Why call losing rivals jobbers Yea Forums?

Why call losing rivals jobbers Yea Forums?

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They're supposed to be hot shit but they lose whenever it matters. That's the very definition of a jobber.

Does it count if you win after losing?

He's not even a big part in the anime, really, is he? How many times do they even fight? Not actually very much. I think he's there more just to add some personality, competition and growth to the series. It's not like the game where the rival is a recurring hardest boss.

"jobber" is a wrestling term for a guy that is a perpetual loser, someone that is only in the company to make other wrestlers look better. You don't know or care about their names since, at least in the modern age, they're usually local talent that only really shows up in the undercard. A glorified jobber is basically a step above that, in that they're midcard level talent that will never get over the hump and will always lose to the main eventers.

losing rivals are characters designed very explicitly to make the MC look better when they surpass them and rarely for much of anything else. They're glorified jobbers in every sense of the word. If you want a pure jobber in Yea Forums terms it'd be the monster/rival of the week for your MC to dispatch of and then quickly forget about.

Now that I see the still of the scene I realize that Gary beat Erika, Misty's sisters and Brock's dad.

Marks using wrestling terminology they don't understand. Gary was not a jobber. Gary was always built up as better than Ash. He actually fought Giovanni and was whopping ass until Giovanni pulled out motherfucking Mewtwo. Ash won the badge defeating Team Rocket, THE jobbers of the show. Ash did make it further in the Indigo League (then losing in pathetic fashion) and did defeat him in the Johto League fair and square, but Gary still has two wins over Ash, before and after iirc.

Gary wasn't bad at all and I actually began to sympathize with him over Ash at a point, but he just decided to up and retire.

That is absolutely not the definition. The jobber is a consistent loser to the next best thing.

Did he ever actually battle with Ash?

Gary never got a win on-screen, and Giovanni was either a poor trainer himself or just half-assing his gym battle so he'd have an excuse to bring out Mewtwo and get Gary's hopes up before annihilating him. Gary was an all-talk rival who was the first to lose in the league and prove that the world was bigger than their pitiful excuse for a rivalry.

>Gary never got a win on-screen
He beat Ash twice onscreen, once before they went to Johto and another time in a later season, I think Sinnoh.
>Giovanni was either a poor trainer himself or just half-assing his gym battle
No proof of either, brother.
>who was the first to lose in the league
Top 32 in Indigo, higher in Johto because Ash is Top 8 there iirc.
>the world was bigger than their pitiful excuse for a rivalry
Of course, that's why they both lost. But Gary was never all-talk, he was always portrayed as competent and had to be decent to make it as far as he did. To argue against it, you're saying the trainers of the anime are garbage in general, which seems to be the case since you suggest Giovanni is a shit trainer. All facts are against him being a jobber.

How did he get more badges than there were gyms?

He lost to Ash in the anime then came back to beat his Pikachu with an Eevee only to job again and quit doing gym and league battles even lost his car and harem.

no thats a sucker win

There were more than those eight gyms in the anime.

If a character loses to another character simply to show of how powerful that guy is then he's jobbing.

that's not how jobbing works. it isn't about the intent. it's whether or not they lose to someone that isn't powerful at all, but rather completely set up and designed to beat them no matter what. vegeta in dragonball z is exactly this because he was never going to beat goku. it was not his destiny. that's jobbing. saying that it was for goku to look stronger is meaningless because if he had a shot at beating him, then he was just a plot device, but it could come off as not an asspull.

but vegeta did beat goku then yajirobe cut his tail off

Yea Forums seems to think that a jobber is "someone who loses a fight" and that a Sue is "someone who wins a lot of fights".

No, you want to know what's really telling about this scene? He doesn't have Surge's badge. It's not like Gary wasn't near Vermillion City, since Ash bumped into the guy two episodes before he battled Surge. Gary presumably just got his ass kicked and left like a bitch. He also didn't bother to get Koga's badge, even though he was hanging out with Ash in the episode right before that, because he was too much of a pussy to go to a gym that didn't have a road for his car.

Hell, look at the bottom-middle badge. That's a fucking Japanese "new driver" symbol. I wouldn't be surprised if he marched into some baby gym full of trainers with Rattata and Pidgey, then thought he was the baddest motherfucker alive for muscling his way through a gym meant for trainers who just caught their first Pokemon.

Gary's a fucking bitch.

t. Ash

dude that's around the time his raticate died and he went to lavender town instead

Paul is Ash's best rival.

Ash is a loser

Gary never won on-screen until battling Ash, and he has only prevailed in 1 vs. 1 battles. Giovanni clearly had a large host of captured Pokemon he cycled out, with some of his Pokemon from the Gary battle being seen in cages at times, and a Golem losing to a single Tackle should raise some eyebrows. We don't even see Gary's league battles aside from him losing to basically a nameless character, and despite making it to the league the point is that he's not even close to all he's cracked up to be. Most of his badges didn't even come from gyms that were in the games.
