Carole & Tuesday

Last episode for the season, recap next week, then cour 2 begins next season.

Can we agree that this was the Disappointment of the Season?

Also subs in a few hours.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This and fairy gone were disappointments of the season.
Fairy gone even more-so; I like PA works and their original shows.

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It allowed lots of race and lgbt focused threads on Yea Forums so I guess it fulfilled its purpose.
Next time around people will readily accept even more diversity propaganda. And what would be better than that.

If the show was interesting, there would be discussion. This show mainly produced bad bait threads, not discussion.

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Can we list the ways how the show messed up and think of ways to improve it?

>Can we list the ways how the show messed up
not enough Angela
>and think of ways to improve it?
more Angela

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Stupid cutegirlfag.

>Show that looked garbage before it began turns out to be garbage, film at 11

>recap next week
Is that confirmed?

>Can we agree that this was the Disappointment of the Season?
In the same season as Sarazanmai? Lol

Also, Cybelle is love.

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I saw the cover, gagged, and never watched it.

Actually make the music good.

To bad she's crazy.
I would not mind her bitting me though.

Second cutest girl, after Katy.

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The ED is good

I don't watch anime in general but I went out of my way to especially avoid this shit after seeing the gross characters

Gay faggot.

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Can't say the same for the other songs. Everything else is literal BULLSHIT.

Man, I liked Loneliest Girl the first time, but holy crap C&T really did not deserve this. Angela's spotlight was stolen, and GGK, Pyotr and the Mermaid Sisters were robbed. Crystal must be rolling in her grave.

The normies over on reddit love this, so that's a surefire way to know it's flaming dogshit.

They should've just gotten Japanese artists to do the songs. I don't know if I'm just being biased here, but all the songs, save for the op and ed, sound so fucking lifeless.

Are you going to feel stupid when it will be revealed that Cybelle didn't do anything?
Notice that she didn't admit her guilt, she just said "Are you hurt? Good, you deserved it, because you betrayed me", and footage of her planting the bomb wasn't shown either, just of her being behind Pyotr in the dressing room, which doesn't prove anything.
Meanwhile, Angela's assistant suspiciously glaring at Angela and her phone, and being in the background looking at Carole with her gift to Tuesday in her hand for seemingly no reason weren't addressed, handwaved with her overreaction to Angela accusing her of being the culprit.
Classic misdirection, the seemingly meek fan is actually the most batshit and dangerous, more than the explicitly aggressive one. It's just a matter of time.

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Who's Crystal?

So, assistant girl wants to sabotage Angela by fucking over her opponent?

notBeyonce. notAkon's ex-girlfriend.

Take out ugly girls

They are all cuter than k-on girls

Angela is actually pretty shit. I bet you also follow instagram influencers.

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I don't watch shounen, but I was under the impression that tournament arcs are usually some of the best parts of those series. Here it's clearly been the show's lowest point.

Seriously, this anime was actually going pretty well before this American Idol crap.

>tournament arcs are usually some of the best parts of those series.

No. Hero Aca’s Was just boring filler. Watch shounens without those arcs like based mob psycho

Why is sarazanmai so basic? I'm not even comparing it with Utena here. Penguindrum wasn't exactly subtle, but it had messy characters getting caught up in each other due to their contradicting jealousies, duties, desires and fears. This is like the cheapest, most rushed imitation of that. Oooh, connections, ooooh, desire or love, oooh, his bff actually loves him and he dresses like a fruit for his (gasp) adoptive brother whom he injured!
Absolutely amazing sense of style, though.

Haruka might be the worst character in an Ikuhara series. I wanted him to die so badly.

Yeah wtf he's just a generic poor little broken leg child with an innocent heart of gold. Like something out of a bad Dickens parody.
He's done similar characters before - like, ya know, Himari - but they were still fully formed characters who just happened to be good people [arguably].

Jesus this is the worst shit show I've watched, it's literally full of western bullshit, I am not going to watch another netshit show ever again

Tournament arcs are usually the worst part of any shounen. There's almost no way to make them not boring if they continue for more than 3 episodes.

This to be honest. I can't even remember any other song aside from the OP, ED, and FUCKING BULLSHIT.

Angela's songs are crap, Mermaid Sisters were a literal meme, and Pyotr and GGK were the definition of a one trick pony.

Himari isn't even comparable to that little shit.
All the other characters he did before that were "pure goodness with 0 dark sides and nuance" always happened to die 10 minutes after being introduced or be already dead and generally being mistreated (Lulu's brother, Momoka, Sumika), instead this faggot kept being treated like an actual character and getting screentime, infuriating.

I agree. It's also jarring and takes you out of the moment. I know what the show was going for, but this was honestly a pretty stupid choice.

Same, just kill this shit show already, they deserve to flop hard

It sounds like the lyrics were more or less written by the Japanese, which takes a lot out of them. Also the tunes themselves are specifically designed to imitate existing Western genres; they're not much good on their own.


Now that you mention it, I actually do remember that. Only the chorus part, though.

>Tuesday has been forcefully taken home before the Mars’ Brightest finals. Trying to avoid a scandal before the presidential elections, Tuesday’s mother Valerie confines Tuesday to her room. In her room, Tuesday reflects on the significance of meeting Carole. Just as she’s losing hope, her brother Spencer tells her that he heard them sing. Meanwhile, Gus and Carole are working on a plan to get Tuesday back.
Spencer is going to earn his good bro cred.

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>Tuesday reflects on the significance of meeting Carole
Did she finally realize she's gay?

They really underutilized him. They showed him to be a good onii-chan all along, then completely forget about him until now.

>Can we agree that this was the Disappointment of the Season?

As expected of the master of disappointment, Watanabe-san. When are people going to stop taking this hack seriously?

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The main issue with the show is they're trying to make Carole & Tuesday both such perfect little cupcakes and their relationship completely pure from the moment they meet, with no tension, no growth, nothing. So all the interesting story development has to be completely external to the two of them, which doesn't work when every episode starts by reminding us that they're going to make it eventually. It feels like it's not even worth watching. Literally the only good thing is the musical performances, and ironically the best ones seem to be the ones that aren't C&T.

>with no tension, no growth, nothing
So you aren't watching it?

Between Carole & Tuesday? No, there's been zero conflict.

Literally in the last episode Carole was angry at Tuesday for being too passive and for not taking their career seriously since she's rich anyway, before that there was the issue of Tuesday feeling too self absorbed in her own problems to not being afraid and to really get to know others.

>no pink butthole
Tueday's pink butthole.

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Is for Cybelle exclusively.

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>They should've just gotten Japanese artists to do the songs. I don't know if I'm just being biased here, but all the songs, save for the op and ed, sound so fucking lifeless.

Watanabe wanted a Western music scene, not J-pop.

While there's no way he can get someone like Adam Levine, him and Flying Dog had to settle with indies

>Watanabe wanted a Western music scene

>Carole & Tuesday both such perfect little cupcakes

Yup, you definitely weren't paying attention at all

Maybe Watanabe should stop pandering to the West for once, then maybe he'd actually be able to make a good show.

I'm pretty sure he just panders to himself and all the westerfags of Japan.

After all these years I never understood why he likes the West so much in the first place. He's the only director I can think of who seems to make anime with Western tastes first and Japanese tastes a distant second, and the only one who seems to be blatant about it.

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Holy shit you've gone so weeb that you can't understand why a Nip would like the west

>[PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 12 (WEB 720p AAC) [4E2B09B3]

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>I can remember "soulful" generic j-pop I've been spammed with on weekly basis for periods of 3 months so well and that makes them good
>but this show that has between 1 to 4 different insert songs per episode has bad music because my retarded weeb self can't remember them after one listening
You moronic weebs have no self-awareness or taste for that matter.

he did and we got terror in tokyo which was his worst show so no.

nobody in the show is Japanese dummy.

Japanese sings R&B? Netflix dubbing the songs in bad english? hell no!

Only harcore watanabe fags expected this to be anything than boring tripe.

She's so pure and beautiful.

Me masturbating in a cell while some femininas play music.

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pure? how?

bitch went to jail

>nobody in the show is Japanese dummy.
This has never been done in any anime.
>Japanese sings R&B?
Yes, they do actually.
>Netflix dubbing the songs in bad english?
Actually, it would be good English. That's usually how dubbing something into a language works.


Healthy teeth.

well, most of the songs remind me of the 00's in general, for some reason

nexflix didn't even dub the rap songs in devil man crybaby.

i actually liked ggk and cybelle's songs, the rest were bland but catchy

There you go, this is what we have this week. Carpenters - We've Only Just Begun.

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Fucking Bullshit!

Is there a compilation/playlist of all the songs from the title?

> The work, which becomes a new genre itself, will be called... COWBOY BEBOP
Even when he's actually making a good series he sets the audience up for disapointment.

>needs to piss and poop on the floor
I'm not a fan of this, but I'm sure some fans get their fill.

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Why didn't he just go through those big holes on the bottom?

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>contemplating her pink butthole

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Round & Laundry > Loneliest Girl > Whispering My Lovee > Someday I'll Find My Way Home

Debate me.

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>mfw you will never have an obsessive french qt gf
It hurts.

I think nobody's done it yet. It can be you!

Someday I'll Find My Way Home is much better than Whispering My Love.
You also forgot the ED, which should be somewhere on the top, and the shittiest one, Lost My Way.

it's way better than your shitty idol music
>but m-much OTAKU card

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guys, i really have an absurd theory. you can call me crazy but i think cybelle and tao are siblings

This was fucking bullshit.
The ED really sounds nice though.

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Finally this shitty arc is over.
Does this tri-sided cross section building really exist?

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Don't project your peasant living conditions onto an aristocrat. Tuesday's room obviously has a private restroom.

I need justice for my boy, where do I find justice?

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You're only saying this because you can actually comprehend the lyrics if you've watch most idol shows the sounds are just as lifeless.

>just of her being behind Pyotr in the dressing room, which doesn't prove anything.
There was a timeskip from the previous episode. She was in the dressing rooms when she was eliminated a week prior. Clearly she was up to something.

>Literally in the last episode
An that's why people think the entire thing felt forced as balls.

Don't you remember? She went there to talk with Tuesday at the beginning of the episode.

Not really? I think its a pretty good show. Is this like with the Dandy threads where they were shitposted to death because "m-muh western pandering"?

>Tuesday not even acknowledging Roddy being shocked by her security robots
Poor Roddy.

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>people fight about long lasting issues that finally come to bite them in the ass in a tense situation
WOOOOOOOHHHHH, so fucking forced!

People talking about western pandering are 99% retards that don't even watch anime, the other 1% are just retards, everyone else is calling it shit for real reasons.

Clearly her passing by Pyotr was within the timeframe of the package being left for Tuesday. The author doesn't do misdirection like this. He does cheap drama. There is no mystery to be had. It's a show about rising to fame.

I liked it, I wouldn't say I'm disappointed. The whole American Idol part has been kind of weak and I wish their rise to fame wasn't from a stupid talent show. Still kind of nice to see what different music around Mars is like from it though, and just like real American Idol the beginning part with all the wacky performances was fun.

What the fuck is this guy's problem?

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>Clearly her passing by Pyotr was within the timeframe of the package being left for Tuesday.
Which doesn't really prove anything.
Anyway there is no point in insisting, you'll see in due time.

What will you do if she doesn't come back ever or it's revealed explicitly that she did it and tries to harm Tuesday again?

Angela deserved her win.

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Wait, I thought we were gonna get the next cour right away, when does the next season start?

She doesn't even necessarily need to come back to be revealed that Angela's assistant is the actual culprit.

Next week is a recap, then next cour. Basically a week break.

Lost my way>Love yourself(pyotr)>Round & Laundry>Move mountains(angela)>loneliest girl>Someday I'll Find My Way Home>Gravity Bounce>Milky Way
(songs i enjoyed)

Round & Laundry had something about it that reminded me of the Seatbelts
light a fire had nice vocals, and great animation, but it's not my kind of music
Whispering My Love was rather forgetable.
Lost my Way reminded me of Agnes Obel

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>Lost my way>

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Angela's assistant is a huge Angela fangirl, or was at least, but the show already went through its process of eliminating the other suspects (via Angela's own suspicions) before landing on Cybelle. There's no need rehash a completed arc when the story is moving forward on Carole and Tuesday's new fame.

>recap next week
>in a fucking music show
The fuck

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Angela's song is pretty meh. She should be glad C&T got disqualified otherwise she would have her AI-assisted ass handed to her.

They don't expect the viewers to remember such a complex plot.;)

Cybelle > all of them, but especially Angela, that overrated shit

>the show already went through its process of eliminating the other suspects

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Are her eyes okay?

Tuesday anorexia episode when?

Angela is a little different today.

This entire show is a stupid propaganda for multiculturalism shit again. And who's it funded by? A western company. Like fucking pottery. At least the songs are japa- oh,it's some mainstream trash.

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He wasn't trying to sneak in, just cause a commotion to distract the security.

why cant this show do anything right for once

>Why would someone like a culture that's not their native one.
Asking this on Yea Forums, of all places.

Don't use Bocchi to shitpost, worthless piece of trash.

Hey, Phineas and Ferb recap episode was a masterpiece.

Kids, don't do drugs.

Recap episodes can be done incredibly well, but to this day I can only remember one series that pulled that off - Utena.

PAS said they aren't even going to sub the recap.

That's kinda creepy.

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Has anything interesting happened in the last few episodes?

I'm interested in seeing where they go with it but everytime I go to watch the episodes I always decide to do something else. This is one of those weird shows where it hasn't done anything explicitly to make me drop it but can't commit to sitting through an episode.

Re:Creators did a pretty fun one as well.

One of the most interesting twists and pieces of worldbuilding so far. I hope they follow up on that.

Who is this guy supposed to be? C&T do not know him, but maybe he appeared in earlier episode? Or he's a reference to real-life person?

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Just admit you're a newshit faggot

>oh, is this a recap episode? I actually kinda like the way they're framing this, guess I won't skip it

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Bad ass old man who’s a fan

Kill la Kill

He a pedo

Will Angela make up with Manager-chan?

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Yes, in a sexy way.

Did ay expect it to be good? I thought the first episode was really underwhelming and it just slowly declined from there.

She'll try to stab her I her sleep.

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At first I was going to complain that disqualifying them just so they wouldn't lose due to a worse performance was pretty cheap but this time they were actually better than Angela imo. The lyrics of her song were way too repetitive

The only "good" songs in the show were the OP and Martian Beyonce's song. Thundercat's was ok, so was Pyotr's first. everything else was meh or worse. the plot was shit, and there were very few really funny moments in this season, if any.
really hoping this picks up in the second season, but its looking like this is gonna hover at a 6/10 til its dead and forgotten. its sad that watanabe wasted his time trying something new, hip and shitty instead of just working on an actual decent anime.

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>bleh poster
>is a retard
Business as usual

The ED is the only song I like and I'll be sad if they replace it in 2nd cour with something shittier

and what did you enjoy about the show? highlights of the season? favorite songs?

>instead of just working on an actual decent anime.

it's better than his last 4 anime he was involved in

Space Dandy was his best project, despite having a few bad episodes.

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Space Dandy was great, but Champloo and Bebop were better.

Its really a toss up between the three for me, since i love them all so much. It depends on what criteria you hold them to, but overall i think Dandy=Bebop>Champloo

great episode

Angela: Fire Fire Fire

Ertegun: Performance for the ages

C&T: Do you really want to set the night on fire?


Dandy > Bebop > Champloo > C&T > Plus > Apollon > shit > Terror

...but I'm rewatching Bebop and not enjoying it as much as I used to, so I might move it behind Champloo.

Oh yeah definitely, IMO they're all around the 9/10 mark, whether a bit higher or a bit lower.
Champloo is my standard for 9/10s. Bebop is slightly better, although I'm not convinced it's a 10/10, and Space Dandy is slightly worse, although it might be better than an 8/10.

terror was TerrIBLE

i didnt even know mitchiko and hatchin was something he worked on til recently, and no one else seems to ever count it either. i should get around to it someday

He only produced the music. It shouldn't be considered a Watanabe anime.

I'm waiting for the Wit's version of Carole & Tuesday now.
>Wit Studio (Attack on Titan, The Ancient Magus' Bride) is producing a new original anime series titled Vampire in the Garden. Netflix describes the anime:
>An original series by WIT STUDIO on two girls Momo and Fine from different backgrounds who meet by chance. A story about an unlikely friendship between human and vampire race that intertwines with the power or music.

>Space Dandy was his best project,
Nope. Very hit and miss.

Dandy is not better than Bebop and Champloo or even Plus.

>This was fucking bullshit.
No it was Loneliest Girl

The entire planet Mars doesn't deserve Tuesday.
Fucking Bullshit > *

Given the nature of the project (anthologic show where each episode staff was given almost complete freedom), depending on taste you can like the style of some episodes less than others, but there weren't episodes that were actually bad, were poorly produced or added nothing unique.

Suwabe makes it good tier

Dandy is better than most things.

I'm more curious about Super Crooks. Will it get a Heroman makeover?

The relative freedom given to various writers is to blame for that, but the fact that the show allowed for that in the first place is whats so good about the series. it was meant to be creative and fun, to give writers and animators a chance to fuck around in a fairly loose framework

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>but there weren't episodes that were actually bad, were poorly produced or added nothing unique.
The Cloudian episode was terrible and other one-offs like the Ramen episode, the Boxers and Briefs episode, the romance episode etc. were boring and uninspired. The cast was also not particularly good or memorable.

>The Cloudian episode was terrible
It was probably the one that I liked the least, and yet it still had moments dedicated to Honey and Scarlet that I loved.
>the Ramen episode, the Boxers and Briefs episode, the romance episode etc
These were all great, are you joking?

Yeah and sometimes it gave us some amazing episodes like the alternative universe one or some absolute stinkers like the Cloudian episode. It was really all over the place in terms of quality.

>Honey and Scarlet
They were both shit. Honey was background assortment and Scarlet should have never been a love interest,
>These were all great
No they weren't. The only thing people even remember about that Boxers and Briefs episode was the surfing sequence at the very end but other than that it boring as hell. Really the show was never funny.

i was actually typing out a long, thought out response, then i saw you said the scarlet episode was shit. you just have irredeemably bad taste

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>They were both shit.
They obviously weren't. And the episodes gave new sides to them, with Honey being a wresling fanatic and cunning behind her bimbo facade, playing Akase and Bea and escaping, and Scarlet going to the mixer and being a depressed alcoholic.
>The only thing people even remember about that Boxers and Briefs episode was the surfing sequence at the very end but other than that it boring as hell.
Not really, no. For starters, the episode was solo animated by Michio Mihara (who also directed and storyboarded), whose distinctive style would be enough to make it worth watching. Then the setup of the episode is really nice nostalgic throwback to a certain kind of old science fiction that isn't popular anymorde these days, with Carpenter's Dark Star and Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2th Century referenced directly.
>Really the show was never funny.

>fire fire fire

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>They obviously weren't.
They were and largely superfluous to the plot as a whole,
>with Honey being a wresling fanatic and cunning behind her bimbo facade, playing Akase and Bea and escaping, and Scarlet going to the mixer and being a depressed alcoholic.
Wow...this would mean something if they were interesting characters with shit to do.
That's all nice and dandy but that doesn't change the fact that the episode wasn't good. You can put as many refernces and good animators on a project it won't matter if the end product is mediocre which describes Space Dandy as a whole.
That was the most consistent complaint about the series.

How does anyone actually believe this?

>They were and largely superfluous to the plot as a whole,
Nevermind, I was discussing with a retard. Carry on.


Wow Netflix making shows with the 3 best anime studio that's cool.

There hasn't been a Shaft or Dogakobo Netflix anime yet, though.


In his defense, the full version of Loneliest Girl is a genuinely great song. Angela's Fire Fire Fire was her best song to date, but it sounded like a good Eurovision contest entry. Meanwhile, LG had soul.

if you thought this was good, I suggest watching less seasonal anime or just watching more anime in general.

>watching less seasonal anime
>watching more anime in general
Are you seriously using word "seasonal" as an insult to quality? Perhaps you are one of those "current shows are all shit, greatest things are in the past" and "I only watch critically approved hits" people?

>Watching less seasonal anime
And watch what instead? Exclusively watch "classic" shows from x years ago because "anime used to be much better back then"? Go home granpa, this show is lighthearted fun and definetly better than average.

How else are two legal nobodies supposed to rise to fame? I don't think they want to show it taking years after all.

From episode 4 to fucking bullshit it was pretty entertaining though.

>american idol arc over
How will they ruin the second arc?

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Yeah but he's not adapting the interesting stuff of the west like he used to do with Bebop and Shamploo, Does he think that Twitter faggots are an interesting aspect of western culture?

Going full drama with the whole Hillary Clinton arc, this show is doing so many things wrong and its sad when you think all the potential it had, I think I'm just going to delete the folder once its over.

Angela robot double when? I have a feeling about where this is going. Why does he need real people when he could create robot/cyborg idols?

My problem is most of the singers are autotuned hipster whispersinging that don't sound at all like the jap VAs. I really like C&T's melodies and lyrics but I'd like for them to try a different vocal style.

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>Hillary Clinton
God damn.

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>American music
>better than J-Pop
this is coming from someone who likes the songs in this show

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She looks so dead inside here. Like she's about to stab someone.

Unironically kill yourself.

Well she kind of kidnapped and imprisoned her daughter on her 18th birthday so I can't imagine anything pleasant in her future.

I think the dub for this show will be better entirely because it feels more like a western show to begin with.

Angela is best girl with her nice spicy Latina ass

>she thirsty for Tao

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>because it feels more like a western show to begin with.
Like bebop and FMA?

Her mom let’s her dress like that?

>them hips gurl

>>Wit Studio (Attack on Titan, The Ancient Magus' Bride) is producing a new original anime series titled Vampire in the Garden. Netflix describes the anime:
>>An original series by WIT STUDIO on two girls Momo and Fine from different backgrounds who meet by chance. A story about an unlikely friendship between human and vampire race that intertwines with the power or music.

I have a far out prediction that one is going to be done by the Rolling Girls staff but they get a better script writer like Reiko Yoshida or Jukki Hanada

All pop is equally bad.

Both were popular in Japan, C&T isn't.

>better than anything

Bebop was not popular in Japan when it 1st aired

And a saw a lot of c&t song covers from people in Japan on YouTube

Just because the music is popular doesn't mean the show itself is. I'm expecting the OST to outsell the BD by a mile.

It doesn't have BDs.

he was unanimously good bro when he decided to leave her be after the pub live performance


why do AI's always write such shit americanized songs?

you're deluded. people wouldn't be bothering spamming covers (i.e. advertising the show) if it didn't have a strong base of popularity

Spamming can also mean the show isn't popular and a few die hard fans are just trying to get other people to check it out.

Give me fir yaaaa!!!!

Lit it up baby

Japan ships Tuesday with Cybelle on pixiv

not really dumbass


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I wanna fuck Angie

Apparently they love the psycho lesbian character and ship her with Tuesday.

Because cybelle looks Japanese and Tuesday is well white. Japan loves the whites

George Carlin reincarnated into anime.

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Waifu !

Sexy Latina ass

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Tuesday is the only girl in this show with an ass.

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No. Her dress just makes her ass look bigger than it really is

I dropped it at 3 because I couldn't bear the thought of 20 more episodes of their soul vs. soulless bullshit, boring music, and flat caricatures. What did it do to make even someone who could stomach all of that long enough to keep watching call fucking bullshit?

Carole's is cute too.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 07 (WEB 720p AAC) [5F855FE2].mkv_snapshot_04.25_[2019.05.23_20.23.56].j (300x700, 42K)

Those hips don't lie.

>fucking bullshit

Mermaid Sisters(Vo. Yuuri Kuriyama) 「Galactic Mermaid」 歌詞

[Intro: Yuuri Kuriyama]
Ba-da-da, dai
Ba-da-da, dai
Doodle-oo, doo, doo-doo

[Verse 1: Yuuri Kuriyama]
Fucking bullshit
Fucking bullshit
Fucking bullshit
Holy shit, oh fucker
Fucking bullshit
Fucking bullshit
Goddamn bullshit
Son of a bitch, what the hell?

[Verse 2: Yuuri Kuriyama]
Oh motherfucker, goddamn bullshit, holy shit (Holy shit)
Oh holy shit, bullshit, goddamn motherfucker (Motherfucker)
Oh fucking bastard, goddamn, fucking shit (Oh fucking shit)
Son of a motherfucking bitch, oh shit

>their soul vs. soulless bullshit
You couldn't stomach something that barely even comes up, let alone in the first 3 episodes? Just say that you wanted to dislike it and call it a day.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 12 (WEB 720p AAC) [4E2B09B3].mkv_snapshot_06.15.446.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

C&T will kiss and become a yuri couple.


>Bebop was not popular in Japan when it 1st aired
Incorrect, Bebop was the best selling anime of its year in Japan, in terms of disk sales.

Attached: [Procrastinating] Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - 12 [BD-1080p] [36A5C002].mkv_snapshot_02.28_[2016.01.19 (819x1008, 87K)

I just came to post Tuesday's lips.

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No . They re aired it later an then it slowly gained popularity

Carole loev big burg

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 12 (WEB 720p AAC) [4E2B09B3].mkv_snapshot_04.31_[2019.06.28_11.21.30].j (1280x720, 472K)

It's a myth though that Bebop was unpopular in Japan when it wasn't unpopular.

I guess most of the second cour will be drama about the parents of the protagonists: Angela's "mom" and the abuse when xe was unstable, Carole's deadbeat nigger parents, Tuesday's cunt mom. Will there even be any time for their music career?

Don't forget fired manager-chan stabbing Angela and Carole and Tuesday having to rescue her and then they all become bffs.

next arc is how carole & tuesday will repair relations between mars and earth with the power of singing

>repair relations between mars and earth with the power of singing
Reminds me of Lost Song.

I wish Angela had more outfits.

I want to see her casual clothes from the first episodes again.

Wait: so if she locked Tuesday in her room to punish her, why didn't she confiscate Tuesday's phone?

she a dumb busy mom related to president Trump

How is a modern girl going to survive without a smartphone?

Keep in mind, her mom wasn't even smart enough to realize that she kidnapped and imprisoned a legal adult on their birthday.

Did they mention that last episode was her birthday?

>Did they mention that last episode was her birthday?
Only a hundred times. By the time this episode happened it had been several days since her birthday per Carole. Her birthday is June 10th

I meant, I don't recall them mentioning last episode about her birthday.

She just turned 20? That's the age of legal adulthood in Japan.

You know, I kinda wonder if this competition arc was Watanabe's idea or he was coaxed into it by record labels and management.

What, did you think Carole was lugging around that present for Tuesday for no reason? It was mentioned. It was also mentioned explicitly in the train scene of this episode.
Not anymore.

The box that injured Tuesday's hand was a birthday gift that Cybelle left for Tuesday on her birthday.

Remember there's a week gap between performances, so Tuesday told Cybelle her birthday was in a week. So after being rejected, Cybelle waited the week after her elimination and dropped the gift off on the day of Tuesday's performance/her birthday. This is also why Carole's shown holding a box that episode, it's her birthday gift to Tuesday.

Weird, I must have missed it.

>Not anymore.
The 18 age thing doesn't go into effect until 2022.

>Japan: Age of Adulthood to Be Lowered to 18 in 2022
It is still 20 for the next few years.

I mean y'all ain't wrong about the 20 things but they ain't in Japan anymore and they don't even use the Earth calendar in this show so who the fuck knows what's going to happen. The timing seems oddly specific.

The safe thing to assume is that the show is based on the country the writers are from, which is current Japan.

For example, a foreigner assumed a kiss on the cheek is the same as a kiss on the mouth and misunderstood the relationship between characters in an American show, because in their own country both kisses are seen the same way.

Generally I'd agree but in this case the lines are very blurry for a lot of reasons, including the western-focused nature of this show.

Isn't it just google + miku?

Carole is underrated.

Attached: [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 12 (WEB 720p AAC) [4E2B09B3].mkv_snapshot_02.48_[2019.06.28_11.28.52].j (1280x720, 407K)

how about Angela being an outfit? specifically, Genius Boy Tao-kun's cock sleeve

I love how the first thing that Carole does after Tues gets kidnapped is the laundry

I suppose most nips just like it for the songs and nothing else. There isn't much talk about it on their social media.

Considering how pixiv seems to favor Cybelle I wonder if she's coming back. Apparently if a character is Japanese in a non-Japanese cast they can be a complete loon and they're still the favorite character.

Wait, this show actually has Pixiv art? How many? I thought this show was unpopular in Japan.

When was the last time a Watanabe show was even popular in Japan? Bebop?

It's mostly of Cybelle having her way with Tuesday. They just like it for yuri rape.

Not everything that has a brown person in it is propaganda. Some directors, especially Watanabe believe that is is just an important part of a production. Japs don't even care all that much about 'inclusivity' regardless.

Not saying the series was great, mind you.

I really like this series so far. It's good, not great mind you. Even though American Idol arc had some great moments, overall it really brought the show down. I enjoyed it much more when they were playing guerilla on the street or at the live house.

Will definitely continue to watch though, I enjoy it overall.

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Bebop is fantastic regardless of what contrarians say.
Champloo isn't quite as good as Bebop, but is still an 9/10
Dandy is absolutely great, one of the most adventurous shows that I've seen that also maintain quality.
His work in the Animatrix and the BladeRunner shorts was excellent as well.
The guy is nowhere near a hack.

The tournament arc wasted about a collective hour between the announcer, spectacle and performances of non-story-relevant characters. That was all time that could have been spent on character development. To be fair, the development that DID happen was good if predictable, and the songs were all either unironically good or memeworthy.

J-Pop is in no fucking way better than American Music.
As much as it hurts to say because it is so stereotypical, stop being such a fucking weeb.

>and the songs were all either unironically good or memeworthy.
GGK was mediocre and boring though.

Haven't watched ep13 yet but Carole is carrying the entire anime and i love her

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Because the West is generally better than Japan. More dynamic culturally, more unique, and more innovative.

Have you watched a single watanabe show?

Just because it isn't all Japanese people that look white, doesn't mean it is multiculturalist propaganda. Watanabe has gone on record saying he prefers diverse casts to casts with all the same color and aesthetic.
The guy is a mid 50s Jap, you think he even cares what multiculturalism is?

The younger brother of the Fire Brothers

Most of Watanabe's works are better when dubbed. As controversial as it is Space Dandy and Champloo included.


Got it backwards? No biggie.
Have an orange.

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>Dandy is absolutely great, one of the most adventurous shows that I've seen that also maintain quality.
Oh wait you're serious.....

Did anyone even watch Fairy Gone all the way through?

>2 continents are generally better than 1 country
I mean it's not wrong but it's also a retarded matrix for comparison

I bet whoever greenlit season 2 wants to kick themselves.

I'm only missing the last episode, and I have to say the antagonist whistling along to the battle soundtrack is the most amazing decision they made

It’s a split cour meaning it was going to be 24 episodes in total

What’s with anime and FIRE?

Angela has the best ass.

Latina ass > black ass > white ass

When is cour 2 airing?

Dat Carole ass


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I did, none of the characters are memorable besides Liscar.


Isn't this just basically Splatoon 2 but without the squids?

No it’s anime Disney

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I feel bad for PA Works.

Bump dat ass

>Roddy in prison
Mob doujins fucking WHEN?

I fucking swear I felt sleep on the last episode, yeah call me stupid, but I watched the entire season half-sleep.

RIP butthole.

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>When are people going to stop taking this hack seriously?
when he stops being the creator of Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Space Dandy.

I did, but the show is really a lot more tolerable when you're doing something else while it plays. I have no idea how it turned out so incredibly dull.

unironically this, was fine at the start but Mars Brightest is just completely snuffing out her buildup.

Not getting all the disappointed anons desu.
Show's been consistently great with the MB arc being a highlight of the season as a whole.

This is easily the best thing Watanabe's done in 3-4 production projects desu.

Some of the dialogue is just terrible. Like Cybelle saying that Tuesday promised to partner up with her and then Tuesday saying 2 seconds later that she never said that. And then the way Carole's dialogue is phrased makes it sound like she's blaming Tuesday for being stalked.

Has season 2 been announced?

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No, only a second cour that's apparently airing later this year.

How is that terrible? Cybelle is nuts and Carole was mad Tuesday was so passive instead of telling Cybelle to fuck off. Carole even apologized for saying that this episode.

Onii-chan is best boy and he protected Tuesday's butthole.

Next episode in 2 weeks.

It just came across as unintentionally comedic in what was supposed to be a serious situation.

>You promised me we'd team up!
>I never said that!
>But you still hurt me REEEEEEEEEEEEE!

It’s not unintentional. Mental illness is funny

It’s not split. Same time slot next week is a recap. New ep in 2 weeks

No shit, user. Cybelle is not a rational person and is one of those people who always blame others for everything. Have you never heard that abusers usually blame their victims for their own abuse?
>I stalked you because you wouldn't return my calls
>I beat you up because you provoked me
>I hit you and do you have any idea how much it hurt me?
For these people, nothing is ever their fault.

Serious response here

>more focus on singing/songwriting
>delete cybelle
>delete carole's anxiety about giving her gift
>delete tuesday's parents/brother involvement

First couple of episodes were magic. I thought we might actually have an anime that focuses on music and the development on musicians like Nodame Cantabile. Guess not.

I shit bigger than you cunto

>delete cybelle

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More like the entirety of pop music. At any given moment, a good chunk of Top 40 tend to have some FIRE in them.

The drama was poorly built up and poorly executed, and it detracted from the main story without any major contribution.

It's shit.

>Can we agree that this was the Disappointment of the Season?
Totally, I wasn't expecting a masterpiece or classic like Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo or Space Dandy but I wanted something at least enjoyable. Here the characters and interactions are boring as hell not to mention the plot is boring and predictable

>and it detracted from the main story without any major contribution.
It gave Carole and Tuesday their first real fight, which is something essential to experience and get past in order to build a stronger relationship.


Not only that it showed how it influenced their performance. And in this case being off sync (and singing an incomplete song) worked out for them for the better.

Ep13 is airing in two weeks, user.

user was talking about Fairly Gone.

Feels like its missing something. The art and battles were okay, but you didn't really care about the characters.
Also maybe some fairy updates or changes to the fairies and/or fairy skills would have made it more watchable.
They also introduced/repeated a lot of stuff for like 8 episodes.

Why is Watanabe the sjw and diversity kind of lefty? Can't he just be an anti war Jap lefty like Anno and Miyazaki

For the same reason you're compelled to steer apolitical discussions towards why you really fucking hate the libs.

I'm not American

Welp, this is what I get for (not) reading the thread at 6 AM. Sorry, user.

>its the old song but now its the full version
niggers who unironically thinks that C&T should've won are dumb as shit, you can't make it to the big leagues if you keep on singing the same shit over and over again.

I'm pretty sure that these scene is a cameo from somewhere. Maybe some other music show? I can't say. All I know is that I remember this exact pose from somewhere, from some anime. Help me out, anons. Does anyone know where this was taken from?

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>Well she kind of kidnapped and imprisoned her daughter on her 18th birthday so I can't imagine anything pleasant in her future.
yeah what the actual fuck. If all she cares about is her career/reputation, kidnapping your legal adult daughter is a much bigger shit storm than her simply leaving home. These characters make no sense half the time

Remove the blacks.

Joe Kennedy Sr. had his adult daughter lobotomized because he wanted to avoid potential scandals. This shit absolutely happens.

>The instrument Dr. Watts used looked like a butter knife. He swung it up and down to cut brain tissue. "We put an instrument inside", he said. As Dr. Watts cut, Dr. Freeman asked Rosemary some questions. For example, he asked her to recite the Lord's Prayer or sing "God Bless America" or count backward. "We made an estimate on how far to cut based on how she responded." When Rosemary began to become incoherent, they stopped.

People who haven't seen Macross Plus, Kids on the Slope or Zankyou no Terror still think Watanabe is a good director.

Yuri anime

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Only terror is terrible and directors are not gods


Remove Cybelle and make he bite you!

Those are not even masterpieces

>I guess most of the second cour will be drama about the parents of the protagonists: Angela's "mom" and the abuse when xe was unstable, Carole's deadbeat nigger parents, Tuesday's cunt mom. Will there even be any time for their music career?

Maybe as catalysts but the official website specifically said the 2nd half will be about the girls' handling in their music career

>I did, but the show is really a lot more tolerable when you're doing something else while it plays. I have no idea how it turned out so incredibly dull.

It's bizzare it's so boring considering the director did S1 Jojo, Drifters, and Cells at Work and knows how to make the action exciting

The LN author for this just sucks so he had nothing to work with

Disney made C&T 1st

Poor black
Rich white

Missing a Latina model thou

>Cells at Work
>knows how to make the action exciting
What the fuck. Are you a jototard by any chance? Or maybe under 20?

Carole lick it off her face!

Weekly best girl ranking:

Angela > Tuesday > Carole > Angela's assistant > mama Angela > Catherine > Crystal > mama Tuesday > Mermaid Sisters > SHITbelle

Attached: best girl.jpg (691x691, 56K)

Macross Plus has to be one of the most poorly scripted anime ever produced, and Watanabe's direction did nothing to help it. People only like it for the pretty art and sound direction, which Watanabe didn't handle.

>Disney will never make a 2D animated film again after this

How is Tuesday better than Carole. Everyone chills in Carole’s home all the time

being gullible and submissive enough to let you probe her pink butthole with a massive martian dildo

Based and Angelapilled

What about Benito?

Nah, he just a sissy

The script isn't any worse than in the other Macross shit.

Carole > Tuesday > Angela > Angela's fired assistant > Catherine > Crystal > everybody else

Plus is generally considered to be one of the Top 3 Macross works, along with DYRL and maybe Frontier.

will we get more Skip and Crystal for the second half?

The recap in the Thunderbolt Fantasy movie where the existing story was told by a bumbling impersonator of the main character was highly entertaining

epic straw man