Best new show of the season. Fite me.
Best new show of the season. Fite me
Its like a 7/10 at best.
Sure, if you're mentally retarded.
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Name a better one. Shield Hero is spring, it don't count
hey... thats pretty good
It wasn't a very good season.
Shut it, you filthy degenerate.
Are you sure you're using the right words, user?
I don't score out-of-ten scores but I think a 7 is pushing it. The manga is just not very good and Ufotable significantly upgrading the visuals is not enough to elevate this shitshow. It was a bad season overall but I don't think that KnY even makes the top 5.
It's not ecchi, the MC isn't a total spaz and most of all it isn't isekai. Seems at least a 7 based on that criteria alone.
Why would I fight you if you're right? It wasn't a very good season, though
I really wanted to watch it and even lasted five episodes however the cgi felt so out of place that every time they used it I would be like "what the fuck" and then start laughing. It's so bad. Even worse, it's not even necessary. If that cgi wasn't in there then I reckon I would have been able to keep watching it and it probably would have been my AOTS.
>Kimetsu no Yaiba is the best
>gets all defensive about Shield Hero
Shield Hero sucks as well faggot.
Well, go back to your yaoi then, faggot.
I just started the manga, what should I expect?
Yeah, this is why I don't like out-of-tens. You're merely excluding genres that you don't like and pushing the show into a numerical comfort zone based on that. Pretty stupid.
Read the manga if you haven't and you'll understand why it's so mediocre. The pacing is completely wrong, it isn't logically consistent with its own in-universe rules, the art is atrocious (thank you Ufotable), the massive tonal shifts are just painful and the characters are paper thin. Heck, the retarded imouto has more personality than the protagonists. Bad manga make bad shows, it doesn't matter if Ufotable uplifts the visuals or not, the source material is a complete and utter mess.
7/10 but it's against a field of 1-4/10's. Bocchi and amazing stranger were the only other decent things to watch.. and the gundam show forgot that
I love the manga. So... my only problem is they're currently dragging a battle on for fifteen chapters too many.
Bocchi, Amazing Stranger, RobiHachi, Dororo, Fruits Basket. Off the top of my head these are much better shows. Gundam Origin sucks compared to the original OVA, but that was to be expected since they had to trim content so that it could conform to the strict episodic format. Besides, it's fanwank; you're only going to ever appreciate Origin if you're into the franchise.
>So... my only problem is they're currently dragging a battle on for fifteen chapters too many.
So, you're bothered with the manga doing business as usual? It was the same rigmarole during the whorehouse battle, that was atrociously paced. And then you have the obligatory break with the guys stuck in the infirmary for months to convalesce. And this is only the tip of the shitberg of shit writing that plagues this manga. Really badly written, badly executed shonenshit is just the worse.
Fuck, if you're going to adapt shounenshit at least choose something good like Kongou Banchou.
>Bocchi, Amazing Stranger, RobiHachi, Dororo, Fruits Basket.
Well shit, I forgot about Sarazanmai. As mediocre as it was for an Ikuhara anime, it was still light years ahead in terms of style, writing and direction to CGI mess that is KnY. And even Carole & Tuesday, a show that I utterly despise, is just much better produced than this.
You're right but you're not being sufficiently cynical about it. Kongou Banchou doesn't have a manga to promote any more so it won't ever be seeing an anime adaptation. KnY got an adaptation not because of merit but because it has manga to sell.
> Fite me.
Let's do this.
I watched all those you mentioned besides RobiHachi and FB and only enjoyed Dororo more than KnY. I think the reason I prefer it is that the others either aren't ambitious or don't excel in any particular area. But I find KnY to have great action direction, an excellent score that sets and enhances the atmosphere more than the tonal shifts can offset it, and interesting shot compositions that incorporate the gorgeous character designs. The CGI characters when used poorly are absolutely jarring but they can also be absent for several episodes at a time and used to great effect like in the fight against the arrow guy. I also think you're understating the characters' depth (that's not to say they're complex, just that there's enough going on to justify not calling them paper-thin).
>it was still light years ahead in terms of style, writing and direction to CGI mess that is KnY
Do you really think so? It may have had more going on but that doesn't make it better, especially with how unsatisfying the end result was for a lot of people. I thought the direction was just competent. Also as a point of pure contrast to your calling KnY a CGI mess, I could call Sarazanmai a stock footage nightmare.
>and only enjoyed Dororo more than KnY.
That's fine, you're allowed to enjoy the things you enjoy, I have absolutely no qualms with that. I know that KnY is not my cup of tea and in fact the entire show just rubs the wrong way. I can articulate why that is and saturate the conversation with the airing of my grievances, but frankly that's just stupid internet bickering. I will only say that this is the manga masterpiece that says that demon slayers have to chop the necks of the demons to defeat them yet seldom does that ever work. The manga is pure aggravation, it doesn't even follow the rules it sets up.
>I also think you're understating the characters' depth
I most certainly am not. While I do freely admit my bias against this show, I still try my best to be fair and state my piece. The characters are paper thin. As much as I enjoy a good old shonen protagonist (Tanjiro being a pretty good example of one by the way), his tragic backstory just doesn't glue to his character because, again, of the tonal deafness of the manga; and while I say partly in jest that his sister is the better character, she is still a nicely executed silent character and had the very good sense of going retarded after her tragic backstory. Consequences do matter. A writer that feels compelled to pepper his supposedly serious story with out of place humour is just a writer who lacks confidence. Everything is goofy until it's serious business or everything is very serious until it's goofy goofy time. Exhausting.
>Also as a point of pure contrast to your calling KnY a CGI mess, I could call Sarazanmai a stock footage nightmare.
To that I would say that there is a difference between the gratuitous use of CGI as a cost-saving method and the use of repetition as a stylistic choice, one that is known staple of Ikuhara's works.
And I don't think Sarazanmai was a good show honestly. I just think it was better than KnY.
It's a good shonen, but a shonen after all
Great. I just wanted to offer some alternate points for why someone might consider it AOTS as I do since those raised by the other guy weren't very strong. Not having read the manga though and being aware of the cynicism some have towards it I'm very cautious each week if it's going to turn sour. I thought the author was making some attempts at points about trauma with Nezuko but apparently she's only going to be in the box more and more from now on.
You talk about the cynicism of the detractors of this manga but Nezuko is the perfect example a prop used cynically for moe. She's either conveniently sleeping when she isn't needed or just stuffed in her box, and when she is needed for the story it is only for battle situations.
Enjoy the anime. If you haven't picked up the signs that it's a bad show, chances are that you'll thoroughly enjoy it so there's that. And I'm not one to rain on anyone's parade.