.
But where will Annie fit into this?
>Shitner Braun fags are still a thing
How can anyone stand this pathetic manchild??
at this point this is reaching statistical impossibility, kek is just dabbing on reiner
Stop. You already got BTFO by Chadren in the previous thread.
Might wake up once Zeke screams. Or most likely not and will keep being irrelevant.
Endgame right here
Colt Grice, he's falcos older brother and the next warrior that will get the Beast Titan. He's not very well known since other characters are taking all the spotlight and he doesn't appear very much
Based FREEren stealing SLAVEner's dubs.
You see, levi isn't even that short.
full house get, Reiner should just off himself
Based Chadren won again.
Colt is the father.
EM is cuter than EH
quints and EH is real
>quints and dubs
Based Colt.
We need to kill Colt.
another full house, how can Reiner recover?
>Eren cucked by Colt.
It's official. Chadren > Cuckner.
This can't be happening bros
EHfags btfo,eren would never waste his seed on a bitch like Historia
The absolute state of cuckren
Colt > Cuckren
Colt? More like Godt.
I miss Yumiru
>Zeke is alive but temporarily incapacitated
>Eren continues to be harried by Reiner and Falco
>He’s about to take a barrage of anti-tank rifle fire, but the snipers are taken out by the released SL troopers.
>Chapter ends with Zeke waking up and screaming
That’s all I can think of to guess.
Reminder that Pieck got him drunk and had her way with him. He's basically just younger Zeke but better looking and without the mental illness.
>"Eren, what do you mean this beautiful black baby won't do anything special? Don't be like Ymir, acting so negative all the time. He's already special, because he was born into this world."
If dubs it's a manlet chapter
That's me in the middle there
GriceChads always win
I've never seen this get digits, and every time it fails it gets funnier
there will be a panel of her inside her crystal after zeke's scream if we're lucky there could also be a panel of her finger moving or something with a TWITCH sound effect
What a waste.
>Bro sometimes the only option is to genocide the world
Literally me.
>tfw there's no clean way to get Annie back in the story anymore
Cope. manletoid is 2 inches (5 cm) shorter than the average femwhitoid.
>why yes, self-defense genocide is a perfectly valid foreign policy
Stupid Fucking YH, CH, EM, AA, LH, and all you other deniers out there. It doesn't matter whether or not quints, meme magic, or any other inbred childish games say otherwise. EH will be the canon ship, and there is nothing you pathetic lot can do about it.
wrong gigachad image
absolutely based coltchad
Ereh > Colt > Nicolo > Jan > Jiiku > Wong > Reiner > Grisha > Flock > Connor > Bertutoruto > Magath > Mong > Dork > Manlet > Porky
>Ereh > Colt
Bong > Ereh > Sasha > Yelena > Hans > Ani > Mong > Mikasa > Pii
John Boyega >>>>>>> every other worthless Shingeki
Colt is the most beautiful of the notJeans but he can't hold a candle to Eren. The only one capable of that is Historia.
seeth more YH/EM/AA fag
Who will save Zeke from Colt and his anti titan rifle?
Curious, why are AAfags included?
Eren awakens more of Grisha's memories.
This time it's the ones where he's in first person view fucking his own mom.
Eren feels disgust and sends this memory back in time to Grisha.
Grisha feels disgusted and can't fuck Eren's mom anymore.
Eren prevents his own conception.
El fin.
>don't have sex
>castrate your people
>quip and cheer while giving members of your race "salvation" even though "War is a terrible thing"
>blow yourself up to kill your rival
Zeke makes Kenny look sane
i love my wife
i want to pet that pii
Zeke is good boy who did nothing wrong.
Because those bluepilled cucks, can't conform. Their ship won't happen because it's implausible. They are the most ignorant niggers here, while EHchads like ourselves know for certain that EH is a certainty. We are redpilled unlike: YH, EM, AA, etc.
Annie has a cute nose, 11/10, would pinch.
It got 555 trips once I think
>We are redpilled
It looks like the gate leading to outside, to the ocean is blocked by crashed airship while the gate inside is where Zeke is standing upon. I think that gate is unblocked, so Eren can probably get to Zeke without climbing the wall.
Imagine trying to fit the head of your dick into her tiny little mouth
Weird, if EHfags do this childish inbred games you don't complain. Suddenly it's based then. EHwhales being seething hypocrites is nothing new though
Why are you mad actually? It's just digits
I love my wife as well!
>Fell into fujo's trickery
Kek, if you haven't realized it yet, fujos are trying to make EH and LH fight.
She woke up after a 10 year nap in her crystal
We know, Arumin
She is a sleephead
Annie is for Hitch
No, arumin only has time for Gabi
>It's a Zeke and Eren don't touch chapter
>It's a Zeke doesn't scream chapter
>it's an Annie still asleep chapter
Sure it would seem like that from your perspective but you fujoshis would do the same as well. I know that EH is canon because the evidence is practically there. Some dubs would support it even more. However there is no evidence for your invalid ship so therefore any meme magic would just be wasted.
Pieck Kruger will save the world
It is you who uses trickery EM troll envoker.
Where the fuck is Annie.
Gabble gabble
This EHchads don't mind LHfags, they are one of the few ones openly admitting Eren is the father, same as REbros and Zekefaggots
You say it like she's moved in seven years
Annie was made for Bert's cock
What is this nonsense? How is AA "implausible" when Armin canonically feels something for Annie? Why would Isayama highlight something like that if it wasn't going to be followed up on? And what does EH have to do with anything given the two ships have no connection to one another?
>still responding to the falseflagging
Wew lad
Not him but I guess he was talking AAfags are fujos
It's a falseflag user, don't engage
Not counting the plotfags I can't believe only those three support that theory
Yep, AAfags are farmerfags too and hate Historia a lot from what I have seen
Her body may not have moved but her soul has. She's currently hanging out in the paths world with Bert, Marcel, Udo, and Zofia. She will return to her body when it's time to wake up.
Those are Bert's feelings, not Armin's. And a relationship is a two way thing. No matter how much Bert's influencing Armin, Annie does not reciprocate at all in this. This is like saying that JM has to happen because Jean has feelings for Mikasa. Or like saying that before Bert died, that BA had to happen because Bert's feelings were made very clear which I'm sure you accepted that as much back then.
No, you got it wrong. Bort's memories influenced Armin, not his feelings.
if touch is happening, who uses the founding titan power? eren?
Yes, Zeke is just the "key"
And the gabipedo, when he was fighting that BAspic the gabipedo posting disappeared
then why is it so important to zeke?
>Isayama has confirmed to browse /snk/
>This GET
Colt is the father, isnt he?
All those replies confirm Isayama us going to destroy a lot of lives
Eren, who isn't of royal blood, has the founding Titan, and to activate its power he needs to touch a titan of royal blood (first Dina, now Zeke). Zeke is under the assumption that he and Eren share the same goal of sterilizing all Eldians so they won't have kids and their race peacefully dies out of the world. Eren likely has an ulterior motive of activating the rumbling of some shit, we don't know yet. Since Eren has the founding Titan, presumably Eren is the one who actually programs the command when both titans touch.
>It's a Zeke tries to scream but Eren shreds him with WHT spikes chapter
>it's a railroad ceremony/last timeskip year flashback chapter instead
Oh nononono
The Chads
The Stacys
The Incels
The Manlets
Based, Armong is the biggest shit
what did he mean by this
No, they're Bert's feelings as both Armin and Eren explicitly stated in their exchange a few chapters ago. Even Isayama brought that up when he talked about previous holders of Eren's titan influencing the way he talked with Falco.
It's funny because BAspic is the Gabipedo poster too
Fuck off Erwlmod.
Add Fagath too to The Manlets
Bertholdt should've showed more personality before he got chomped.
I hope shes okay
We got all we needed
She will be there to witness annie waking up once eren activates the rumbling.
I think you're not getting what "influence" mean
I don't indulge in delusions.
I think you're not getting what influence means
During this conversation it seemed that Erwin was flirting with Nile desu
I hope so, I want more Sasha
>10 pages leading up to Zeke screaming
>Gabi kills Faldo and has another mental breakdown
>Eren reaches Zeke
>Right as they touch, switch perspectives to Levi and Hange
>Brief update and we see their reaction as walls start crumbling
>See warriors’ and JMAC’s shocked faces and final panel is the collosal titans in Shiganshina’s walls start walking
Hange is confirmed transgender woman. During Uprising, she went through transitioning.
Jesus the schizophrenia
Zeke wins.
Reiner is a faggot, I cannot believe he is still alive. depressed faggot
>This is all that's in the mind of a erentard
have sex
How will Mikasa react when she learns about Eren impregnating Historia?
t. Annie
She's done nothing to help Marley and her father, has just been sitting in that stupid crystal
Based Annie Fubar
The cutest warrior. And the most effeсtive.
>be imprisoned all your life
>titan come and fuck your whole life up
>people responsible for it are actually your friends
>RB and some monkey kill almost the entire army and your best friend without explanation
>find out your dad suffered too and find out you only have 8 years to live, also theres a nation that wants your peoples genocide
>your friend wants to talk it out with the people responsible for all your peoples suffering and theyre rallying with other nations to finally end your people
>get called edgelord, a pedo, a cuck
why Yea Forums?
he looks so retarded with that beard
>>get called edgelord, a pedo, a cuck
People are more hurt about him impregnating Historia than about all of that
Who can Zeke even confirm if Eren really made all eldians sterile?
He's going to have to fuck all of them himself
Redpill me on BA
I know, for me this is the stupidest part of his will he check? Will he bust a nut in some girl and see if her belly grows? Will he jack off and see if he’s shooting blanks? Or will he just ‘sense’ that they haven’t been sterilised through paths or something...
These fanarts are so ugly
yeah, it was easier to just try to eliminate the titan gen
with nothing because it didn't happen, the farmer is the father
what stops the next generation from undoing this plan? Would he enforce a ‘Zekes Will’ on them?
annie is shit and Eldians shouldn't be reproducing
Is this achievable natty?
Nile, Pixis, and Falco get transformed, among others. Floche gets eaten by Nile or Pixis for some karmic retribution before their pure titan forms are dispatched. Falco eats Colt because Colt won't shoot him, and then Reiner intervenes to rescue Gabi.
Chapter after next Reiner lets Falco eat him, heroically diving in the way of Falco's confession-based death flag and going out like the hero he always wanted to be. Threads fucking explode, suddenly there's a very vocal group that hates Falco aka "shitco", and loudly bemoans the fact Zeke isn't dead yet for the next however many chapters he lives.
zeke probably doesn't even consider that his beloved brother would tell anything but the full truth
lmao you're saying that like she can just get out and walk away at any time
I think he wants to kill Historia, her child and himself to prevent any cance of undoing.
Something about Gabi's pet cat.
Yes, and Eren wasnt the hobo
Just get out when Armin is in there and beat him up or convince him to sneak her out
>Ymir Fritz will come back and be the ‘big bad’ everyone unites to fight against
Yeah probably, that crazy Zeke...
How did Willy's sister plan to escape from the crtystal?
>>don't have sex
He had sex with Pii.
Get Porco to break it after the fight if they won or maybe she can get out of it
>Pii is pregnant with Zii’s child!
I bet he doesn't even need to check it to know that Eren betrayed him. Just touch Eren and PATHS will show him Eren's true plan.
>annie finally wakes up
>leaves the crystal
>first order of business is bashing armong for his creepy visits
...perhaps those waifufags were onto something after all
The difference is that the hobo was never stated to be anyone else in the manga
I want to suck the beast titan’s monkey cock!!!!!!
i want to touch monkey nipples
Pii, pls.
Suck his big milky tits instead
Poor Isayama, this fanbase is too dumb
You sure do.
On the contrary Eldians should be the only ones reproducing. The FT's power can edit their edit genes and make way for a race of disease and suffering immune ubermensch, while also easily solving conflicts through mindwipes. Non Eldians are standing in the way of this utopia
Eldians are africans
porkek is so disgusting
imagine that hand touching your dick
Indeed. Good thing he will never read your posts
Zeke is a lucky guy. I mean, Pii has some nice dick sucking lips.
Isayama is an EHchad
>slurp slurp slurp “mmmmm Zeke!! Your semen!!!”
what a CHAD hand
now imagine that hand touching your dick
I just want Jiiku to be happy.
CHAD!!!!! Mmmmmm look at your veins mmmmm....
Based and EHpilled
If you depend on employers for your success, you are a slave. If you depend on handouts for your success you are a slave. If you depend on anyone else for your success, you are a slave.
Make your own way, or be a slave. That is the truth of life. It has always been that way, and it always will be that way. It is that way now.
But now, something new has happened. Across every field of industry, the cat has been let out of the bag. The genie's out of the lamp. The immutable laws of physics demonstrate that today the means of production are not limitable to institutional endeavors. Individuals can manufacture almost every good they can buy in stores.
3D printers can make things with dirt, clay, cement, plastic, metals, food, conducting inks, and even living cells. People working together have printed homes, cars, phones, you name it. As development continues, as we continue pressing forward, even if we're pushing our luck, and add more and more means of producing goods individually, like aquaponics, CRISPR, mesh networks, and on and on, we are becoming unstoppable. We are becoming free.
Fuck those that make you dependent on them. Make your own freedom. Be free. Be free, or be a slave. You slaves will be corralled and despised. We free men will pass to our free sons the stars we have taken.
I want to fuck myself on that hand...look at the veins...
Mod's wife here, can confirm this post impregnated me
>Animeonly reaction to Grisha's revelation is "Oh wow I didnt know SnK was into neonazism"
Why is people so retarded to actually think what /pol/ thinks?
But Eren you are a waifufag
>That Historia's outfit
It's funny, because even though she's preggo, she's still wearing boots.
Eren fights for abstract ideals only.
>bite his fingers
>is balding
>If you depend on anyone else for your success, you are a slave.
So Eren is a slave
Not incompatible
EH is cute.
The son or daughter is going to be beautiful for sure when he or she grows up
Zeke holding his niece
>typical moe eyes with eyelashes
Only a few don't have these eyes and more sharp ones, which would look weird on babies
He actually got the fucking Porco haircut, holy shit
Eren's eyelashes are so pretty
Terrorists and lovers
Zeke is cute. Cute!
>ZPfag and EHfag
Manga readers spend their time shipping character so I'm not sure who is more retarded.
Is Zeke going to see their sex? good karma
i don't drink onions wtf
>he will watch and he will cry but also become aroused and will awaken with a new desire to impregnate!!!
Those eyebrows though...
RIP Pii's hymen.
The person in the crystal can come out anytime they want. Annie choosing to sit around in her crystal for so long rather than giving up and coming out should be a big hint to the delusional EA and AA retards that Annie wants nothing to do with the Paradis assholes
I still believe that is Zeke with his nephew
>tfw the final chapter audio is just atmosphere sounds or some shit so there's going to be a lot of confusion and different accounts of it
Who do you love?
Erwins child
And delay more povs, prepare for months of Reiner and Porco jobbing again
>Pii’s hymen will be torn gracefully and lovingly by Zii’s gentle cock!!!
Who's Porco?
>I still believe that is Zeke with his nephew
Backed with evidence
I think even Erwin's VA is there
STFU and GTFO with you shitty ship, Cuckold-fag. Faggot beruanus, what a scum are you...
i think the baby is actually a girl tho rather than a boy idk why
>final panel is a flashback to nile holding his newborn step-daughter
Tick tock, SLAVErenfags and breedgroids.
13 VAs to guide you during the presentation
>The baby plays with Zekes beard
>Zeke forgets about the plan
OH NO NO NO!!!!!
Beruanus, STFU with you shitty dead pairing
Fake Zekefan wtf
A lot of people think that because the baby has prominent eyelashes. But it actually only has lashes drawn on one eye. Hermaphrodite confirmed
Detective Hange soon.
Ymir from Norse mythology
I want to believe is Falco and the globin's daughter but I believe that if she's really the new scarf owner then I think she'll lose everyone in this battle and be left in despair and Mikasa will be in charge to relive her sorrow giving her the scarf. Another possibility is that Isayama changes the scarf's simbolism completely.
who is the hottest character
Hange is a jew who steals Tax payer money
True Zekefan actually...
Why are so many people using "Hange" lately? It's Hanji. Get it right
Isayama literally added him to make sure Hollywood won't go around turning all the Semitic people to bunch of token black people when adapting the live action. He actually made their race relevant.
>Isayama-san...kono chapter...MASAKA!!
It's actually Hans.
The baby has one eye with eyelashes and one without. The eye without is a bit smaller and has a fully curved lid, resembling eren's. Meanwhile the eye with lashes has a slightly pointed lid and is larger, resembling historia's. I didn't want to believe this shit but...
>Shitty arts of beruanus
Isayama said this panel might not even happen, so it could fit with it being FG's child, since he still could change it to them not having a child at the end
Yeah. I like the idea that the baby really is a reincarnated Yumiru Furitzu
Erehh please, just a quick one.
*unzips dick*
Mnnghghh I'm so hard...
Aha ahhhhh you're my girl-bitch.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, what about my daddy. Just listen to me, I'm telling you, he's a perfect daddy...
But you're not my daddy... you're my slut. You could say that. What I'm saying is, this bitch needs a little help.
I'm a good slave, so let me do my thing and let my slutty bitch lover, you know, fuck you from behind, oh hooooo...
(gasps and sounds for a few second) It should do him no good, but not so bad. You can do your boy that much better. I'm sure you could.
(inhales and laughs)
Yessss, that's right, fuck your mouth like that, fuck it hard.
Mmm, god yes.
>"God of Destruction" fooled by a simple diversion
It might be to make the gender unclear, but most likely it's just that the lashes on the other eye weren't drawn because it's just a sketch and details are missing.
It does beg the question of what other details aren't there, and it makes the speculation over things like hair length and the man possibly having a beard look dumb.
for’s zeek
young adult Sieg
Sasha (the bangs)
young Grisha
So the baby is a hermaphrodite, got it
It's just Isayama not deciding the sex of the baby.
Zeke. He's an aryan chad.
>Hiding behind Zeke now
Colt and post-timeskip Jean.
I implied the baby was eren and historia's, I never said anything about it being alive and imprisoned in this cruel world.
It's the last chapter of the volume so hopefully something good at the end, I'm guessing Chadren's plan reveal at least.
Post yfw timeloop ending
Did Isayama forget to draw the wire around Zeke's neck?
And also
Why are so many people using "Manlet" lately? It's Levi Rivaille. Get it right
Nope, we're on to the first chapter of a new volume now.
That was much more satisfying in the manga. Fuck Wit.
That too, but I think its Zeke with his bros baby, not saying FG wont have a baby
There's a chance he will do as you say, but he already grew too much hype about this scene, it will be a waste.
Ah fuck me. Then absolutely nothing.
You're so bad at writing
>Isayama said this panel might not even happen
Fucking when?
Nanaba or Mikasa
Eren and Historia convincing Zeke to stop being a cuck would be cute. I just want Zeke to be happy
>tfw you're tiny, angry and can't forgive
Armonglards are sociopaths. You should hang yourselves.
I can't wait to see her send historia to bed without supper for her transgressions.
Just how many people are you stalking?
In the same video when he drew it. He just said he drew what popped up into his head at that time and that he is still not sure about how to end it actually. This is actually mentioned again for the final chapter event
I'm pretty sure you were right the first time. This is the last chapter of the volume.
strict, but fair.
I hope we see AU Zeke soon...
Ereh is so cute~
a little bit :)
Maggoty corpse.
for my snk bros, recommend me other animes
I cant trust moefags in Yea Forums so I have to rely in yourselves
Hahaha should hang youself, beruanus
would Zeke successfully executing the euthanasia plan be the biggest cucking of a fandom in history?
Bert should have lived
>Buttplug tail
Bort will rape Annie in front of Armong
Her own parents threw her under the bus and said that she got what she asked for
Lucky Star and Boku no Pii.
>still posting with 2 fingers missing
git outta hereeee
the biggest cucking would be Zeke surviving till the end with the baby, if this happens then the fandom will burn
Gabble is just too cute
isn't his last name Hoover
You have strange alternative manga? Kek lol
Hunt x hunter, dragon ball, one piece
Goblin Slayer
>> if this happens then the fandom will burn
But that is the funniest part when you are rich
Shinsekai Yori
Squealer is /ourguy/ just like Eren
Mirmo Zibang, Kaleido Star
how do i get a beautiful hick gf lads, is cooking really the key?
>final chapter is out, it’s Zeke with his niece.
>fandom is going crazy
>Isayama is like “did you rike it?”
Annie never like Bert - fact.
>presumably Eren is the one who actually programs the command when both titans touch.
This is all but certain considering the previous example with Dina was him commanding the titans to eat Dina, rather than whatever Dina's command could have been. Even Zeke assumes the same and has all but resigned himself to that Eren gets the command.
One Piece became so boring with O MY RAYLEIGH FLASHBACK. It was comfy pre timeskip
If I were Sasha I would also give my box to the cook in exchange for delicious dishes.
That's why raping her to show who's the boss here is the only way
yes, but she'll balloon up if you're not careful
Oda a shit
Squealer is african...
>Implying Annie wouldn't rape bert
Wow, so fat trolling. 0/10, meh
There's only like 4 images of Nanaba
I have more
>bort can dominate creatues like mankasa
>bort can rape annie
What did her dad do to her
Based BAchad
i want to see Annie and Sieg interact
5'7 master race
Nobody likes BA except spics
>AA/LEpedo talking to herself
>literally an entire week before we get translated spoilers
>this possibly extended by 1-2 days depending on whether or not the translators are being faggots
>at least 5 days of reddit aliens invading Yea Forums to steal pictures and repost entire lines of text to other threads for (you)s
>5 days of redditfags shitting up every single snk thread on Yea Forums
>5 days of reddit spacing
>5 days of cancer
I don't want
punished her with a spanking for being a naughty girl
Idiot. We are two different people. Piss on you.
>Hans is the big spoon
Cute and canon.
Happy Sugar Life
Thought it was gonna be something more fucked up
A bottom even to a tranny Honjo.
regardless of shipping shit, this was a very nice way to say "i'm on your side".
Berutotltooturtot would never blush looking at shitnie
That's the idea!
>needs shitty non-official spinoff to live
It's more pathetic than EM at this point
Show us 1 canon moment where Annie cared about Bertholdt.
I don't think too hard about the story, I just like seeing Zeke and Reiner getting bullied, and I like seeing scary Eren.
How do you fix this family?
Leave BAgentlemen and YHstacies alone, first warning, LEpedo
manlet is definitely the housewife of the two
Eren will kill all 3 of the Warriors in the next chapter
Lost Girls
Why is Bert raping Annie here?
daddy made sure it was her bare bottom and this continued well into her teens
Bertolt is not linked to YHtrannies in any way wtf
Yes he is.
Do you have an alternative manga, stupid baby? Shitty BA is dead.
Ymir is linked to YH, LEtranny
no one cares about Dogmir
>Literally mentally ill Beraunism shipping a girl with a corpse
Isayama himself says that it's canon and has incorporated parts of it into the manga
Fuck off AApedophile
Why is the AAfag so scared of BA? Is it because it knows that its ship is trash and a direct knockoff of BA right down to Armin inheriting Bert's feelings for Annie? It's not even a genuine thing of his
look at dis dood calling us AApedos
what would happen if eren ate all the remaining titans? what's cart titan's power anyway beside being good for doggy sex
Stamina and turning male shifters into girls
>Uh!!! Uh!!!! I’m coming!!!
Post simpler times.
Endurance and speed I think they said
Jean was a fat nigga as a toddler and baby. scuffed fan art
she gives off the vibe of being as high as boogy pop looks, ever so slightly smug
If they hadn't come into existence there wouldn't be any need for fixing.
AAfags are creepy and disgusting
>Zeke's VA is one of the options for the final chapter audio guide
Hitch is best girl.
>No one chooses him
I wish I was in Japan
>Bort's too
What does it mean?
Fix what? They're the cutest family.
Bort is dead and irrelevant, cope
>The Incels
not really involuntary
where is she now?
what? so is each character gonna give vague descriptions about what's happening?
Shut up Cuckold-fag, you shitty BA is dead.
Sounds like it
>it's just them doing onomatopoeia
She's safe with Annie.
>tfw you remember snk is ending
If Zeke wanted he could’ve got half of liberio pregnant already, it’s just that he’s autistic and doesn’t want to have sex.
It's okey to be a fat baby if you end up becoming an absolute unit.
levi, I'd let him suck my dick
no homo
Never has a face been so intense and yet so immediately understandable. Yelena's smashing that X button.
Oh fuck you I was having a good night and then you had to say that while a melancholic song came on didn't you?
t. Honjo
>The final chapter audio will consist of all SNK VA's doing "REEEEEEEEEEE" in unison
>absolute unit
The face of a delusional cuck who thinks sterilization will save the world . Don't know how anyone can take it seriously.
Bort voice please
what song?
Though yes, freeza had many resources to find out the strength of Goku before arriving. And freeza is stronger than the gods and the angels and can destroy zeno's men so it's all a giant story of how freeza chose not to molest a Zeno sama.
>Colossal cock between Annies boobs
Hange doesn't have a dick, don't spread lies. she's too cute for your gayness
Annie will have blackmail rape with Armin to escape the walls.
Based BA degenerates
The wait is killing me boys, every month is a painful wait with 5 minutes of reading the latest chapter. Shitposting has become a coping mechanism.
This is funny coming from the LEpedo
Less than 12 chapters left. Brace yourself.
Nah I’d say about 17
When in Lost Girls? Please specify.
Fuck off Ymirpedo
To think that Berthodo will NEVER taste her pussy, hell: he'll NEVER taste any pussy at all.
fuck you, Annie is for Hitch
Who would want to fuck Bert aka an average /snk/user?
>dick not propotional to their height
What a waste of an middle of the road art.
Ok you convinced me, I like BA now
When Eldia is F R E E
>Head canon
I have gather user heights and they're in fact lankets and logically his dick must be quite modest because of their evident lack of sexual activity anons irradiate in these threads.
No seriously what was the point of taking Annie out of the story by freezing her for so long? No meme answers plz.
Only women and children are supposed to be that short.
It's not his fault that he was small
Falco eats Reiner
that girl is hot