
>5gb per episode
How do I stop being entitled for BDrips and start watching Web/HDrips like everybody else?
Just the thinking of lesser quality and the chances of censorship (For both blood and nudity) clicks my autism and makes me wait one whole year for the BDs instead.
Help me to overcome this.

Attached: WTF_Nico4.png (1280x720, 1.74M)


It's your own dumb fault. Grow up and realize anime isn't worth the hassle. A tvrip is good enough. If you care about nudity then just look at actual hentai.

Is there anything that shows you're an autist more than downloading FLAC?

The only torrent I have ever seen with episodes of 5GB in size is the hark0n Escaflowne torrent with dynamic grain. And not even that reached 5, but usually hovers between 3-4. So, who are you trying to fool?

For TV series 720p is more than enough, Unless it is a KyoAni anime.

I only download 1080p if it is high budget.

The difference between your typical Horriblesubs release and your typical BD rip is typically negligible with the right MadVR settings, thanks to MadVR's debanding, reduce compression artifacts and reduce random noise filters.
Yes, there's a difference without MadVR, but if you know how to configure MadVR right the difference will be negligible.

The logic behind is that it's an archival format. You download FLAC then you encode properly to an optimal format for phone/PMP use. Right now the optimal format is Opus, but that might change in the future. When that does change in the future, you'll have lossless copies to encode to the new, better format.

anibin.blogspot.com publishes the native resolution of every anime, every season. More than half of every anime, every season is worth downloading in 1080p, not just KyoAnime.

>and the chances of censorship (For both blood and nudity)
You're watching bad anime if this is even a concern.

Why can't we just go back to rmvb? The quality was fine at under 100mb per episode instead of the bloat we have today.

You just have to accept that the human eye can't see anything above 480p.

But it's literally placebo quality though

I really don't know where you people are finding downloads. I usually use Nyaa and there's tons of lower file size releases. I've even seen 1080p episodes for some series' be less than 100MB per episode. ~1GB per episode for 1080p is usually the norm, for the better quality releases, maybe with FLAC audio. I imagine people think that if you're going to download a 1080p release you probably want quality and so they use a high-ish bitrate and lossless audio. People like just always complain because they're fine with 1080p having artifacting all over the place because of the bitrate being too low.

Its too late for you user. We grew up on shitty VHS encodes and at this point have a filter built into our brains which smooths shitty anime encodes out for us.

Depends on the anime honestly. Some are totally worth saving up for the BDrip.

Attached: Thunderbolt fantasy 4.1.1.webm (852x480, 2.4M)

>giving a shit about filesize during a time when 4TB of storage cost less than a hundred $
>giving a shit about filesize during a time when flatrates are available to 99% of the civilized world

placebo, is just drawings retard

>the actual resolution that something is drawn at is a placebo

It's true that you can't hear the difference between 192 kbps mp3 and FLAC except in isolated, rare "killer sample" conditions which don't represent normal listening conditions.
However, the artifacts created by encoding the same data twice with lossy codecs is absolutely audible, and this is the situation FLAC is meant to prevent. Again, it's for archival so you can encode to new, superior lossy formats in the future as they appear. 10 years from now we might have a codec that's indistinguishable from FLAC at much lower bitrates than even Opus. We'd be able to stuff even more music on our phones then, but only if we have lossless FLAC copies archived to encode to the spiffy new format.

>drawn at
Scanned at, in most cases.

Why though? I don't keep everything I've watched on my hard drive so I only care about space enough to not fill my 1TB with a single show.

Wouldn't it be drawn at if we're talking about digitally made anime? But for older anime you're right that it's about how they scan the film. Though a lot of TV anime in the past was made with 16mm film, which only really benefits from scanning up to around 1080p. It's the movies and OVAs that used 35mm film that could benefit from a 4k scan or 4k release. If it's not an upscale at least.

But I also think if a video is downscaled (like from a 1080p bluray version) that it could cause issues regardless of what resolution it was originally mastered at (720p is common for even modern anime from what I've seen, though some are a bit higher even if not 1080p). For an example of an older anime, I was watching Gundam recently and did so with a 720p release but later downloaded a 1080p release and the difference was night and day. And it seemed to be an issue in how the bluray was ripped.

AFAIK the lineart for most digitally made anime is drawn on paper then scanned. Anibin essentially uses math to figure out the resolution the lineart is scanned at.

Just don't download them. It isn't that hard. Or you could download them and reencode them yourself. I really don't understand why people get so mad at large releases for people who want exact or near-exact copies of the blurays when every time I look something up there's generally plenty of lower quality 1080p versions and also 720p versions. Sometimes there's even 480p versions, even for bluray rips. Or if you don't give a shit about quality you could stream stuff or download from a stream. Plenty of options.

Jesus Christ. Digital anime are drawn on paper and then scanned, retard. You could remaster every single digital anime ever made at 12k if you really wanted to. The problem is the paper. A cel you shoot on film, hence all you need to stash is the roll. Digital anime you scan, hence you need to safe the paper to rescan it at a later point in time. That's why digital anime will never get remasters. Nobody stores X-thousand drawings per show and manages for them to net get damaged over the decades.

>You could remaster every single digital anime ever made at 12k if you really wanted to
You could do this with cel based anime shot on film too but the effective resolution of different kinds of film will stop giving you any more meaningful detail. I didn't know that about digital anime though. I know that with digitally drawn manga I've seen mangaka drawing everything on a tablet or computer with a touch screen. So I guess I assumed that was how they did it with anime too.

There are some digitally drawn anime, I am sure. However, they are far from common. Even Kaguya-hime no Monogatari was drawn using traditional methods despite the lineart looking like some Photoshop brush. The coloring happens digitally. However, that's the least of your problems. You can probably develop an algorithm to copy the colors from the low resolution scans. But, again, the problem are the drawings. Too much shit to store and since anime studios operate on a shoestring budget already, none of them bother to properly archive their own works.

Takahata was tricky, you could say My Neighbors the Yamadas was traditional animation yet it was made by computer.
>This is Studio Ghibli's first 100% digitally animated film. Director Isao Takahata wanted the art style of watercolor pictures, which needed digital technology to get the style right.
I'm not sure if Kaguya-hime followed this same technique... I'll say no because it bankrupt Ghibli.

14 tb hard drives to solve your problems

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>How do I stop being entitled for BDrips and start watching Web/HDrips like everybody else?
Yea Forums's resident technicalfag here. You don't. Fuck compression artifacts and rushed work. You want to soak in all those details. It's good to have that patience and experience the anime in the best way possible. I keep mass storage collections of 1:1 BDMVs.


Stop being a faggot, it makes a huge difference. Get a pair of Sennheiser momentum 2.0s, they're one of the best closed back headphones. They have a wider soundstage and deliver more natural sound than most typical headphones. Try it and hear the difference it makes in anime like Hibike and Liz.

Attached: VE CL1.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)


>Sennheiser momentum 2.0
Pretty poor techfag.

I always get paranoid with sizes that large incase of a random failure
I have main drives backed up 3 times and those are only 500GB f

you can easily hear the difference between 192kbs and 320kbs and flac if you have proper ear phones retard. Especially in music. Why do you think dj's only play vinyl or only rip from vinyl. With certain types of music its very obvious.

to be honest, I watched Violet Evergarden in that way too. Fantastic anime visual experience in that way.

Attached: Smile_Violet.png (1920x1080, 2.44M)

whole year? just watch live then archive bd after

$370 on headphones? cheap? I wouldn't say that but they were the best closed backs i could get at the time. They're no HD800s but still.

>closed backs
>calls himself techfag

>OP thinks 5gb per episode is a lot.
Over 8gb per episode here. 24gb for the first 3 episodes.

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at this rate KyoAni will release native IMAX anime soon enough

Yes closed backs can't compete with a good open back but i don't like the sound leakage. I don't want my family eavesdropping on me listing to weird jap music.

Get 720p BD rips. 1080p is worthless for most anime.

Yes but you cannot re-encode already encoded audio, you need lossless audio to do that. Imagine you have a ten year old garbage mp3, you're now stuck with that. If it was a FLAC file, you could re-encode it to something good, like Opus as the other user pointed out. Same quality as far as you know, and far less space. It also allows you to share the file with other people so that they can then encode to their preferred format. I very often stream out audio, and the source files I use need to be FLAC so that being encoded into the stream doesn't fuck the quality, I have many different available encodes, so having a single FLAC source saves lots of space at the expense of CPU cycles.

Stop disappointing your mother.

Even if it's produced at 720p, a bluray will often be upscaled to something higher, no? Isn't a 720p BR rip basically a downscale of an upscale?

On a completely technical level, yes. So if you have a BDMV and encode it to 1080p and 720p using the same settings (you shouldn't use the same settings though), the 1080p will be of slightly higher quality. But you won't be able to see it unless you take screenshots and it's not worth 3-5 times the file size. Just my opening though.

Maybe watch something with actual visual quality. 720p bluray compared to 1080p bluray is often night and day. Simply stop watching Doga Kobo native 500p shit.

Can't see a problem here.

Attached: 1561668518281.png (331x32, 2K)

So I have to buy a 370usd headphone and watch an anime literally about sound/music to be able to tell the difference multiplying a file's size by 5 makes? Faggot

What model? What are your S.M.A.R.T. stats? Are you happy?

I see. I agree with the sentiment which is why I only get 1080p of series I already know and love, and/or are known for being visually impressive.

>night and day
No, it's usually like night and later that night

BD has better Animation so you are in the right user

Just tilt your laptop screen backwards and you'll see all the disgusting pixelation.

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6pcs WD RED 3Tb

>download my animu for years
>suddenly feel like it's too annoying to sort and organize the shit on my hdds
>start streaming from a site with ok/good quality
Don't think I'll ever go back to downloading shit except for old shows that have cancer streaming quality or don't exist outside of bullshit hosts.

Realistically there's maybe less than ten titles per year that are worth downloading rips of such size.

Are BDs out for Index III yet? I've been waiting.

I sure hope that you anons that do archiving use file system set-ups that guard against bit rot. Especially consumer grade SSDs showed bit rot after just a few years.

Any place which list censored airing anime? that would be helpful.

If filesize is an issue why don't you delete it after viewing? You can always download it again, unless you also have absolute dogshit internet.

Probably download them and re-encode as hard as you can.

>You can always download it again
5gb an episode even at 1mb per second is piss-take. Also if you download seasonal shit, that counts towards your bandwidth. Additionally, large files usually have few seeders and die after shot periods of time. Sometimes you can be lucky just to get a file.

Preach, trying to dl a show at decent quality that has only 1-2 seeders takes me like 6 hours or more. And thats if it doesn't disappear into the ether half way through.

So you went from downloading to streaming? For me it was the other way around. I can't imagine going back to shit steaming quality and having my experiences ruined by buffering.

For airing i'm starting to just stream cause it's gonna be garbage anyways. Streaming shows that have a BD/DVD release is stupid though.



Encoding in FLAC?

start watching shows so obscure that nobody rips bd