Choose one

Choose one

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Astolfo cuz fuck Sailor Jailbait

illya fuck faggots in the ass.

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Best girl (male)

Call me when astolfo gets his own Spin-off and movies

Astolfo. Every damn day.

Prisma is a stain on the series

Prisma is the only good thing that came out of Fateshit.

Agreed. It should've been an Illya route for FSN

Mahou Shoujo Astolfo !
thanks pako

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>draw a little girl
>call it boy

The only good thing to come out of that shit was the opening themes. Thank you Choucho

>tfw no doujin of Kuro fucking Astolfo

indeed. without it, the entire series would be irredeemable.

>not semen demon Karna
Horrible taste user.

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why the fuck is it called cunny

Vagina > Penis
Rope for faggots

Illya cunny for me,id fuck astolfo either way


new look, he's gone all Nijinsky of late.

Right on Left

Just like Zero
and Apocrypha
and GO

Why does he have a yaoi hand?

Prisma Ilya is the series that raped Fate lore the least


Ropes of cum


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Thats a different Fate Trap. I believe its Chevalier d'Eon that has that gender-switching stuff going on.

Translation for part 3 when?

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Illya ages better so her.
Even if she aged normally(which she doesn't) she would look like Irisviel when she's older.
Astolfo will look like some old dude with a beard.
You've gotta think of the long term.

>not super Arjuna

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Arjuna Alter 3rd ascen really looks like a cat desu.

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someone made a textless version last month so hopefully soon

How is this even a question?

user, they're not real. They won't age

yes... this pleases my dick

It gave us Miyu, Kuro and a Shirou who isn't a retard so your opinion makes you a faggot.

But you're choosing one as if they were real.

Anybody that doesn't pick Illya is a literal faggot.

Me on Illya, Astolfo on me

I know, right?
How dare they stain a franchise known by its garbage writing from its the hack author with an actual decent writing, which isn't even written by him?

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Right anyday.

For which purposes? Sexual companionship? Friendship? Player character?

Illya regardless because she's a cute (and funny) young girl near prime breeding age. I have no interest in being involved with an effeminate crossdressing "man" in any way.

what a stupid question

Yes, but a very small stain compared to the shit heap that is GO.

Oh, good, so I'm not the only one who thinks Fate's writing is convoluted garbage.