2019... I am... forgotten

2019... I am... forgotten...

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but youre getting a gemu in current year! it even looks fun

I guess.

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Good. This garbage was even worse than Gurren Lagan.

Cool Yea Forums meme.

Excuse me?!

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>time flop

It's much more popular than than Gurren Lagann nowadays though. For the most part, it's replaced TTGL as a gateway.

Good, it's trash.

Never, hun. You taught me the wonders of scissoring.

Press S to spit on this hack

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But I just started rewatching it today and will finish it tomorrow

I wanna hug Ryuko

You don't even know what ttgl is, ironic newfag. Go watch some skooby doo, nickeloden, power rangers

Yea Forums being delusional as usual I see. Today I saw someone call Evangelion forgotten too. Seriously, fuck you faggots.

Gurren Lagan is overrated, stay mad. KlK had a much more coherent story, better characters than your series unmemorable literal whos.

Oh great, the sperg is back. Obviously it's not forgotten when it just got a rebroadcast and a new game retards. Time flop isn't real, fuck off with your made up buzzwords.

He made a new one today, Satan.

>Gurren Lagan is overrated, stay mad
imagine being this delusional. disgusting.


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I saw that. "Forcedly remembered" or something. Still not as rage-inducingly retarded as "time flop"

klk is a turd

>start rewatching kill la kill last night
>thread today

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What's there to talk about? We discussed it plenty when it aired. It was a fun show, full of twists and nonsense all the way to the end. I was satisfied with it and don't particularly care to talk about it more. Reason why I'm writing this is because it may get a s2 when it isn't necessary, like Code Geass getting that movie and potential s3, I don't even know anymore. Leave good shows alone. Stop going for easy cash grabs. Make something new. Just take risks instead of pumping out safe moe shows.

Sharkteeth is hotter anyway.
