Make a thread, get less than 100 replies and dies

>make a thread, get less than 100 replies and dies
>Someone makes a thread of a popular topic that usually get to bump limit,now dies in 200 posts.
What went wrong?

Attached: boring.png (1200x669, 772K)

>complaining about getting less than 100 replies

Less than 20 usually.

Are you going to complain about downvotes next?

>wanting attention on an anonymous imageboard
how about you check out reddit?

Im just saying that the board used to be a lot faster and Alive.

We're in between seasons and there really isn't anything that popular airing to draw people to Yea Forums.

If anything it's still too fast. Kill all the shounenkids and Yea Forumsermin and then it might become decent.

Can't wait for Vinland saga, Dr. Stone and Fire force to come. I expect some intresting take on the show if Yea Forums doesn't go full retard again otherwise I might have to discuss this show on that site

Instead of wishing for things that won't happen have you tried not making shit threads?

Fire Force seems to already have a couple of dedicated shitposters so I don't much hope for the threads

I'm sure they'll be a forum that'll be dedicated to serious discussion of the show

>What went wrong?
When Generals were allowed. DBS, Attack on Titan and Iseaki generals are all autistic circle jerks especially the Attack on Titan one

You're telling me there's worse threads than the DBS ones? I'm gonna have to check the AoT threads now, I have to see it to believe it

What OP sees
>>make a thread, get less than 100 replies and dies
>>Someone makes a thread of a popular topic that usually get to bump limit,now dies in 200 posts.

But in reality
>OP makes a shit thread no one replies

They are on the same level of cancer, it just manifests in different ways

Its not only my threads tho.

Yea Forums died

>Someone makes a thread of a popular topic that usually get to bump limit,now dies in 200 posts
While OP may make shit posts lets not pretend the "popular" topics aren't infested with cancer
>DBS General
>Attack on Titan General
>That quintuplet manga General
>BnH General
>Iseaki General
>Anti/Pro HunterxHunter
>Anti/Pro Violet Evergarden
>Studio console wars
Are all near constant autism factories shitting up the board

Attached: 1544916952527s.jpg (125x95, 2K)

>make thread about decent topic
>around 80 replies
>no shitpost, no trolling, everyone decently discussing and sharing
>gets deleted by retard mod

You just got to appreciate the finer things now user

At least your threads don't immediately page10

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The only reason I am here is because you put Gosick in the OP. I never see it discussed on Yea Forums. It's probably too late to make this a Gosick thread though.

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